Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  





Sams -



Arthur James Sams, age 26, Res: Bath, Co. Lennox & Addington, Tp. Ernestown, b. Bath, Co. Lennox & Addington, Tp. Ernestown, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Geo. & Etty Sams.

Hilda Mabel Collins, age 18, Res: Bath, Co Lennox & Addington, Tp. Ernestown b. Bath Co. Lennox & Addington, Tp. Ernestown, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of  Frank & Flo [?] Collins.

Married at Conway, September 1st, 1920 by H.P.L Seymour.

Witnesses:  Carrie E. Collins, Collinsbay & Bertha Oliver, Napanee.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Sayers –



SAYERS-HANES – On Dec. 20th, Henry Sayers, North Fredericksburgh to Miss Mina Hanes, Richmond.


Dec 23 1905

Daily British Whig

Schuster -



SCHUSTER - MADDEN - ON Wednesday, August 1, at the Church of  the Incarnation, Washington, by the Rev. Mr. Snyder, William E. Schuster of Belleville, Ont., to Cora Madden, daughter of his Honor Judge Madden, Napanee.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Scott -



SCOTT - ANDERSON -  On July  21st, at Oakville, by the Rev. D. E. Brownell, Methodist minister, Elgin E. Scott, Banker, Palmerston, to Orpha E., eldest daughter of Cyrus W. Anderson Esq., of Oakville.


July 28 1886

The Christian Guardian

Scott -



MARRIED - At Amherst Island, last evening, by the Rev. W.F.S. Harper, Rector of Bath, THOMAS SCOTT, ESQ., to CATHERINE, youngest daughter of Edward Howard, Esq., all of the former place.


March 16 1844


Chronicle & Gazette

Schell -



William Garret Schell, age 31, Res: Kelowna B. C., b. Onondaga, New York State, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Ira H. Schell & Ester Alma German.

Carrie Etalka Brandon, age 25, Res: Napanee, b. Lime Lake, Ont., Spinster, Methodist, dau. of William Brandon & Jane Quigley.

Married at Conway on January 6, 1907, by W. S. Boyce, Minister, Methodist

Witnesses:  William Brackin Brandon, Napanee & Edna Rose Dennison, Napanee.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Schryver -



Married - On Oct. 12th at North Fredericksburgh, Acil B. Schryver, to Rilla , daughter of A.G. Scott.


Oct 18 1884

Daily British Whig

Schryver -



MARRIED - On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. John A. Muloch, Rector, Mr. Jacob Schryver, of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Eleanor Sills, of the same place.


July 11 1856

Daily News

Scrimshaw -



SCRIMSHAW-FITCHETT - By Rev. G.S. White, at Piety Hill, Napanee, Feb. 24th, 1909, James A. Scrimshaw to Maria Fitchett, both of North Fredericksburgh.





See -



SEE - RIKLEY - On Wednesday, Dec. 31st, 1919, at the home of the bride by Rev. E. Farnsworth, Charles Melvin See, of Arden, and Nellie May Rikley.



Newspaper Clipping

Seeley -



At Napanee, Nov. 6th, Philetus Judd Seeley, North Fredericksburgh to Catharine Berry, Tyendinaga.


Nov 18 1901

Daily British Whig




On Christmas Day, Mr. Henry B. Seeley, of Adolphustown, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Parks, of Napanee.


Jan 4 1877

Daily British Whig

Sexsmith -



SEXSMITH - PARKS -  At Trinity Parsonage on Wednesday, April 10th,  1918. by Rev. C. W. DeMille, Leah Madeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Okel B. Parks to John Stanley Sexsmith.



Newspaper Clipping

Sexsmith -



SEXSMITH - WALMSLEY - On April 12th, at South Napanee, Alfred B. Sexsmith, North Fredericksburgh to Hattie Walmsley, Bethany.


May 2 1893

Daily British Whig

Seymour -



Married - At Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday 19th ult. by the Rev. J. Stoughton, Benjamin Seymour, Esq. Merchant of Bath, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Duncan Mackenzie, Esq., of the former place.


Mar 6 1833

Upper Canada Herald

Seymour –



SEYMOUR – WILSON – At Centennial United Church, Toronto, on Wednesday, Aug 3, the marriage took place of Evelyn May, daughter of Rev. J. S. I. Wilson of Brighton, Ont., to Rev. Edgar Orchard Seymour of Palmerston, son of Mrs. Seymour and the late Rev. J. C. Seymour.  The bride was given away by her father, who conducted the ceremony, assisted by Rev. H. P. L. Seymour, brother of the groom. She wore her travelling costume, a French dress of cornflower blue georgette over shell pink with beige hat and shoes to match, and an Isabella fox fur, the gift of the groom.  She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and baby’s breath.  Mrs. William Morris, sister of the bride, was her only attendant.  She wore a French dress o  shell pink georgette, appliquéd with ribbon flowers, and picture hat to match and carried a bouquet of Butterfly roses.   The groom was supported by Mr. Wellington McFarland of Fenelon Falls.  During the signing of the register Miss Vera Wilkinson sang, and Mrs. Evans presided at the organ.  The church was decorated with palms and gladioli.  Following the ceremony the happy couple left for a boat trip to Quebec and the Saguenay.  On their return they will reside at Palmerston.


Stray Newspaper Clipping

Shane -



Marriages - Shane-Chambers

At the Western Methodist parsonage on the 2nd inst., by Rev. S.T. Bartlett, William Shane, of Orleans, N.Y., to Gertrude Chambers, of North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 11 1901

Napanee Star

Shannon -



SHANNON - HATCH -  On the 19th ult, by the Rev. James Goodwin, at the residence of the bride’s father, F. E. Hatch, Esq., John C. Shannon, Esq., Grain Merchant, to Miss H. C. Hatch, both of Waterford.


Sept 16 1885

The Christian Guardian

Sharp -



 By the Rev. C.R. Allison, on the 8th of January, Mr. Jas. Sharp to Miss Christina Garrison, both of Fredericksburgh.


Feb 8 1843

Christian Guardian

Sharp –



By the same [Rev. C.S. Eastman, Napanee], Feb 3rd, William W. Sharp to Miss Sarah Ellen Huff, all of Adolphustown.


Feb 18 1879

Kingston Daily News

Sharp -

   La Point


Will Sharp, of Fredericksburgh, and Miss Mary J. La Point, Sarnia, were married recently. The bride was handsomely attired.


Sept 26 1892

Daily British Whig

Sharp -



John Edgar Sharp, age 37, Res: Township of Ernestown, b. Township of Ernestown, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of John Sharp & Martha Buck.

Ida B. McIlwaine, age 30, Res: Township of Adolphustown, b. Township of Richmond, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of James McIlwaine & Elizabeth Graham.

Married at Conway, September 28th, 1909 by John W. Bunner, Methodist.

Witnesses:  James McIlwain, Dorland & Gladys Trumpour, U.E. Loyalist P.O.


