Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  





Dafoe -



Edward Leslie Dafoe, age 32, Res: Adolphustown, b. S. Fredericksburgh, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of Wilson F. Dafoe & Rosanna Loyst.

Mary Margaret Peters, age 26, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Kingston, Spinster, Methodist, dau of Wm N. Peters & Joanna Heggadorn.

Married at S. Fredericksburgh, February 8th, 1889 by Wm. J. Saunders

Witnesses: W. N. Peters, S. Fredericksburgh & Lucy Sanders, Conway.


DAFOE- PETERS - At Conway, 8th Feby., by Rev. W.J. Saunders, Miss Mary Peters, of Conway to Mr. S. Dafoe, of Hayburn.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.





Dafoe -



PRUYN - DAFOE - At the residence of Mr. Herbert N. Robertson, uncle of the bride, Kingston, on Monday, Nov 20th, 1911 by the Revd. Wm. Kidd, Alice Grange, daughter of the late W.K. and Mrs. Pruyn to Arthur Loree Dafoe, both of Napanee



From the Watson Scrapbooks




DALE – CARTWRIGHT – On Wednesday, December the fifth, at St. Simon’s Church, by the Rev. E. C. Cayley, cousin of the bride, Helen Marjorie, daughter of the late James S. Cartwright, K.C. and Mrs. Cartwright, to Captain Gordon McIntyre Dale, R.A.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dale of St. Thomas, Ont.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Daly -



BOGART - DALY - At the residence of the brides’ mother, Mrs. Mortimer C. Bogart, Piety Hill, Napanee, on Thursday, 3d November 1898, by Rev. Dr. Crothers, Miss Carrie Eva Bogart and Mr. Stewart L. Daly.


Bogart - Daly - A pretty autumn wedding took place at eleven o’clock yesterday, at the residence of Mrs. Mortimer C. Bogart, Piety Hill, Dundas street, when her only daughter, Miss Carrie Eva, was united in marriage to Mr. Stuart L. Daly, of this town.  Both of the contracting parties are well known and popular, and their many friends join in wishing them every happiness.  The wedding was very quiet and unostentatious, there being present only the immediate relatives and friends.  The drawing room was prettily decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums, and the ceremony was performed beneath a canopy of smylax, by the Rev. D. Crothers, pastor of the Eastern Methodist church.  Prof. Henwood played the opening strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march  as the bride entered the room, preceded by two pretty little girls, Miss Genevieve Bogart and Miss Annie McKim, dressed in cream and pink, carrying bouquets of white and pink carnations, and was given away by her brother, Mr. Frank Bogart.   The bride looked charming in her travelling dress, a neat tailor-made gown of sage green broad cloth, lined with pale green silk, and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of white roses.  The bride’s maid, Miss Maud Huffman, of Belleville, wore a becoming tailor made gown of “Bois” cloth,  edged with sable fur, and carried a bouquet of pink roses and looked very pretty.  The groom was assisted by Mr. M.J. Bogart, brother of the bride.  At the conclusion of the ceremony refreshments were served to the guests, and the future happiness of the bridal pair was toasted with great heartiness.  The happy pair were then driven to the F. T. R. station and took the 1.59 p.m. train for Detroit and other western points.  The presents were handsome and costly and spoke of the high esteem in which Mr. And Mrs. Daly are held.  On their return they well reside for the winter at the residence at present occupied by the bride’s mother.  THE BEAVER  joins in wishing the happy couple a prosperous life.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Danner -



At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fralick, Calgary, Alta., on Monday, May 13th, 1912, by the Rev. Hunter, Anna L. Haight, of Hawley, Ont., to Mr. Clifford F. Danner of Lacombe, Alberta.


May 24 1912

Napanee Beaver

Darling -



DARLING - CASSELS - At St. Luke’s Church, on 3rd June, by the Rev. W. S. Darling, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, assisted by the Rev. John Langtry, Walter Darling, Uxbridge, Ontario, to Adelaide Isabel, eldest daughter of W. C. Cassels, Esq., of Toronto



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Daverne -



DAVERNE-BRUNER - At Clenboro, Man., on Oct 22d by Rev. J.W. Wool-e, Elva M., youngest daughter of Mrs. A.J. Bruner and grand daughter of the late Matthew Ruttan, to Mr. George L. Daverne, son of Daniel Daverne of Adolphustown.


