Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  





Cadman –



CADMAN-PETERS – At the Western Methodist Parsonage, Napanee, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. S.T. Bartlett, Robert O. Cadman, to Susan M. Peters, both of S. Fredericksburgh.


May 15 1903

Napanee Express

Cameron -



MARRIED - On the 3rd inst., by the Reverend Mr. Lauder, Mr. John Cameron, of Lancaster, to Jane, second eldest daughter of the late Archibald McNeil Esq., of Fredericksburgh.


May 9 1853

Daily British Whig

Campbell –



MARRIED – On the 26th June, by the Rev. John A. Mulock, Rector, Andrew Donaldson Campbell, Esq., to Sarah Jane Dennee, both of Fredericksburgh.


July 9 1855


Daily News

Campbell –



CAMPBELL-PARKS – On Christmas, by the Rev. A.C. Chambers at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Thomas Campbell of Storrington, to Miss Mary A. Parks, daughter of David Parks, Esq., North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 28 1877

Napanee Express

Canniff -



Married - By the Rev. Thos. Demorest, on the 10th inst., at Grape Island, Prince Edward District, James Canniff, Esq., of Adolphustown, to Mrs. Jane, relict of the late William foster, Esq., of Sophiasburgh.


Feb 25 1840

Upper Canada Herald

Cannon -



MARRIED - On Tuefday the 29th, by the Rev. Robert McDowall, MR DAVID CANNON  of Kingfton, to MISS SUSANNAH CHATTERSON of Ernest Town.


Oct 6 1818



Capdeville -



On Saturday, June 6th, 1941, in Yuma, Arizona, Margaret Ruth Allen of Camarillo Heights, California, (formerly of Adolphustown, Ontario), to Henry Capdeville of Hueneme, California.





Card –



CARD-BARNHART – On May 25th, J.H. Card, South Fredericksburgh, to Ella Barnhart, North Fredericksburgh.


June 6 1889

Weekly British Whig

Card -



CARD-LUTHER - At the Methodist parsonage, South Napanee, on Dec. 28th, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, William Card of South Fredericksburgh to Louisa Luther, of Watertown, N.Y.


Jan 2 1904

Napanee Beaver

Card -



Caleb Alexander Card, age 27, Res: Township of Clarenden, b. Enterprise, Ont., Bachelor, Engineer, Methodist, son of James Card & Happy Card.

Pearl Mellow, age 22, Res: Township of S. Fredericksburgh, b. Township of S. Fredericksburgh, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Thomas Mellow & Georgina Card.

Married at Sillsville, December 25th, 1909 by John W. Bunner.

Witnesses:  R. P. Young, Sillsville, Ont., & Ethel Mae Hough, Sillsville, Ont.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Card -



CARD - YOUNG - Mr. Jethro U. Card, and Miss Emma A. Young, all of South Fredericksburgh, were united in marriage by Rev. G. Horton, July 7th 1891, at the Paisley House, Napanee.


July 10 1891

Napanee Beaver

Carnahan -



CARNAHAN-DIAMOND - On September 21st, Edward R. Carnahan to Miss Elizabeth M. Diamond, North Fredericksburgh.


Sept 26 1898

Daily British Whig

Carr -



MARRIED - At Adolphustown on the 17th inst., by Rev. Job Deacon, John Carr to Eve Hough, both of Marysburgh.


Nov 21 1829



Carroll -



CARROLL - BROWN - At Trinity parsonage on Tuesday, July 5th, 1921, by Rev. Dr. Shorey, Mr. James Carroll and Miss Lillian M. Brown, both of South Fredericksburgh.


A Double Wedding

An interesting event took place at Trinity Parsonage, Napanee, on Tuesday night, July 5th 1921, when the marriage took place of the Misses Brown, daughters of Mrs. J. and the late Mr. J. Brown, Sandhurst, when Bertha Helen was united in wedlock to Mr. Frederick Thoms, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Thoms, Ernesttown, and Lillian Mae to Mr. James Carroll, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll, both of Sandhurst. The ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. Dr. Shorey. the brides, who are of the winsome young ladies of Sandhurst, looked charming dressed in navy blue satin with suitable trimmings and hats to match. After the wedding they motored to the bride's home, where a dainty wedding tea was served. The grooms' gifts to the brides were, to the former a diamond ring and to the latter a gold wrist watch. The brides' gifts were costly and numerous, including some cheques. All join in wishing them every prosperity in life.


July 12 1921




July 29 1921

Napanee Beaver

Carpenter –



At Fredericksburgh, on the 13th ult., by the Rev. James Rogers, James Carpenter, of Demorestville to Sarah Macdowal, of Fredericksburgh.


Mar 5 1834

Christian Guardian

Carscallen -



Married - On Monday, 5th inst., by the Rev. S. Givins, Mr. Craig Carscallen of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Anne, daughter of Mr. Henry Baker, formerly of Kingston.


Luke Craig Carscallen batchelor and Anne Baker, spinster both of Fredericksburgh were married on the 5 September 1836 by License  by me Saltern Givins.

Present:  Isaac Carscallen & Charles Doller.


Sept 20 1836

Upper Canada Herald



Parish Register Tyendinaga

Carscallen -



Married - Carscallen-Barnhardt - On December 24th, John E. Carscallen, Tamworth, to Minnie, eldest daughter of Peter Barnhardt, North Fredericksburgh.


Jan 2 1900

Daily British Whig

Carscallen –



Luke Carscallen, Batchelor of Fredericksburgh and Sarah Ann Briscoe, Spinster of Ernesttown were married by licence on the 10th day of October 1837 by me Saltern Givins.



Napanee Parish Register 1837-42

Carscallen –



Isaac Carscallen, Widower of Fredericksburgh and Margaret McClear(?) of same place, Widow, were intermarried by bann and published on the 29 July 1833  by me, S. Givins.

Witnefses:  Craig Carscallen, Milo Haight



Parish Register Tyendinaga

Carscallen –



Isaac Carscallen, widower of Fredericksburgh and Sarah Palmer of the same place, spinster, were married at Napanee by licence on Thursday 24th Augt by me Saltern Givins. [1837]



Napanee Parish Register 1837-42

Carscallen -



PERCY-CARSCALLEN - At the residence of the bride's father, Wednesday, 3d Oct., by Rev. Mr. Farnsworth, Miss Maud Augusta, daughter of Mr. T.A. Percy, and Mr. Fred B. Carscallen, both of North Fredericksburgh.