SHARP-McILWAINE – At Conway, Ont., on Sept 28th 1909, by Rev. J.W. Bunner, Miss Ida B. McIlwaine, of Adolphustown, to J. Edgar Sharp, of the township of Ernesttown.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Oct 21 1909

Daily British Whig

Sharp –



By the same [Rev. F.B. Stratton], Jan. 30, Belyat Sharp, of North Fredericksburgh to Sarah Jane, daughter of Joseph Sproul, of Adolphustown.


Feb 1 1877

Kingston Daily News

Sharp -



SHARP-WALMSLEY - At the Methodist Parsonage, South Napanee, on Wednesday, Dec. 16th, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, Blake Sharp to Maud Walmsley, both of North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 18 1903

Napanee Beaver

Sharpe -



Marriages - Sharpe-Milling

At Napanee, on Saturday, November 9th, by Rev. H. Pawson, Miss Helen Frances Milling, Napanee, to Datus Roderick Sharpe, of Sillsville.


Dec 4 1929

Napanee Beaver




SHAW – WHITE – At the Vicarage, Napanee, By Rev. J. H.H. Coleman, M.A., on Tuesday, Dec 31st, 1918, George Shaw, of the Canadian Garrison Regiment, Kingston, to Maggie Mercedes, daughter of George White, Adolphustown.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Sheldon -



MARRIED - On Thursday, the 6 day of January, by the Rev. Official Stuart, Mr. Peter Shelden and Miss Abigail Grochong both of Ernest town.




Feb 4 1820

Shelley -



SHELLEY-ALLEN – At the Trinity Church Parsonage on the 16th inst., by the Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D., Mr. Joseph Shelley to Miss Susan Allen, both of Adolphustown.


Nov 20 1915

Kington Daily Standard

Shelley –



The marriage of Roberta Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen of Dorland to Charles Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Shelley of Adolphustown was solemnized at the Bay Parsonage, Napanee, on Saturday at 11 o’clock with the Rev. A.C. McCallum officiating at the ceremony.

The couple was attended by Mrs. Dorothy Demore of Dorland and Mr. Lionel Allen of Adolphustown. The parents of the bride and groom were both in attendance at the wedding and following the service the couple left for a shot wedding trip. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Shelley will reside in the Dorland district, where they are well known.


Aug 30 1943

Kingston Whig Standard

Shephard -



SHEPHARD-INSTANT - At Bath, on Monday, February 27th, 1928, by the Rev. G.E. Ross, M.A., Mary Elsin Instant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Instant, of South Fredericksburgh, to Frederick Arthur Shephard, son of e.P. Shephard, Bath.


Wedding Bells - Shephard-Instant

ON Monday evening last, February 27th, 1928, a very pretty and unique wedding took place at the United Church parsonage, Bath, when Rev. G.E. Ross, M.A., united in marriage Mr. Fredrick Arthur Shephard, of the City of Kingston to Miss Mary Elspeth Instant, of Adolphustown.

The rare beauty of the youthful bride was enhanced by a charming gown of French beige crepe-de-chine, trimmed with rose, with shoulder bouquet of the same shade, having hose, shoes and hat to match; while her travelling coat was of crimson maple marvello, trimmed with mink taibetine.

The groom was ably supported by Mr. George Davey, Jr., of Bath, while the bride was attended by her sister, Miss Anna Instant, who was becomingly attired in a dress of peach beige crepe-de-chine, trimmed with colonial rose.

After the ceremony, the bridal party repaired to the home of the groom's father where a dainty buffet luncheon was served, and a most enjoyable evening spent under the parental roof.

The happy couple motored the same evening to Kingston, and will visit other Eastern points, and on their return will reside at Adolphustown.

The young people are very highly esteemed and carry with them, not only confetti, but the best wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.



Mar 2 1928

Napanee Beaver

Sherlock -



SHERLOCK - HUFFMAN - On the 25th day of June, by the Rev. J. Hoskin,  at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Philip James Sherlock, of Rosser, to Miss Flora Huffman, of Winnipeg, all of Manitoba.


Aug 26 1885

The Christian


Sherman -




SHERMAN - TIERNY - The residence of Mr. John Tierny, of North Adolphustown, was on Wednesday, the 13th inst., the scene of a very pleasing event in the marriage of his granddaughter, Miss Catherine Tierny to Mr. Isiah Sherman, son of Robt. Sherman, Esq., also of North Adolphustown.  Some of the immediate connections witnessed the ceremony at which Miss Ogden, of Prince Edward County assisted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Thos. Tierny as groomsman.  After the wedding the party sat down to a very sumptuous repast.  The brides' cake was duly cut by the happy bride and distributed.  The numerous and valuable presents were inspected and admired.  We wish the happy couple health, wealth and long life.  The following is a list of presents the bride received:

The groom a handsome silver watch.

Parents of the bride set of china dishes.

Thos. Tierny, brother of the bride, silver butter cooler.

Miss A. Ogden, 1 glass lemonade set.

Mrs. R. Shannon, table linen.

Messrs. McDonald and Loyst, a handsome silver egg cruet, gold lined.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno Sherman, glass water set.

Mr. Jno. Foote, pair of damask towels.

Mrs. N. Outwater, bedspread.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Outwaters, silver dinner cruet.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rennie, silver pickle cruet.

Mr. L. and Miss E. Foote, carving knife and fork.

Miss E. Sherman, 2 sets of lace curtains.

Miss A. Outwater, glass lemonade set.

Messrs. G. O. and Fred Sherman, silver dinner cruet.


Nov 23 1889

Napanee Beaver




Baltis Coleman Shewman of the Township of N. Fredericksburgh, bachelor, born in Canada son of Martin and Mary Shewman, aged 30 years and Ellen Reynolds of Fredericksburgh daughter of Benjamin and Eliza Reynolds aged 21, were married by banns 12th July 1866, James John Bogert Rector.



Napanee Parish Register

Shibley -



SHIBLEY-DORLAND - At St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Napanee, on Monday, March 1st, 1880, by the Rev. Rural Dean Bogart, Mr. J.J. Shibley of Amherst Island, to Miss Flora A. Dorland of Adolphustown.


Mar 6 1880

Napanee Beaver




SHOBRIDGE-JOYCE – On July 13th, Thomas Shobridge, Athol, to Naomi e. Joyce, North Fredericksburgh.


July 21 1892

Weekly British Whig

Shorey -



MARRIED - On the 20th inst. by the Rev. S. Givins, Mr. Anson Shorey of  Fredericksburgh to Miss Catherine Eliza, daughter of Mr. Norris Briscoe of Ernest Town.


Jan 23 1836


Chronicle & Gazette

Shorey -



Married - At Fredericksburgh on Sunday evening last, by the Rev. John Stoughton, Mr. Miles Shorey to Miss Elizabeth Briscoe.


Mar 31 1820

Kingston Chronicle

Shorey -



SHOREY-DETLOR - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. A. Young, Wm. M. Shorey, Esq., of the township of North Fredericksburgh, to Amy, fourth daughter of John St. George Detlor, Esq., of Napanee.


Matrimonial - There was a pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. John Detlor on Wednesday last on the occasion of the marriage of his fourth daughter, Miss Amy Detlor, to Mr. Wm. M. Shorey, of the township of North Fredericksburgh. The happy couple received the congratulations and best wishes of their numerous friends.