Oct 31 1902

Napanee Beaver

Daverne –



St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Adolphustown, decorated with gladioli, was the scene of the recent wedding of Alma Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morton of Conway and Richard Melvin Daverne, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Daverne of Adolphustown. Rev. L.O. Walker of Bath officiated.

The bride was attired in a street-length frock of white silk jersey with matching hat of white straw. Her corsage was of American Beauty roses.

Attending the couple were Mrs. James Patterson of Kingston, sister of the bride and Mr. Cummings Daverne, of Bath, brother of the groom. Ushers were Mr. Edwin Morton and Mr. Richard Haight.

Mrs. Harold Haight played the wedding music and during the signing of the register, Mr. Lyndon Gray of Napanee sang “O Perfect Love.”

A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parents where about 40 relatives were served lunch. Later the bride and groom left on a wedding trip to Ottawa. Upon their return they will live on the groom’s farm at Adolphustown.

Guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rawlinson and family of Oshawa, Mrs. Helen Storms of Toronto and Mrs. Harry Phippen of Sydenham.


Sept 4 1947

Kingston Whig Standard

Daverne –



A wedding of interest to the bride’s many friends in Deseronto and vicinity took place quietly in Deseronto United Church on Saturday when Jean, daughter of Mrs. C.E. Schell and the late Mr. Schell was united in marriage with E. Cummings Daverne of Bath, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Daverne of Adolphustown.

Rev. T.F. Townsend, pastor of the church officiated. The bride was becomingly attired in a winter white wool dress with brown accessories and corsage of red roses.

She was attended by her friend Miss Myrtle Reid of Ottawa who chose a dress of turquoise blue with black accessories and corsage of mixed rosebuds.

Mr. Harold Northmore of Bath attended the groom. Following dinner at the bride’s home the young couple left for a trip to Toronto and on their return will reside at Bath where the groom is on the staff of the High School. The bride formerly was employed in Kingston. Mrs. T. Tunnicliffe and Mrs. M. Detlor entertained at the former’s home with a miscellaneous shower in honor of the bride.


Dec 26 1947

Kingston Whig Standard

Davey -



MARRIED - On Thurfday evening laft, by the Rev. Mr Wilfon, Mr. John Davey, InnKeeper to Mifs Frances Wood, both of Erneft town.




Jan 13 1818

David -


MARRIED - On the 25th January, Mr. John David to Miss Phoebe Peters of Ernest Town.



Feb 25 1820

Davies -



DAVIES - WILSON - On Wednesday, August 20th, 1908, at the residence of her grandfather, William Murray of Galt, by the Rev. R. E. Knowles, Margaret Herbertson Wilson to Percy Griffith Davies of Toronto.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Davis -



Thomas Nelson Davis, age 33, Res: Adolphustown, b. Adolphustown, Bachelor, Farmer,

Methodist, son of A. C. Davis & Amy Huffnail

Annie Minnie Elizabeth Allison, age 27, Res: Adolphustown, b. Adolphustown, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Joseph B. Allison & Martha Membery

Married at Adolphustown, December 22, 1897, by A. L. Adams.

Witnesses:  Mary L. A. Allison, Adolphustown & George A. Ruttan, Adolphustown.


Nelson Davis, reeve of Adolphustown was married on Wednesday to Miss Annie Allison, of the same township. The bride was the eldest daughter of J.B. Allison, ex-reeve of the township.


