Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  






Illsey -



ILLSEY - ACKERILL - Belleville, Ontario, Sept 14 - St. Thomas Church was crowded this morning, the attraction being the marriage of Miss Anna Mabel Ackerill, second daughter of Dr. D. H. Ackerill, V. S., to Mr. Eugene Victor Illsey, formerly of Picton, now manager of the Standard Bank at McTaggart, Sask., and formerly at the staff of the same bank in this city.  The sacred edifice was appropriately decorated with golden rod and golden glow for the occasion by the girl friends of the bride.  Sharply at ten o’clock the bridal party entered the church to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, played by Miss L. LaVoie, organist. The bride proceeded up the aisle on the arm of her father.  She looked very charming in a dress of ivory duchesse satin wearing the customary veil and a wreathe of orange blossoms, and carrying white roses.  The maid of honor was Mrs. (Rev.) G.R. Beamish, the sister of the bride, who wore pink crepe de chene and carried pink chrysanthemums.  The bridesmaids were Miss Flossie Graham, of Belleville, and Miss Jessie Newberry, of St. Louis, both of whom were dressed in yellow crepe de chene with large picture hats of black and bore red roses.  Mrs. (Dr.) Ackerill, mother of the bride wore brown silk with hat to match.  The groom was attended by Mr. E. O’Flynn.  the ushers were Messrs Chas. Addison, uncle of the bride, Rochester;  Joseph Wallbridge, Harold Clarke, Hugh Williamson, of Picton.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Rural Dean Beamish, rector of St. Thomas and brother-in-law of the bride.  After the magic words had been said that made the happy couple man and wife and during the signing of the register, Mrs. Charles Wilmot sang, “Beloved it is Morn.”  Immediately thereafter the bridal procession left the church to the pealing notes of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March.”  The party then repaired to the home of the bride’s parents on John street where a wedding breakfast and reception was held.  There were many guests both from Belleville and from outside places.  Mr. and Mrs. Illsey left on the 1.50 train this afternoon for their home in McTaggart.  A very large number of handsome presents were received by the bride.  Particularly noticeable among them was a handsome clock the gift of the men of John Street Presbyterian church, of whose choir the groom was formerly a member. The many friends of the popular young couple will wish then perfect happiness in their matrimonial life.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Innes -



INNES - BOURCHIER - At Valparaison, Sep. 23rd, by the Rev. W. Lloyd, Thomas Innes, Esq., of Chanaral, to Virginia Blanche, youngest daughter of the late, Col. Bourchier, of Kingston.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




DICKENS – IRWIN – At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, May 5th 1920, by Rev. W. P. Rogers, B.A., Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickens, to Mr. Edgar  Irwin, of Toronto



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Irwin -



IRWIN - MARSHALL - On Tuesday, 22nd, ult., by Rev. W. J. Holmes, of Guelph, uncle of the bridegroom, at the  residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. John Irwin, to Martha, daughter of  Mr. Samuel Marshall, all of Toronto.


Oct 7 1885

The Christian Guardian




BOWEN – JACKSON – A quiet wedding was solemnized in Kingston on Wednesday, June 3rd at 2 p.m. when Miss Clara Olive Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bowen, Napanee, was united in matrimony to Charles Nelson Jackson, son of Robert Jackson, of Gananoque.  Rev. Mr. Watts, of Kingston, performed the ceremony.  The couple were attended by Miss Rubie Bowen, sister of the bride, and Kenneth Jackson, brother of the groom.  After a buffet luncheon at the Randolph Hotel, the happy couple left on the afternoon train for points west.  After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will reside in Gananoque.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Jackson -



FITCHETT-JACKSON - On Monday, Feb 24, 1913 at the Bay Circuit parsonage, by Rev. Geo. Nickle, Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr. Isaac Fitchett, of Anderson, to Mr. Arthur Jackson, of Morven.





Jackson –



David Jackson batchelor and Deborah Huffman, spinster both of Fredericksburgh were married on the 29th March 1835 after publication of banns by me Saltern Givins.

In presence of Isaiah Huffman and Phillip Huffman.



Parish Records


Jackson -



JACKSON - TITMUS - On the 9th ult., by the Rev. John Webster, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. George Jackson, of South Norwich, to Miss Matilda Jane Titmus, of Carrick.


