For Index of Brides, CLICK
Name |
Information |
Date/Source |
Macdonald – Bernard |
Saturday, the 16th of February, at St. George’s Church, Hanover
Square, London, by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Montreal,
Metropolitan of Canada, assisted by the Rev. G. Dickson, the Honorable John
Alexander Macdonald, Her Majesty’s Attorney General for Upper Canada to Susan
Agnes, daughter of the late Honorable T.J. Bernard, Member of Her Majesty’s
Privy Council of Jamaica. |
7 1867 Weekly
British Whig |
MacDonald - Blue |
BLUE - At the Presbyterian Parsonage,
Kingston, by Rev. John Stevens, on Thursday January 1st, 1920,
Madeline Blue, daughter of John and Annie blue, Metis
Que., to Frederick Albert MacDonald of Strathcona Ont. |
1920 Newspaper
Clipping |
Macdonald - Clark |
Married - On the
1st instant, at the residence of J.A. Macpherson, Esq., by the Rev. John Machar, John Alexander Macdonald, Esq., Barrister at Law,
to Isabella Clark, sixth daughter of Alexr. Clark,
Esq., of Dalsavert, Badenoch,
Scotland. |
5 1843 Upper
Canada Herald |
Mace- Galloway |
- On Wednesday, June 2nd, at Grace Church, Elm street, by the Rev.
J. P. Lewis, Alfred Clarence Mace, builder, Toronto, to Annie Galloway, of
Beaverton. |
1880 From
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Mack - Calver |
MACK-CALVER The Anglican
Church rectory at Adolphustown was the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding on
Wednesday, November 19th, when Miss Iva Calver,
twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Claver, of Bath became the bride of James
Franklin Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mack, of Adolphustown, the Rev. Brazil
officiating. The bride looked
very charming in a suit of brown with hat and accessories to match. Miss Ina
Claver, twin sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a suit of blue with
matching accessories. Mr. John Lewis of Adolphustown was best man. Following the
ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the groom's parents at
Dorland, where a reception was held for the immediate relatives. |
25 1936 Napanee
Beaver |
MacKay - Murry |
In Erneft Town, on Tuefday, the 19th
inft., Mr. WILLIAM S. MACKAY to Mifs
23 1816 Kingston
Gazette |
MacPherson – Wrigley |
At Hay Bay
Cottage, on Wednesday, the 5th of June by the Rev. R. Harding,
Jas. MacPherson, Esq., of Kingston, to Miss Harriet Wrigley, of Adolphustown. |
7 1861 Daily
British Whig |
Madden – Miller |
The marriage of
two popular North Fredericksburgh people took place on June 14th
at the residence of the bride’s father, George S. Miller, Kingston Road, when
his daughter, Miss Libbie S. Miller was united in
marriage to James F. Madden of North Fredericksburgh. The newly wedded couple
went east on their honeymoon. |
17 1899 Daily
British Whig |
Madden – Perry |
On Wednesday, 2nd
inst., by the Rev. T.C. Brown, Mr. James F. Madden, of North Fredericksburgh
to Miss Eliza Perry, of Violet. |
10 1879 Kingston
Daily News |
Madden - Rose |
Marriage - At
Napanee, by the Rev. J. Scott, Mr. Andrew Madden, of North Fredericksburgh to
Miss Lydia Rose. |
5 1874 Daily
News Kingston |
Magee - Cayley |
SPECIAL TO THE JOURNAL - Toronto, April 21 - A very quiet wedding was
celebrated this afternoon at St. Simon’s church, when Miss Hilda Marion,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osmund Cayley,
of Toronto, became the bride of Mr. Charles D. Magee, of Ottawa, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Magee. The marriage
service was performed by Rev. Edward C. Cayley,
rector of St. Simon’s and cousin of the bride, and Rev. Johnson Snowden, of
Ottawa. The bride, who was given away
by her father, Mr. Osmund Cayley,
wore white lace over satin, with a net veil, and carried a bouquet of lilies
of the valley. The maid of honor, Miss
Julia Cayley, and the bridesmaids, Miss Jessie Casssells, of Ottawa, and Miss Helen Brough,
wore white tulle and embroidery, with yellow girdle and sashes, and lingerie hats with yellow bows. They carried baskets of daffodils, and
their presents from the groom were gold bar jabot pins. The groom was supported by Mr. Owen Hodgins, Ottawa, and the ushers were Messrs. Fred Magee,
Ottawa, and Harry Grubbe. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Magee, of Ottawa; Mrs.
Plunkett Taylor, sister of the groom, and Miss Kathleen Snowden, niece of the
groom, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Magee left
on a wedding trip to New York and the South, the bride’s going-away dress
being a grey cloth suit and grey hat with pink roses. On their return they will reside in Dupont street, Toronto. |
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Magee- Keech |
At the Bay Parsonage, South Napanee, on
Thursday, April 17th, 1919, by Rev. S.S. Boyce, B.A.,
George Andrew Magee of Adolphustown, and Lottie Hildred
Keech of Richmond. |
1919 From
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Magee – Lawson |
On Sept. 3rd, Adolphustown, John Magee, South Fredericksburgh to
Miss Maggie E., eldest daughter of James Lawson, Adolphustown (south). On Sept 3rd,
Mr. J. Magee, South Fredericksburgh, was married to Miss Maggie E., eldest
daughter of Mr. James Lawson. This being the first marriage in the Methodist
memorial church a copy of the bible will be presented to the happy couple. |
12 1889 Weekly
British Whig |
Magee - Love |
Magee - Love -
On Wednesday, 2nd June, by the Rev. M.J. Bates at the residence of Mr. Thomas
G. Empey, Bridge St., Mr. Alexander Magee of South Fredericksburgh to Miss
Jennie Marie Love of Milford, Prince Edward county. A pleasant
wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Thos. G. Empey, Bridge st., on Monday. The contracting parties were Mr. Alex
McGee, of South Fredericksburgh, and Miss Jennie Marie Love, of Milford. Rev.
M.J. Bates performed the ceremony. The bride was supported by her sister,
miss Maggie Love, of Picton, and Mr. Joseph McGee, brother of the groom, was
best man. The happy couple will settle on the old homestead with is aged
father. THE BEAVER extends congratulations. |
4 1897 Napanee
Beaver Tibbutt Scrapbooks |
Magee- May |
MAGEE – MAY - At Napanee on Jan. 17th, Edwin
Magee and Hester May, both of Sillsville. |
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Magee – Preslar |
quiet wedding was solemnized at the Adolphustown parsonage on Saturday,
October 10th at eleven-thirty when Hilda Agnes, younger daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M. Preslar became the bride of John
Douglas, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Magee. The Rev. K. Crawford
officiated. The bride wore a
gray wool tweed suit with wine accessories. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Stalker of Adolphustown. The happy couple left for a motor trip to
Ottawa and points east. |
10 1942 Magee
Scrapbook |
Magee - Pringle |
At Napanee, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W.J. Crothers,
D.D., on the 2nd inst., Mr. Joseph Magee, of South Fredericksburgh, to Annie
M., daughter of the late Andrew Pringle, Esq. |
not given Tibbutt Scrapbooks |
Magee – Saunders |
Saunders, a member of the A.T.S., and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J.
Saunders, of 47 High Street, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells, England, was married Saturday Feb 20
1943 to Pte. Franklin A. Magee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Magee, of
Sillsville, Ont., at St. Paul’s Church, Rusthall,
the Rev. J.M.T. Griffiths officiating. The bride, who
was given away by her father, was attended by Miss Peggy Saunders (sister)
and Mrs. A.L. Jeffery. They were dressed in mauve with a spray of pink
carnations. Two other
bridesmaids (nieces of the bride) were daintily dressed in pink with poke
bonnets, and carried posies. Sigmn.
James Magee (brother of bridegroom) was best man. The reception,
held at the bride’s home, was attended by 30 guests. Pte. Franklin
Magee has been in England since July 1941. He was stationed for some time in
Kingston with the S.D. and G. Highlanders. Sigmn.
James Magee, also stationed in Kingston with the R.C.C.S., joined his brother
in England in October, 1942. |
Magee – Thurston |
Announced Mr. and Mrs.