A Christmas Wedding

At the U.E.L. church, Adolphustown, on Wednesday, 22d Dec. Mr. T. Nelson Davis, the popular reeve of that township, and Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. J.B. Allison, were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Adams.  After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Davis accompanied by the following party drove to Napanee: Messrs. F.A. Ruttan, D.W. Roblin, H. Clapp, C.S. Allison and wife, W. Fretz and wife, and Misses Mamie Allison, Bertie Roblin, Ada Clapp, Edith Cadman, Edna Allison and Miss Dorland. The party put up at the Paisley House where a dainty supper, prepared by mine host Douglas, was partaken of. The newly-married couple took the midnight train for a trip to Brockville, Ottawa and other  eastern points. THE BEAVER joins in best wishes for a prosperous and happy life.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Dec 24 1897

Daily British Whig




Davis –



BALFOUR - DAVIS - A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday morning, June 14th, at 11 o’clock at the farm residence of Samuel Balfour, west of Hannah, when Miss Maud Balfour, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Balfour, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred. R. Davis, eldest son of the late M.V. Davis, of Adolphustown.  The ceremony was conducted by Rev. M. Irwine, of Osnabrock.  The parlor, where the ceremony took place was profusely decorated with lilacs and potted plants and made an impressive picture as the young couple took the solemn vow.  After the ceremony a veritable wedding banquet was partaken of, the guests present being the immediate relatives of the contracting parties.  The estheable young bride needs no introduction as she has resided in this vicinity since girlhood, and is beloved by all for her kind disposition and rare womanly qualities. The groom is well and favorably known as an industrious and progressive young man and has the esteem of all.  Many and valuable presents testify to the popularity of the bride and groom.  They left via the Great Northern for a sojourn at Winnipeg, after which they will be at home on their farm near the new end town.  Tho’ the day was cloudy we noticed that each cloud had its silver lining, and with the ample supply of rice distributed at the depot, we feel safe in predicting for their matrimonial bark, so auspiciously launched, a safe and storm-free voyage.  Congratulations. - Hannah, North Dakota, Press


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Davis -



Miss Alice Casey, daughter of T.W. Casey, was to-day united in marriage to Allan R. Davis, C.E. The interesting ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's father, Piety Hill, and was performed by Rev. A.B. Chambers, B.C.L. Miss Casey is one of the most accomplished and amiable young ladies of the town, and a host of friends wish her every happiness. Mr. Davis also has many friends here who congratulate him on his accession to the benedictive rank. The happy couple left for the west by the evening train.


Aug 16 1888

Daily British Whig

Davis -



Married - On the 29th Jan., by the Rev. Cyrus R. Allison, Mr. Archibald Davis, eldest son of Capt. Henry Davis of Adolphustown, to Miss Amey Huffnail, second daughter of Mr. Jacob Huffnail, of Fredericksburgh.


Feb 18 1845

Upper Canada Herald

Davis -



Wedding Bells - Mallory-Davis

A quiet but very beautiful wedding took place in the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene Church, on Wednesday, March 23rd at 11.30 a.m. when Estella May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Mallory, of Adolphustown, was united in marriage to Mr. Norman Campbell Davis, of Elrose, Sask., son of Mrs. Marshall Davis, Belleville, formerly of Adolphustown, the Rev. J.H. H. Coleman officiating. The bride looked very charming in a blonde Canton crepe gown, and wearing a lovely little rose blonde hat, with corsage bouquet of daffodils.

After the ceremony, the guests motored to the Campbell House, where a most delightful wedding breakfast had been prepared under the personal supervision of Mr. Hyatt. Forming a bridal procession the guests were ushered to the Rotary Room to the strains of the wedding march played by Steven's' Orchestra, which also played most delightfully during the breakfast hour. The daintily appointed table was embanked with roses, ferns and sweet peas, and a very merry party partook of the delicious viands prepared for the occasion by "Mine Hosts" Hyatt & Asselstine.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis left on the International Limited for Lindsay, Toronto and Winnipeg, thence to Elrose, Sask., where they will reside, the bride travelling in an ensemble suit of brown marvella, with hat to match.


Mar 25 1927

Napanee Beaver

Davis -



Married - On the 9th Instant, Mr. William Wallace Davis, of Adolphustown to Miss Charlotte Parks, of North Fredericksburgh.


