Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  





Wagar -



Annis G. Bignell Wedded to Beverly Vernon Wagar - Dr. Oswald J. Smith officiated at the marriage in Peoples Church in Toronto, recently, of Annis Gwendolyn, the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Bignell of Toronto, to Beverly Vernon Wagar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagar, of Sillsville.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white brocaded satin and a halo of seed pearls to which was caught a fingertip veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and stephanotis.

The bride was attended by Mrs. Dalton Wagar, her sister, as  matron of honour. She was gowned in raspberry taffeta and matching headdress. She carried a cascade of yellow mums and Johanna Hill roses. Maryanne Bignell, niece of the bride, and Carol Peck, niece of the groom, were flower girls. They were gowned alike in green taffeta and yellow taffeta and wore matching bonnets and mittens, and carried baskets of yellow asters, mums and roses.

Dalton Wagar was groomsman and Herbert Bignell, brother of the bride, and Harvey Kirby, were ushers.

Mrs. May Copeland was soloist and Mrs. May Jefferies played the wedding music.

Later, at a reception at the church parlors, the bride's mother received in an airforce blue dress, with black accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by Mrs. Roy Wagar, wearing a grey suit with navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses.

Later the couple left for points west, the bride wearing a blue suit with navy accessories and a corsage of red roses.

They will live in Sillsville.


Nov 19 1952

Napanee Beaver

Wagar -



At the M.E. Parsonage, Feb. 12th, by Rev. Dr. Hartley, Mr. Geo. Wagar, to Miss Agnes G. Cole, all of South Fredericksburgh.


Married - On Feb 12th, Mr. Geo. Wagar to Miss Agnes G. Cole, all of South Fredericksburgh.


Mar 14 1878

Daily News


Mar 9 1878

Daily British Whig

Wagar -



At South Napanee, April 24th, Thomas H. Wagar, Richmond, to Miss Emma B. Freeman, North Fredericksburgh.


May 2 1895

Weekly British Whig

Wager -



Marriages - Wagar-Lloyd - At Grace Parsonage, by Rev. W.P. Rogers, B.A., on Tuesday, Dec. 14th, 1920, Roy E. Wagar and Allie A. Lloyd, both of South Fredericksburgh.


Dec 17 1920

Napanee Beaver

Wagar -



Wedding Bells - A happy event occurred at the home of Miro McCabe, Napanee, when his daughter Nellie was united in marriage to Johnston Wagar, North Fredericksburgh. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Snowden of the bay circuit. The bride looked charming and was assisted by her sister Martha, while Stephen Bennett, Selby, acted as best man. After the ceremony the happy couple and about twenty relatives sat down to a bountiful breakfast. The couple went west on their honeymoon.


One of those happy gatherings which make joy and gladden the heart occurred Wednesday morning, Dec. 23rd, at the home of Mr. Myro McCabe, Napanee, when his daughter Nellie was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Johnson Wagar, North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 29 1896

Daily British Whig


Jan 4 1897


Daily News

Wagar -



WAGAR - ODERKIRK - At Enterprise, on the 12 inst., by Rev. W. J. Wetherell, Nathan Wagar to Miss Mabel Oderkirk.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Wagar -



On the 20th Oct. by the Rev.  P.J. Roblin, Mr. Peter Wager to Miss Mary Parks, by license, both of Fredericksburgh.


Dec 7 1831

Christian Guardian

Waite -



A wedding of local interest took place quietly in Sillsville Church, on Saturday, November 5th, 1932, at 11 a.m., when Miss Elma Jean Whyte, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Whyte of Napanee, was married to Mr. Matthew J. Waite, B.Sc., of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Waite of Colborne, by Rev. H.F. Sanders. The bride, who was dressed in brown crepe with matching hat and accessories and a brown fox fur, carried sweetheart roses, and was given in marriage by her father. Miss Vera Whyte was her sister's bridesmaid, and wore a Belmont blue crepe gown with blue hat and fox fur and carried yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. Robert Corneil, B.Sc., of Toronto, was groomsman. After the ceremony, the families of the bride and groom had luncheon in the Paisley Hotel, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Waite will reside in Toronto on their return from a motor trip to Vancouver.