On Wednesday evening, Oct 3d, the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Percy, North Fredericksburgh, was made the scene of great festivities and rejoicings at the marriage of their only daughter, Maud Augusta to Mr. Fred B. Carscallen, son of Mr. John C. Carscallen, resident and Reeve of North Fredericksburgh. The house was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being chiefly of white and green. Potted plants and ferns adorned the cosy corner and adjoining alcove while the drawing room was hung with festoons of white roses and asparagus fern. Garlands of asters and smilax formed the decorations for the dining room and library. While the wedding march was being rendered by Miss McPherson, the bride appeared dainty and beautiful, arrayed in white silk with over dress of organdie and lace. Bridal roses and maidenhair fern ornamented the train and formed the bouquet. The bridesmaid, Miss Birdie Schryver was neatly attired in cream silk with chiffon trimmings. The groom was ably assisted by Mr. Frank Carson, of Napanee. After the ceremony, performed by Rev. Mr. Farnsworth, the party retired to the dining hall where a sumptuous repast was served, after which Miss Schryver sang Tosti's "La Servanta," and Mrs. Farnsworth and others gave selections on the piano. The bride is an amiable and accomplished young lady, while the groom is an intellectual and exemplary young man. The esteem in which the bride is held is shown by the numerous and costly presents received, among which were a gold watch set with pearls from the groom, and a handsome sum of money from her parents. The following guests were present; Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth, Mayor T. Carscallen and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Carscallen, Mr. and Mrs. Will Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce, Mr. Sheldon Joyce and son Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Cart. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Dunwoodie, Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller, Bath, Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce, Mr. Taylor, the Misses Bentley, Lillian Carscallen, Jessie Joyce, Minnie McPherson, Schryver. Those from a distance were Mr. James Carscallen, Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. George Percy, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. Carscallen left on the midnight train for Toronto, Dresden and other western cities. They will be absent some time.


A Pretty Wedding

On Wednesday evening, Oct. 3rd, a very pretty home wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Percy, North Fredericksburgh, when their only daughter, Maud Augusta, was married to Frederick B. Carscallen, son of J.C. Carscallen, reeve of North Fredericksburgh. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Farnsworth in the presence of about sixty invited guests. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers, and potted plants and ferns. The drawing room was festooned with white roses and asparagus ferns, while garlands of asters and smilax formed the decorations for the dining room and library. The bride was daintily gowned in white silk with over dress of organdie and lace. The bridesmaid, Miss Birdie Schryver, was gowned in white silk, with chiffon trimmings. The groom was supported by Frank Carson. After the interesting ceremony the company adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous wedding supper was served. After some hours of social pleasure, the bridal couple took train to Toronto, Dresden and other points west. The bride and groom are both well known and estimable young people, and very popular, which fact was fully evinced by the handsome display of wedding gifts from friends and relatives.


Oct 5 1900

Napanee Beaver


Oct 6 1900

Daily British Whig

Carscallen -



MARRIED - At Bath on Tuefday the 15th inft by the Rev. John Stoughton, Mr Ifaac Carfcallan to Mifs Esher Shorey, both of Fredericksburgh.


Aug 18 1820 Kingston


Carter -



On Aug 17th, at Kingston, Will J. Carter, Picton, to M. Helen, second daughter of the late J.C. Chamberlain, Kingston.


CARTER-CHAMBERLAIN - In Kingston, on August 17th, at St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. W.B. Carey, M.A., W.J. Carter, of Picton, to Helen M., second daughter of the late J.C. Chamberlain.


Aug 19 1887

Daily British Whig


Aug 19 1887

Kingston Daily News

Carter –



Trinity Methodist Church was the scene at high noon on Saturday, October 6th of the marriage of  Marjorie, second daughter of the late Rev. John Gibson and Mrs. Gibson, of Napanee, to Mr. Douglas Carter, son of  Mr. W. J. Carter of Picton.  The wedding was of a very quiet nature, only the immediate relatives and a very few friends being invited.  The officiating minister was the Rev. Samuel Sellery, M.A., Pastor of Trinity Church.  It was just at high noon when the bridal party entered the Church.  The bride walked down the aisle on the arm of her cousin, Mr. C.M. Warner, who gave her away.   She wore a navy blue tailored suit and a ruff of black and white ostrich feathers.  Her hat was a picture model in old rose with black ninon and ermine.  She wore an exquisite corsage bouquet of lilies of the valley and mauve orchids.   Her gift from the groom was a seal coat.  Miss Jean Gibson was her sister’s bridesmaid, and she wore a frock of Russian green velvet, sable trimmed and a black velvet hat.  Her bouquet was of sunset roses, and she wore the bridegroom’s gift, a gold bar pin set with pearls.  Mr. Chamberlain Carter of Picton, was the best man.  His souvenir from the groom was gold cuff links.  To Mrs. C.F. Stewart, who played the wedding march, he gave a pearl pin.  After the church ceremony the guest returned to the bride’s home, where Mrs. Gibson gave a reception in honor of the newly wedded pair.  The living rooms were decorated with Richmond roses.  The dining table, from which the buffet breakfast was served, was centered with the wedding cake surrounded by roses.  At the four corners were cut glass candlesticks with crimson shades.  The breakfast arrangements were effectively carried out throughout in red and white.  Mrs. (Dr.) F.J. Pallee, of Hawkesbury, Ont., cut the ices and Mrs. W.S. Detlor poured coffee.  The bride and groom left on the afternoon train for a short trip west.  On their return they will reside in Napanee.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Carter -



MARRIED - at St. Paul's Church, Kingston, on 12th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Mulock, Mr. R.C. Carter, to Annie M., second daughter of D. McWhirter, Esq.,


Jan 13 1869

Daily British Whig




On Wednesday, Sept 22nd, 1915, at high noon, the marriage took place at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene of Dr. R. C. Cartwright and Miss Florence M. Henry, both of Napanee.  Only a few of the immediate relatives were present, the groom being attended by his brother,  Mr. A. D. Cartwright, of Ottawa.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, M.A., and the organ was presided at by Mrs. Moore.  The chancel was beautifully decorated with bouquets of Sweet Peas, Asters, Cosmos, Phlox, etc.  After the ceremony the party repaired to the residence of the bride’s parents, where refreshments were served, after which Dr. and Mrs. Cartwright took the train for the west, the bride wearing a travelling suit of navy blue and hat to match.  On their return they will reside in Napanee.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Casey -



MARRIED - On the 18th instant, by the Rev. John A. Mulock, Rector, Gilbert S. Casey, Esq., of Adolphustown to Miss Esther Boyd, of the Township of Richmond.


March 24 1856

Kingston Daily News

Casey –



MARRIED – On the 19th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J.H. Johnson, Mr. Willet D. Casey, of Adolphustown, to Miss Laura, eldest daughter of J.M. Merriman, Esq., of Colborne.


May 27 1853


Daily News

Caton -



MARRIED - By the Rev. W. Haw, on the 8th instant, Mr. MILES CATON, son of Archibald Caton, Esquire, to AMELIA ANN, eldest daughter of George H. Detlor, Esquire, all of Napanee.