March 9 1887

The Christian Guardian




JAMIESON – NEEDHAM – On Wednesday, December 11th, 1918, at St. Mark’s Church, Deseronto, by the Rev. Elwin Radcliffe, C.C.L., Henry Jamieson, R.A.F., of Deseronto, to Miss Elsie Needham also of Deseronto.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Janes -



JANES - McFARLANE - On Thursday, Jan. 24th, 1918, at the Grace Methodist Parsonage, Napanee, by the Rev. Mr. Rogers, Miss Minnie Olive McFarlane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, Forest Mills, and Mr. Harry Bruce Janes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Janes, North Fredericksburgh, were united in marriage.  The couple were attended by Miss Florence M. Abbott and Mr. Sidney J. Busby, friends of the bride and groom.  The bride was daintily attired in a gown of white silk with pretty rosebud trimming, and wore a bridal veil decorated with lilies of the valley.  The groom also presented a handsome appearance.  The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold neck chain, to the bridesmaid a gold pearl-set wishbone brooch, and to the groomsman a pair of cuff links.  After the ceremony the couple were conducted to the G. T. R. Station, where they took the train for Toronto.  On their return, they will reside in North Fredericksburgh, where the groom is a prosperous farmer.  We wish them many years of success and happiness.





Jayne -



Jayne-Brown - At Napanee, June 24th, James A. Jayne, Adolphustown, to Bertha Brown, Hay Bay.


A quiet marriage was solemnized at the Presbyterian Manse on Wednesday, 24th, inst., when the Rev. W.W. Peck united the loving hearts and hands of Mr. James A. Jayne, of Adolphustown and Miss Bertha Brown, daughter of Mr. George Brown, North Fredericksburgh. The happy couple were assisted by Mr. William Nolan and Miss Clara Jayne, sister of the groom. Both the bride and her assistant were neatly attired in travelling costumes and looked most charming. The newly married pair took their departure on the train going east.


June 29 1896

Daily British Whig


July 1896

Napanee Beaver

Jayne -



Jayne-Hawley - At the Methodist parsonage, South Napanee, on the 19th inst., by Rev. E. Farnsworth, John Jayne to Charlotte Emily Hawley, all of Adolphustown.


Mar 21 1902

Napanee Beaver

Johnson –



Henry A. Johnson of Hallowell and Phebe Casey of Adolphustown married May 18 1816.



Stephen Conger Marriage Register

Johnson -



JOHNSON - PARKS - At Enterprise, on the 31st Oct., by Rev. J. S. McMullen, Mr. Wm. Johnson to Mrs. Lucretia Parks.



From the Watson Scrapbooks

Johnson -



The wedding of Miss Helen Jean Robertson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Robertson of hay Bay district, to Mr. William Gordon, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson of Napanee, took place at the Bay parsonage, Napanee, on Friday evening at 8:15 o'clock, in the presence of a few friends, and was performed by the Rev. A.C. McCallum. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. VanLuven witnessed the ceremony.

The bride was attired in a Belmont blue dress with coat and hat to match, and wore a corsage of Sweet Peas and Roses.

Upon their return from the honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will take up residence in Napanee.


May 8 1940

Napanee Beaver

Johnson -



George Lewis Millard Johnson [NOTE: also says “John Lewis Millard Johnson] age 22, Res: Adolphustown, b. Marmora, Bachelor, Mail Carrier, Methodist, son of John Johnston & Sarah Vesterfelt.

Viola Strawbridge, age 16, Res: Adolphustown, b. Morden, Manitoba, Spinster, Methodist, dau. of John Percival Strawbridge & Mary Jane Bruce.

Married at Adolphustown, November 17, 1920 by Howard P.L. Seymour, Methodist Minister.

Witnesses:  Archie Bruce, Adolphustown & Jennie Bruce, Adolphustown.


JOHNSON-STRAWBRIDGE - At the home of the bride's parents, in Adolphustown, on Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 1920, by Rev. H.P.L. Seymour, Mr. George Millard Johnson and Miss Viola Strawbridge, both of Adolphustown.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Nov 26 1920

Napanee Beaver

Johnson -



Married - At Napanee, John Johnson, of Adolphustown, to Emma L. Vandervoort, formerly of Belleville.