Nov 10 1932

The Colborne Express

Walker –



WALKER – SHORTS -  At the residence of the Bride’s father, East Napanee, on Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1890, by Rev. A. Jarvis, Mr. Ernest Walker, to Miss Mary Shorts, both of Napanee.


Nov 21 1890



Wallace -



WALLACE - BILBROUGH - On the 15th ult., by the Rev. A.N. Mackray, M.A., at St. George’s Presbyterian Church, Croydon, Robert Wallace, formerly of Dunedin, New Zealand, to Ellen Agnes Bilbrough, Marchmont Home, Belleville, eldest daughter of B. P. Bilbrough, Croydon, England.


March 9 1887

The Christian Guardian

Wallis -



Married - On the 23rd inst., at the residence of Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., by the Rev. R.D. Cartwright, James Wallis, Esq., of Fenelon Falls to Janet, youngest daughter of the late Alex. Fisher, Esq., of Adolphustown.


Apr 28 1840

Upper Canada Herald




WALMSLEY – CREIGHTON -  At Bay Parsonage, January 1st, 1919, by W. S. Boyce, B.D., Miss Velma Ruth Creighton, daughter of John Creighton, South Fredericksburgh, and Earl Everett Walmsley, son of Thomas Walmsley, of Adolphustown.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Walmsley -



Married - At North Fredericksburgh, on May 13th, Mr. Samuel Walmsley to Miss Emma Hambly.


June 5 1880

Daily British Whig

Walmsley –



WALMSLEY-HAMBLY – At the Bay Parsonage, October 19th, Samuel Walmsley to Alice Teressa Myrtle Hambly, daughter of John Hambly, North Fredericksburgh.


Oct 27 1898

Daily British Whig

Walmsley –



Walmsley-Hambly Wedding

A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Bay parsonage on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Samuel Walmsley and Mrs. Olive Hambly, both of the township of North Fredericksburgh. Rev. W.H. Truscott performed the ceremony, after which the happy couple left for a trip to New York and other eastern points.


Jan 29 1925

Daily British Whig




WALMSLEY – KILBORN – At Kingston, Ont., on Tuesday, Aug. 9th, Constance Ellen, daughter of Dr. Retta G. Kilborn and the late Dr. O.L. Kilborn to Mr. Lewis C. Walmsley, B. A. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walmsley, of Milford.  At home after September the fifteenth, Chengtu, Szechwan, China.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Walmsley -



Miss Gertie Vanalstine, daughter of Jacob Vanalstine, who was united to Mr. Walmsley, of Adolphustown. The Rev. D.O. Crossley tied the  knot and the happy couple left on the noon train for the east.


Sept 13 1894

Daily British Whig

Walmsley -



MARRIED - At Picton Gilbert J. Walmsley to Caroline G., youngest daughter of the late Mr. Allen Vanalstine.


Oct 11 1878

Daily British Whig

Walters -



Quietly Married

A quiet wedding took place on Monday evening at the Western parsonage, when Mr. Chas. a. Walters was united in marriage to Miss Stella Wagar, eldest daughter of Mr. Ephraim Wagar, South Napanee. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Reid in the presence of a few of the relatives of the contracting parties. On the way to the church the wedding party met with a slight mishap, the carriage in which they were riding being overturned while coming down the hill in South Napanee. No one was seriously injured however.


Jan 19 1906

Napanee Express

Wannamaker -



At Dorland, on February 15th, Zella, only daughter of S.D. Trumpour, to Walter Wannamaker, Ameliasburg.


Feb 26 1898

Daily British Whig

Warner –



WARNER-CONWAY – July 21st, Wellington Warner, North Fredericksburgh to Victoria Conway, Newburgh.


Aug 9 1888

Weekly British Whig

Warner -



WARNER - JOYNER - At the Trinity Methodist Parsonage, Napanee on Wednesday, August 27th, 1913, by the Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D., Mr. Earl Percy Warner, of Yarker, to Miss Florence Joyner of the Township of Ernesttown.