George N. Thurston of Sandhurst wish to announce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Georgia Viola, to Harold L. Magee, son of Mrs. Andrew
Magee and the late Mr. Magee, Adolphustown. The marriage will take place in
At Conway by Rev. Gardener, on Wednesday, May 20, 1936, Georgia Viola Thurston to Harold Love
Magee, son of Mrs. Andrew Magee and the late Mr. Magee of Sillsville. The marriage
took place quietly at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Thurston, Sandhurst on Wednesday, May 20th, of their youngest
daughter, Georgia Viola, who was united in marriage to Harold Love Magee,
second son of Mrs. Andrew Magee and the late Mr. Magee. The ceremony was
performed by their pastor, the Rev. Gordon Gardiner. |
1936 Magee Scrapbook |
Magee – Tuttle |
The marriage
took place at Cherry Valley of Keith Raymond, youngest son of Mrs. Andrew
Magee and the late Mr. Magee, to Miss Irene Tuttle of Cherry Valley on
Saturday, July 31st, 1937. The young couple spent their honeymoon
with friends in Hamilton. They will reside at Dorland. MAGEE-TUTTLE PICTON, Aug 5 –
An interesting wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage, Picton,
Rev. O.R. Flindall officiating, when Lillian Irene,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tuttle, Cherry Valley, became the bride of
Raymond Keith, youngest son of Mrs. Andrew Magee, Adolphustown and the late
Mr. Magee. The bride, who
was unattended, wore a becoming gown of white figured chiffon with flowers at
the neck, long satin sash and satin trim on puffed sleeves. A wedding dinner
was served at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magee, leaving
later to visit relatives in Hamilton and Niagara Falls. For travelling the
bride wore a frock of pink figured crepe with pink taffeta swagger coat, and
pink hat, with white accessories. Thursday evening
the young couple returned to Cherry Valley and were tendered a reception at
the home of the bride’s parents, near relatives being guests. During the
evening a large number of friends called to extend their good wishes. Many
lovely gifts were received by the bride who has been active in church and
community work. Mr. and Mrs.
Magee will reside at Dorland, Adolphustown Township. MAGEE-TUTTLE –
At Cherry Valley United Church Parsonage, July 31 1937, by Rev. O.R. Flindall, Lillian Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Tuttle, Cherry Valley, to Raymond Keith, son of Mrs. Andrew Magee,
Adolphustown and the late Mr. Magee. |
1937 Magee
Scrapbooks |
Magee - White |
Robert J. Magee,
age 21, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Petrolia, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist,
son of John & Margaret Magee. Cora Debora
White, age 22, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh,
Spinster, Methodist, dau of John & Mercy J. White. Married at
Hayburn, September 11, 1912, by Rufus Garratt, Conway. Witnesses: Morley White, Sillsville, & Gertrude
White, Sillsville. A Pretty Wedding Was That at the
Home of Bride at Hayburn The marriage of
Miss Cora D., daughter of the late John B. White and Mrs. White, Hayburn, to Robert
J. Magee, only son of John Magee, “The Pines,” was impressively solemnized on
September 11th at the residence of the bride’s mother, Hayburn.
The ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. R.S. Garratt, before only
the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride entered the
parlor on the arm of her brother, Morley White, to the strains of Lohengran’s wedding march, played by Mrs. R.S. Garrett.
The bride was attired in her going-away gown of navy serge with hat to match.
After the ceremony and congratulations, the company sat down to a sumptuous
wedding breakfast, at the close of which, amid showers of rice and flowers,
they left for a wedding tour to Toronto, Hamilton and points west. The
presents were numerous and costly. |
Methodist Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 Sept
23 1912 Daily
British Whig |
Mallory - Allison |
A quiet wedding
took place in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kingston, on Saturday evening,
August 9, when Frances Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.
Allison, of Adolphustown was united in marriage to Mr. Harold Fredericks
Mallory, Kingston, son of Mr. Marshall Mallory and the late Mrs. Mallory, of
Adolphustown. The Rev. Mr. Teskey, officiated and
the attendants were Elizabeth Allison, of the RC.A.M.C. and Mr. Wilbert
Bales, of Ottawa. The bride wore a
dress of navy sheer trimmed with white, with hat, coat and shoes of navy blue
and wore a corsage of red roses and bouvardia. Miss
Allison wore her military uniform. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs.
Mallory will reside in Kingston. |
Aug 12 1941 Napanee Beaver |
Mallory – Bruton |
The marriage
took place in Calgary, Alta., on Wednesday, October 12th, of Miss
Helen (Queenie), only daughter of Mr. Charles Bruton, Napanee, and Basil Mallory, son of M.F. Mallory,
Sillsville. Both parties are well known in Napanee. The marriage took place
at the home of W.R> McKay, Calgary. Rev. McCartney Wilson officiated. |
Oct 22 1921 Kingston Daily Standard |
Mallory - Clapp |
Married - At
Adolphustown, on the 2nd inst., M.B. Mallory, Esq., of Napanee, to H., second
daughter of Elias. Clapp, Esq., of Adolphustown. At W.M. Church by
the Rev. Mr. Chalmers, Adolphustown, on the 2d inst., M.B. Mallory, Esq., of
the firm of Mallory & Fraser of Napanee, to Miss H. Clapp, second
daughter of Elias Clapp, Esq., of Adolphustown. |
Jun 11 1874 Weekly British Whig June 8 1874 Daily News |
Mallory – Detlor |
By the Rev. F.B.
Stratton, Jan. 23, Clark R. Mallory, of Cobourg, to Josephine M., daughter of
B. Detlor, Esq., of Hamburg. |
Feb 1 1877 Kingston Daily News |
Mallory – Trumpour |
On the 10th
inst., by the Rev. J.A. Mulock, Ezra Mallory, son of Edwin Mallory, Esq.,
Fredericksburgh, to Phila Anne Trumpour, of
Adolphustown. |
Jan 16 1855 Kingston Daily News |
Mallory - Trumpour |
Wedding Bells - An
interesting occasion was the marriage of Marshall Mallory, son of Ezra
Mallory, and May Trumpour, daughter of John Trumpour, Adolphustown. The
wedding took place, Wednesday, 15th inst. They were supported by the bride's
brother and sister, Frank and Miss Trumpour, whilst a numerous company of
ladies and gentlemen, the immediate relatives of the contracting parties,
witnessed the celebration. The bride was the recipient of many handsome and
useful presents. |
Mar 21 1893 Daily British Whig |
Manley - Thomas |
- On the 23rd ult., by the Rev. E. Whitworth, at the residence of
Mr. T. Bush, of Calstor, Mr. Henry G. Manley, of Chesley, county Bruce, to
Miss Rebecca Thomas, of the township of Calstor, and county Lincoln. |
7 1885 The
Christian Guardian |
Mardell - Loyst |
In the chapel of St. George's United Church, Toronto, by Rev. R. McRae,
Wednesday, July 25th, 1945, Nursing Sister Lenora Loyst, R.C.A.F. the
daughter of Mrs. Loyst, Napanee and the late J.E. Loyst, to Reg. Sergt.-
Major John P. Mardall, of Toronto, Ont. |
1945 Tibbutt Scrapbooks |
Markwell- Allen |
– At Napanee, on Jan. 20th George Markwell, to Violet Allen,
daughter of Thomas Allen, of Adolphustown. |
Jan 24 Daily
British Whig |
Marsh – McDonald |
Peter Marsh, township of
Fredericksburgh, bachelor, born in Canada, son of Benjamin and Christine
Marsh aged 23 years and Mary McDonald, same place, spinster, born in Ireland
daughter of John and Julia McDonald aged 20 years, married by license 22nd
August 1867. James John Bogert. |
1867 Napanee
Parish Register |
Marshall – Fitchett |
– A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Bay parsonage, Napanee, on Saturday afternoon
when Etta Lorien, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitchett of N.
Fredericksburgh was united in marriage to Raymon Keith, eldest son of Mrs.