May 5 1880

Daily British Whig

Johnston –



A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, June 4, 1924 at 2.30 p.m. at the U.E. Loyalist Church, Adolphustown, when Miss Kathleen Blake, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake of Deseronto, became the bride of Mr. Gerald Johnston of Napanee, with the Rev. W.D. Harrison, pastor o the Methodist church, Toronto, officiating minister. Miss Lillian Wilkins of Deseronto acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Leo Scrimshaw of Napanee assisted the groom. The bride was handsomely attired in blue flat crepe with grey hat and shoes to match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. The bridesmaid wore blue satin. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful presents, showing the esteem in which they were held. In the evening they were chivaried by the young people of the town, who afterwards spent the evening in dancing and games. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are going to make their home in Napanee and the best wishes of the community go with them.


June 6 1924

Kingston Daily Standard

Johnston -



[Bath] Harry M. Johnston, of this village, was married to Miss Edna Briscoe, of Hawley, by Rev. F.T. Dibb, of Bath, on Tuesday last.


On June 19th, Harry M. Johnston, Bath, to Miss Edna, only daughter of Benjamin Brisco, South Fredericksburgh.


June Bride – On Tuesday last at the residence of Benjamin Brisco, South Fredericksburgh, the wedding was celebrated of his only daughter, Edna and Harry M. Johnston, of Bath. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T.F. Dibb, Bath. Mrs. Orlin L. Herring presided at the piano, rendering a beautiful wedding march. The floral decorations were elaborate and beautiful. About sixty relatives and intimate friends were present. The bride, arrayed in a gown of white organdie over white silk, with veil and orange blossoms, and carrying a shower bouquet of white roses, looked her fairest, as all brides should upon their wedding morn. Miss Clara Johnston, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, and wore white organdie over pale green silk and carried pink carnations. Isaac Brisco, brother of the bride, was best man. The groom’s present to his bride was a beautiful ring of diamonds and sapphires and to the bridesmaid a pearl crescent.


June 21 1900

Weekly British Whig


June 23 1900

Daily British Whig


June 28 1900

Weekly British Whig




The marriage of Mr. Roy Johnston and Miss Mabel Chalmers, both members of the congregation of St. Alban's church, Adolphustown, was on the morning of June 11th, celebrated by the Rector, Rev. Canon Roberts, in that church renowned for its beauty and as being the U.E.L. Memorial Church, its internal beauty having, for the occasion, been added to by tasty floral and fern decorations, the work of lady friends of the young couple. The high estimation in which the young people are held was abundantly evidenced by the large congregation that assembled to witness and take part in the solemnization, and surely never was there a more orderly and reverent congregation at any marriage ceremony. The apostolic injunction was obeyed, all things being 'done decently and in order'. The opening hymn was 276, B.C.P. by Canon Welch, some time of Toronto, the first three and the sixth verses. A second hymn, "O Perfect Love", 277 B.C. P., being sung after the first blessing to Dr. Dyke's tune "O Strength and Stay", the music for which Miss Blomfield, afterwards Mrs. Gurney, wrote this hymn in about 15 minutes to be sung for the first time at her sister's marriage. The service concluded, Mendelsohn's Wedding March played by Miss Dorothea Roberts, the organist, and the register signed the happy young couple left for a short trip westward followed by the  hearty "God speed" of all.


June 20 1913

Napanee Beaver

Johnston –



Rev. Canon Roberts, of Adolphustown, announces the engagement of his eldest daughter, Alice Mary, to John Archibald Johnston, of Smiths Falls.  The marriage to take place on the 14th of July in St. Alban’s Church, Adolphustown.


The marriage of Miss Alice Mary, eldest daughter of Rev. Canon Roberts, of Adolphustown, to Mr. John Archibald Johnston, of Smith’s Falls took place Wednesday morning in St. Alban’s church, Adolphustown.


At Adolphustown Wednesday, July 14th, 1915, at 10 a.m., was solemnized the marriage of Mr. J.A. Johnston, Phm.B., druggist, Smith’s Falls and Miss Alice Mary Roberts, eldest daughter of Rev. Canon Roberts, rector of the parish who performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. E.A. Johnston, of North Gower, brother of the groom.

The beautiful church of St. Alban’s, built in memory of departed United Empire Loyalists was the scene of the wedding and only the immediate friends of the bride were present. Mr. W.H. Montray, of Amherst Island acted as paterfamilias, the bride being unattended. She wore as her only ornament a lovely pendant of emeralds and pearls, the gift of the groom.