July 8 1882

Napanee Standard




On the --- ult., [sic] by the Rev. E. Shepherd, Mr. Christopher Shorey, of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Mary Hawley of Camden.


Mar 4 1835

Christian Guardian

Shorey -



Edmund Cecil Shorey, age 31, Res:  District of Kohala, Hawaian Islands, b. Maberly, Lanark Co., Ont., bachelor, son of Edward S. & Harriet R.

Augusta Gertrude Lasher, age 22, Res: Sillsville, b. South Fredericksburgh, Ont., spinster, Methodist, dau. of Bidwell & Georgina.

Married at Sillsville on Nov 2 1896, by E.S. Shorey.

Witnesses: H. S. Northmore, Bath & Augusta G. Lasher, Sandhurst


He Came to Canada For a Degree and Life Partner-

Napanee, Nov. 5 - On Monday last Augusta Lasher and E.C. Shorey, M.A., son of Rev. E.S. Shorey, of Adolphustown, were married at the residence of the bride's father, Bidwell Lasher, South Fredericksburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Shorey left on Tuesday on the 4:16 train for San Francisco, thence per steamer to Honolulu, Hawaii. Mr. Shorey has been for the last two years chemist for a large sugar refinery on the islands and returned to Ontario a few weeks ago to visit his parents and secure his life partner. The young couple have many warm friends in the district who wish them god speed on their journey and long life and happiness in their future far away home.


Shorey - Lasher

A very pleasant event took place on the evening of November 2d, at 8 p.m. at the residence of Mr. Bidwell Lasher, Sillsville, being the marriage of his youngest daughter, Augusta Gertrude, to Edmund Cecil Shorey, of Kohala, Hawaiian Islands. The bride, who was charmingly attired in light cream silk was ably supported by Miss Susie Shorey, sister of the groom while Dr. H.S. Northmore, of Bath, acted as groomsman. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. E.S. Shorey, of Sandhurst, father of the groom, the guests sat down to a very sumptuous repast. The presents were numerous, many of them being very valuable, amongst which was a beautiful cake dish, presented to the bride by the choir and friends of Sillsville, which testifies to the great popularity of Mrs. E.C. Shorey in her own neighborhood. The happy couple amidst a shower of rice on Tuesday afternoon took the 4.15 train from Napanee to Chicago, and from thence to their future home.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph



Nov 5 1896

Daily British Whig




Short -



A Joyous Wedding

The Marriage of Major Short and Miss Carruthers - A Popular Event.

At half past eleven o’clock this morning the Rev. M. W. Maclean, of Belleville, cousin of the bride, united in marriage Major Charles J. Short, of “B” Battery, R. C. A., and Miss Carruthers, eldest daughter of John Carruthers Esq., of this city.  The ceremony was performed at “Annandale,” the beautiful residence of the bride’s father, and was of a very quiet nature, the only guests being immediate relatives of the bride and the groom’s brothers-in-arms. The Major wore his full dress uniform, and was attended by Captain Sheppard, A. D. C. to Lieutenant-Governor Robitaille, Quebec, also in uniform.  The bridesmaids were Miss Maud Carruthers, sister of the bride, and Miss Gunn, her cousin.


The bride was dressed in white satin brimmed with Valencia lace and orange blossoms:  ornaments, diamonds.

Miss Maud Carruthers - White lace over pink satin;  diamond ornaments and pink rosebuds.

Miss Gunn - White China crape and lace;  pink rosebuds.

Mrs. Carruthers, mother of the bride - Garnet velvet, white lace, and diamonds.

Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers - White satin, pearl trimmings, diamond ornaments.

Mrs. A. Gunn - Black and gold lace;  gold ornaments.

Miss Matthews, cousin of the bride - White muslin and lace.

Miss Burpee, St. John, N.B. - White muslin, white flowers; gold ornaments.

The band of “B” Battery was stationed on the lawn, and immediately after the ceremony performed Mendellsohn’s  Wedding March.

The guest invited from the city were:  Mr. and Mrs. Gunn, and Masters Gunn, Mr. and the Misses Matthews, Mr., Mrs. and the Masters Craig, Mr. and Mrs. G. Davidson, the Rev. M. W. and Mrs. Maclean, Miss Ellie Maclean, Mr. and Mrs. T. Briggs, Dean and Miss Lyster, , Hon. Geo. A. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Col, and Mrs. Montizambert, Dr. and Mrs. Neilson, Major and Mrs. Fraser, Capt. and Mrs. Imlah, Capt. Farley, Capt. Rutherford, Capt. Fages, and Messrs Nelles, Hesketh, Benson and Thompson.

The bride received a large number of very beautiful and costly presents, tokens of the high esteem in which the happy couple are held by all their friends.  Nature also was propitious and donned her most attractive attire for the occasion, the sun shining brightly and filling all the land with joy and gladness, an indication, we trust, of a happy and joyous journey through life.

In the afternoon the party repaired to the Cape boat, accompanied by their friends, who remained with them on the Pierrepont until it was time for her to start.  The soldiers left the barracks with ropes for the purpose of pulling the carriage with the newly-wedded couple to the wharf, but were too late, the latter having driven down before they arrived.  They then went in double time to the wharf and boarding the steamer several got the Major on their shoulders and carried him around the dock, followed by the remainder of the men cheering all the while.  After landing him again a general hand shaking was indulged in and all sorts of congratulations were extended towards him.  After the friends and relatives again bade good-bye, the steamer, with her flags flying, sailed out from the dock.  The officers and men of “B” Battalion were again heard from with three cheers for Major and Mrs. Short, and “For he’s a jolly good fellow.”  An old long-legged boot and a slipper were thrown after the party on the steamer.

At seven o’clock last evening, Major Short was the recipient of  two very handsome presents from the Garrison and Mounted divisions of “B” Battery. The former was a magnificent gold-lined water pitcher of chased silver, with goblets and ice bowl complete, and bore the inscription:  “Presented to  Major Short by the non-commissioned officers and men of “B” Battery, R. C. A., on the eve of his wedding, with their best wishes.”  The latter was also a handsome silver water pitcher and goblet, bearing the inscription: ”Presented to Major C. J. Short by the non-commissioned officers and men of the Mounted division of “B” Battery, R.C.A.  The presentation was made by Staff-Sergt. Lyndon and Kerley, and was accompanied by an address, which was read by Sergt. Major Lavie.  The Major was very much affected by the kindness of the men, and returned them his sincere thanks.  He appreciated the gifts very highly.

Shortly afterwards, the Major was entertained at dinner by the members and honorary members of the mess, when his health was heartily toasted, and eulogistic speeches were made by Surgeon-Major Neilson and the Hon. M. Kirkpatrick  After dinner the Major was greatly surprised at receiving a congratulatory address from his charger, “King Tom.”  It was in French, nicely printed in gold on a heavy gilt edged arc, and was adored at its head with two beautiful silver moths.

Shortly after midnight, a band consisting of horns, bugles and drums, serenaded Miss Carruthers, and made night hideous with their terrific din.  The music of the big drum was particularly remarkable for its very independent and irregular time, and invited anything but sweet repose.