Newspaper Clipping

Warren -



On Wednesday last, Anson L. Warren, of Fredericksburgh was united at the residence of Squire Gibson, of Glenvale, to his daughter, Rhoda Ann, and many were the felicitations indulged in. The health of the bridal couple was warmly received at the wedding feast.


Oct 21 1882

Daily British Whig

Wartman -



ANDERSON-WARTMAN -  At the Parsonage, Newburgh, on Monday, Sept. 1st, 1913, by Rev. C. W. DeMille, Margaret Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, of Napanee, to Dufferin Secord Wartman, son of Mr. G. W. Wartman, of Wesley, Camden




Wartman -



WARTMAN-SWITZER - At Grace Church Parsonage, on Tuesday, March 12th, 1918, by the Rev. W.P. Rogers, William H. Wartman, of South Fredericksburgh, and Dora D. Switzer, of Ernesttown.


SWITZER-WARTMAN - At the Parsonage of Grace Methodist Church, Napanee, on Tuesday morning, March 12th, 1918, the marriage took place of Miss Dora Switzer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Switzer, of Bath, to William Henry Wartman, of South Fredericksburgh, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wartman. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.P. Rogers, B.A., Napanee. The bride looked very sweet in her gown of navy blue with Georgette crepe trimmings. She also wore the gift of the groom, a dainty diamond and pearl pin set in platinum. After the wedding luncheon, the happy couple were showered with confetti, before leaving for a short honeymoon by the C.N.R. for Ottawa, Montreal and other Eastern points. The bride travelled in a suit of navy with hat to match, and fox furs. On their return they will reside, near Bath, where the groom is engaged as a prosperous farmer.


At Napanee, on March 12th, the marriage took place of Miss Dora Switzer, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Switzer, Bath, to William Henry Wartman, south Fredericksburgh, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wartman.


Mar 15 1918

Napanee Beaver


Mar 20 1918

Daily British Whig

Wartman -



WARTMAN - WALES - At the Trinity Methodist Parsonage, Napanee, on Wednesday August 27th, 1913, by the Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D., Mr. Harry Secord Wartman of Camden Township to Miss Beatrice Wales, of Ernesttown.



Newspaper Clipping

Watson -



Married - At Adolphustown, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Job Deacon, Mr. John J. Watson to Gertrude, youngest daughter of Jonathan Allen, Esq.


May 19 1846

Kingston Herald

Way -



MARRIED - Oct 3d - MR. DANIEL S. WAY of Sophiasburgh to MISS SUSANNA BRISTOL of Ernest Town.




Oct 15 1819




By Rev. J.J. Bogart, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Chas. Wees to miss Sarah Hinch, all of North Fredericksburgh.


Jan 31 1877

Kingston Daily News




WEESE-ASSELSTINE – At Napanee, on March 15th, James Stewart Weese, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Weese, Bath to Lottie Marie Asselstine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asselstine, Hawley.


Married and Away

Napanee, March 20 – A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, March 15th, when Stewart James Weese, Ernesttown, son of Peter Weese, was united in marriage to Lottie Marie Asselstine, South Fredericksburgh, daughter of Charles Asselstine. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C.E. Cragg. The happy couple left for Toronto, St. Catherine and point West. On their return they will reside near Bath.


Mar 20 1916

Daily British Whig




LOYST-WELBANKS – At Kingston on Sunday, June 15th, 1941, Geraldine Myral, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Loyst, Hayburn, and Carman Earl, eldest son of Capt. and Mrs.  Harry Welbanks, Picton.



A quiet wedding was solemnized in Kingston on June 15th, when Geraldine Myral, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Loyst, Hayburn, was united in marriage to Carman Earl, eldest son of Captain and Mrs. Harry Welbanks, Picton.

After a short honeymoon to Niagara Falls, the happy couple will reside in Picton for a short time, then Mr. and Mrs. Welbanks will leave for Brockville for four months, where Mr. Welbanks will complete his training for a lieutenant.


June 1941



Welch -



Frank G. Welch, age 22, Res: New York State, b. United States, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of James Welch & Francis Palmer

Bertha Joyce, age 27,  Res: Adolphustown, b. Canada, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of William Joyce & May J. Shannon[?]