After the service the bridal party went to the rectory, where they partook of luncheon before motoring to Napanee en route to Montreal where they will spend a short time before returning to Smith’s Falls.



From the Watson Scrapbooks


July 17 1915

Kingston Daily Standard

Jones -



JONES - ARDINGTON - On the 19th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Argue, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Charles M. Jones, to Miss Emily Ardington, daughter of Henry Ardington, Esq., all of Carman, Manitoba.


May 12 1886

The Christian


Jones -



JONES - GLOVER - On July 21st, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Richard Clarke, of Bracebridge, the Rev. Philip N. Jones of Sundridge, to Miss Mary Glover, daughter of Mr. John Glover, of Monck.


July 28 1886

The Christian Guardian

Jones -



MARRIED -  At the residence of the bride’s father, Adelaide Street, Toronto, on Thursday the 23rd inst., by the Rev H. J. Grasett, Mr. George Wm Jones of Hamilton to Miss Eliza, only daughter of Mr. James Mills.


Apr 23 1857



Jones -



RATHBUN - JONES - An unusually pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mrs. E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, last Saturday morning, 4th June, when Miss Bunella Rathbun, daughter of the late Edward Wilkes Rathbun, was married to Mr. H.V.F. Jones, Assistant General Manager of the Bank of commerce, London, England.  The bride wore white crepe de chene, with trimmings of old lace and a veil of embroidered tulle, which had also been worn by her mother, fastened with a wreath of orange blossoms.  She carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley.  The two little bridesmaids were Misses Marjorie Rathbun and Jena Masten, sister and niece of the bride.  They were simply dressed in white organdie, and carried baskets of pansies and lilies of the valley.  The groomsman was Mr. T. Roy Jones of Toronto, brother of the groom.  The ceremony took place in the drawing room, which was banked with palms and ferns, with immense bunches of bridal roses and white lilac.  The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Dr. McTavish.  Only immediate friends and relatives were invited among them Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McMurrich, Mr. and Mrs. George McMurrich, Toronto;  Mr. J. B. McMurrich, Mr. Charles Bond, Mrs. Hindhaugh, and Miss Hindhaugh, Oswego;  Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Craig and Miss Gertrude Craig, Kingston and Dr. James McMurrich, Ann Arbor, Mich.  Mr. and Mrs. Jones will spend two months in the United States before sailing for England.


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Joslin -



JOSLIN - CROLEY - At the residence of Fred. B. Tilson, Esq., brother-in-law of the bride, May 27th, by the Rev. J. B. Moore, Thomas C. Joslin, Esq., of Seaforth, to Mary F. B. Croley, of Tilsonburg.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




Married - Joyce-Angus - At Napanee, December 27th, Wesley German Joyce, Deseronto, to Miss Rachel Angus, of South Fredericksburgh.


Jan 2 1900

Daily British Whig

Joyce –



JOYCE-BAIRSTOW – At Napanee, on July 28th, Wm. Henry Joyce, N. Fredericksburgh to Mina Bairstow, Toronto.


Aug 7 1909

Daily British Whig

Joyce -



JOYCE-CLARK - At the home of the bride's parents, Jan. 6th, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, William C. Joyce to Mabel B., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark, all of North Fredericksburgh.


A Pretty Marriage

A pretty wedding was solemnized January 5th, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark, Macdonald, when their eldest daughter, Mabel Beatrice, was united in holy matrimony to Will C. Joyce. The bride was gowned in pearl grey with white silk chiffon trimmings and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations and was assisted by her sister, Miss Violet. Stanley Joyce acted as groomsman. After the usual congratulations, the guests, numbering about forty, partook of a sumptuous wedding breakfast. The happy couple left for Toronto and points west. The presents were numerous and costly, showing the high esteem in which the bride and groom were held.


Jan 2 1904

Napanee Beaver


Jan 14 1904

Weekly British Whig

Joyce -



On Sept. 4th, J.E. Joyce to W. Annie Crabb, all of North Fredericksburgh.


Sept 26 1895

Weekly British Whig

Joyce -



Well-Known couple Celebrate 51st Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Joyce celebrated the fifty-first anniversary of their wedding day on October 5th. They were married at Morven in 1882 by the late Rev. M. MacDonald.