Major Short’s brother officers gave him a handsome hammered silver smoking tray and a beautiful antique salad bowl, inlaid with silver.  The present was a valuable one and was purchased in new York.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Shuman -



In Napanee, on the 9th instant, Benjamin Shuman of North Fredericksburgh to Miss Eliza Jane Tryon, of Napanee.


Dec 13 1879

Daily British Whig

Sills -



Married - On May 5th, Mr. Donovan Sills, of Kingston, to Miss Magdalena Alcombrack of South Fredericksburgh.


At the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. Young of Kingston, on Wednesday, May 5th, Mr. Donovan Sills, of Kingston, to Miss Magdalene, only daughter of Mr. Philip Alcombrack of South Fredericksburgh.


May 8 1880

Daily British Whig


May 12 1880

Kingston Daily News

Sills -



At Napanee, on Feb. 5th, Egerton R. Sills, to Mrs. Henrietta M. Benjamin, daughter of H.P. Claringbold, South Fredericksburgh.


Feb 8 1890

Daily British Whig

Sills -



MARRIED - On Tuefday, laft, by the fame, [Rev Robert McDowall]  Mr. John Sills of Fredericksburgh to the widow of the late Bryan Crawford Efq of Adolphusftown.


Jan 27, 1818



Sills –




A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Davy, Bath, on Saturday, when their youngest daughter, Adelaide Minerva, was united in marriage to Harold Arthur Sills, youngest son of Mr. Frederick Sills and the late Mrs. Sills of Sandhurst. Rev. W.G. Swayne, rector of St. John’s Church, Bath, officiated.

The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a white georgette dress with lace, white shoes and hose and a white picture hat of mohair. The bride and groom were attended by the bride’s brother and sister, Charles A. Davy and Miss Edith A. Davy.

Following the wedding ceremony a wedding breakfast was served. The happy couple left for Watertown, N.Y. and other points. On their return, they will reside at Sandhurst, where the groom is a most successful farmer.


Aug 8 1930

Kingston Whig Standard

Sills –



George Percival Sills township of S. Fredericksburgh, bachelor, born in Canada, son of George B. and Clarissa J. Sills aged 22 years,  and Sarah Mire (Myra) Green of town of Napanee, spinster, born in Canada, married by license 6 July 1868 by James John Bogert.



Napanee Parish Register

Sills -



Married - On the 11th ult. by the Rev. George Bissel, Mr. Elisha Sills to Miss Elizabeth Ham, both of Fredericksburgh.


Sept 21 1831

Upper Canada Herald

Sills –



SILLS-HIGGINS – At Napanee, Jan. 25th Gordon Blake Sills, Sillsville, to Sarah Louise Higgins, Conway.


Feb 3 1908

Daily British Whig

Sills –



SILLS-IRISH – At Morven, Sept. 27th, E.H. Sills, North Fredericksburgh to Alma, daughter of the late Tilitson Irish, Morven.


Oct 11 1888

Weekly British Whig

Sills -



SILLS - MORRISON - At Deseronto, on the 7th inst., Fred. Sills, Conway, to Albertine A. Morrison, Deseronto.


Mr. F. Sills - Miss A.A. Morrison

The nuptials of F. Sills, Conway, and Miss Alberteena A. Morrison, Deseronto, took place on Wednesday, at the residence of the bride's mother. Rev. Rural Dean Stanton officiated; the groomsman being the Rev. R. Atkinson, and the bridesmaid Miss Grant. Miss Morrison was much interested in St. Mark's church, and served as a member of the choir, and also as teacher in the Sunday school.


Sept 13 1887

Daily British Whig


Sept 17 1887

Daily British Whig

Sills -



ROBINSON - SILLS - A very pleasing event transpired at the home of Mr. Holden Robinson, Sandhurst on Dec 27th at high noon, when his eldest daughter, Laura M., became the bride of Alex Sills.  The drawing room was beautifully decorated for the occasion.  While Mendelssohn’s wedding march was being rendered by Miss Flo Card, cousin of the bride, the bride appeared, daintily and beautifully arrayed in cream taffeta cloth with trimmings of Duchess satin.  Immediately after the ceremony, which was performed by Canon Roberts of the Anglican church, Sandhurst.  The party, consisting of the bride’s most intimate friends retired to the dining room, which was also beautifully decorated, where a dainty wedding lunch awaited them.  The bride is one of Sandhurst’s most amiable and accomplished young ladies, while the groom is a prosperous and intellectual young man of Conway.  The groom’s gift to the bride was a beautiful crescent brooch.  The costly and elegant presents showed the esteem in which the young couple are held by their many friends.  They left amid showers of rice and old shoes for Detroit, Toronto, and other western points.  All join in wishing them a very happy and prosperous married life.


Jan 12 1912

Napanee Beaver

Sills –



E. Ryerson Sills of the township of S. Fredericksburgh, widower, born in Canada, son of Wm. B. and Margaret Sills, aged 32 years and Alice Sills of the same place, spinster, born in Canada, daughter of Peter & Lucy Sills aged 18 years were married by license this 7th day of June 1867 by me James John Bogert.



Napanee Parish Register

Sills -



SILLS-SILLS - At the residence of Mr. Hiram Sills, son of the bride, South Fredericksburgh, Oct. 5th, by Rev. E.E. Howard, Mr. John N. Sills and Mrs. Louisa Sills, both of Fredericksburgh.


Oct 11 1889

Napanee Express

Sills –




On Tuesday, August 29, at 11 a.m., in St. Paul’s church, Sandhurst, a quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. Osborne Walker, who united in marriage Thora Hawley, daughter of Mrs. W.H. Tuckett, Bath, Ont., and the late Mr. Tuckett, and Morris Andrew, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Sills, Sillsville, Ont. The church was beautifully decorated by friends in the parish. The bride, who was given in marriage by her grandfather, Mr. James B. Hawley, looked charming in a light navy sheer, with accessories to match. She entered the church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March, played by Mrs. C. Hunter of Huntsville, Ont. Soft music was played throughout the ceremony and during the signing of the register Mr. Cleve Hunter sang, “O Promise Me.” The attendants were Miss Ada Tuckett, sister of the Bride, and Mr. Vinton Keogh. Luncheon was served at the bride’s home to close friends and relatives, after which the happy couple left for a brief honey moon. Upon their return they will reside at Sandhurst.


Sept 5 1939

Kingston Whig Standard

Sills -



Percival Sills, age 35, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Maurice Sills & Eleanor Carnahan

May Tuttle, age 30, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Cherry Valley, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Andrew Tuttle & Martha Carnahan.

Married at Hayburn, July 6th, 1910 by John W. Bunner.

Witnesses:  Fred Sills, Sandhurst & Margaret E. Allan, Le---------[?]


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Sills -



On 10th inst., M.A. Sills, to Sophia Withers, all of North Fredericksburgh.


