Listed in Alphabetical Order by Grooms’ Surname

For Index of Brides, CLICK HERE



A   B   C   D   E-F   G   H   I-J-K   L   M   N-O   P-Q   R   S   T-U-V   W-X   Y-Z  






Page -



At Piety Hill, by Rev. G.S. White, on June 10th, 1904, Mr. Henry Page to Mrs. Mary Margaret Hagadone, both of North Fredericksburgh.


July 1 1904

Napanee Express

Palmer –



By [Rev. R.V. Stratton] on [the 17th inst.,] Mr. Thos. Palmer to Miss Martha Pickett, all of South Fredericksburgh.


Apr 23 1878


Daily News

Parker -



At Napanee, on Dec. 25th, Charles Edward Parker, Watertown N.Y., to Miss Rachael Helen Dafoe, North Fredericksburgh.


Dec 29 1900

Daily British Whig





PARKER- HAMBLY - At the parsonage, South Napanee, by Rev. E.E. Howard, October 7th, Mr. James A. Parkes, and Miss Martha A., daughter of John Hambly, Esq., both of North Fredericksburgh.


Oct 11 1889

Napanee Express

Parks –



At the Bay parsonage on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, when Miss Marion Marguerite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baird of Anderson, became the bride of Rockwell Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parks of Anderson. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J.E. Beckel. The couple were attended by the bride’s sister, Miss Jean Baird and the groom’s brother, Dempster Parks.

The bride was exquisitely gowned in blue and white figured georgette with accessories of white to match, while the bridesmaid was becomingly attired in blue crepe with white accessories.

Immediately after the ceremony, the happy couple left on a motor trip to Syracuse and other points in New York State. On their return they will reside at Anderson.

The bridal couple are among the most popular young people of Anderson and are prominent in the Young People’s work in the Anderson United Church.


June 12 1933

Kingston Whig Standard

Parks -



PARKS-CLARK - At Napanee, on March 24th, Gordon Wallace Parks, eldest son of Archibald Parks, North Fredericksburgh, to Annie Flossie Clark, daughter of Luther Clark, of Napanee.


Mar 29 1915

Weekly British Whig

Parks –



Married at Inverary

A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Standard church parsonage, Inverary, at 11.30 a.m. on June 21st, by Rev. D.W. Parks, when Reta Cronkright, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Cronkright, South Fredericksburgh, was married to Allan D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Byard Parks. After a two weeks motor trip they will reside at the home of the groom at Deseronto.


June 28 1922

Daily British Whig

Parks -



In Napanee, on the 25th inst., C. Parks, of Hay Bay, to Annie, daughter of J.P. Dorland, of Adolphustown.


Jan 29 1887

Daily British Whig

Parks -



On the 2d ult., by the Rev. John Scott, Mr. J.C. Parks, of North Fredericksburgh to Miss Mary Gibson of the village of Napanee.


Mar 7 1861

Napanee Standard

Parks -



Married - On the 13th instant, by the Revd. John Scott, Mr. Nelson Parks of North Fredericksburgh to Miss Catherine Lowry, of Napanee.


Oct 15 1863

Napanee Standard

Parks -



Married - On Wednesday, April 20th, Mr. James Parks, of North Fredericksburgh to Miss Mary Jane McKim, Napanee.


Apr 25 1882

Daily British Whig

Parks -



MELLOW-PARKS - At the residence of the bride's parents, John P. Mellow, Gretna, on Wednesday, April 7th, 1920, by Rev. T.H.P. Anderson, Miss Laura E. Mellow to Ralph Parks.



The home of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Mellow, was the scene of a pretty wedding on April 7th, 1920, when their daughter, Laura Edna, was united in marriage to Ralph M. Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parks.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. T.H.P. Anderson, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties.

The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily attired in a dainty gown of white marquisette trimmed with beads and white satin ribbon.

After the ceremony congratulations were in order, after which all partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The happy couple left for Toronto and other points west on the afternoon train, being showered with old boots and confetti. The bride travelled in a navy suit with flesh georgette waist and taupe hat.

After their return, they will reside on the groom's farm at Hawley. The Bride will be greatly missed in the neighbourhood of her former home and on the circuit, being an active church worker, organist of the church and Sunday School, and the President of the Mission Circle.

Hosts of friends join in wishing them both bon voyage through life.