Mr. Joyce is of Irish descent. His grandparents came to Canada from County Down, in Ireland, in 1820. Mrs. Joyce, whose maiden name was Margaret Cuthill, was born in Scotland and came to Canada when five years of age, with her mother.

After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce lived, until 18 years ago, on their farm in North Fredericksburgh. At that time they removed to the Cartwright farm in Richmond and for thirteen years have been residents of Napanee.

They have three children living - Miss Jessie, Arthur and Sheldon. One daughter, Marjorie died a few years ago.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Joyce are enjoying excellent health and their many friends in the county will wish them many more years of married happiness.


Napanee Couple Wed 67 Years;  Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Honored - Napanee -

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Joyce, Robert street, observed their 67th wedding anniversary at their home yesterday and were the recipients of congratulatory messages from near and far.

The former, a son of the later Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce, was married to Margaret F. Cuthill, Oct 5 1882.  The latter is a native of Scotland and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cuthill.  They were married in Morven parsonage by the late Rev. Mr. McDonald. 

For about 56 years they resided at Anderson in North Fredericksburgh where Mr. Joyce was a successful farmer.  Leaving Anderson, they resided north of Napanee for about five years.  During the past 30 years they have made their home in Napanee where they are well known.

Mr. Joyce is in his 91st year while Mrs. Joyce is in her 87th.  They have been members of Grace United church during the 30 years they have spent in Napanee.  Mr. Joyce is a member of the official board but owing to his advanced years finds it impossible to attend.

Mrs. Joyce is a member of the Woman's Missionary Society and the WA of the church and is regular in attendance.  The bridesmaid for the wedding was Bertie Huffman who lives in Toronto.  The best man was the late Sheldon Joyce, brother of Mr. Joyce.

Mr. and Mrs. Joyce have a family of three living - Arthur Joyce of Newburgh, Sheldon Joyce of Rochester, NY, and Mrs. Frank Collins of Hillsboro.  One daughter Marjorie Joyce, died in 1925.


Oct 18 1933

Napanee Beaver


Oct 5 1949

Kingston Whig Standard 

Joyce –



GRIFFITHS-JOYCE – At the residence of R. J. Merriam, officiating minister, South Napanee, on Wednesday, Nov. 10th, 1926, Miss Ada Murice Griffiths, North Fredericksburgh, to Mr. Walter Franklin Joyce, of North Fredericksburgh.


Nov 1926

Napanee Beaver

Joyce -



On Oct. 1st, Mr. S.Y. Joyce, of North Fredericksburgh to Alberta Jane Huffman, Ernesttown.


Oct 7 1884

Daily British Whig

Joyce –



JOYCE-ROMBOUGH – At the Bay Methodist Parsonage, South Napanee, by Rev. Geo. Nickle, Mr. Stanley Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce, and M. Amy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rombough, both of North Fredericksburgh.


Mar 7 1914

Kingston Daily Standard

Joyce -



JOYCE-SNOOK - At the Methodist Parsonage, Courtice, on Tuesday, May 18th, 1920, by Rev. W.S. Boyce, Miss Brittanna E. Snook, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Snook, to Ross P. Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Joyce, all of North Fredericksburgh.


May 28 1920

Napanee Beaver




At the Methodist Parsonage, Middletown, Con., Dec 19, 1918, by Rev. William D. Beach, Cecile Anne Hudgin to William Rutherford Keat.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




By the same [Rev. C.R. Allison], Feb 9, Mr. Amos, third son of James Ketcheson, Esq., of Huntingdon to Miss Sarah Ann Outwater, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Hover, of Adolphustown.


Mar 10 1847

Christian Guardian

Kettyle -



KETTYLE - ROBINSON -  On the 16th ult., by the Rev. John Potts, D.D., at the Elm Street Methodist Church Parsonage, Toronto, Mr. Ephraim Kettyle, to Miss Mary Jane Robinson, both of the township of Innisvill.


Oct 7 1885

The Christian Guardian




William H. Kinckley, township of Fredericksburgh, aged 21 years son of Wm. & Clara Kinckley and Jane Morgan, Fredericksburgh, spinster, aged 22 years daughter of Rebecca & H. Morgan, married Oct 13 1860.  Saunder LLD.