Apr 20 1844


Chronicle &


Chalmers -



CHALMERS - DAVID - At the Rectory, Picton, Wednesday, June 21, 1905, by Rev. W. L. Armitage, Miss Margaret E. David of Picton to Mr. T. Herbert Chalmers of Adolphustown.


DAVID-CHALMERS - At Adolphustown on Wednesday June 21, 1905, Miss David, of Waupoos, to Herbert Chalmers, Adolphustown



From the Watson Scrapbooks


June 23 1905

Napanee Express

Chalmers –



CHALMERS-GRAY – In Kingston, Oct. 9th, 1907, by the Rev. Dr. Mackie, Miss Etta Gray, daughter of John Gray to W.H. Chalmers, of Parma.


Miss Gray Married

A pretty wedding took place at the bride’s home, Wednesday morning when Miss Etta Gray, daughter of John Gray, was united in marriage to W.H. Chalmers, of Parma. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Mackie in the presence of only the immediate friends of the bride and bridegroom. After the wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers left for the east.


Oct 10 1907

Daily British Whig

Chalmers -



CHALMERS-ROBERTS - At St. John's Church, Toronto, Tuesday, February 25th, by the Rev. H. Madill, Sara Dorothea, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Canon Roberts, Mus.Doc. (late of Kingston) and Mrs. W. Roberts, Toronto, to George Chalmers, son of the W.H. and Mrs. Chalmers, Sillsville, Ont.


year not given



Chalmers -



The Reeve of Adolphustown Carried off a Pretty Maiden

Napanee, June 20. - Capt. William Rankin's South Napanee, was the scene of a very happy event on Wednesday morning last, it being the occasion of the marriage of his youngest daughter, Caroline Florence, to Frank Chalmers, reeve of Adolphustown. The bride was assisted by Miss Smith, of Deseronto, and a like service for the groom was performed by Walter Chalmers, brother of the groom. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were present, among whom were Mrs. Chalmers, mother of the groom, Misses Grace and Nellie Chalmers, sisters, Mrs. Will. Tobey, Miss McLaurin, Mrs. and Miss Haycock, Napanee, The knot was tied by the Rev. D. MacEachern and after partaking of a sumptuous repast, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers took the two o'clock train for the east, amidst congratulations and showers of rice. The present to the bride were numerous and costly and attest the esteem in which she is held by her friends.


Mr. and Mrs. F. Chalmers returned, on Saturday last, from their honeymoon. They will reside in Adolphustown.


Chalmers - Rankin

Rev. Duncan MacEachern performed the ceremony of making Mr. J. Frank Chalmers, Reeve of Adolphustown and Miss Florence, youngest daughter of Capt. Wm. Rankin, South Napanee, man and wife, on Wednesday last. The groom is one of our most popular county Councillors, has represented the old Township of Adolphustown for a number of years, and is to be congratulated on securing as a matrimonial prize one of our fairest young ladies. The wedding was a very quiet one, only the members of the two families and a few intimate friends of the contracting parties being present. The bride looked exceedingly well, being dressed in pink silk, trimmed with pink ribbon and white lace, and carried a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and carnations. After the ceremony the party sat down to a recherehe wedding breakfast, and later in the day took the afternoon train for Montreal and other eastern cities. The guests present were; Mr. and Mrs.  Chalmers, and Misses Nellie and Grace, and Mr. Walter Chalmers, Adolphustown; Mr. and Mrs. Robt McConachie, Brampton, Miss S. McLaurin and Mrs. W. Toby, Napanee.

At the station the bride was attired in a brown check traveling costume. The wedding presents were numerous, and all exceedingly suitable and beautiful. The happy couple have the best wishes of THE BEAVER and a host of friends.


Jun 24 1895

Weekly British Whig


July 1 1895

British Whig


June 21 1895

Napanee Beaver




MARRIED - At Fredericksburgh on Thursday morning, the 16th inst., by the Rev. Job Deacon, Mr. James Chamberlain, son of Jacob B. Chamberlain Esq., to Jane, only daughter of John Church, Esq., both of Fredericksburgh.


Feb 17 1836


Chronicle &





By the Rev. J. Black, on the 11th inst., John Chamberlain, Esq., of Napanee to Miss Elizabeth Detlor, of Fredericksburgh.


Apr 19 1837

Christian Guardian

Chambers -



MARRIED - At Adolphustown, on Thursday, the 29th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Mullock, Miss Mary Elizabeth Casey, daughter of Thos. Casey, Esq., to Capt. McGill Chambers, of Smith's Falls.


Feb 3 1852

Daily British Whig

Chambers -



CHAMBERS-CHAMBERS -  In Napanee, on Dec. 30th, 1908, by the Rev. G.S. McCall, Alice E., fourth daughter of W.J. Chambers, Postmaster of Chambers, to Jonas Chambers of Hewitt, Welland Co.


Jan 8 1909

Napanee Beaver

Chambers –



CHAMBERS-FITCHETT – A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Bay Parsonage, South Napanee, Saturday evening, when Etta Madeline, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitchett of the Anderson district, North Fredericksburgh, became the bride of George David, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Chambers, Napanee.

The bride was becomingly attired in a queen’s blue crepe dress with hat to match. She was attended by Mrs. Elvin Fitchett, who wore a royal blue velvet gown with contrasting hat. The groom was supported by Elvin Fitchett and the ceremony was performed by Rev. A.C. McCallum.

The bride is one of the popular young people of the Anderson United Church, where she has been president of the Bay East Young People’s Union for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers will reside in Napanee.


Mar 4 1941

Kingston Whig Standard

Chambers -



FITZPATRICK-CHAMBERS - At Selby, on Wednesday, December 14th, 1921, Ethel Fitzpatrick to Mr. John Chambers, by the Rev. T.H. P. Anderson. Will reside at his home in North Fredericksburgh.


Fitzpatrick-Chambers Wedding

AT Selby, at the home of her brother, Donald Fitzpatrick, on Wednesday, Dec. 14th, Ethel Fitzpatrick was married to Herbert Chambers of South Fredericksburgh, by Rev. T.H.P. Anderson. The bride was becomingly gowned in blue silk. The young couple were unattended and only a few most intimate friends were present. After the wedding ceremony the guests enjoyed a daintily served dinner. After dinner the bride in her going away gown of grey, and Mr. Chambers, left amid showers of confetti and with the best wishes of their friends to visit in Toronto and Hamilton. After their return they will make their home in South Fredericksburgh.