By the Rev. Mr. Shorey, of Bath, on the 9th inst., Mr. William Wallace Davis, of Adolphustown to miss Charlotte parks, of North Fredericksburgh.


Feb 12 1876

Daily British Whig


Feb 12 1876

Kingston Daily News

Davis -



Married - At Napanee the 2nd inst., Mr. Marshall V. Davis of Adolphustown to Miss Ada Scott, of Richmond.


By the Rev. C. Hartley, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Marshall V. Davis, eldest son of Mr. A.C. Davis, Adolphustown, to Miss Ada Scott, daughter of Mr. Norman Scott, of Richmond.


Oct 4 1877

Daily British Whig


Oct 6 1877

Kingston Daily News

Davis -



A.C. Davis, formerly of Adolphustown, was married recently at Rochester, N.Y., to Miss Springstead.


Mar 16 1891

Daily British Whig

Davis -



At North Fredericksburgh, Feb 24th, Wm. H. Davis, of Napanee, to Hannah Vanalstine.


Mar 5 1885

Weekly British Whig

Davy -



William T. Davy, Bath, was married at Adolphustown, on Wednesday of this week, to Miss Susan Hudson, Dorland. His many friends wish them a happy and prosperous life.


Nov 2 1901

Daily British Whig

Davy -



Married - At Napanee, on the 8th inst., Mr. Albert Davy, of Gosport, to Miss Cynthia Jane Spencer, of the same place.


Apr 16 1874

Weekly British Whig

Day –



A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Bay Circuit parsonage, Napanee on Wednesday morning, February 10 at 10 o’clock, when Miss Madeline Charlotte Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Amey of Bethany, became the bride of George Elmer, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Day of Hawley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.L. Osborne.

The bride was attired in brown triple sheer crepe with accessories to match and wore a pearl necklace with earrings to match the gift of the groom.

The bride was attended by Mrs. Harold Amey who wore a rust triple sheer crepe gown. The groom was assisted by Harold Amey, brother of the bride.

After the ceremony the wedding party returned to the home of the bride’s parents where a dainty luncheon was served to intimate friends of the family.

The happy couple left by motor for Montreal and other eastern points and on their return they will reside at the groom’s home in Hawley.


Feb 1937

Napanee Beaver

Deacon -



MARRIED - At Ameliasburgh on Wednesday the 19th ult, by Beadle Dorland Esq., MR ANDREW DEACON to Miss AMANDA CORY.


May 5 1820

Kingston Gazette

Deacon –



DEACON-HOWARD – At Adolphustown, Aug. 10th, Thomas Deacon to Sarah R. Howard, both of Adolphustown.


Aug 18 1892

Weekly British Whig

Deacon -



MARRIED - On the 30th of April last, at Belleville, Upper Canada, the Rev. Job Deacon, of Adolphus Town, to Flora Elizabeth, daughter of the late Thomas Swainston, Esq., of London, formerly of this town.


June 26 1835

Liverpool Mercury





At North Tonawanda, May 30th, by the Rev. Sherman Burrows, rector of St. Marks church, Buffalo, N.Y., Melvin L. Delashmutt to Katherine May, youngest daughter of Mr. Sylvester Sills, Conway, South Fredericksburgh.


June 21 1907

Napanee Beaver

Denison -



DENISON - DUNBAR - At the residence of Miss Dunbar, the bride’s aunt, John Street, Napanee on Monday, January 5th, 1920, Mr. Wilfred C. Denison of Detroit and Miss Mabel Dunbar of Napanee.



Newspaper Clipping

Dennison -



DENNISON-WHITFIELD - Marion Helen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Whitfield, to Gordon Howard, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dennison, Marlbank.


DENNISON-WHITFIELD - A very quiet wedding was solemnized on Friday morning, July 31st, at the Rectory, Tamworth, but the Rev. F.O. Ware, when Marion Helen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.G. Whitfield, Sandhurst, was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Gordon Howard, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dennison, Marlbank.

The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson, brother-in-law and sister of the groom.


Aug 12 1942

Napanee Beaver

Denyes -



In North Fredericksburgh, Feb 7th, Frank Martin Denyes, Ernesttown, to Maria Catherine Vanslyck.