Myrtle Marshall and the late Clarence Marshall of Bloomfield. The bride was
becomingly attired in a frock of queen’s blue crepe with Gainsboro model hat
and was attended by her sister, Mrs. Wilfred Baird, who wore a navy ensemble
with hat to match. The groom was supported by Wilfred Baird and the ceremony
performed by Rev. A.C. McAllum of the Bay circuit. Following the
ceremony the couple left for a short honeymoon following which they will take
up residence at Bloomfield where the groom is well known. The bride is a
member of Anderson United Church and is active in the work of the young
people’s union. |
27 1942 Kingston
Whig Standard |
Martin - Robinson |
ROBINSON - On Wednesday, December 31st, 1919, at the home of the
bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Robinson, Selby, by Rev. E. Farnsworth,
Thomas Albert Martin, Selby and Freda Marguerite Robinson. |
1919 Newspaper
Clipping |
Martin - Small |
- On the 11th inst., by the
Rev. Walter W. Lloyd at the residence of the bride’s brother-in-law, Mr. John
Martin, of Otonabee, to Miss Eliza Ann Small, of Dummer. |
26 1885 The
Christian Guardian |
Maybee – Campbell |
By the Rev. M.
Whiting on Feb. 27th , Mr. Peter Maybee of Sidney to Miss Sarah
Campbell of Adolphustown. |
2 1834 Christian
Guardian |
McCabe – Gregory |
– On June 8th, P.R. McCabe, clerk, North Fredericksburgh to Miss
Emma Gregory, Napanee. |
20 1889 Weekly
British Whig |
McCabe – Joyce |
In Napanee, June 26th, Ashton McCabe, North Fredericksburgh, to
Martha J. Joyce, Percy. |
26 1888 Weekly
British Whig |
McCabe - Knapp |
Wedding Bells -
McCabe-Knapp A very quiet and
pretty wedding took place at 12 o'clock noon, on June 27th, at Grace Church parsonage,
when Rev. A.J. Terrill united in marriage Beatrice Lorena, daughter of Mrs.
C.A. Knapp, Dundas Street, Napanee, to Wilfrid Waldorf McCabe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edda McCabe, of North Fredericksburgh. They were attended by the bride's
sister, Mrs. Eugene Badgley and Mr. Eugene Badgley. The bride was very
becomingly gowned in new green crepe meteor, with hat to match, and wore the
groom's gift, a beautiful string of pearls. After the ceremony the party
repaired to the bride's home, where a wedding breakfast was served, after
which the happy couple left on a motor trip to Detroit, the bride travelling
in a navy suit of Poiret twill. |
6 1923 Napanee
Beaver |
McCabe - Loyst |
McCABE-LOYST - On Oct 7th, E. McCabe, North
Fredericksburgh to Miss Elizabeth Ann Loyst, South Fredericksburgh. |
14 1891 Daily
British Whig |
McCabe - Matthews |
McCABE-MATTHEWS - At the Bay Parsonage, on
Tuesday, Jan. 1st, 1918, by Rev. W.S. Boyce, P.D., Effie A. Matthews to
Herbert McCabe, both of North Fredericksburgh. |
4 1918 Napanee
Beaver |
McCabe – O’Neill |
McCABE-O’NEILL – At South Napanee on Oct 28th,
Frank S. McCabe and Miss Maggie O’Neill, both of North Fredericksburgh. |
3 1903 Daily
British Whig |
McCabe - Schryver |
McCABE-SCHRYVER - On Wednesday, October
15th, by the Rev. B.S. white, Piety Hill, Wilson C. McCabe, of North
Fredericksburgh to Martha Schryver, of Napanee. |
17 1902 Napanee
Express |
McCalpin - Harrison |
- On the 10th ult., by Rev. W. Pyke, at the residence of the
bride’s father, John Walter McCalpin, to Jennie Elizabeth Harrison all of
Gananoque, Ont. |
7 1885 The
Christian Guardian |
McCarty - Fralick |
On Tuefday the
29th, the REV WILLIAM McCARTY, Minifter of the Lutheran
Congregation to Mifs CLARISSA FRALICK. |
3 1816 Kingston Gazette |
McCaugherty - Brown |
Wm. Edgar
McCaugherty, age 21, Res: Amherst Island, b. Amherst Island, Bachelor, Farmer, Presbyterian,
son of Harold McCaugherty & Agnes Jane Glenn. Janie Elizabeth
Brown, age 20, Res: Amherst Island, Stella, b. Amherst Island, Spinster,
United Church of Can., dau of Wesley Brown & Margaret Agnes Filson. Married at Conway March 19th, 1939, G.A.
Puttenham, Minister of Adolphustown Charge. Witnesses: Eva G. McCaugherty, Stella & Gordon
Mack, Dorland. |
Methodist Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 |
McCaugherty - Fisher |
- At Bath Anglican Rectory by Rev. Walker on Saturday, April 15th,
1933, Mary Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher, Ernesttown, and
William Anthony McCaugherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCaugherty of South
Fredericksburgh. McCaugherty-Fisher
– At the rectory on Saturday afternoon, April 15, Miss Mary Fisher, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher of Morven, became the bride of William McCaugherty,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCaugherty of Sillsville. The ceremony was
performed by the rector, Rev. L.O. Walker. The attendants were Miss Helen
McCaugherty, sister of the groom and George Fisher, brother of the bride.
After the ceremony the happy couple left by motor for points east and they
will reside in Sillsville. The groom is well known in Bath and is a grandson
of Anthony McCaugherty and the late Mrs. McCaugherty. |
1933 Newspaper
Clipping Apr
24 1933 Kingston
Whig Standard |
McConnell - Waldron |
Married - At
Napanee, on the 9th March, Mr. Alexander McConnell, of Napanee, to Miss Jane Waldron,
of North Fredericksburgh. |
2 1874 Weekly
British Whig |
McCoy - Mullett |
At Bath, on the
25th February, by the Rev. Mr. Harper, MR. LEWIS McCOY, of
Kingston, to MISS DEBORAH MULLETT, of Picton. |
13, 1844 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
McCrea - Moore |
Ernestown, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Archdeacon Stuart, MR.
THOMAS W. McCREA, of Kingston to MISS CAROLINE, second daughter of SAMUEL
MOORE Esq., of Ernestown. |
22 1845 British
Whig |
McCrudden - Crozier |
Married - On
March 2- (?) James McCrudden and Miss Mary J. Crozier, both of South
Fredericksburgh. |
26 1894 British
Whig |
McCrudden- Humphrey |
– At Grace parsonage, Napanee, on Wednesday, January 2th
[sic –see following notcie],
1921, by Rev. W.P. Rogers, B.A., William J. McCrudden and Myrtle Mae
Humphrey, both of Sillsville. Wedded at
Napanee – William McCrudden, Sillsville, was united in marriage to Miss
Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Humphrey, Dorland, on January 26th,
by Rev. W. Rogers at Grace Methodist parsonage, Napanee. The happy couple left for Toronto and other
western points on their honeymoon. The
bride is a sister of Mrs. Fred Harper, 87 Bay street, Kingston. She has been organist in the U.E.L.
centennial Methodist church, Adolphustown, for the past ten years, and her
services will be greatly missed. |
29 1921 Kingston
Standard Feb
3 1921 Daily
British Whig |
McCullough - Roblin |
McCullough -
Roblin A quiet wedding
took place at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, August 23rd, at Sydenham Street
United Church, Kingston, when Geneva C., daughter of Mrs. W.D. Roblin, of
Adolphustown, became the bride of John R., son of Mr. and Mrs. David
McCullough, of Kingston. The Rev. Geo Brown, D.D., of Chalmers United Church
was the officiating clergyman. The bride was
becomingly attired in platinum grey crepe, with trimmings of brown and wore a
brown hat and other accessories. She was attended by her sister, Miss
Kathleen Roblin, of Napanee, who wore jade green with black trimming and a
black hat and other accessories. The groom was attended by his brother,
Howard McCullough, of Kingston. Following the
ceremony the bridal party motored to Gananoque for the wedding luncheon. The
bride's travelling costume was a brown
and orange travel tweed, with brown fox fur and other matching
accessories. After a motor
trip to Ottawa and Eastern Quebec, the bride and groom will reside at the
Hochelaga Apartments, 24 Sydenham Street, Kingston. |
30 1933 Napanee
Beaver |
McCullough – Sherman |
On December 29th,
by Rev. A. Young, John McCullough, of Tyendinaga to Euretta
Sherman, of North Fredericksburgh. |
7 1882 Kingston Daily
News |
McDonald – Cadman |
McDONALD – CADMAN – On the 14th inst., by Rev. H. I. Allen, Mr. W.