Married at Dorland, Oct 13, 1901 by Roger Allin.

Witnesses:  Frank Joyce, Adolphustown & Lena Joyce, Adolphustown.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Wells -



Manson R. Wells, age 31, Res: Regina, Sask., b. Gilbert Plains, Man., Bachelor, Auditor, U.C.C. son of Edward Bruce Wells & Alberta Harrison.

Lois Lavinia Stalker, age 26, Res: Hayburn, b. Goodlands, Man., Spinster, U.C. of Can., dau. of James Benjamin Stalker & Alma Meggison.

Married at Hayburn, December 28th, 1938 by G. Puttenham, Bath.

Witnesses:  Vera J. Burnard, Napanee, Ont. & R. J. Stalker, Sillsville, Ont.


WELLS - STALKER - Rev. G. A. Puttenham, minister of the United Church at Adolphustown officiated at the marriage on Wednesday, December 28, of Lois Lavinia, only daughter of Mrs. Stalker and the late J. B. Stalker, and R. Manson Wells of Regina, son of E.B. Wells of Eversham, and the late Mrs. Wells.  The marriage was performed at the home of the bride’s mother at Sillsville, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends.

The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Roland Stalker, was gowned in a white silk brocade floor length dress and wore a cap veil and carried a bouquet of briarcliff roses.  She was attended by Miss Vera Burnard of Napanee, who wore a floor length dress of dark green georgette and a green turban and carried Talsiman roses.

The groom was attended by Mr. Reginald Stalker the bride’s brother, and during the signing of the register, Miss Idodel Busby of Ottawa, sang, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Ward Sexsmith of Napanee, who played the wedding music.

Following the wedding a breakfast was served by the Misses Eva, Reta and Mary Elliott of Napanee, friends of the bride.

Later in the day the bride and groom left for Toronto where they remained a few days before proceeding to Regina where they will make their home.

The bride who spent some years in Napanee, has been employed in the Civil Service at Ottawa for the past few years, and the groom is a chartered accountant employed in the Civil Service Department in Regina.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.






Dec 29 1938

Kingston Whig Standard

Welsh -



A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. M. Joyce, Dorland, it being the marriage of her daughter, Miss Bertha, to Frank Welsh, Walworth, N.Y., on October 13th. Miss Laura Joyce, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Stanley Joyce of Macdonald, as best man. Little Calla McMilen, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor.


Oct 23 1901

Daily British Whig

Wesley –



MARRIAGES – WESLEY – COPELAND – At Tamworth, June 18th, Walter Henry Wesley, Belleville, to Miss Jane Copeland of the same city.


July 1 1892



Wessels -



MARRIED - On Monday the 5th day of Feby. 1816 by the Rev. Mr. Official Stuart, Mr. Stephen Wessels to Mifs Susannah Hart, both of Sophiasburgh.




Feb 10 1816

White -



On Wednesday, John B. White, of Sillsville, was married to Miss Jennie Aylesworth, of Bath. Handsome presents were given the pair.


Mar 21 1885

Daily British Whig

White -



Marriages - White-Claringbold - On Wednesday, 15th inst., at St. Alban's church, Adolphustown, by the Rev. W. Roberts, Mr. Ira J. White, of Hayburn to Miss Alma Beatrice, youngest daughter of H.P. Claringbold, of Conway.


On Wednesday last Alma Beatrice, youngest daughter of H.P. Claringbold, Conway, was united in matrimony to Ira J. White, Hayburn. Rev. W. Roberts, Adolphustown, performed the ceremony in the presence of the friends of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. White will spend their honeymoon in Toronto.