Feb 21 1889

Daily British Whig




DEROCHE – ASSELSTINE -  At Ottawa, Ont., on Wednesday, January 1st, 1919, by Rev. Dr. Aiken, Helen Aylesworth Asselstine, daughter of the late Benjamin Asselstine, of Kingston, Ont., to William Paschal Deroche, of Napanee, Ont.


The marriage took place in Ottawa on New Years Day of W. P. Deroche, Napanee, to Miss Helen A. Asselstine, Ottawa.  Among the guests from Napanee were Judge and Mrs. J. H. Madden, Mrs. E. Costigan, Master Hamil and Miss Mary Costigan.  After a ten days’ honeymoon they will reside in Napanee.



From the Watson Scrapbooks





BOGART - DEROCHE - At Toronto, on Saturday last, two prominent young people of Napanee, were united in marriage the parties being Miss Bessie C. Bogart, only daughter of Mrs. Peter L. Bogart, of Napanee, and Major A. P. Deroche, 3d Canadian Engineers, Ottawa, youngest son of Mr. H. M. Deroche, D.C., Napanee.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edward Costigan, L.S.T., brother-in-law of the groom, in St. John’s church, after which the happy couple left the Queen City by steamer for Montreal, Que., and other points in the east.  After the honeymoon they will go to Ottawa where they will make their home.  Since graduating from the R.M.C., Kingston, Major Deroche has been an active and valued officer in the Department of Militia and Defence.  The many friends of Major and Mrs. Deroche in town will wish them much happiness in their married life.  As will be seen by the notice in another column, Mrs. Deroche will be at home to her friends at 214 Lyon st., Ottawa, after November 11th.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Detlor –



DETLOR-PRESLEY – On June 6th at Napanee, William V. Detlor, North Fredericksburgh, to Mrs. Maggie Presley, Deseronto.


June 23 1917

Daily British Whig

Detlor -



MARRIED - at Adolphustown, on Tuesday the 2d inst. by Thomas Dorland Esq., Mr. GEORGE H. DETLOR of the firm of Thomson and Detlor to MISS ROBLIN.




June 9 1818




MARRIED – On Tuesday, the 15th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Venerable Archdeacon Stuart, Mr. Barnard Deymond of Fredericksburgh to Elizabeth Anne, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Henderson, of Kingston.


Mar 23 1853

Kingston Daily News

Dickens -



Married - On the same day (February 17th) by the same (Rev. Dr. Hartley), Mr. George B.S. Dickens, of Napanee, to Miss Deborah Sills, of North Fredericksburgh.


Mar 7 1878

Daily News

Dickinson -



On Saturday, June 15th, at St. Paul’s Church, Bloor street east, Gladys Rowena, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Harcourt, 49 Rosedale road, was united in marriage to Captain Frederick Roy Dickinson, son of the late Mr. B. F. Dickinson and Mrs. Dickinson of Perth, Ont.; Captain Dickinson went overseas with the 164th Battalion, and after a year’s service was recalled for duty in the Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa.  The ceremony was conducted by the rector of St. Paul’s, Hon Dr. Cody, assisted by the Rev. A. S. Dickinson, an uncle of the groom.  The bride, who was attended by Miss Sadie Muston, was prettily dressed in white charmeuse, and wore her mother’s veil.  The bridesmaid wore a gown of pink taffeta and Georgette crepe, with a black hat. Mr. H. R. McCarthy of the Militia Department, Ottawa, a cousin of the groom, was groomsman.  The bride’s two brothers, George and Cecil, officers in the royal Warwickshires of the Imperial Army, are both overseas, and were unable to be present.  Mr. Healey Willan presided at the organ, and the ushers were Mr. W. H. Bleasdell, Mr. Dutton Copp and Mr. E. N. Harcourt.  Among the many present were Colonel Percy Domville of Hamilton, late Officer Commanding the 164th Battalion’;  Major E. V. Wright of Hamilton and Major F. H. Chisholm of Oakville, who were also with the 164th.  Captain and Mrs. Dickinson will live in Ottawa.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Dickson -



Robert James Dickson, age 34, Res: South Fredericksburgh, Ont., b. Shannonville, Ont., Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of George & Letitia

Mary Ann Magee, age 27, Res: Adolphustown, b. Ireland, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of Robert & Annabella.