H. McDonald of Conway to Miss Ella Maud Cadman of Sandhurst. |
23 1890 Napanee Express |
McDonald - Vandewaters |
VANDEWATERS - On Aug 17th, William McDonald to Hattie Vandewaters South
Fredericksburgh. |
13 1887 Daily
British Whig |
McDonell - Lyons |
At Bath on the
20th January, by the Rev. John Stoughton, MR. ARCHIBALD McDONELL,
Merchant, of Kingston, to MISS SUSAN LYONS of the former place. |
Kingston Chronicle Jan
21 1820 |
McDowall - McDairmid |
Married - On the
17th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Finlay, Mr. J. McDowall, Merchant, Kingston,
third son of the late Rev. Robert McDowall, of Fredericksburgh, to Henrietta,
daughter of Mr. D. McDairmid, Glengarry, Canada. |
24 1843 Kingston
Herald |
McEwen - Wiseman |
Married -At
Morven, Jan. 22d James McEwen of Peterboro to Mary Jane Wiseman, of Hamburg. |
26 1878 British
Whig |
McKay - Ranken |
Tuefday evening laft, at Erneft town by the Rev Mr. John Wilfon, Roderick
McKay, Efq., Collector of his Majesty’s Customs to Mifs Elizabeth
Ranken both of that place. |
Kingston Gazette Jan
13 1818 |
McKenzie - Baxter |
At Bath on the
28th inst., by the same [Rev. J. Stoughton], John McKenzie,
Esq, merchant of Toronto to Miss Mary Baxter, of Kingston. |
2 1835 British
Whig |
McKenzie - McKenzie |
Ernest Town, on Tuesday the 19th inst, by the Rev John Machar,
George McKenzie Esq., Barrister at Law, to Miss Sarah, second daughter of Colin
McKenzie, Esq. |
23 1829 Kingston
Chronicle |
McKeown – Swayne |
SWAYNE WEDDING AT BONARLAW - NAPANEE July 8 - A wedding of interest to the residents of the
Bath district in particular, was recently solemnized at the church of St.
Mark, Bonarlaw, when Miss Jessie Gwendolyn Hope
Swayne, only daughter of Rev. Canon Swayne and Mrs. Swayne, became the bride
of Clarence Lindsay McKeown, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. McKeown of the
township of Rawdon. The ceremony was
performed by the bride’s father, the rector of Rawdon,
and Rev. W. G. Hope Swayne, rector of Tweed and Madoc, gave the bride
away. The young couple were unattended
and immediately after the ceremony left on an extended motor trip. The bride’s
father was rector of Bath and Ernestown for some years and then went to Rawdon where he was greatly instrumental in the erection
of the beautiful church at Bonarlaw. |
Newspaper Clipping |
McLean - Kelley |
KELLEY - McLEAN - At the
residence of the bride’s father, James Kelley, Strathcona, Ont., July 5 1900, by the Rev. J. Gandier, assisted by Rev. J. B. McLean, of Upper Stewiacke, N.S., Jennie Kelley to Alister
MacLean, mechanical engineer of Hopewell, Pictou
Co. N.S. |
1900 From
the Watson Scrapbooks |
McMurrin - Sharpe |
– At the residence of Mr. A.C. Parkes, Napanee, on
Wednesday, Jan. 13th, 1897, by the Rev. W. Peck, Mr. James McMurrin of Adolphustown to Mrs. Mary Jane Sharpe of
North Fredericksburgh. A quiet wedding
took place at the residence of Mr. A.C. Parks, Napanee, on Thursday, when Mr.
James McMurrin, a prosperous and highly respected
farmer of Adolphustown, was united in wedlock to Mrs. Wm. Sharpe, of Hay Bay.
The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.W. Peck. The EXPRESS
extends congratulations. McMurrin -
Sharpe - A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. A. C.
Parks, Bridge street, Napanee, on Thursday morning, 14th
inst. The contracting parties were Mr.
James McMurrin and Mrs. Mary Jane Sharp, of
Adolphustown. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. W. W. Peck, in the presence of a few intimate friends
after which all sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast, which reflected
credit on the hostess. The happy
couple drove over to his home at Gosport, in the afternoon. THE BEAVER extends congratulations. |
15th 1897 Napanee
Express From the Watson Scrapbooks |
McWhirter - Henderson |
Married - ON Monday,
October 10th, by Rev. W. Macaulay, Mr. David McWhirter, of Marysburgh, to
Miss Eliza Anna Henderson, of the village of Hallowell. |
25 1836 Upper
Canada Herald |
Meagher - Crawford |
MEAGHER - A very pretty wedding occurred
at the Church of the Assumption, Erinsville, on Wednesday, February 12th,
when Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. John
Crawford was united in Holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. M. Meagher of
Read. Rev. Father Carey
officiating. At nine o’clock, the
bridal party entered the church and proceeded to the altar to the strains of
Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Miss M. Dwyer of Napanee. The bride wore a tailor made suit of many
blue with cream lace blouse and pretty hat to match. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mamie
Crawford, similarly attired, while the groom was supported by his cousin, Mr.
M. Hanley. After the ceremony the
guests drove to the home of the bride’s parents, where a sumptuous dinner was
served. After congratulations, Mr. and
Mrs. Meagher left on the evening train amid showers of rice and best wisher
for Toronto and Hamilton. |
Clipping |
Melbourne – Joyce |
At the Western Methodist Parsonage, Napanee, on Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1911, by Rev.
J.P. Wilson, Thos. Melbourne, of Marlbank to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Joyce, Adolphustown. |
6 1911 Kingston Daily
Standard |
Mellow - Armstrong |
At Napanee, on Dec
25th, Felix Mellow, South Fredericksburgh to Miss Sarah Maria Armstrong,
Bath. |
Dec 29 1900 Daily British Whig |
Mellow – Benn |
The home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Benn, Sharps Corners, was the scene of a lovely wedding Saturday
afternoon, last when their daughter, Muriel Essie, became the bride of Leslie
Mellow, son of Mrs. E. Mellow and the late Arthur Mellow of Sillsville. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.T. Caswell and the wedding music was played
by Miss Helen Collins. Roses, peonies,
iris and other early summer flowers formed an effective setting for the
bridal party. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was
beautiful in her powder blue street length dress and white accessories, with
a corsage of sweetheart roses and baby’s breath and wearing the groom’s gift,
a gold locket. She carried a white Bible, presented to her by her niece,
little Doreen Asselstine. The bride was attended by Miss Fanny Mellow, sister
of the groom who was becomingly attired in a dusty rose suit with white
accessories and wearing a corsage of sweetheart roses and baby’s breath.