On Wednesday, Nov 15th, at 9.30 a.m., a very quiet wedding took place at St. Alban's U.E. Loyalist church, Adolphustown., the Rev. W. Roberts, M.B., late of Merrickville, officiating. Mr. Ira J. White, youngest son of Mr. John White, of Hayburn, led to the altar one of Conway's fairest gems in the person of Miss Alma Beatrice Claringbold, youngest daughter of H. P. Claringbold, Esq., and granddaughter of the late Henry Amess, for fifteen years alderman of the town of Kent, Peel, England. The bride was gowned in a handsome suit of stone-colored ladies cloth with red satin trimmings and a picture hat of velvet with ostrich plumes and bird, wearing a handsome tiara of diamonds, the gift of the fortunate groom, who is one of Hayburn's most eligible young men, being a graduate of Ontario Business College, Belleville. He was dressed in a Prince Albert suit looking almost worthy of the prize he has won. The bride was one of Conway's most charming young ladies, being greatly sought in all social circles. On account of her winsome manners, and amiable and loveable traits of character she endeared herself to all as was evidenced by the many costly and useful presents of which she was the recipient, receiving among others a costly gold watch and chain, solid silver tea set from Peterboro' friends, handsome parlor cabinet and bedroom set in blue and gilt, and many others, costly and beautiful, which space will not permit enumerating. The happy couple left amid showers of rice taking the train for Toronto, Buffalo and other western cities. On their return they will take up their abode at the groom's beautiful residence on the shores of Hay Bay, prepared especially for the bride's home coming. Conway's great loss is most surely Hayburn's greatest gain.


Nov 22 1899

Napanee Star


Nov 18 1899

Daily British Whig




White –



WHITE-GALLAGHER – At the Grace Methodist Parsonage, Napanee, on Thursday, Dec. 21st, 1916, by the Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, Arthur H. White to Leona Grace Gallagher, both of Adolphustown.


Dec 30 1916

Kingston Daily Standard

White –



A quiet wedding was solemnized at Grace Church parsonage, Napanee, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock when Mrs. Bertha Valeria Jayne was united in marriage to Morley Bruce White of South Fredericksburgh. The wedding was performed by Rev. C.D. McLellan, minister of Grace United church. The bride wore a British blue tailored suit with accessories to match. Mr. and Mrs. White left on a wedding trip to points east and upon their return will reside at the home of the groom in South Fredericksburgh. The bride has taken an active interest in Grace Church and was a member of the Woman’s Association and the Woman’s Missionary Society. She has also taken a keen interest in the work of the Women’s Institute and was a member of the Maple Ridge Branch.


Apr 2 1941

Kingston Whig Standard

White -



On Wednesday, September 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Lazier, near Brighton, Northumberland county, their only daughter, Miss Dora Amelia Lazier, was married to Mr. Glen White of Trenton.  The bride, wearing ivory duchess satin and wedding veil, was given away by her father.  Rev. L. S. Wight, B.D., Brighton, conducted the ceremony.  Miss Lillian Carr, a cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. A. R. Woodridge, Toronto, best man.  Miss Ethel Macklem, Brighton, played the wedding marches and Mrs. A. Macklem sang during the signing of the register.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Whiteside –



The marriage took place quietly on Saturday, November 5th, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Picton, of Annie Elsie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Armstrong of Alliston, to Mr. Joseph Gerald Whiteside, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whiteside, also of Alliston.  Rev. S. M. Scott officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside left for a short wedding trip and on their return will live in Alliston.


Nov 10 1932

The Picton Times

Whyte -



GILBERT - WHYTE -   A very happy event occurred at Sillsville, on Wednesday evening last, when Gertrude, daughter of the late Daniel Gilbert, was united in marriage to Mr. Morley P. Whyte.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. S. Shorey, in the presence of the relatives of the respective families, and a number of intimate friends.  The bride was gowned in a robin’s egg blue whipcord, trimmed with cream lace and ribbon, and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, tied with white ribbon and a wreath of the same and a diamond pin in her hair.  She was assisted through the ceremony by Miss Aggie Gilbert, with little Miss Gertie Roblin as maid of honor.  After the ceremony the wedding supper was partaken of, the table being supplied with the choicest delicacies of the season.  The character and cost of the presents showed plainer than words can tell the high esteem in which the bride was held among her friends,  the groom’s present being a diamond ring and gold bracelet.  The following were among the guests:  Mr. Roblin, Mrs. Roblin, Mr. Will. Miller, Mr. Andrew Miller, sr., Mr. Robert Miller, sr., Mr. Byam Roblin, Miss Birdie Roblin, Miss B. Brown, Mr. Donald Rikley and wife, Mr. Orton Robertson and wife, Mrs. Bruce Roberson and wife, Mrs. D. Robertson, Mr. Whyte and wife, Miss Cora Whyte, Mr. Ira Whyte, groomsman, Miss Maud Gilbert, Miss Phoebe Miller, Mr. E. A. Rikley and wife.