Jan 6 1922




Dec 27 1921

Daily British Whig

Chambers -



On Wednesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce, Selby, was the scene of a very happy event, it being the marriage of the youngest daughter, Miss Libbie, to Edward N. Chambers, North Fredericksburgh. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. W. Limbert, of Selby. Miss Grace Hinchey, Deseronto, assisted the bride, while a like service for the groom was performed by Alfred Joyce, Deseronto. Little Miss Gracie Mary Joyce acted as maid of honor. A sumptuous wedding dinner was partaken of after which the newly wedded couple took the early morning train for a honeymoon in the west. The presents to the bride were handsome and suitable.


JOYCE-CHAMBERS - An interesting event took place on Wednesday evening, 22d inst., at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joyce, Richmond, it being the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Libbie to Edward N., eldest son of Mr. Thomas Chambers, of North Fredericksburgh. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Limbert, of Selby, in the presence of members of the families of the contracting parties. The bride was escorted into the parlor by her father, accompanied by Miss Grace Hinchey, of Deseronto, as bridesmaid, and Miss Gracie Mary Joyce as maid of honor. The groom was assisted by Mr. Alfred Joyce, of Deseronto. After congratulations, the guests repaired to the dining room, where an elaborate wedding east was provided. The bride was the recipient of numerous valuable and useful presents. The happy couple took the morning train for points west, followed by the best wishes their numerous friends.


Aug 25 1900

Daily British Whig


Aug 24 1900

Napanee Beaver

Chapman -



Married - On the 15th of January, by the Rev. M. Lang, Mr. William Chapman, of the Township of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Esther C. Jeffers, of the Town of Kingston.


Feb 5 1839

Upper Canada Herald

Chapman -



Married - On the 15th inst., John Chapman of North Fredericksburgh to Mrs. Sarah Miller, of South Fredericksburgh.


CHAPMAN-MILLER - On the 15th inst., by the Rev. R.N. Adams, at the residence of Mr. G. Asselstine, brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. John Chapman, of N. Fredericksburgh to Mrs. Sarah Miller of S. Fredericksburgh.


Apr 19 1884

Daily British Whig


Apr 18 1884

Napanee Express

Chichester -



At Hay Bay, Adolphustown, on the 5th October, inst., by the Rev. Mr. Greenleaf, Arthur Chichester, Esq., to Mary Ann, second daughter of Joseph Platt, Esq.


Oct 6 1852

Daily British Whig

Choate -



A quiet wedding occurred at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Clute, Sillsville, on Thursday morning last, when their daughter, May Gertrude, was united in marriage to Thomas A. Choate, of Warsaw, Peterboro county. Rev. W.W. Peck performed the ceremony After a sumptuous wedding breakfast the happy couple left on the G.T.R. for a trip in the west.


July 18 1896

Daily British Whig

Church –



At St. Paul’s Church, Adolphustown, on the 2nd inst., by the Rev. John A. Mulock, William Church, Esq., of Fredericksburgh to Phebe Ann Hubbs, daughter of Adam Hubbs, Esq., Picton.


Mar 9 1854

Kingston Daily News

Clapp –



“Benjamin Clap of the township of Thurlow … and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Philip Roblin, an U.E. Loyalist.”

(Relationship record only – no marriage date)


Taken from Land Records at Family Search  LINK

Clapp -



Married - On the 4th Dec., by the Rev. Robert McDowall, Mr. Dorland L. Clapp, to Miss Eleanor Catharine Huffman, daughter of Mr. Conrad Huffman, all of Fredericksburgh.


Jan 21 1840

Upper Canada Herald

Clapper –



By Rev. D. Wilson, Mr. George Clapper of South Fredericksburgh to Miss Bethania Campbell, of the same place.


Oct 30 1877

Kingston Daily News

Claringbold -



A pleasant event took place at the home of D.W. Spencer, Napanee, on Tuesday the marriage of his daughter, Miss Kate to John Harwood Claringbold, third son of H.P. Claringbold, Conway, and grandson of the late Henry Amess, for fifteen years alderman of Kent, Peel, Eng. The bride was dressed in a handsome myrtle green costume, and was supported by Miss Beatrice Claringbold, dressed n a pale green gown. Bert Spencer assisted the groom. After a sumptuous wedding breakfast the couple took train to spend the honeymoon with friends in Peterboro and Buffalo. The presents were beautiful and numerous, showing the esteem and popularity of both bride and groom.


Jan 16 1899

Daily British Whig

Clark -



Arthur Robert Clark, age 40, Res: Township Kingston, b. S. Fredericksburgh, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Wm. J. Clark & Jane Clark.

Victoria May Allen, age 39, Res: Tp. Adolphustown, b. Kingston, Spinster, Methodist, dau of Joseph Allen M.D. & Susan Gibbs.

Married at  Adolphustown, February 27, 1913, by Rufus Garratt, Conway

Witnesses:  George H. Clark, Morven & Addie M. Clark, Morven.


Clark-Allen - At the residence of Mr. T.F. Gibbs, Adolphustown, Ont., uncle of the bride on Thursday February 27th, 1913, by Rev. Rufus Garrett, Victoria May Allen, elder daughter of the late Joseph Allen, M.D. of Brooklyn New York, granddaughter of the late Thomas Fraser Gibbs, D.L.S. to Arthur R. Clark of Cataraqui, Ontario.


Yesterday morning, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Adolphustown, Miss May Allen became the wife of Arthur Clarke, of this place [Cataraqui]. After a honeymoon trip to points west they will take up residence at Sunnyside.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



March 7 1913

Napanee Beaver


Mar 4 1913

Daily British Whig

Clark -



An interesting social event took place at Sillsville on Wednesday, May 6th, at the residence of Wm. Charters, Esq., township treasurer of South Fredericksburgh, when his second daughter Lois was married to Rev. W.G. Clark, B.A., of Moscow, in the Bay of Quinte conference. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.S. Shorey in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Miss Nellie Downey, of Napanee, was bridesmaid and U.M. Wilson, B.A., barrister of Napanee, acted as groomsman. The bride, who is well-known throughout the county, was attired in a travelling dress of grey material and looked very charming. The bridal party, after the ceremony, sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast, and after congratulations the bride and groom drove to Napanee, where they took the afternoon train for Toronto. The groom is very well known as an energetic Christian minister, who is fast gaining a foremost place in the ministry, and who is doing good work for his church in his capacity of secretary for his district of the Epworth league of Christian endeavor. We join with a host of friends in congratulations.


CLARKE-CHARTERS – On May 6th, at the residence of the bride’s father, South Fredericksburgh, by Rev. E.s. Shorey, Rev. W.G. Clarke, B.A., Moscow, to Lois, second daughter of William Charters, Esq.


May 7 1896

Daily British Whig


May 14 1896

Weekly British Whig

Clark -



MARRIED - At Fredericksburgh on Thursday evening the 9th inst. by the Revd. Robert MacDowell, Mr. George Alexander Clark, to Miss Margaret Finkle, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Jacob Finkle.