Kenneth Benn, brother of the bride, was best man. The groom’s gift to the
bridesmaid was a gold bracelet; to the pianist, a cameo necklace and to the best
man, a gold bar pin. Following a
dainty luncheon, the happy couple left for Niagara Falls and other points,
the bride travelling in a dusty rose dress and matching accessories. Upon
their return they will reside at Sillsville. |
June 12 1941 Kingston
Whig Standard |
Mellow - Clark |
Wedding Bells
Mellow-Clark A pretty July
wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday
afternoon, July 23rd, when Miss E. Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah
Clarke, of Cresswell, became the wife of Rev. harry
Mellow, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Mellow, of Gretna, near Napanee. The
bridesmaid was Matie Mellow, of Napanee, sister of
the groom, and the best man was Mr. Albert Clark, of Cresswell,
brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Smith. Following
the wedding dinner, the happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to points in
Western Ontario. On their return they will reside at Manilla,
where the groom is a minister of the United Church. The groom is a native of
this district, where he received his early education, after which he attended
the university. Those present from Napanee were: Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Mellow,
Mr. Fred Mellow and children, Miss Matie Mellow,
Mrs. Laura Parks. |
Mellow - Davy |
At Bath, on March 24th, Frank Leslie Mellow, Napanee, to Lillian
May Davy, Bath. MELLOW- DAVY -
At the Methodist Parsonage, Bath, on Wednesday, March 24th, 1920, Frank
Leslie Mellow, of Napanee, to Lillian May Davy, of Bath, by Rev. E.O. Seymour. |
Mar 29 1920 Daily British Whig Mar 26 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Mellow – Jayne |
At the home of Mr. Adam H. Jayne, Napanee, on Wednesday evening, March 8th,
1911, by Rev. W.S. Boyce, B.D., of Wilton, Mary E. Jayne to Arthur W. Mellow,
of Sillsville. |
20 1911 Kingston Daily
Standard |
Mellow - Wager |
On the 25th inst., by the Rev. John Stewart, assisted by Rev. Mr. Wager, at the
residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Wager, Mr. John P. Mellow, of
North Fredericksburgh to Miss Cinderella Wager, of the same place. |
30 1882 Napanee Beaver |
Mellow - Wagar |
On September 27th, by the Rev. J. Stewart, Mr. Wm. H. Mellow, of Deseronto,
to Miss Alzina Wagar of North Fredericksburgh. |
1 1881 Napanee
Beaver |
Mellow - Young |
Merton Hubert
Mellow, age 25, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh,
Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Thomas Mellow & Georgina Card. Ione Louise
Young, age 19, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. South Fredericksburgh,
Spinster, Methodist, dau. of John Young & Hattie Davis. Married at S.
Fredericksburgh, September 20, 1916, by Arthur L. Phelps. Witnesses: Lela J. Phelps & John A. Young |
Methodist Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 |
Merritt – Campbell |
CEREMONY - The marriage of Miss Catherine
Campbell, daughter of Lieut. Colonel Campbell of Kingston, to Mr. Thomas
Edward Merritt, accountant in the Napanee branch of the Merchant’s bank, and eldest son of Capt. T. E. Merritt, of
Kingston, which took place in St. James’ church on Wednesday afternoon was
attended with every success and witnessed by a large and fashionable
gathering. About 1:30 Col. Campbell
with the bride upon his arm ascended the centre aisle of the church followed
by the bridesmaid, Miss Violet Campbell.
Miss Campbell wore a trousseau of white corded silk trimmed with lilac
and orange blossoms and pearl ornaments.
As she passed through the avenue of admiring faces there were
expressions of delight and satisfaction at her appearance and the beauty and
grace which at all times is so well known to Kingstonians
as to need no comment. The bridesmaid
Miss Violet Campbell wore a white crape cloth trimmed with yellow
bengaline. Simultaneously with the
appearance of the bride at the door the organ pealed the beautiful coronation
march under the direction of Miss Norma Tandy, and the groom with his
assistant, Fred Merritt, ascended to the chancel. When the organ ceased playing the Rev. B.
B. Smith, proceeded with the beautiful church of England marriage
service. The service was quickly over
and the golden ringlet was place in its final resting place the kiss of the
husband imprinted upon the brides fair lips and the vestry’s quiet precincts
were sought to seal the contract in black and white. Miss Tandy at this juncture performed Mendlesohn’s wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt entered the cab and
were driven to the residence of Col. Campbell, Kings street, where the
wedding luncheon was spread. The happy
couple left by the 3.40 train for the west amid a shower of rice and old
slippers. They will visit Toronto,
Niagara Falls and Owen Sound where they will take the C. P. R. Steamer for
Duluth. The display of presents was so
large that they occupied a room by themselves. Among the guests noticed at the ceremony
were Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald, of Regina, and Mrs. Kennear,
of Halifax, aunt of the bride. |
11 1891 Napanee Express |
Metcalfe – McCoventry |
METCALFE-McCOVENTRY – At Napanee, on Thursday, Nov. 4th,
1915, by the Rev. J.H.H. Coleman, Percy Duke Metcalfe and Lillian McCoventry, both of South Fredericksburgh. |
6 1915 Daily
Standard |
Milborn – Pearson |
Henry Milborn
batchelor & Mary Ann Pearson spinster both of Fredericksburgh were married
after publications of banns on the 27th Feb 1844 by
me Saltern Givins Rector. |
1844 Parish
Register Tyendinaga |
Miles - Ruttan |
At the Methodist Parsonage, Conway, on January 9th, 1922, William T. Miles, of
Ernesttown Township to Martha Ella Ruttan, of South Fredericksburgh, by Rev.
William H. Webber. |
17 1922 Napanee
Beaver |
Miller – Brackey |
John Miller
of the Township of Fredericksburgh, Batchelor and Eliza Brackey
of the Township of Ernestown, Spinster were married, by licence
at Napanee on the sixth day of January 1832. In presence of William & Catherine Miller by me Saltern
Givins. |
1832 Parish
Register Tyendinaga |
Miller - Carscallen |
A very
interesting event occurred at the residence of John C. Carscallen, North
Fredericksburgh, the wedding of his
daughter, Edith E., to Benj. Miller of Ernestown. The ceremony was performed
by Dr. MacDiarmid in the presence of a large number of intimate friends of
the contracting parties. The bride was handsomely attired in cream cashmere,
trimmed with ribbon and lace, and was attended by Miss Ettie
Miller, sister of the groom. The groom was assisted by Fred. B. Carscallen,
brother of the bride. After the ceremony the company partook of a sumptuous
repast. The presents to the bride were numerous and costly , and showed the
esteem in which the young couple are held by their many friends. |
25 1895 British
Whig |
Miller - Cumming |
MARRIED - On Monday
evening, May 2nd, buy the Rev. W. Macaulay, Mr. James Miller,
Merchant, of the firm of J. & J. Miller, Hallowell, to Miss Eliza Ann
Cumming, daughter of the late James Cumming, Esq. of Picton |
18 1836 Kingston
& Gazette |
Miller - Davy |
MARRIED - At the
village of Bath, on the 17th inst., by the Revd.
Job Deacon, Mr. John W. Miller, Merchant, of Munroe, Michigan Territory, to
Miss Amelia Maria, daughter of Peter Davy, Esq. The happy pair left town today in the Great
Britain for the west. |
18 1836 Kingston
& Gazette |
Miller - Galt |
Wedding Bells -
Galt-Miller A very
interesting event took place at the residence of Mrs. R.J. Galt, Hawley, on
Wednesday, Feb. 11th, when her only daughter, Florence Alberta, was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony to Fred. E., eldest son of Mr. John F. Miller, of
Morven, in the presence of about ninety invited guests. The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. W.A. Guy, of Bath. At 8 o'clock the groomsman, Mr. C.W. Miller, entered the parlor taking his place
under a tastefully arranged arch, and was followed immediately by the groom,
while the wedding march was played by Mrs. J.A. Clute, of Dorland. The bride
was charmingly attired in white cashmere with satin and pearl trimmings, and
the conventional veil and orange blossoms and carried an exquisite bouquet of
white roses. She was given away by Mr. F. Galt, and was assisted by Miss
Annie Yorke, of Tamworth, and Miss May Alkenbrack,
of Flinton, who wore pink and pale blue cashmere.
After congratulations the company repaired to the dining room where a
sumptuous repast had been prepared. The bride's travelling suit was of wedgewood blue cloth with white silk blouse and hat to
match. Mr. and Mrs. Miller left for the 2 o'clock train amidst showers of
rice and the best wishes of the company. The wedding tour will include St. Catharines and other western points. The groom's present
to the bride was a handsomely engraved locket with opal and diamond settings
and to each of the bridesmaids a gold pin. The bride is a very popular young
lady and is well known in Napanee being a graduate of the Collegiate
Institute. The esteem of her numerous friends was manifested by the many
beautiful presents received. |
not given Tibbutt Scrapbooks |
Miller - Gerow |
On Wednesday evening, June 21st, 1905, by Rev. J.R. Real at the residence of
the bride's parents, Palace Road, Mr. Elmore B. Miller, of North Fredericksburgh,
to Miss Olive Gertrude Gerow, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Gerow. MILLER-GEROW - A
very pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.F.