Whyte-Gilbert - At Hawley, Nov. 17th, Morley Whyte, of Hayburn, and Gertrude Gilbert, of Hawley.


From the Watson Scrapbooks


Nov 19 1897




Nov 22 1897

Daily British Whig




Andrew Wilde of the Township of Fredericksburgh, Batchelor and Catherine Hill Carscallen of the same place, spinster, were married by License on the 2nd day of February 1832 in the said township.

In presence of Edward Carscallen & Samuel Detlor by me Saltern Givins.



Parish Register


Wilkins -



MARRIED - On the 24th of November, by the Rev. John Grier, Charles Wilkins, Esq. Merchant of Consecon, to Clarissa Dougall, youngest daughter of B. B. Ranney, Esq., of Seymour.


Dec 9 1835


Chronicle &


Williams -  



Married - Also, by the same (Rev. Mr. Guenther), Mr. Elijah Williams to Miss Ann Sophia Detlor, both of Fredericksburgh.


Mar 30 1831

Upper Canada Herald

Williams –



WILLIAMS – NAVEN – In Fredericksburgh, July 11th, 1891, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. R. Mallet, B. A., Mr. Willet Williams to Miss Cassie Naven, both of Fredericksburgh.


Nov 13 1891



Williams -



MARRIED - On Monday, 25th Dec, Mr. John Williams to Miss Nancy Weis, both of Erneft Town.




Dec 29 1820

Wilson -



Married - At Adolphustown, on the 3d instant, by the Rev. Job Deacon, Thomas Wilson, Esquire, of Kingston, to Sarah Eliza, only daughter of Samuel Casey, Esquire, late Member of the Provincial Parliament.


Jan 25 1832

Upper Canada


Wilson -



On 1st Nov., Franklin Wilson, of North Fredericksburgh to Effie Jackson, of Napanee.


Nov 11 1882

Daily British Whig

Wilson -



William James Wilson, age 23, Res: Demorestville, b. Demorestville, Bachelor, Laborer, Methodist, son of Gideon Wilson & Margaret Holmes

Helena Gertrude Joyce, age 24, Res: Dorland, Adolphustown, b. Dorland, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Wm. Joyce & Mary Jane Shannon.

Married at Dorland, October 3rd, 1906, by W. S. Boyce, Minister, Methodist.

Witnesses:  Gideon Wilson, Demorestville, Ont. & Elizabeth Joyce, Dorland, Ont.


JOYCE-WILSON – At Dorland, on Oct. 3rd, Miss Helena G. Joyce, Dorland, to Wm. J. Wilson, Demorestville.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Oct 15 1906

Daily British Whig

Willson -



WILLSON - VANVELSOR -  On the 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Livingstone, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. M. Myers Willson, to Miss Helena Maud Vanvelsor, only daughter of D. W. Vanvelsor, M.D., all of the town of Blenheim.


May 12 1886

The Christian


Wilson -



WILSON - HOOPER - At the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Napanee, on Wednesday, 2d September, 1896 by Rev. Arthur Jarris, M.A., Mr. Uriah Morley Wilson, son of Mr. Uriah Wilson, M.P. to Miss May Hooper, both of Napanee.



Newspaper Clipping

Withers -



A very pretty summer wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage, Selby, on Saturday afternoon, August 9th, when Thelma Doreen Whitmarsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilmot Whitmarsh, of South Fredericksburgh Township, became the bride of Mr. Howard William Withers, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Birrell Withers, of the Township  of Ernesttown. The Rev. W.R. Merrick officiated at the ceremony.