May 28 1884

Daily British Whig

Simmons -



A Quiet Wedding

On Wednesday morning a quiet wedding was solemnized at the residence of the bride's father, Daniel Withers, Walnut Grove, Ernesttown, when his youngest daughter, Emma, was united in marriage to Archie E. Simmons, Hawley. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T.T. Dibb, rector of St. John's church, Bath. The bride was given away by her father and was prettily attired in a castor colored travelling dress and carried a bouquet of white carnations. She was assisted by Miss Mattie Slush, Hawley, who acted as bridesmaid and was attired in a dress similar to that of the bride. W. Hill, of Sandhurst, acted as groomsman. After the ceremony the happy couple left amidst a shower of rice to spend their honeymoon among friends in northern Ontario.


Jan 29 1900

Daily British Whig

Simonds -



MARRIED - At Erneft Town, by the REV ROBERT McDOWALL, Mr. Simonds to Mifs Betfey Sharp, both of that place.




Feb 12 1811

Simpson -



SIMPSON - VANALSTINE - At Napanee, on Monday, October 9th, 1911, Alan R. Simpson to Florence, daughter of the late John Vanalstine, all of Napanee.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




SLEFFERT-DETLOR – In South Western Manitoba, on 21st August, Clement Sleffert, North Dakota, to Miss Amelia Detlor, eldest daughter of John St. George Detlor, South Fredericksburgh, Ont.


Sept 26 1889

Weekly British Whig

Smith –



SMITH-ACKERMAN – At Picton United Church Parsonage, Dec. 22, 1939, by Rev. J.P. Raycraft, Evelyn Laurena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ackerman, Bath, to William Edward Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Smith, Cherry Valley.



Magee Scrapbooks

Smith –



SMITH –LOYST – At Napanee, on Dec. 21st, Alfred F. Smith, to Miss Dora Loyst, both of South Fredericksburgh.


Dec 23 1905

Daily British Whig

Smith -



SMITH-LOYST - On Saturday May 24th, 1941, at Odessa, by Rev. C.W. Hollingsworth, Doris Maud, daughter of Mrs. J. Loyst and the late John Loyst, Napanee, to Angus McIntosh, son of Mrs. John Lucas of Napanee and the late Peter Smith.



Tibbutt Scrapbooks

Smith –



A quiet wedding was solemnized on March 24th when Miss Agnes Meikle became the bride of George Smith. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Stanton. The happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to points east.


Mar 27 1926

Daily  British Whig

Smith -



Married - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Manson Parks, on the 5th inst., Mr. John V. Smith, of Ernestown to Miss Augusta parks, of South Fredericksburgh.


Jan 8 1876

Daily British Whig

Smith -



MARRIED IN CHICAGO - Miss Hattie Reid, of Stella, Ont., and A. Smith of Chicago, Ill., were quietly married at the parsonage of Rev. M. Hubble, of Immanuel Presbyterian church, on Thursday evening, Dec. 5th.  The bride, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. J. Smith, Union avenue, was very becomingly dressed in brown.  The happy  pair received the well wishes of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.  After Wednesday of next week, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at their home, 3310 Union avenue, Chicago.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Sneath -



SNEATH - HERRINGTON -  One of the most fashionable weddings to take place in Napanee in years was solemnized at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, at eleven o’clock on Thursday morning, November 6th, when Miss Mary Caroline Herrington was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas D’Arcy Sneath.  Rev. W.E. Kidd, Vicar of the Parish, officiated, and the choir of St. Mary Magdalene sang the choral service.   The bride was lovely in an exquisitely simple Paris gown of soft satin, with bodice and three tier minaret of ninon with crystal trimming and veil of Limerick lace.  She carried a shower bouquet of orchids and valley lilies, and wore a diamond pendant, the gift of the groom.  The maid of honor, Miss Helen Herrington, wore crepe de chene in a lemon green shade that was most becoming.  Touches of shadow lace, a black picture hat of velvet and Chantilly lace, and an armful of Killarney roses and lilies of the valley, completed a beautiful costume.  The bridesmaids were also beautifully gowned, Miss Luella Hall being in pink brocaded satin with bodice of shadow lace and rhinestone trimming, and Miss Dorothy Walker in Natier blue crepe, also with shadow lace bodice.  The gowns were made with the same draped effect, and with each maid carrying Killarney roses and wearing a black hat such as the maid of honor wore, nothing could have been more effective.  The bridesmaids received vanity cases of Cloissonne from the groom.  The bride was given away by her father and Mr. Ernest Wigle, of Walkerville was groomsman.  The ushers were Dr. Garnett Greer, of Peterboro’, Mr. Hubert Ryan, Kingston, Mr. Henry Lovell, Toronto, and Mr. Edward Wood, Kingston.  Each was given a fraternity pin by the groom.  While the bridal party were in the vestry, Mr. Dan. Cameron, of Belleville, sang “Because,” his splendid voice rendering the music and words most touchingly.  After the service the bridal party received with Mr. and Mrs. Herrington at their home.  The bride’s mother was charming in taupe charmeuse with minaret effect in lace and ninon with trimming of marabou.  She carried lilies of the valley.  The wedding breakfast was served by Toronto eaterers in the dining room, and the presents, which were innumerable and costly, were shown in the library.  Out of town guests were Dr. C. Sneath of Toronto, Miss Morden, of Adrian, Michigan, Miss Gardner, of Belleville, Mr. J. F. Tilley, of Toronto,  Mr. Geo. I. Ham, of California, and Mr. Frank Ryan, Newburgh..  The bride’s travelling gown was of corded silk in rose and taupe, with hat to match.  Mr. and Mrs. Sneath will reside in Toronto on their return from their wedding trip.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Snider -



MARRIED - At Bath on the 10th instant, by the Rev. John Stoughton, Mr. John Snider to Miss Mary Hartman.


Mar 14 1829



Snider -



On Tuesday, the 16th March, Mr. Simon Snider to Miss Christina Hartman, all of Ernest Town.




Apr 2 1819

Snider -



The home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parks, Hawley, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, December 6th at 11:00 a.m. when their daughter Lorena Ilene, became the bride of Herschel I. Snider, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Snider, of Odessa. The Rev. George McQuade, pastor of the Odessa Church, performed the ceremony.

Miss Edna Snider, sister of the groom played the wedding march. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, looked charming in a gown of white geargette, made on princess lines, with touches of silk roses. She wore the gift of the groom, a gold bar pin, with pearl settings and carried an arm bouquet of Arphia roses and Lily-of-the-valley.

The wedding ceremony took place under an arch of evergreens decorated with white and yellow chrysanthemums.

After the formal congratulations the bride led the way to the dining room, where a dainty luncheon was served to the immediate friends.

Later Mr. and Mrs. Snider left by motor for Detroit the bride travelling in brown silk crepe with brown velvet hat and Hudson seal coat.

Upon their return they will reside at Odessa.


Dec 17 1930

Napanee Beaver

Snider -



Snider-Schryver - On Tuesday evening, March 13th, 1928, at Morven Parsonage, Ernesttown Township, by Rev. W.R. Merrick, Miss Olive V. Schryver to Mr. James Edgar Snider, of the Township of North Fredericksburgh.