Gerow, Palace Road on Wednesday evening when their only daughter, Olive Gertrude
became the bride of Mr. Elmer B. Miller. The ceremony was performed in the
drawing room at 8.30 by Rev. J.R. Real under a beautiful arch of orange
blossoms and ferns. The bride was given away by her father. Miss May Johnson,
Prince Edward, playing Mendelssohn's Wedding March. Owing to a recent
bereavement in the family of the groom, only the immediate relations and
close friends of the contracting parties were present. The bride looked very
sweet and dainty in a gown of brown silk voile attended by Miss Louisa Bell,
Morven. Mr. Donald Gerow, of the Molson's Bank, Hamilton supported the groom.
After the ceremony the company were served a dainty wedding supper, and after
a few hours of social intercourse the young couple left on the midnight train
for Toronto and Simcoe. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside at
Morven. The large number
of useful and handsome presents received by the bride testify amply to her
popularity among her friends. |
23 1905 Napanee
Express |
Miller - Hicks |
At the residence of the bride's father, Jos. Hicks, Reeve of North
Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1920, by Rev. T.H.P. Anderson,
Katherine Aletha Hicks to Harry B. Miller. HICKS-MILLER An event of
considerable local interest took place at the home of Mr. Jos. Hicks, Reeve
of North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1920, when his only
daughter, Kathryn A. (Kitty), was united in marriage to Mr. Harry B. Miller,
son of Mr. W.R. and Mrs. Miller, of Bethany. The marriage vows were received
by Rev. Thos. H.P. Anderson, in the presence of about eighty guests. Just a
high noon the bridal party, passing through the ribboned
aisle, to the strains of music, took their places in the spacious dining
room, under an arch of evergreens, flowers and wedding bells. The bride,
beautifully gowned in white crepe-de-chine trimmed with silver lace and
wedding veil caught with orange blossoms, and carrying a sheaf of white roses
tied with wide satin ribbon entered on the arm of her father, who escorted
her to the waiting groom and their assistants. Miss Marguerite
Miller, sister of the groom, looking very dainty in pale pink Duchess satin,
and carrying a sheaf of pink roses, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Jas. Hicks,
brother of the bride, ably supported the groom. Miss Marion Miller, niece of
the groom, dressed in white and carrying a basket of white carnations, bore
the ring and Masters Joie Hicks and Ronald Miller acted as pages. Mrs. R.M.
Hyatt, becomingly attired in black taffeta with silver lace, received the
guests at the door. Mrs. Hicks, the bride's mother wore black taffeta with
Georgette and touches of embroidery. Mrs. Miller, the groom's mother, wore
sand crepe-de-chene with Georgette and beads. The groom's gift
to the bride was a silver mesh purse; to the bridesmaid a bar pin set with a
wishbone of pearls; to the best man engraved cuff links, and to the flower
girl a wishbone pin. After Mr. and
Mrs. Miller had received the hearty congratulations of their many friends,
and the register had been signed, the company repaired to the dining room,
where an elaborate luncheon was served. Soon the bride
slipped away to don her travelling suit of navy blue and becoming hat, when
amid showers of confetti, rice and good wishes, the bridal party attended by
several auto loads of guests, motored to Napanee, and took the G.T.R. to
Toronto, Hamilton and other points west. The magnificent
display of furniture, dishes, silver and cut glass, also cash to the amount
of $200.00, showed the high esteem in which these popular young people were
held. A very
delightful reception to the bride and groom was given them on their return
Tuesday evening of this week, by the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. W.R.
Miller, at their residence, Bethany. A very enjoyable time was spent by about
eighty guests. A number of beautiful and useful presents were given the
bride. Mr. and Mrs. Miller served a splendid dinner to the guests, after
which the friends departed, wishing the young couple the heartiest of best
wishes for future years. |
11 1920 Napanee
Beaver |
Miller - Hicks |
At Deseronto, on
Jan. 29th, Nathan B. Miller, North Fredericksburgh, and May E. Hicks, North
Marysburgh. |
14 1895 Weekly
British Whig |
Miller - Loyst |
James H. Miller, age
28, Res: N. Fredericksburgh, b. Canada, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of
Samuel & Margaret Ruttan Marjorie M. Loyst, age 25, Res: S.
Fredericksburgh, b. Canada, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of George & Lenora Dupres Married at S.
Fredericksburgh, Jan 28th, by Roger Allin. Witnesses: W.C. Joyce, N. Fredericksburgh &
Florence Loyst, S. Fredericksburgh. MILLER-LOYST -
On the 28th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. George Loyst,
by Rev. R. Allin, Mr. James H. Miller, of North Fredericksburgh
to Miss Marjorie M. Loyst, of South Fredericksburgh. Loyst-Miller A very pleasing
event took place at the residence of Mr. Geo. Loyst, Parma, on Wednesday
evening, 28th, when their daughter Marjorie was united in marriage to Mr.
Bert Miller, Macdonald, in the presence of about fifty invited guests. Rev.
M. Allin officiating. At eight o'clock the
groomsman, Mr. Will Joyce, entered the parlor taking his place under a very
tastefully arranged arch and was followed immediately by the groom. The bride
was given away by her brother, Major A. Loyst, while the bridesmaid, Miss
Florence Loyst, was attended to her place by her brother, Mr. John Loyst.
After the interesting ceremony was over the guests repaired to the dining
room, where an elegant tea awaited them. The bride was attired in a suit of
fawn ladies cloth. The guests returned to their homes about 1 o'clock, after
having spent a very pleasant evening. The bride was the recipient of the
following presents: Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Loyst - 2 sets lace curtains and mantle drape. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Miller - silver butter knife and raw fruit dish. Miss Ina Miller
- fancy salt and pepper shakers Master Wilford Miller - china cake plate. Miss Lottie
Wagar - fancy china pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Miller - one dozen silver teaspoons. Mr. and Mrs.
G.A. Parnham - berry set. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kimmerly - bedroom set. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Loyst - water set. Mr. and Mrs.
John Loyst and daughter Leo, Bath - silver fruit dish. Mr. and Mrs. N.
Dafoe - set glass fruit dishes and celery dish. Mrs. Margaret
Robinson - porridge dishes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rendall - silver pickle cruet. Mr. and Mrs.
J.T. Loyst - fancy rocking chair. Miss Nellie
Loyst - salad bowl. Master Roy Loyst
- china cake plate. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Hambly - table cloth. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Loyst - silver tea pot. Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Loyst - silver teapot. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Parks - bedspread. Frank Loyst -
agate tea pot. Mr. and Mrs.
John Loyst, Gretna - silver pickle cruet. Miss Florence
Loyst - picture, St. Cecelia, framed. Miss Iva Loyst -
fancy lamp mat. Miss Lepha Whittington - fancy cup and saucer. Mr. J. Wilson -
silver gravy spoon. Mr. Will Joyce -
silver tea pot. Miss Grace
Rikley - fancy goblet. Miss Wilhelmine Fitchett - china cake plate. Mr. C. Salisbury - silver jelly spoon. |
Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 Jan
30 1903 Napanee
Beaver Feb
6 1903 Napanee
Beaver |
Miller - Perry |
On the 14th
March, 1878, by the Rev. S. Might, Mr. James R. Miller of North Fredericksburgh,
to Miss Sarah E., daughter of Capt. S.W. Perry of Morven. |
27 1878 Daily
News |
Miller - Roblin |
- The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roblin, Adolphustown, was the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 21st, high noon, when Mary
Alberta, their only daughter, was united in marriage to Alfred F., son
of Mr. Robert Miller, of Wilton. The ceremony took place in the bay window
under festoons of evergreens, and was performed by Rev. S. Ferguson, uncle of
the bride, assisted by Rev. H. Thomas, pastor of Adolphustown Methodist
church, of which the bride was organist.