Sept 24 1819



Clark –



CLARK-MILLER – AT North Fredericksburgh, on Sept. 20th, Miss Helen Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Miller to Henry Frank Clark.


CLARK-MILLER – At Bethany church, North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, September 20th, 1916, Miss Helen Marie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Miller to Mr. Henry Frank Clark, the Rev. W. S. Boyce, B.A., B.D., officiating, assisted by Rev. E. Farnsworth, of Newburgh.


Sept 20 1916

Daily British Whig


Sept 30 1916


Daily Standard

Clark -



MARRIED - At Bath on Wednefday the 4th July by the Rev. John Stoughton, Mr. Robert Clark jun to Mifs Elizabeth Stover, both of Erneft Town.




July 7 1820

Clarke –



CLARKE-GOULD – On Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1911, by Rev. C.W. DeMille, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gould, of Fredericksburgh Station, Bertha Ann to James Warren Clarke, Gretna.


Dec 9 1911

Daily Standard

Clarke -



CLARKE - HICKS - On the 8th inst., by the Rev. Wm. T. Hicks, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev. William Tomblin, at the residence of the bride’s father, Rev. John S. Clarke, superintendent of the Picton District, to Miss N.M. Hicks, eldest daughter of Lewis Hicks, Esq., of Milford.


Sept 16 1885

The Christian Guardian

Cliff -



MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. George Asselstine, South Fredericksburgh, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. David Chalmers, George Cliff, Esq., Architect, Napanee to Miss Charlotte Asselstine, eldest daughter of the late George Asselstine, Esq., South Fredericksburgh.


Jan 20 1872

Daily News

Cliff -



CLIFF - VANALSTINE - On Wednesday, Mr. Geo. A. Cliff, contractor and builder, Napanee, was married to Miss Janet, third daughter of Mr. Wm. Vanalstine, North Fredericksburgh.  The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. Wm. Crouch, John st., brother-in-law of the bride, and the affair was very quietly managed.  Rev. A. B. Chambers, L.L.B., officiating. The unique part of it is that the ceremony was performed about five A.M. and the bridal couple took the six A.M. train for Toronto and the west.  It is understood they will have a reception at Mr. Cliff's fine residence in West ward upon their return.  We tender our hearty congratulations which will be echoed by the whole community.


Nov 23 1889

Napanee Beaver

Clinch -



MARRIED - At Ameliasburgh on the 19th July, by the Rev. R. McDowall, Mr. Freeman S. clinch to Miss Eliza C. Cory




July 28 1820

Close –



At the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. R.W. Leitch, Dec. 27th, Mr. Robert Close, of North Fredericksburgh, to Miss Maggie Walker, of Camden East.


Jan 11 1877

Kingston Daily News

Clute -



Invitations are out announcing the marriage of a popular young lady of Morven, Miss Fannie G. Funnell, daughter of William H. Funnell, to John A. Clute, Fredericksburgh, on June 26th.


FUNNELL - CLUTE - At the Brick church Morven, Wednesday evening, 26th June, Miss Fannie G., daughter of Mr. Wm. H. Funnell, Morven, and Mr. John A. Clute, Fredericksburgh


A number of young people from town wheeled out to Morven last evening to witness the marriage, in the White Church, of Miss Fannie Funnell to a Mr. Clute, cheesemaker, of Sillsville.


June 8 1901

Daily British Whig


From the Watson Scrapbooks


June 27 1901

Daily British Whig

Clute -



On the 9th inst., by the Rev. John Scott, Mr. Henry Thorpe Clute of South Fredericksburgh to Miss Brittania Snider, daughter of the late Jeremiah Snider, Esq., of Ernestown.


Mar 21 1861

Napanee Standard

Cole –



By the Rev. A. McCann, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Augustus B. Cole, of Newburg, to Miss Angeline Fletcher, of North Fredericksburgh.


Nov 10 1876

Kingston Daily News

Cole –



Cole-Leslie – A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage on Wednesday evening, March 14th, at 8 o’clock when Miss Henrietta Leslie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Britton Leslie of Hay Bay became the bride of Douglas Cole, younger son of Mrs. Edward Cole and the late Mr. Cole.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A.D. Waite. The attendants were Mr. Hilliard Topping and Miss Jessie Hines. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the groom’s mother where refreshments were served after which Mr. and Mrs. Cole left by motor for Ottawa. They will reside in Deseronto. The groom is the manager of a well known orchestra in Deseronto.


Mar 17 1934

Kingston Whig Standard

Cole -



Amos Frederick Cole, age 22, Res: Adolphustown Tp., b. Adolphustown Tp., Bachelor, Farmer, Episcopal, son of Daniel J. & Sarah B. Hill

Lelia Pearl Vosbourgh, age 22, Res: Adolphustown Tp., b. Brighton Tp., Spinster, Methodist, dau. of William Vosbourgh & Minerva McNalley.

Married at [blank], Feb 18 1914, by Rufus Garrett, Meth. Minister.

Witnesses:  Roy Ferguson, Adolphustown & Edith Vosbourgh.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Collier -



COLLIER-McFARLANE - On November 28th, Whitfield Collier, Athol, to Mary E. McFarlane, North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 10 1888

Daily British Whig

Collins –



COLLINS-ROBLIN – At Princess St. United Church parsonage, on Monday, May 19th, 1941, by Rev. W.J. Fiddes, Evelyn Louise, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Roblin, Adolphustown, to Kenneth Fawcett Collins, B.A., B.Sc., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Collins, of North Bay.


May 1941



Colville -



At Morven, on March 27th, Robert Colville, to Annie McNeil, South Fredericksburgh.


Apr 4 1889

Daily British Whig




MARRIED - On Tuesday last, by the Rev. John Wilson, MR HENRY COMBER to Miss MERCY MARIA LOCKWOOD, both of Ernest Town.


Jan 8 1819






COMPTON-SMITH – At Adolphustown, June 16, 1920, by the Rev. Herbert Pringle, Edna May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, of Adolphustown to George Arthur Compton, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Compton, Kingston.


A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday, June 16th, in the English Church, Adolphustown, when the pastor, Rev. M. Pringle, united in marriage Edna Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of that place and George Arthur Compton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Compton, Kingston township. As the bride and groom entered the church the wedding march was played by Miss Agnes, sister of the bride. The fair young bride who was given away by her father, looked very winsome gowned in white charmeuse satin with hat to match. She carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. The young couple were unattended. After the ceremony luncheon was served at the bride’s home, which was gaily decorated with flowers, only the near relatives of the contracting parties being present.