Mar 20 1928

Napanee Express

Snider –



SNIDER – SMITH – At the Parsonage of the Rev. Mr. Mallett, Violet, on Wednesday, 4th inst., Frank Snider to Miss Mary Ann Smith, youngest daughter of Frank Smith, Esq., of Violet.


Nov 13 1891



Snyder –



“Abraham Snyder of the Township of Ernesttown … and Rachel Snyder (otherwise Rachel Amey.) Daughter of Jonas Amey, a U.E. Loyalist, his wife.”

(Relationship record only – no marriage date)


Taken from Land Records at Family Search  LINK

Snyder –



“John Snyder of the township of Ernesttown … and Elizabeth Snyder, his wife, daughter of Nicholas Amey, a U.E. Loyalist.”

(Relationship record only – no marriage date)


Taken from Land Records at Family Search  LINK

Soby -



SOBY - BLAKELY -  On Monday morning the 6th of September, at the residence of  the bride’s mother, by Rev. Mr. Hansford, President of Montreal Conference, Mr. John T. Soby  of Adolphustown to Miss Jennie, only daughter of the late James Blakely of Napanee.


ca 1880

From the Watson Scrapbooks




SOULES-HILL – At Hayburn, on Oct. 23rd, Mary Hill to Ralph Benjamin Soules.


Oct 29 1923

Weekly British Whig

Spafford -



SPAFFORD - BRACKEN - At the home of the bride’s parents, Seeley’s Bay, by the Rev. Mr. Dustin, on Saturday, Dec. 27th, 1919, Harold Day Spafford and Hazel Mary Bracken,



Newspaper Clipping

Sparks –



On Nov 25th, Mr. Adam J. Sparks, to Miss Mary Emma Sparks, both of Hay Bay.


Dec 4 1879

Kingston Daily News

Spearing -



William John Spearing, age 34, Res: Conway, b. Conway, Bachelor, Farmer, Church of England, son of Henry Spearing & Hannah Geake.

Mary Etta Moon, age 21, Res: Conway, b. Glenvale, P.O. Kingston Tp., Spinster, Methodist, dau. of James Moon & Eliza Galbraith

Married at Conway, S.F., February 3rd, 1909 by W. S. Boyce, Minister, Methodist

Witnesses:  John C. Fitchett, Parma P.O., S. Fredericksburgh, Ruby Buck, Sydenham, Ont., Pearl Richardson, Kingston, Ont.



A very pretty event occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Moon, Quinte View, Conway, on the evening of Feb. 3d, at 8 o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Marie Etta and William John Spearing were united in holy bonds of matrimony by the bride's pastor, Rev. W. S. Boyce. The bride was given away by her father and was most becomingly attired in a semi-princess gown of white Japanese silk trimmed elaborately with dalenciennes lace, a long white sash and bridal yellow completed the trosseau. The bridesmaids were friends of the bride. Miss Pearl Richardson, of Kingston, was dressed in pale blue silk voile over a taffeta silk, and Miss Ruby Buck, of Sydenham, wore a semi princess of cream silk. The only jewellery worn were handsome gold locket and chains, the gift of the groom. Mr. John Fitchett, of Parma ably filled the duties of groomsman, and was presented with a gold tie pin from the groom. After hearty congratulations were extended the guests, about sixty in number, repaired to the lunch room, where a most delicious repast awaited them. The centre of the table was adorned with the wedding cake, a whisper was heard strolling around the table that the cake was made by the bride and it gave her ample justice. The presents were both numerous and costly which testify to the respect given the bride by her many friends whom assemble from Sydenham, Kingston, Deseronto, Yarker and the surrounding neighborhood. Among the presents there was noticed two hundred dollars from the bride's father, and a dining room rocker from her brother. The remainder of the night was spent in singing, music and social chat. After the wedding breakfast which was served at seven, the happy couple took their departure amid showers of rice and old boots, for Napanee, where they took the 10 o'clock train en route for Toronto and other cities. The bride travelled in a dark green lady's cloth suit trimmed with satin, duchess lace and applique, a large white picture that with a touch of green velvet in it, and seal furs. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Spearing will take up residence at  their home, Conway and will be at home to friends. May long life, health, wealth and prosperity ever be their lot.


SPEARING-MOON - ON Wednesday, Feb 3d, 1909, at the home of Mr. James Moon, Conway, by the Rev. W.S. Boyce, B.D., pastor of Adolphustown Circuit, Miss Etta eldest daughter of Mr. Moon, to Mr. John Spearing, also of Conway.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.







(another version)

Feb 9 1909

Daily British Whig

Spencer -



At North Fredericksburgh on Feb 21st, George J. Spencer to Delilah Dingman.


Feb 29 1884

Daily British Whig

Spencer -



At Napanee, on September 20th, James F. Spencer, of South Fredericksburgh, and Miss Blanche Dupre, of Richmond, were united in matrimonial bonds.


Oct 2 1899

Daily British Whig

Spencer -



On Tuesday, Miss Polly Edge, the youngest daughter of Mrs. Hannah Edge, was united to the man of her choice, Mr. Lafayette T. Spencer, of Hay Bay. The ceremony was performed in the Methodist parsonage at Napanee, after which the joyous pair left for their future home - a cosy spot on the beautiful Bay of Quinte. Polly has a sweet amiable disposition and will create a happy home, while the groom is a handsome big fellow of U.E.L. stock with plenty of vim and energy. He is also quite a prosperous young farmer, and as their home is near Deseronto, he is a strong I.O.F. admirer. We trust that the Irishman's wish "May bad luck ever follow ye, but never catch up to ye," be verified in their case, and that the choicest of earth's blessings may rest on their dwelling place.


Aug 18 1898

Durham Chronicle

Spencer -



Marriages - On the 1st inst., Mr. Geo. G. Spencer, of South Fredericksburgh, to Miss Mary Logan of Napanee.


Jan 22 1874

Weekly British Whig

Spencer -



SPENCER-McVICKER - At Deseronto, on Wednesday, July 6, 1904, Amos Spencer, of Adolphustown, and Miss Agnes McVicker, daughter of Capt. Daniel McVicker, Deseronto, Rev. A.J. Harvey Strike officiating.


July 22 1904

Napanee Express

Spencer -



At Napanee South, Jan 3rd, Frederick W. Spencer to Charlotte McWain, both of Fredericksburgh.


Jan 10 1895

Weekly British Whig

Spencer –



A very pleasant event took place on the evening of May the seventeenth, at “Bay View,” the beautifully situated home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Spencer, on the sunny slopes of the far-famed Hay Bay, than which there is no more beautiful, safe and healthful sheet of water in the whole Province. It was the occasion of the marriage of Mr. S.W. Spencer to Miss Dora J. McWain. The ceremony was neatly performed by Rev. W. Down, of South Napanee in the presence of a goodly number of the near relatives and intimated friends of the groom and bride. The beautiful young bride, who was attired in a lovely bridal costume of faultlessly fitting voile, was given away by Mr. F.W. Spencer and carried herself with charming grace and modesty. The groom, who was dressed in spotless black, was supported in elegant style by Mr. A. McWain, brother of the bride, while the charming young Miss Mary Thompson, of Northport, P.E. Co., discharged the duties of bridesmaid, in splendid form and wore a dainty gown of fawn voile and cream chiffon. At about nine o’clock p.m. the guests were conducted by “Mine Host” to the spacious dining hall where they were regaled with dainties rich and rare. While everything on the board was of the very best, the bride’s cake was simply a perfect gem. At the close of the banquet, the guests drank to the health of the bride and groom, as well as the host and hostess. The various wedding gifts were valuable and useful. The happy couple will be at home after the first of June.