Aug 20 1941

Napanee Beaver

Wood -



WOOD-JOHNSTON - At the residence of Rev. G.S. White, Piety Hill, Napanee, Tuesday, 23d Sept., Mr. Silas John Wood and Miss Louisa Johnston, both of North Fredericksburgh.


Sept 26 1902

Napanee Beaver

Woodcock –



WOODCOCK-PERRY – On 18th inst., Willard Woodcock, North Fredericksburgh, to Elizabeth Gertrude, daughter of the late H.K Perry, Napanee.


Apr 26 1888

Weekly British Whig

Woodcock -



WOODCOCK- STORMS - In North Fredericksburgh, on Friday, May 7th, 1920, by Rev. T.H.P. Anderson, James E. Woodcock to Maude P. Storms, of Tamworth.


May 14 1920

Napanee Beaver

Workman –



WORKMAN – ROBINSON – Miss Viola Robinson, daughter of Mr. Joseph Robinson of Whittemore, Mich., and Mr. Donald Wallace Workman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Workman of Cherry Valley, Ontario, were married Monday, Oct. 17th at noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barton, 163 Humewood Drive, Toronto.  Dr. Workman, a relative of the groom performed the ceremony.  The bride who was given in marriage by her uncle, was lovely in her gown of poudre blue crepe, fitted and ankle length, with a deep yoke and short puffed sleeves of Irish lace, elbow length lace mitts, silver slippers and turban.  Her flowers were a shoulder corsage of butterfly roses and lily of the valley.  Miss Emily Workman, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, wearing a frock of winetone crepe, trimmed in matching color of chiffon velvet with beige accessories.  her flowers were also a shoulder corsage of talisman roses.  The best man was Mr. Edison McConnell.  A wedding reception followed after which the young couple left for a motor trip through  the east.  For traveling the bride wore a frock of dark blue with matching accessories.  After November 1, they will make their home at Kirkland Lake, where the groom is assistant manager of General Motors Sales and Service.


Nov 10 1932

The Picton Times




WRENSHALL-SILLS – 20th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, Fredericksburgh, Canada West, by the Rev. H. Williams, Charles E. Wrenshall, second son of Charles L. Wrenshall, Esq., of Birkenhead, to Harriet Eliza, eldest daughter of Donovan Sills, Esq., justice of the peace and reeve of South Fredericksburgh.


Jan 7 1865 Chester Chronicle, England

Wright -



MARRIED - At Richmond, by the Rev. Philip J. Roblin, Mr. Paul Wright, Merchant, to Miss Anna Chamberlain, daughter of Doctor Jacob B. Chamberlain of Fredericksburgh.


Jan 6 1836

British Whig

Wright -



WRIGHT-MAGEE - At Trinity Church, Napanee, on Tuesday, July 27th, 1920, by the Rev. S.J. Shorey, D.D., Jessie Helena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Magee, of Adolphustown to Frederick Bertram Wright, son of Mr. Edmund Wright and the late Mrs. Wright, of Conway.


Miss Jessie Magee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Magee, and F. Wright, son of E. Wright, Conway, were married by Rev. S.J. Shorey, Napanee, on July 27th.




July 30 1920

Napanee Beaver


Aug 6 1920

Daily British Whig

Wright –



A quiet wedding took place March 12th at Picton, when Lillian, youngest daughter of Mrs. Sarah and the late Henry VanVlack became the wife of A. Douglas Wright, Adolphustown, eldest son of Edward Wright, Conway.


Mar 22 1919

Daily British Whig

Wright –



September 20th at the residence of the bride’s parents, the marriage took place of Miss Flora Wright, eldest daughter of Melbourne Wright, Napanee to Robert Wright, Conway, only son of George Wright, Sandhurst.


Oct 7 1905

Daily British Whig

Wycott -



Married - By the Rev. W. J. Young, on the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Delbert Wycott, Esq., of North Marysburgh, to Miss Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of C.A. Roblin, Esq., of Adolphustown.


Mar 28 1874

Daily News


Wyllie -



WYLLIE - ELLIS -  In Toronto, 1st June, by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B.A., Jean D., eldest daughter of H. W. Ellis, Napanee, to Fred. W. Wyllie, Toronto.



From the Watson Scrapbooks