Married at The Pines, May 5, 1897 by E. S. Shorey.

Witnesses:  Joseph Magee, The Pines, & Alexandra Dickson, 112 Neilson St, Utica N.Y.


Wedding Bells - A brilliant event particularly interesting to the people of The Pines took place at 8.30 o'clock on the evening of May 5th, at the residence of the bride, it being the marriage of Miss Minnie Magee to R. James Dickson. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E.S. Shorey before an assembled company of relatives and friends. The bride's gown was a triumph of the modiste's art. The bridesmaid, Miss Allie Dickson, of Utica, N.Y., looked most charming. The groom was ably supported by Mr. Joseph Magee. The presents were numerous and costly. After the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served in the spacious dining hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson will take up their residence at Hayburn. The sincere congratulations of the whole community are extended to the happy pair. We wish the happy bride and generous hearted bride-groom a long, blissful and prosperous career.


At the Pines on May 5th, the marriage of Miss Minnie Magee to R. James Dickson occurred. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E.S. Shorey. The bridesmaid, Miss Allie Dickson, of Utica, N.Y., looked most charming. The groom was ably supported by Joseph Magee. The presents were numerous and costly.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.






May 10 1897

Weekly British Whig

Dickson –



An interesting event took place at the residence of John Penny, Empey Hill on Wednesday, when their youngest daughter, Miss Emma, was united in marriage to John Dickson, Hayburn.


DICKSON-PENNY – At Empey Hill, January 8th, Miss Emma Penny, to John Dickson, Hayburn.


Jan 11 1902

Daily British Whig


Jan 14 1902

Daily British Whig

Dickson –




A lovely mid-summer wedding was solemnized on Saturday August 15 at three o’clock on the lawn at “Hillcrest” when Blanche Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. William Raymond of Perth Road, became the bride of Mr. George Dickson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson of Sillsville.

To the strains of the bridal chorus from “Lohengrin,” played by Mrs. William G. Johnston, aunt of the bride, the bridal procession crossed the lawn to a bower of ferns and gladiolus where the wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Haw of Eganville, Ont. The bride looked charming in a Jean Paton model of white satin with a bodice of hantalle lace, extending in a train and having an Elizabeth collar. A bridal silk net veil embroidered with lace was worn with a cornet of orange blossoms. The bride’s bouquet was of Ophella roses, lily-of-the-valley and maiden hair fern.

Mrs. Alexander Londry, sister of the bride, acted as matron of honor, and wore a charming gown of yellow ninon over pale green taffeta with brown accessories. Her bouquet was of Talisman roses and maiden hair fern tied with pale yellow tulle.

Little Miss Frances Drajan, as flower girl, looked dainty in yellow organdy and carried a nosegay of yellow snapdragon and baby’s breath.

The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Ray Dickson, of Blenheim, Ont.

Mrs. William Raymond, mother of the bride, wore a floor length gown of figured mauve chiffon with black velvet hat and matching accessories, and wore a corsage of Johanna Hill roses. Mrs. John Dickson, mother of the groom, was gowned in navy blue and white crepe with black hat and accessories and wore a corsage of Premier roses.

During the signing of the register, Miss Hazel Smith, Kingston, sang very sweetly, “I Love You Truly.”

The groom’s gift to the bride was a chest of silver and to the best man a pair of military brushes. The bride’s gift to the bridesmaid was an engraved bracelet, to the soloist a beaded evening bag and to the pianist a leather purse.

After the ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon was served by girl friends of the bride. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. Haw and the groom very fittingly responded.

The happy couple left by motor amid showers of confetti and good wishes on a trip through Quebec and the New England states. For travelling the bride wore a tunic dress of beige self-plaid French normal silk with brown accessories.