May 1905

Napanee Beaver

Squires -



MARRIED - At Adolphustown, on Tuesday the 26th inst., by the Rev. Job Deacon, Mr. Edward Harrington Squires to Miss Margaret Hover.


Feb 6 1830



Stalker -



George Roland Stalker, age 30, Res: Adolphustown, b. Goodlands Manitoba, Bachelor, Farming, United Church of Canada, son of James Stalker & Alma.

Muriel Grace Magee, age 23, Res: Sillsville, b. South Fredericksburgh, Ont., Spinster, United Church of Canada, dau of Robert James Magee & Deborah White.

Married at Parsonage, Conway, Feb. 21st, 1941, by Edmund H. Unstead, United Ch. Minister.

Witnesses:  John Douglas Magee, Sillsville, Ont. & Dorothy Magee, Sillsville, Ont.


STALKER-MAGEE – On Friday, February 21st at Conway parsonage, by Rev. E.H. Unstead, Muriel Grace, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Magee, Sillsville, to George Roland, eldest son of Mrs. James Stalker and the late Mr. Stalker, of Adolphustown.



A quiet wedding took place at Conway on Friday, Feb. 21st, by the Rev. E.H. Unstead, when Mr. Roland Stalker, eldest son of Mrs. James Stalker and the late Mr. Stalker, was united in marriage to Miss Muriel Grace Magee, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Magee of Hayburn. The young couple were attended by Mr. Douglas Magee and Miss Dorothy Magee. Following a dinner, the happy couple left on a trip for points west. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm in this community.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Feb 1941






Mrs. Stephen Gibson of Belleville announces the engagement of her daughter, Edith Gertrude, to Mr. Melville Howden Staples, M.A., of Cavan, Ont.  The marriage will take place quietly some time in November.


A quiet by happy wedding took place on Thursday, Nov 21st at high noon at the residence of Mr. John Williams, 229 Charles St., when Miss Edith G. Gibson, daughter of Mrs. Gibson, of Napanee and of the late Stephen Gibson, registrar of deeds, became the bride of Mr. Melville Staples, of Cavan township.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Scott, of Bridge St. Methodist Church, and was witnessed by immediate friends of the contracting parties.  At the conclusion of their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Staples will take up their residence in Cavan township.  The many friends of the bride in this city wish for her and Mr. Staples a happy wedded life.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Steele -



Thomas Steele, age 21, Res: Adolphustown, b. England, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Thomas, Elizabeth Steele

Elizabeth B. Lloyd, age 20, Res: S. Fredericksburgh, b. Canada, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Wilson Lloyd & Annie Lloyd.

Married at Conway, February 6th, 1902  by Roger Allin

Witnesses:  Will Loyd, South Fredericksburgh & Julia Carroll, South Fredericksburgh.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Steitz -



Lasher-Steitz - At Rochester, N.Y., 13th July, 1898, Mr. Geo. B. Steitz to Miss Lillian C., third daughter of Mr. Bidwell Lasher, of south Fredericksburgh.


Aug 1898

Napanee Beaver

Stewart -



STEWART - GRACE - At the residence of the bride’s father, Lindsay, on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1880, by the Rev. W. T. Smithett, D.D., incumbent of St. Paul’s Church, G.M. Stewart, only son of Dr. Stewart, of Belleville, to Ada, second daughter of Wm. Grace. Esq.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Stewart -



Married - at Fredericksburgh, on the 20th inst. by the Rev. John Stoughton, John H. Stewart, Esq. of Perth, Teacher of the Bathurst District School, to Miss Clarinda, youngest daughter of Davis Hawley, Esq. of the former place.


Aug 28 1827

Upper Canada Herald

Stewart –



Wedding – The marriage of Miss Kathleen Allison Roblin, eldest daughter of Mrs. W.D. Roblin and the late Mr. Roblin, to Mr. James Stewart, of Napanee, was quietly solemnized at Cooke’s United Church, Kingston, on Saturday, Nov. 28, 1936. On their return from a motor trip, they will reside in Napanee where both are in the employ of R. McFarland’s garage.


Nov 1936



Stirk -



STIRK - WEAGANT - At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton L. VanLuven, Yarker, on Thursday, August 20th, 1908, by Rev. Jas. Batstone, Mr. Harry F. Stirk of Gretna, Manitoba to Miss Florence Lillian Weagant, of Yarker, Ont.



Newspaper Clipping




At half-past ten o’clock yesterday, a quiet wedding took place at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Alice street, Kingston, when their eldest daughter, Edith Carey was married to John Bertram Stirling, B.A., B.Sc., of North Battleford, Sask., son of Dr. J. A. Stirling of Picton, Ont.  The Rev. Malcolm Margilivray of Chalmers Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony.  The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of ivory satin and lace, and she was attended by her sister, Miss Dorothea Goodwin, who wore a becoming gown of mauve and yellow chiffon.  The groomsman was Mr. Graham Bertram of Dundas, the groom’s cousin and Miss Alice Goodwin, played the Mendelssohn wedding march, and the “Bridal chorus, “ from Lohengrin.  The drawing rooms were bright with yellow tulips and daffodils, and among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. R. Stirling and Dr. J. A. Stirling, Picton;  Col. and Mrs. Bertram, Westmount;  Mr. Graham Bertram, Dundas;  Mr. Almers Bertram, Lachine;  Mrs. C.S. Sutherland and Miss Eleanor, Amherst;  Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Chown and Murray Chown, Renfrew;  Miss May Macdonnell and Mr. Hugh Macdonnell, Toronto;  Mr. Philips Macdonnell, Queen’s Engineers, Ottawa;  Mrs. Grant Cadenhead, Newmarket.


Ca 1915

From the Watson Scrapbooks

Stone -



STONE-HAINES - On Wednesday, Dec. 23d, 1908, at the Bay parsonage, South Napanee, by Rev. C.W. Demille, Annie may Haines, of Adolphustown, to Stephen Henry Stone, of North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 25 1908

Napanee Beaver

Storms –



A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Alban’s Church, Adolphustown on Saturday, June 25 at 3.00 p.m., the Rev. C.C. Brazil officiating, when Helen Josephine, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. George Daverne, Adolphustown and Chester James, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Storms, Cressy, were united in marriage. The bride was becomingly attired in parisand crepe with white accessories and carried a bouquet of orange blossoms. The attendants were Miss Elda Daverne, of Napanee, sister of the bride and Mr. Robert Wilson of Toronto,

Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple left for a motor trip to Ottawa and points east.