Mr. and Mrs. Compton left at 4.30 on a motor trip amid showers of rice, old shoes and good wishes, after which they will reside at Sunnyside, where the groom is a prosperous farmer. Many beautiful and costly gifts were received from friends far and near, showing the esteem in which the young couple are held. All join in wishing them many years of married bliss.


June 23, 1920


Daily Standard


June 24, 1920


Daily Standard

Conner –



The marriage of Miss Nancy Patricia Allison, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Allison of Adolphustown, and Mr. John Edward Morley Conner, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Conner, Brewers Mills, took place recently in St. Alban the Martyr Church, Adolphustown. Rev. F. Smith of Belleville and Archdeacon Stout of Gananoque, officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. J.E. Madden played the traditional wedding music and Mrs. Stanley Cunningham was soloist.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ankle length gown of nylon net and lace over taffeta. The lace bodice had lily point sleeves and a mandarin collar and the full skirt billowed over hoops. The bride wore a perfume drop belonging to her late great-great grandmother. Her headdress was a Juliet cap of nylon net from which fell her fingertip veil and she carried a white Prayer book with tiny red rosebuds and trailing ivy.

Mrs. Myron Dudman of Brockville was matron of honor and Mrs. Murray Roblin of Toronto was bridesmaid. They were gowned alike in sleeveless floor-length dresses of pale blue taffeta with bouffant skirts, boleros and feather bandeau headdresses.

Mr. Harold Conner of Belleville was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Mr. Robert Allison of Picton and Mr. A.C. Allison of Adolphustown, brothers of the bride.

Elm Brae Lodge was the scene of the reception where the bride’s mother received wearing a gown of black taffeta with pink accessories and a corsage of pink Sweetheart roses; and the groom’s mother assisted, wearing a gown of navy linen with rose-colored accessories and a corsage of mauve orchids.

For a wedding trip to the United States, the bride’s travelling costume was an eggshell linen suit with cinnamon accessories and a corsage of sunset roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Conner will reside in Gananoque.

Attending the wedding were out-of-town guests from Belleville, Napanee, Toronto, Brockville, Sault Ste. Marie and Picton.


Sept 11 1956

Kingston Whig Standard

Connors –




ADOLPHUSTOWN – A very pretty wedding took place in St. Alban’s Church on Thursday evening last, Rev. Mr. Brazill officiating when Miss Mary Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gallagher, was united in marriage to Mr. Norman Connors of Markham. The bride was dressed in blue crepe with white accessories and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gallagher. There were a few of Mrs. Conners’ relative present. Mr. Connors is employed on No. 38 Highway here but when finished, he and Mrs. Connors will reside in Markham.


July 7 1938

Kingston Whig Standard

Conway -



CONWAY-CLARINGBOLD - At St. John's Church, Peterboro' at 9 o'clock a.m., on Tuesday, 4th June, 1895, by Rev. J.C. Davidson, M.A., Rector, William Edwin Conway to Eliza, fourth daughter of H.P. Claringbold, Esq., of Sandhurst, Lennox County.


A Marriage at Peterboro

Miss Eliza Claringbold, daughter of H.P. Claringbold, Sandhurst, and sister of Mrs. Jos. Mills, Newboro, and W.E. Conway, local manager for a large clothing house, were married in Peterboro on Tuesday. the bride was attended as bridesmaid by her sister, Miss Beatrice Claringbold, while little Daisy Mills was maid of honor and Master Bruce Mills was page. The bride was charmingly gowned in a plain cream silk, and carried a bouquet of roses and wore the conventional veil which was caught up with bows of ribbon. the bridesmaid wore a becoming costume of white henrietta, with ribbons, and the petit maid of honor was daintily dressed in pink silk bengaline. The bride formerly resided in Kingston.



The Peterboro' Examiner of Tuesday, 4th June, has the following account of the marriage of miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. H.P. Claringbold, of Sandhurst to Mr. Wm. E. Conway of that city.

The bride was handsomely gowned in cream silk, the bodice being prettily trimmed with ribbons and the skirt plain. She carried a large and fragrant bouquet of roses, and entered the church upon the arm of her father, who gave her away.

The bridesmaid, Miss Beatrice Claringbold, was daintily attired in white Henrietta, trimmed with ribbon, and carried a bouquet of carnations. Miss Beatrice is a sister of the bride.

Mr. Conway was supported by his brother, Mr. Richard Conway, of Dundas.

The sweet little maid of honor was Miss Claringbold's niece, Miss Daisy Mills, who was charmingly dressed in pink silk Bengaline, lavishly trimmed with laces and ribbons. Miss Daisy carried a pretty bouquet of flowers, and was accompanied by her brother, Master Bruce Mills, who officiated as page, and looked very interesting indeed in his little evening suit with vest and deep collar of cream cashmere.

The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. J.C. Davidson, assisted by the Rev. C.B. Kendrick, in the presence of a large number of the friends of the young couple, who gathered in the church to witness the interesting event.

The wedding breakfast was served at the residence of Mr. Joseph Mills, Homewood avenue, where the bride has lived for some time, Mrs. Mills being her sister.

Carpet was laid from the church door to the carriages, and also from Mr. Mills' residence to the street. The presents were numerous and costly, amongst which were a silver tray from the members of the firm of Grafton & Co., a beautiful mantel clock of black marble trimmed with gold, from Mr. Conway's old fellow employees with the firm in Dundas, and a beautiful gold watch and chain from Miss Claringbold, sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Conway left on the 11.45 train for the west, and upon their return will reside at No. 356 Stewart St., where Mrs. Conway will be at home to her friends after June 16th.


June 7 1895

Napanee Beaver


June 10 1895

British Whig


Misc. Article

Conway -



Clarence Raymond Conway, age 22, Res: Napanee, b. Napanee, Bachelor, Freight Clerk, Presbyterian, son of Wesley Conway & Minerva Cronk.

Mabel Florence Peters, age 22, Res: Napanee, b. Conway, Ont., Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Nelson Peters & Johanna Hegadorn.

Married at Hayburn, October 26th, 1910 by J. W. Bunner, Methodist Minister.

Witnesses:  H. B. Conway, Napanee, Ont. & B. E. Peters, Hayburn, Ont.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.


Cook -



Announcement is made of the marriage of Dr. Albert H. Cook, Dovet Plains, N.Y., to a daughter of Lieut. -Col. Patterson, of Toronto, to take place on the 9th June.  Dr. A. H. Cook is a brother of Mrs. J. R. Herrington Napanee, and son of Dr. H. L. Cook, Toronto.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Cooke –



Married Some Days Ago

An imposing ceremony was performed, July 7th, at the residence of Thomas C. Sparks, Hamburgh, in the marriage of his eldest daughter Jeanette, to Thomas Cooke, Newburgh. The bride was richly attired in cream silk with orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was Miss Lilly Ferguson, Mallorytown, daughter of John Ferguson, G.T.R. agent, late of Collins’ Bay. The groomsman was brother of the groom. The wedding dinner was of the best. The bride and groom, a happy couple, departed on their wedding tour to the International bridge, New York and other eastern places of resort. The presents to the bride were numerous and costly, among the number a fine young horse, valued at $125.