On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson will reside in Napanee.





Doherty –




St. Cyprian’s Anglican Church in Toronto was the scene of a quiet wedding on Saturday at 3:00 o’clock, when Margaret Matilda Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright of Bath, Ont., became the bride of James Alexander Doherty, son of Mrs. Doherty and the late John Doherty. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kyrle R. Berkley.

The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of lily white chiffon, with soft shirring accenting the slim fitting basque bodice, from which the skirt fell in soft flowing lines. Her finger-tip veil of tulle illusion, was caught to her head with flowers and she carried a bouquet of roses and swansonia.

Miss Louise Vanluven of Napanee, her attendant, was in peacock chiffon. From the high-waisted slightly tailored bodice with its full bishop sleeves, the skirt fell in soft folds. Her small velvet turban was of the same shade and she carried a bouquet of roses.

Stewart Grant of Hamilton was best man, and the ushers were Jack and Kemmett Doherty, nephews of the groom.

Following the ceremony the reception was held at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. George Needler. Mrs. Wright, mother of the bride, received in a gown of water lily green with black accessories, and a corsage of roses and gerberas. Assisting was Mrs. Doherty, who wore a gown of berry wine, with matching hat and corsage of pink roses.

The bride’s going-away ensemble was of sheer wool in delph blue. With this she wore a delph blue hat, with black accessories and stone martins and a corsage of lilies. Upon their return from a trip to Eastern Canada, the bride and groom will make their home in Hamilton, Ont.


Sept 1940



Dorland -



MARRIED - On Thursday evening, 31st ult at Bath by Rev. John Stoughton, Thomas Dorland, Esq. to Mrs. Maria Fairfield, wife of the late Stephen Fairfield.




Jan 9 1830

Dorland -



DORLAND - FOWLE - At the residence of the groom’s parents, Adolphustown, on Friday, July 12th, by Rev. Canon Roberts, Mr. James P. Dorland to Miss Lulu B. Fowle, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Dorland -



MARRIED - At Adolphustown on Thursday, the 27th May, Mr. John Dorland, aged 70, to Mrs. Sarah Smith, aged 57 years.




June 9 1820

Dowdle –



A quiet wedding was solemnized at St. Alban’s Church, Adolphustown on Monday when Edna, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Platt, Sillsville, was united in marriage to Robert Perry Dowdle of Newburgh.  Rev. Mr. Brazill officiated.


Apr 26 1938

Kingston Whig Standard

Dowling –



By the Rev. C. Fish, Sept. 27th, at the residence of the bride’s father, Richard Dowling, Newburgh, to Miss Ellen Eliza Bogart, Adolphustown.


Oct 16 1854

Kingston Daily News

Down -



DOWN - TOM - On Wednesday, 29th ult., by the Rev. W. S. Pascoe, assisted by the Rev. John Ball, at the residence of the bride’s father, Rev. W. Down of Cloyne, to Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of Charles Tom, Esq., of Exeter.


Aug 26 1885

The Christian


Downey –



By Rev. E.J. Badgley of Albert College, Belleville, assisted by Rev. Mr. Stratton, at the C.M. Church, Hamburg, Archibald McN. Downey, Esq., of South Fredericksburgh to Miss Beta, second daughter of J.S. Bell, Esq., of same place.


Mar 3 1876

Kingston Daily News

Downey -



Married - At Kingston on the 31st of March last, by the Rev. John Machar, Mr. Thomas Downey of Fredericksburgh, to Miss Ellen Thomas of Kingston, lately from Loughmore, county of Antrim, Ireland.


Oct 17 1832

Upper Canada Herald

Duffett -



John Watson Duffett, age 25, Res: Adolphustown, b. Ottawa, Bachelor, Farmer, Methodist, son of W. S. & M. A. Duffett.

Amy Gena Allison, age 22, Res: Adolphustown, b. S. Fredericksburgh, Spinster, Methodist, dau of J. R. & M. J. Allison

Married at Adolphustown, November 20 1912 by Rufus Garratt, Conway.