June 28 1938

Kingston Whig Standard

Storms -



STORMS - FOX - At Newburgh, on Monday, July 16 by Rev. J. E. Moore, Mr. Henry A. Storms, to Miss Emma May Fox, all of Newburgh.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Storms -



MARRIED - At Bath on Tuesday the 27th June by the Rev J. Stoughton, Mr. John Storms to Miss Elizabeth Hogle, both of Ernest Town.




June 30 1820

Stovel -



GORDON - STOVEL - At the home of and by the Rev. Wm. Bryers, Centre St., on Wednesday evening, 25th, Oct., Miss Jessie Gordon and Mr. Jonathan Stovel, both of Napanee.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Stover -



At Bath on the 22d Feb. by the Rev. John Stoughton, MR MARTIN STOVER to Miss CATHARINE SNIDER, both of the Township of Ernest Town.




Feb 25 1820

Stratton -



William Henry Stratton, age 43, Res: Elva, Manitoba, b. Ernestown, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Amelia Gould & John Stratton

Bertie May Brown, age 25, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Laney Hanes & Stanford Brown.

Married at Parma, March 2, 1898 by A. L. Adams

Witnesses:  Nelson J. Sills, Napanee & Mattis Griffiths, Napanee


A very pleasant affair took place on Wednesday at the residence of Stanford Brown, South Fredericksburgh, when his daughter, Miss Bertie M., was united in marriage to W.H. Stratton, Melita, Man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.L. Adam, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present. The bride was handsomely attired in white satin with natural flowers as decorations and was supported by Miss Mattie Griffith, Napanee, who was also attired in white with pink flowers. Dr.  N.J. Sills, Napanee, acted as groomsman. When the nuptial knot was tied the company sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper, after which the time was pleasantly spent with mirth and conversation. The presents received by the bride were numerous and valuable. The bridal party, accompanied by Mrs. Stratton's little sister Edna, left by the afternoon train on Wednesday for their home in Melita, followed by the best wishes of their friends, a large number of whom were at the station to wish them bon voyage.


Matrimonial - On Wednesday evening, 2d inst., a very pleasing event occurred at the residence of Mr.  Stanford Brown, S. Fredericksburgh, being the marriage of his daughter, Miss Bertie M., to Mr. W.H. Stratton, of Melita, Man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Alex. L. Adam, only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties being guests. The bride looked lovely in white satin with natural flowers and was supported by Miss Mattie Griffith, of Napanee, also in white and pink. Dr. N.J. Sills, of Napanee, acted as groomsman. At the conclusion of the ceremony the company sat down to a magnificent super, at which mirth and good nature, of course, prevailed. A very large number of useful and valuable presents were received by the bride from all parts of the country, evincing the popularity in which she is held by her many friends. The following guests were present: Mrs. D.L. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T.N. Davis, Mrs. D. P. Clute, Dr. N.J. Sills, Miss Mattie Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cadman, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. P.D Griffith, Miss Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Whyte. the bridal party, accompanied by Mrs. Stratton's little sister, Miss Edna, left by the afternoon train on Thursday for their home at Melita, a large party of friends being at the depot to bid them farewell. THE BEAVER tenders its congratulations and wishes for the young people a long and prosperous voyage through life.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Mar 5 1898

Daily Whig




Stratton -



John Allan Stratton, age 22, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of James Stratton & Elizabeth Sills.

Ruby Evely Clapp, age 24, Res:  South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Irvine Clapp & Eleanor Cole.

Married at Dorland, March 22nd, 1910 by John W. Bunner, Methodist

Witnesses:  M. W. Clapp, Dorland, & Mrs. M. W. Clapp, Dorland.


The marriage occurred yesterday morning of Miss Ruby Clapp, daughter of Irvine Clapp, Adolphustown, and J.A. Stratton, son of James Stratton of the same place. Rev. Mr. Bonner, of the U.E.L. church, Adolphustown performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton took the noon train for Melita, Man., where they will make their home. The bride and groom have hosts of friends in Adolphustown, who wish them long life and happiness.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Mar 23 1910

Daily British Whig

Stratton -



STRATTON - LEWIS - At Winnipeg, on August 30 by Rev. R. Boles, Dr. Demard Portland Stratton, of Melita, Man.,  to Gertrude Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Lewis, of London, Ont.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Stratton -



Married - At the residence of the bride, on Feb 29th, by the Rev. Edmund S. Shorey, Mr. James G. Stratton, to Miss Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Morris Sills, Esq., of South Fredericksburgh.


At Centreville on the 29th February, by the Rev. M. Shorey, at the residence of the bride’s father, James, third son of John Stratton, Esq., to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Morris Sills, Esq., all of South Fredericksburgh.


Mar 1 1876

Daily British Whig


Mar 4 1876

Kingston Daily News

Summerville -



CURLE-SUMMERVILLE – At Napanee March 2nd, 1910, Miss Bertha Mabel Curle, North Fredericksburgh to J. Murray Summerville, North Battleford.


Mar 8 1910

Daily British Whig

Sweetman -



On the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Samuel Hawley, Esq., Mr. Wm. Sweetman, of the city of Toronto, to Miss Eliza Jane Hawley, of Adolphustown.


Mar 18 1875

Weekly British Whig

Switzer -



MARRIED - At Bath, on Tuesday the 9th of May by the Rev. John Stoughton, MR. ELIJA SWITZER to MISS CATHERINE NEVILL [all of Ernestown].




June 16 1820

Switzer -



MARRIED - In Ernest Town, Oct 26th by the Rev. J. Black, Mr. Martin Switzer, to Miss Margret Neville, both of said Township.




Nov 16 1836

Switzer -



Geo. H. Switzer, age 27, Res: Sandhurst, b. Camden [?] Canada, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Martin Switzer & Zelia Card.

Emma Robertson, age 23, Res: Adolphustown, b. Canada, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Robt. Robertson and Mary Taverner.

Married at Dorland, Adolphustown, February 13th, 1901 by R. Allin, Methodist Clergyman.

Witnesses:  Fred Taverner, Conway & Eliz Robertson, Dorland.


WEDDING AT SANDHURST - One of those select events in which the whole community was more than ordinarily interested was solemnized on the 13th, at the residence of Mr. Taverner, Dorland, when Miss Emma Robertson was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. H. Switzer. Although only the immediate friends of the family were in attendance, the ceremony lacked none of the beauty and dignity commonly associated with more elaborate functions.  The bride is one of the most versatile and talented young ladies of the neighborhood, whose presence lent a grace and a charm to every social gathering.  The groom is one of South Fredericksburgh’s most popular and esteemed young men, who by his genial qualities and industry has won an acknowledged place in the public favor.  The ceremony was performed  by  the Rev. R. Allin, Conway, the pastor of both the young people.  The happy couple left on the noon train for Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other Western points.  The hearty and general good wishes of their many friends and acquaintances accompany them on their trip and an equally warm welcome awaits their return to their future home at Conway.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Feb 13 1901

From the Watson Scrapbooks

Switzer -



SWITZER - SWITZER -  At Napanee, on March 22nd, George Switzer, and Mrs. Rhoda E. Switzer, both of Moscow.


Daily British Whig

Mar 29, 1920