July 23 1891

Weekly British Whig

Cooper –



Robert Cooper and Ann Miles, married February 12 1828, Fredericksburgh.




Church Records




COULSON – GALLAGHER – At the Grace Church Parsonage, on Tuesday, April 8th, 1919, by Rev. W. P. Rogers, Stanley H. Coulson of Kingston to Florence I. Gallagher of Adolphustown.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Cousins –




A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized in the UEL St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Adolphustown, on Friday morning, Mary 21 at 10:30 o’clock, by Rev. C.C. Brazill, of Stirling, when Elizabeth Mitchell, daughter of Mrs. D. Strachan, of Brechin, Angus, Scotland and the late Mr. Strachan, became the bride of Sidney Russell Cousins, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cousins, Dorland, Ontario.

The bride looked charming in a navy blue wool suit with white accessories; she wore a corsage of white carnations. Her only attendant was the groom’s sister, Mrs. Bruce Richardson, as matron of honor, who was attired in a lime green wool suit, with brown accessories; her corsage was of red carnations. The groom was attended by Mr. Bruce Richardson.

The wedding reception was held at the home of Mrs. A.B. Richardson, Dorland. Receiving with the bride and groom was the groom’s mother, who was wearing a brown gabardine suit with white accessories. The rooms were attractively decorated with a profusion of tulips and daffodils.

The buffet luncheon was served from a table covered with a white linen cloth, decorated with pink and white streamers and centered with a three tiered wedding cake and tall pink tapers in silver holders. Mrs. H. Leslie Guy, Kingston, poured and assisting the hostess in serving were Mrs. Ross McMahon, Dorland, Mrs. Ida Allenby and Mrs. Wilson Walker of Toronto.

The bride and groom left by train for Truro, N.S. on an extended honeymoon touring the Maritime Provinces. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Cousins will reside in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec.


May 22 1948

Kingston Whig Standard

Cranston -



CRANSTON-CRAVEN - At Napanee, Dec. 1st, 1908, by Rev. Rural Dean Dibb, Mabel Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Craven, of Hawley, to William Cranston, of Gosport.


A quiet wedding was solemnized at Napanee on December 1st, when Miss Mabel Craven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Craven, Hawley, was united to William Cranston, a prosperous young farmer at Gosport. The bride looked sweet in a gown of pale blue voile.


Dec 4 1908

Napanee Beaver


Dec 5 1908

Daily British Whig

Creighton –



CREIGHTON – ALLISON - On September 1st at the home of the bride’s parents, Adolphustown, the marriage was solemnized of Ila Eleanor, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allison and Mr. Cyrus B. Creighton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Creighton, Napanee.  The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and the ceremony, performed by Rev. Mr. Stainton, took place under an arch of evergreens.  The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of lace and flat crepe embroidered with pearls, a bridal veil and orange blossoms.  Her bouquet was of sweetheart roses.  Miss Edith Allison, her bridesmaid, wore orchid satin with gaudets of orchid lace and a bandeau of brilliants and carried roses.  The flower girls were little Miss Evelyn Roblin, who wore pink crepe and Miss Hope Hutchison in apple green.  They carried baskets of flowers.  The groomsman was Mr. Frank Bell, Napanee. The bride’s table was centred with a wedding cake decorated with tulle and flowers.  During the signing of the register, Mrs. Stainton sang, “All Joy Be Thine,” accompanied by Mrs. Duffett, who also played the wedding march to which the bridal party entered the drawing room.

Mrs. F. Alison was handsomely gowned in green satin with an overdress of sequins, and Mrs. Henry Creighton, Napanee, mother of the groom, was in black canton crepe with cut steel embroidery.

Mr. and Mrs. Creighton left on their wedding trip, the latter wearing a frock of cocoa brown silk with a hat to match and a coat trimmed with seal.  The groom’s present to the bride was a platinum and diamond bar pin, to the bridesmaid he gave a white gold pin set with diamonds;  the groomsman a pair of gold cuff links, and to the pianist a handsome cut class vase and to the flower girls pearl rings.  About fifty guests were present at the wedding.


Sept 8 1925

Daily British Whig

Creighton -



On March 21st, Frederick W. Creighton, of South Fredericksburgh to Mary E. Hambly of North Fredericksburgh.


CREIGHTON-HAMBLY - At the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, by Rev. T.H. Macdonald, Mr. Frederick W. Creighton, of South Fredericksburgh to Miss Mary E. Hambly, of North Fredericksburgh.


Apr 11 1882

Daily British Whig


Apr 8 1882

Napanee Standard

Creighton –



CREIGHTON-HUFFMAN – By the Rev. H.J. Allen on the 17th inst., at the home of the bride, Mr. Henry Creighton to Miss Effie Huffman, both of South Fredericksburgh.


Sept 20 1888

Weekly British Whig

Creighton -



Marriage Certificate - Click to See Photo

John Curle Creighton, South Fredericksburgh,  married Lillian Lucy Lake, Napanee, on October 5, 1881


Marriage Certificate




CREIGHTON-MALLORY - On February 5th at 7 p.m., the marriage took place at the residence of  Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Mallory, Adolphustown, of their eldest daughter, Bessie Florence, to Mr. S. Morley Creighton, youngest son of the late Fred and Mrs. Creighton, of Hawley. The Rev. S. Dickinson officiating. The bride wore her travelling suit of blue with hat to match and fox furs. After congratulations, the guests repaired to the dining room where a dainty wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton left for Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and on their return will take up residence on the old McCarten homestead, near Sillsville, which has lately been purchased by Mr. Creighton.


Married in Adolphustown

Napanee, Feb. 16 – The marriage took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Mallory, Adolphustown, of their eldest daughter, Bessie Florence to S. Morley Creighton, youngest son of the late Fred and Mrs. Creighton, Hawley. The bride wore her travelling suit of blue with hat to match and fox-furs. After congratulations, the guests repaired to the dining room where a dainty wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton left for Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls and on their return will take up their residence on the old McCarten homestead, near Sillsville, which has lately been purchased by Mr. Creighton.


Feb 15 1918

Napanee Beaver


Feb 19 1918

Daily British Whig

Cronk -



Seburn D. Cronk, age 46, Res:  Hallowell Tp.,  b. Hallowell Tp., Widower, Farmer, Friends, son of Cory[?]& Lucy Cronk.

Phebe Alice Garratt, age 45, Res: Wellington, b. Wellington, Spinster, Friends, dau of Amos H. & Sarah Garratt.