The bride was given away by her father, and was prettily gowned in
cream silk striped voile, trimmed with cream and gold applique,
with yoke of mousseline de sole and bertha of
chiffon. She also wore the gift of the
groom, a gold necklace, and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. Mendelssohn’s wedding march was beautifully
rendered by the bride’s cousin, Mrs. J. Hudgin. The bridesmaid was Miss Dace Cadman, of
Gosport, while Mr. Bert Asselstine, of Wilton, assisted the groom. The bridesmaid was becomingly attired in a
cream silk moire with yoke of allover lace and
trimmings of cream medallions. She
carried a bouquet of pink carnations.
The present of the groom to the brides maid was a crescent and
fleur-de-lis pin set with pearls.
After the ceremony refreshments were served to about sixty guest. The bride’s going away gown was muskivite cloth with waist of blue silk and hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Miller left on the train for
Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec, on the afternoon train. |
the Watson Scrapbook s Aug
19 1904 Napanee
Express |
Miller - Sharp |
29th Mr. William Miller to Miss Alada Sharp,
both of Ernest Town. |
Kingston Chronicle Oct
15 1819 |
Milligan - Gaskell |
Milligan, age 40, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Camden East, Bachelor, Labourer, Methodist, son of Jane Traner[?]
& Philip Milligan. Sarah Gaskell, age
21, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Selford,
England, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Hannah Prueless
[?] & George Gaskell Married at
Conway, June 9th, 1898 by A. L. Adams Witnesses: Frank Peacor,
Conway & Loisa Peacor,
Conway |
Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 |
Milling - Chalmers |
A quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized at the Rectory about nine o'clock Saturday
morning, when Miss Edythe Chalmers, of this place, was joined in holy
matrimony to Mr. Hugh Milling, of Bath. |
12 1918 Napanee
Beaver |
Milling - Fretts |
In Napanee, at
the Parsonage of the Morven Circuit, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. A.C.
Chambers, Mr. John Milling, to Frances, third daughter of W.R. Fretts, all of
South Fredericksburgh. |
26 1879 Daily
British Whig |
Mills - Claringbold |
Married - In St.
George's Cathedral, Kingston, on the 8th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Wilson,
Joseph Mills of Peterborough, Ont., to Emma Louise, second daughter of Henry P.
Claringbold, South Fredericksburgh. |
15 1883 Weekly
British Whig |
Mills - Plested |
Clayton Edward
Mills, age 28, Res: North Fredericksburgh, b. Cleveland Ohio, U.S.A.,
Bachelor, Farmer, Christian Science, son of George C. Mills & Hazel S. Seager. Muriel Sarah Plested, age 27, Res:
Adolphustown, b. Brampton, Ont., Spinster, Baptist, dau. of George Plested & Eva Glenn. Married at
Adolphustown, June 22nd, 1940, by G. A. Puttenham, minister,
Adolphustown U.C. Witnesses: Robert Smith, Box 348, Napanee &
Beatrice A. Perry, Napanee. MILLS-PLESTED A pretty wedding
was solemnized Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o’clock when Muriel Plested, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Plested, Le Nid Farm,
Adolphustown, became the bride of Clayton Mills, Napanee. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. George Puttenham, minister of the Adolphustown charge,
assisted by Rev. W.H. Truscott of Tamworth. The ceremony took place in the
garden at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe, Toronto, which is
near the bride’s home. The altar consisted of ferns, iris, peonies and
delphiniums. The bride’s gown
was an imported model of white chiffon over satin with a matching halo and
she carried a beautiful bouquet of American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid was
Miss Betty Perry, Napanee, who wore a long gown of white net over satin and a
fuchsia straw picture hat and carried an arm bouquet of peony buds. The best
man was Robert Smith, Napanee. Preceding the
bride and bridesmaid to the altar was Miss Glenna Somers, cousin of the
bride, who acted as flower girl. She wore a long white net dress with a small
turban to match. The bride’s
mother was attired in a gown of navy blue sheer with hat to match and wore a
corsage of roses. The groom’s mother wore a dress of navy blue sheer and a
white felt hat with blue veil and a corsage of roses. Following the
ceremony the guests, numbering about fifty, extended their felicitations and
best wishes to the bride and groom and dainty refreshments were served on the
lawn. The bride and
groom will spend their honeymoon at the Manor House, Picton, and after July 1
will be at home at their farm, R.R. No. 3 Napanee. The guests from
a distance, who were present for the ceremony were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plested, Brampton; Mrs. Kerr, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs.
Somers and Glenna, Cainsville; Mrs. Elton Seager, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and Miss Marion Mills,
Detroit. |
Methodist Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 1940 Magee Scrapbooks |
Minaker – Magee |
The marriage of Miss
Jean Magee, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Magee, to Mr. Lewis Minaker, of Milford, took place at the United Church
Parsonage, Picton, by the Rev. F.M. Wootton, on
November 18th. |
1931 Magee
Scrapbook |
Minifie – Lloyd |
In Kingston,
Ont., by Father Lacey, on Feb 8th, 1927, Miss Lulu Lloyd, South
Fredericksburgh, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, to Howard,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Minifie, Kingston. |
9 1927 Kingston
Whig Standard |
Mitts - Forbes |
Tuesday, the 1st day of April, MR. JOHN MITTS of Fredericksburgh
to MRS. ANNA FORBES by Licence. |
5 1817 Kingston Gazette |
Moffat - Danby |
On the 8th ult., by the Rev. S. Blanshard,
at the residence of the bride’s father, William Moffat to Miss Matilda,
daughter of Benjamin Danby, Esq., all of Caledon. |
9 1887 The
Christian Guardian |
Monterief - McWatty |
MARRIED - On the
5th inst., by the Rev. Job. Deacon, Mr. Peter Monterief
aged 73 to Miss Eliza McWatty aged 15, both of
Adolphustown |
31 1831 Kingston
Chronicle |
Moon - Bell |
Kingston, on Dec. 25th, 1918, by W.S. Boyce, B.A., B.D., Bernice Rose
Ethel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bell, to John Douglas Moon,
son of Mr. and Mrs. James Moon, Conway, Ont. Moon-Bell
Wedding A pretty
Christmas wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Bell, Kingston, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 25th,
when their second daughter, Bernice Rose Ethel, was united in marriage to
John Douglas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Moon, Conway by Rev. W.S.
Boyce, B.A., B.D., of Napanee. The groom was attended by his brother, Howard,
and the bride by her sister, Jean. After congratulations, luncheon was served
to the newlyweds and a few immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The
table was centred with the wedding cake and
carnations. The bride looked lovely in a dress of taupe silk poplin with
trimmings of peach satin and fringe. Her going away dress was of navy blue
serge, with crepe de chene blouse and reindeer
velour coat, with hat to match. The bride received many beautiful presents,
among them being a beautiful fruit set from Queen street Methodist choir, of
which she was a member. Mr. and Mrs. Moon left on the 1.15 train Thursday for
Toronto and other western points amid showers of rice and good wishes. They
were accompanied as far as Napanee by the bride’s sister and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Schamehorn. On their return they will
reside at Conway, where the groom is a prosperous young farmer. The groom’s
gift to the bride was a cameo bracelet set with pearls, to the bridesmaid a
cameo pendant with drop pearl, and to the groomsman gold cuff links. |
27 1918 Daily
British Whig Jan
3 1919 Daily
British Whig |
Moore - Alexander |
Monday last, by the Rev. Robert McDowall, MR WILLIAM MOORE to MISS SARAH
ALEXANDER, both of Ernest Town. |
Nov 12
1819 Kingston
Chronicle |
Moore - Barker |
At Hay Bay church parsonage, by the Rev. A.C. McCallum, on Saturday, December
12, 1942, Jena, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Barker of Napanee, and
Bryce, youngest son of Mrs. Herbert Moore and the late Mr. Moore, of Hay Bay. MOORE-BARKER A very quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized at Hay Bay Church parsonage at 12:30 on
Saturday, December 12th, when Rev. A.C. McCallum united in marriage Jean, the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Barker, Robert Street, to Bryce,
youngest son of Mrs. Herbert Moore and the late Mr. Moore of Hay Bay. The bride wore a
becoming dress of soft blue trimmed with a sequin spray of flowers, her
accessories were a contrast in brown. Miss Isobel Moore, sister of the groom,
acted as bridesmaid, wearing a navy blue dress with matching accessories. Mr.