Napanee Parish Register

Kingsley -



KINGSLEY - ROGERS -  At the residence of the bride’s parents at the village of Bath, on Wednesday evening, June 26th, Miss May Tallman Rogers was united in marriage to Mr. Phillip Sheriden Kingsley, of the city of Rome, N.Y., by the Rev. H.I. Allen, who tied them together nuptially, in the presence of a large and select company of ladies and gentlemen who had assembled at Rogers Hall to witness the ceremony, which was solemnized under a magnificent floral arch of wild roses with a cornucopia of tea roses suspended over their heads.  The flowers for the occasion  were furnished from the conservatory of Dr. J. S. Kingsley of Rome, N.Y., of which the following are a partial list:  orchids, roses, bride, puritan, la France, papagontia; carnations of all shades, blue hyderangia, Japanese pinks, verbenias and a world of pansies from the celebrated conservatory of Zirngiebles, of Boston.  The lovely bride was faultlessly attired in a superb dress of cream satin with pearl trimmings and diamond ornaments, the gift of the groom.  She wore orchids and carried in her hand a magnificent bouquet of “General Jacqueminot,  andCoquett-Des-Alps” Roses.  The supper was gotten up in true Deimonico style by R-es of Kingston, who is an artist in his line.  The wedding cake, was a thing of beauty, and much admired and relished by all.  toasts were given and responded to in a happy strain by Messrs J. J. Watson, R. R. Finkle and the father of the bride.  The numerous, costly and elegant gifts presented to the bride showed the high and marked esteem in which she is held by her many friends.  The happy couple after congratulations took the train for New York and other Eastern cities. 


From the Watson Scrapbooks

Kinkley -



Marriages - Kinkley-Bowen

On Sept. 30th, at the residence of the bride's father, Napanee, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, Frank Kinkley, of the Township of North Fredericksburgh, to Lillie P., daughter of Frank M. Bowen.


Oct 9 1901

Napanee Star

Kirby –



A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday last at 1 p.m. at “Grove Place, “ the home of the bride, by Rev. W. J. Wood, when Carrie  Rosalind, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm R. Allison, was married to Mr. Percy Kirby, son of Mrs. E. T. E. Kirby.  The ceremony took place in a bow window which was banked with ferns and lilies.  The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a gown of Belgium blue satin trimmed with gold lace.   She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and lilies and wore the groom’s gift, a gold chain and cross studded with pearls.  Miss Anna Allison, who attended her sister, was in black and cream silk and crepe de chine and wore a corsage bouquet of violets.  Mr. Arthur Kirby, brother of the groom, acted as best man.  Miss Marjorie Carter played the wedding march and during the signing of the register, Mrs. M. R. Allison wore a lovely gown of pale green crepe de chine, and only the near relatives and intimate friends, about twenty-five in all, were guests. The groom’s gift to the bridesmaid was a gold signet ring, a gold tie pin to the best man, and a gold bar pin to the pianist.  After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served in the dining-room when Mrs. C. B. Allison poured tea and  Miss Marjorie Carter and Miss Ina Carman assisted with the serving.  The bride travelled in a smart Belgium blue satin hat and fur coat.  Mr. and Mrs. Kirby have gone to Toronto, and on their return will reside on the Kirby farm at Greenbush.


From the Watson Scrapbooks




Married - On Thursday morning, by the Venerable The Archdeacon of Kingston, Stafford F. Kirkpatrick, Esq. Barrister, of Peterborough to Henrietta, third daughter of the late Alexander Fisher, Esquire.


Feb 9 1835

British Whig

Kirkpatrick -



Married - On Monday last at Adolphustown, by the Rev. Job Deacon, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esquire, Barrister at Law, of Kingston, to Hellen, second daughter of Alex. Fisher, Esq. of Adolphustown.


Oct 21 1829

Upper Canada Herald

Knight -



Abraham Knight, age 30, Res: Tp. of Vaughn, b. Tp of E. Zorra, Bachelor, Labourer, Ch. of England., son of Ernest Ebenezer Knight & Kathleen Katie.

Marguerite Kathleen Galt, age 17, Res: So. Fredericksburgh, b. Tp. Etobicoke, Spinster, Presbyterian, dau. of Wm. Walter Galt & Mary Florence Fallon.

Married at Sillsville, April 1st, 1940 by G. A. Puttenham, minister of Adolphustown.

Witnesses:  Norman F. Galt, Napanee RR 2 & Daisy M. Galt, Napanee RR 2.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.