Married at Wellington, P. Edward County, August 19, 1912 by Rufus Garratt.

Witnesses:  Ralph Garratt, Wellington, Ont., & Helen Garratt, Amsterdamn, N.Y.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.





“John Cronkhite of the Township of Fredericksburgh … and Hannah Cronkhite, his wife and daughter of Christopher Peterson, late of the township of Fredericksburgh, a U.E. Loyalist.”

(Relationship record only – no marriage date)


Taken from Land Records at Family Search  LINK

Cross -



CROSS - PURVIS -  On the 1st inst., by the Rev. F. G. Lett, at the residence of the bride’s father, Wm. H. Cross, of Winnipeg, Man., to Clara, daughter of G. A. Purvis, M.D., of Portage-du-Fort.


March 9 1887

The Christian Guardian




A QUIET WEDDING – On Wednesday, morning, February 12th, 1919, Miss Emma J. Smith, who for many years has been with The Robinson Co., of Napanee, was united in matrimony with William Crossley, of Hamilton.  The ceremony took place at the residence of Miss Smith’s sister, Mrs. J. L. Boyes, with whom she has made her home for the past few years.  Only the immediate family were present, besides the officiating clergyman, Rev. A. J. Wilson, of St. Andrew’s Church.  The bride was married in her travelling gown of brown broadcloth, with hat to match, and after a dainty wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Crossley left on the noon train for Boston and New York.  It is expected that they will later reside in Mr. Crossley’s home city, Hamilton. The esteem in which the bride was held by all who knew her quiet, kindly ways was strongly testified by the host of beautiful gifts which were sent by her many, many friends and acquaintances.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Cully -



By the Rev. A.C. Chambers, of Morven Circuit, at his residence, Napanee, on Nov. 26th, Mr. Robert O. Cully, of Adolphustown, to Miss Margaret Jane Grove of the same place.


Nov 30 1878

Daily British Whig

Cummings –



On Monday evening, September 5th, a very pretty wedding took place at the home of Charles Johnston, Bath, when his sister-in-law, Miss Hattie, third daughter of William G. Chambers, postmaster of Chambers, was united in marriage to William Cummings, Deseronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H.S. Spence at eight o’clock. The bridegroom entered the drawing room attended by John McKinnon, Deseronto and awaited the bride who entered leaning on her father’s arm and was attended by her sister, Miss Alice. The bride wore steel gray broadcloth trimmed with chiffon and ribbon and carried a bouquet of white balsam. The bridesmaid was lovely in her robe of St. Louis cloth, with cream silk blouse and carried a bouquet of white asters. Little Miss Myrtle Colling, Millhaven, as flower girl, looked pretty in cream cashmere trimmed with ribbon and appliqué, with flowers in her hair and a basket of pink geraniums. After congratulations, the bridal party had supper in the dining room. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers. A pretty background for the wedding was made by the mantel which was banked with asters and garlanded with ivy. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings left for the home of the groom’s father at Campbellford. The wedding presents were numerous and useful.


Sept 15 1904

Daily Whig

Cummings -



Married in Napanee

A social event took place at St. Patrick's church, Napanee, on Tuesday. The contracting parties were Miss Josephine Helen, only daughter of Daniel Davern, Adolphustown, and E.J. Cummings, Kingston. The bride for seven years a resident of Napanee, living with her aunt, Mrs. A.  McNeill, had host of friends. The wedding was a quiet one, only a few of the immediate friends of the two families being present. The bride looked charming in a beautiful blue cloth Eaton suit with white silk shirred waist, the handsome couple being unsupported by either bridesmaid nor best man.


Nov 18 1892

Daily British Whig

Cummings –



CUMMINGS-RAYMOND – On Nov. 27th, I.W. Cummings, Fredericksburgh to Edith Raymond, Camden.


Dec 12 1889

Weekly British Whig




St. James Anglican Church was the scene of a wedding of widespread interest at five o’clock Friday afternoon, June 12, when the Rev. Dr. J. D. Mackenzie Naughton united in marriage, Marion Elizabeth Allison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Joseph Allison of Adolphustown and Paymaster Lieut. Stanley B. Cunningham, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mrs. A. B. Cunningham and the late A.B. Cunningham, K.C., Kingston.  During the signing of the register, Mrs. J. E. Madden of Napanee, sang delightfully, “O Promise Me.”  The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a smart street length grey silk redingote dress with blue accessories and a corsage of gardenias.  She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Harold Mallory, as matron of honor, wearing a street length dress of rose crepe with white accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses.  Lieut. John Cunningham of Kingston, brother of the groom, was best man.  Following the ceremony a reception and tea were held at the home of the groom’s mother, Mrs. Cunningham, Maitland Street, who received with Mrs. Allison, mother of the bride.  Mrs. Allison wore a smart blue and white silk redingote dress with matching accessories and a corsage of red roses and Mrs. Cunningham’s gown was a model of black and white silk and a corsage of red roses.  Later the bride and groom left for Montreal, the bride travelling in her wedding dress and upon their return, they will reside at 180 Johnson Street.  The bride is a graduate of Hamilton General Hospital and was for two years a nursing sister with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, recently stationed in Kingston.


June 13 1942

Kingston Whig Standard




MARRIED IN MONTREAL - Montreal Herald -  A quiet wedding took place Wednesday morning at Christ’s church cathedral, when Miss Mabel E. Carter was married to J. E. Cunningham, Kingston.  The bride looked lovely in her travelling dress and was given away by her father, R. C. Carter.  Immediately after the ceremony they left for Washington and the southern states.  The bride was attended by her sister and the groom by his brother, Arthur Cunningham, also of Kingston.  No guests were present, except for the immediate family.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Curl -



Married - At South Fredericksburgh, on the 1st inst., Mr. Peter Curl to Miss Mary Jane Dingman.


Married - By the Rev. D. Wilson, on the 1st inst., Mr. Peter Curl, of South Fredericksburgh, to Miss Mary Jane Dingman, of the same place.


Jan 12 1878

Daily British Whig

Jan 14 1878

Daily News

Cuthill -



At Napanee, Dec 26th, James Cuthill to Josephine Howell, both of North Fredericksburgh.


CUTHILL-HOWELL - At the parsonage, south Napanee, Dec. 26th, by the Rev. E.E. Howard, Mr. James Cuthill and Miss Josephine, youngest daughter of Paul Howell, Esq., both of North Fredericksburgh.


Jan 3 1889

Daily British Whig


Dec 28 1888

Napanee Express

Cuthill –



CUTHILL-ROBERTSON – At South Fredericksburgh, on Jan. 27th, James P. Cuthill to Laura M. Robertson.


Feb 8 1915

Daily British Whig