Bill Moore, cousin of the groom, was his best man. The groom's gift
to the bridesmaid was a cameo pendant and to the groomsman, a leather
billfold. After the
ceremony a buffet luncheon was served to the immediate families and a few
close friends at the home of the bride's parents. Amid showers of
confetti, the happy couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls,
the bride travelling in a wine costume with harmonizing accessories. On their
return, Mr. and Mrs. Moore will reside on the groom's farm at Hay Bay. |
16 1942 Napanee
Beaver |
Moore - Bell |
- On Wednesday, 30th ult.,
by Rev. Geo. H. Cornish, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Wm.
Alex. Moore, to Miss Elizabeth Bell, daughter of Mr. Thomas Bell, all of
Stratford. |
7 1885 The
Christian Guardian |
Moore - Brown |
At Napanee on Wednesday, Mar 13th, 1918, by Rev. C. W. DeMille, Stella Louise, daughter of Mrs. Robt. Brown to
George Herring Moore, both of Napanee. |
1918 Newspaper
Clipping |
Moore - McCabe |
At Napanee, on Wednesday, August 30th, by the Revd.
A. Macdonald, B.A., Mr. James Frederick Moore to Miss Sarah Jane (Jennie)
McCabe, both of Hay Bay, North Fredericksburgh. |
1 1911 Napanee
Beaver |
Moore – McPherson |
Jacob Moore and
Katharine McPherson, married January 25, 1830,
Fredericksburgh. |
1830 Lutheran Church
Records |
Moore - Norton |
- On July 20th, at the
residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. W. S. Jamieson, A.M., Mr. Richard
Moore to Miss Mary Louisa Norton, both of Gloucester, Ont. |
28 1886 Christian
Guardian |
Moore - Post |
Napanee, Oct. 1st, W. Moore to Emma M. Post, both of North Fredericksburgh. |
8 1887 Daily
British Whig |
Moore- Thompson |
At Bay parsonage, Dec. 24th, 1918 by W.S. Boyce, B.A. B.D., Miss
Gertrude Willa Thompson, of Napanee to Clifford Ray Moore, son of Robert B.
Moore, of North Fredericksburgh. |
26 1918 Daily
British Whig |
Morden - Clark |
On Feb 1st at Adolphustown, J.B. Morden, M.D., Picton to Miriam A.
Clark, Adolphustown. MORDEN-CLARK –
On the 1st inst., by the Rev. M.J. Bates, at the residence of the bride’s
mother, Adolphustown, J.B. Morden, M.D., of Picton to Miriam A. Clark, M.E.L.
daughter of the late James Clark, Adolphustown. |
9 1888 Weekly
British Whig Feb
22 1888 Christian
Guardian |
Morgan - Quick |
At the Presbyterian Manse, Napanee, on Friday, March 29th, 1912,
by Rev. Dr. A. L. Howard, Mrs. Beatrice T. Quick, of Napanee to Mr. Bertram
Daniel Morgan, San Francisco, Cal. |
1912 From
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Morrison- Cowan |
– A very pretty home wedding took place on Thursday morning at eight o’clock
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Cowan, when their daughter, Miss Ida
Kathleen, became the wife of the Rev H. Loyd
Morrison, of Aylmer, Que. Dr. Shorey,
of Trinity Church, officiated, and was assisted by the Rev. Mr. Waddell, of
Kingston. The bride made a charming
picture in her gown of white charmeuse and
georgette crepe, with veil embroidered in pearls and an armful of bridal
roses. Miss Carrie Cowan, who wore
maize taffeta and Brussels net and carried a sheaf of palest pink
carnations. Little Miss Gertrude
Daverne acted as flower girl and wore a dainty dress of pink organdie. The ceremony took place under an arch of accacia suspended from which was a wedding bell, while
the pink and white of bouquets placed throughout the rooms, completed a very
effective color scheme. The bride was given away by her father and Mr. Geo.
Morrison of New York acted as best man to the groom. The mother of the bride was gowned in grey silk and georgette. Miss Pearl
Nesbitt of Kingston played the wedding march and sang very sweetly after the
ceremony. A wedding breakfast was
served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Morrison motored to Kingston, travelling
from there to New York, where they will spend their honeymoon. Among the out-of-town guest were Mr. L. E.
Percy of Brantford, Rev. and Mrs. Waddell of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Wells of
Princeton, Miss Hamilton of Princeton and Mr. Harold Cowan of Toronto –
Napanee Beaver. |
the Watson Scrapbooks |
Morrow - Mellow |
William Kenneth
Morrow, age 42, Res: RR 1 Bath, Ont.,
b. Township of South Fredericksburgh, Bachelor, Farmer, Church of
England, son of David & Annie Morrow. Fannie Eleanor
Mellow, age 29, Res: RR 1 Bath, Ont., b. Township of South Fredericksburgh,
Spinster, United Church of Canada, dau of Arthur & M. E. Mellow. Married at
Conway Church on July 31st, 1943 by K. J. Crawford, Minister,
United Church of Canada. Witnesses: S. Mary E. Mellow, RR 1 Bath, & Donald
B. Morrow, RR 1 Bath. Wedding Bells -
Morrow-Mellow Amid a profusion
of summer flowers, the Rev. Kenneth Crawford united in marriage Fannie
Eleanor, younger daughter of Mrs. A.W. Mellow and the late Mr. Mellow, and
William Kenneth, youngest son of Mrs. D.H. Morrow and the late Mr. Morrow at
Conway United Church, on Saturday, July 31. Given in
marriage by her brother, Leslie W. Mellow, the bride entered the prettily
decorated church to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin
with Miss E.H. Patterson, Kingston, at the organ. The bride wore a
street-length frock of sky blue sheer with a deep yoked bodice of pin tucks
and ruffles of lace. Her hat and accessories were white and she carried an
arm bouquet of Dream roses and Baby's Breath. Her attendant, Miss Mary
Mellow, wore a Queen's blue charmaine crepe suit
with white accessories and carried a bouquet of pink Gladioli and Baby's
Breath. Mr. Donald
Morrow, nephew of the groom, was best man. Mr. R.A. Young and Mr. Eric D. Feegel, nephew of the groom were ushers. During the
signing of the register, the organist played "Liebstraum"
and "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden." Following the
ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, in
Sandhurst. A lunch was served by several close friends of the bride. The honeymoon
was spent in Uxbridge, Muskoka and Stirling. |
Methodist Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 1943 Tibbutt
Scrapbooks |
Mossop - Roblin |
Wedding Bells -
ROBLIN-MOSSOP A quiet wedding
was solemnized at St. Alban's Church, Adolphustown, on Wednesday, April 19th,
1939, at 3.30 p.m. by the Rev. C.C. Brazill, when Marion Gertrude, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Roblin, Adolphustown, was married to Uriel
Dale, son of Mrs. S.H. Mossop, Toronto. The wedding music was played by the bride's
aunt, Mrs. G.F. Chalmers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore
her travelling ensemble with corsage of roses. Mr. and Mrs. Mossop left immediately after the ceremony for Halifax,
where the groom is District Manager for Hudson Motors of Canada Limited. |
1939 Tibbutt
Scrapbooks |
Mullholland - Bristow |
James Mullholland, age 37, Res:
Sandhurst, b. Ireland, Bachelor, Laborer, Presbyterian, son of James Mullholland & Elizabeth Beatty Ettie M.
Bristow, age 37, Res: Sandhurst, b. Conway, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of James Bristow & Mary E. Carnahan Married at
Sandhurst on December 25, 1906 by W. S. Boyce, Minister, Methodist Witnesses: Samuel J. Bristow, Sandhurst & - - Carnahan, Deseronto. |
Marriage Records Conway
- Adolph. 1896-1950 |
Muxworthy - Hopkins |
HOPKINS - On July 21st, at the residence of the bride’s father, by
the Rev. J. R. Gundy, assisted by the
Rev. Thos. Crews, the Rev. Samuel W. Muxworthy, of
Melrose, Ont., to Frances H., second daughter of Benjamin Hopkins Esq., of
Brownsville, Ont. |
28 1886 The
Christian Guardian |