Witnesses:  W. Harold Duffett, Adolphustown & Zella L. Parks, Hay Bay.



The home of C.R. Allison, Adolphustown, was the scene of a pretty wedding, Wednesday, when Miss Amy, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Allison, and granddaughter of C.R. Allison, became the bride of John Duffett, Adolphustown. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Rufus Garrett. The bride was attired in her travelling suit of navy blue with large picture hat. The ceremony took place under a large white bell suspended from an arch of smilax and white carnations. Miss Zella Parks attended the bride, and Harold Duffett supported the groom, both the bride and attendant carrying bouquets of flowers. After the ceremony the wedding breakfast was served by five of the bride’s lady friends, all beautifully attired in white. The bride was given away by Frederick Allison, of Adolphustown. Mr. and Mrs. Duffett left for Montreal, Quebec, and other eastern points. On their return they will take up their residence at Pleasant View house, Adolphustown.


Wednesday, November 20 – Another fine, bright day and warm. Amy Allison and Jack Duffett were married at 8:30 a.m. in Methodist church. (added note: Clarence remembers them going by our house from the wedding with a livery team of white horses.)


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Nov 30 1912

Daily British Whig


Nov 20 1912

Diary of Annie Allison-Davis

Duffett -



DUFFETT - ELLIOTT - At Galt, on  Oct. 22, by the Rev. R. E. Knowles, assisted by the Rev. M.P. Trailing, Ph.D., Herbert Duffett to Margaret, eldest daughter of Andrew Elliott, Esq.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Duffett -



DUFFETT -HILLOCK - At 47 Withrow Avenue, on August 27th, 1908, by the Rev. George M. Brown, Walter Duffett to Emily, eldest daughter of the late John Hillock.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Duffett -



DUFFETT - PAXTON - On Thursday, June 1st, 1905, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 229 Victoria ave., Westmount, by the Rev. J. G. Clarke, M.A., George Percival Duffett, of Winnipeg, to Maude Mary, eldest daughter of William Paxton.


A pretty home wedding took place on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock at the residence of Mr. William Paxton, 229 Victoria avenue, Westmount, when his eldest daughter, Miss Maude Paxton, was united in marriage to Mr. George Percival Duffett, of Winnipeg.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, pastor of Melville Church, in the presence of a large company of friends.  The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of cream silk trimmed with lace, and carried roses and lilies of the valley.  The bridesmaid, Miss Susie Paxton, sister of the bride was gowned in white, with touches of pink.  The groom’s brother, Mr. H. H. Duffett, of Toronto, was best man.  The decorations of the house were in white and green, the bridal party standing under a large bell of lilacs.  Among the large number of gifts was a substantial cheque from the groom’s father and mother.  The bride’s going away costume was of royal blue cloth, with hat to match.  The honeymoon will be spent in Ottawa., Toronto, and other places.  The future home of Mr. and Mrs. Duffett will be in Winnipeg.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Duffett -



MARRIED - DUFFETT - WATSON - On Thursday, 21st inst., at Glenwood, the residence of the bride’s father, W. S. Duffett of Ottawa to Minnie, daughter of J. J. Watson, Esq., Adolphustown


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Dulmage –



DULMAGE-DEMORE – At Picton, Nov. 5th, John M. Dulmage to Mrs. Celia Ann Demore, both of South Fredericksburgh.


Nov 15 1888

Weekly British Whig

Dunning –



On Friday, October 7, at 11 a.m. the Rev. C.W. Earle of St. James’ Anglican Church, Morrisburg, officiated at the marriage of Edith K. Warwick of Conway, Ontario and the Rev. Douglas F. Dunning of Adolphustown.

Mr. Dunning is a native of Ottawa and prior to entering the ministry, served for many years in the R.C.A.F.


Oct 18 1966

Ottawa Citizen

Dunsford -



DUNSFORD - CROWE - On the 22nd ult., by the Rev. W. W. Lloyd, at the residence of the bridegroom’s father, Mr. W. Dunsford, to Miss Martha Crowe, all of Dunsford.


Oct 7 1885

The Christian Guardian