Apr 9 1920

Napanee Beaver


Apr 16 1920

Napanee Beaver

Parks -



At the Methodist parsonage, South Napanee, by Rev. E. Farnsworth, on Wednesday, Feb 4th, John A. Parks, to Maud A. Noland, all of North Fredericksburgh.


Feb 6 1903

Napanee Beaver

Parks -



Pretty Home Wedding

A large number of invited guests last evening assembled at the residence of Mr. George Roblin, near Rednersville, in Ameliasburgh township to witness an interesting event. It was the marriage of his daughter, Miss Florence, to Mr. Leonard Parks, of Hay Bay. Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A., performed the ceremony. The bride, who was becomingly gowned in a dress of white silk, wore a bridal veil and orange blossoms, and was assisted by Miss Crysdale of North port. Prof. Doolittle of Albert College was the groomsman. The interior of the residence was tastefully and prettily decorated with flowers. At the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding supper was partaken of. The popularity of the bride was attested to by the magnificent array of presents which she received. Mr. and Mrs. Parks left for a wedding trip through the Southern States, and will be absent for some time.


Feb 28 1902

Napanee Beaver

Parks -



Married - At Hay Bay, on November 25th Adam J. Parks to Miss Mary Emma Sharp.


Dec 4 1879

Daily British Whig

Parks -



Married - At North Fredericksburgh, Mr. Geo. P. Parks to Miss Georgiana Louisa Young, of Athol.


Married - At Cherry Valley, Mr. Geo. R. Parks, of North Fredericksburgh to Georgiana, eldest daughter of William H. Young, of Cherry Valley.


At the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. J. McMechan, Mr. George R. Parks, of North Fredericksburgh to Miss Georgina Young of Cherry Valley.


Nov 4 1876

Daily British Whig


Nov 11 1876

Daily British Whig


Nov 11 1876

Kingston Daily News




PATERSON-WRIGHT WEDDING. – Celebrated at Bride’s Home Last Wednesday Evening – One of the prettiest of June weddings was that solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Wright, Colborne street, on Wednesday evening, when their second daughter, Mary Richardson, was united in marriage to Thomas Egbert Paterson, of Calgary.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald, M.A., vicar of St. Paul’s church, in the drawing room under a bower of feathery ferns and marguerites. As the bride entered, with her father, who gave her away, R. F. Harvey played the “Lohengrin” wedding march, and after the ceremony Miss Gussie Wright sang “O Perfect Love.”    The bride wore a lovely gown of ivory charmaeuse satin, softly draped and opening in front over a petticoat of lace.  From the shoulders of the pointe lace bodice hung the court train, which was finished at the hem with butterflies of pearl and brilliants.   The veil was caught with orange blossoms and the bridal bouquet was a shower of lilies of the valley and white sweet peas.  The gift from the groom  was a platinum and diamond pendant, and was the bride’s only ornament.  Miss Frances Wright was bridesmaid, and wore a becoming gown of yellow charmeuse with bodice of yellow nino.  She carried sunset roses and marguerites and wore the groom’s gift, a platinum bar pin of pearls. The groomsman, Was W.F. McCulloch, of Pittsburg, Pa., who received a diamond and platinum tie pin.


Ca 1915

From the Watson Scrapbooks

Pattyson -



PATTYSON - WILSON -  On the 8th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Pattyson assisted by the Rev. T. W. Totten, the Supt. Pastor of the charge at Markham, Ont., in the Methodist Church, the Rev. W.A.V.E. Pattyson, of Collingwood, to Miss Wilson, daughter of H. Wilson, Esq., Merchant, of Markham.  May a glory life here and hereafter be theirs. 


Sept 16 1885

The Christian Guardian

Payne –



PAYNE-PUNCHARD – The marriage was solemnized last evening by the Rev. W.H. Cliff of Miss Mabel Punchard, daughter of Mrs. Agatha Punchard and the late Mr. Punchard of Sandhurst and Mr. Stanley Payne, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Payne, Main street, Kingston. Owing to the recent death of the bride’s father, the wedding was held very quietly. After the ceremony supper was served to a few near friends and relatives. The bride received a number of handsome gifts and all wished Mr. and Mrs. Payne many years of happy married life.


Jan 22 1932

Kingston Whig Standard




MARRIED at Bath on the 8th inst. by the Rev. J. Stoughton, Mr. W. E. Perry to Eliza, second daughter of P. Davey, Esq. all of Bath.


May 16 1834

British Whig

Perry –



PERRY-FRINK – At South Napanee, July 17th, Daymond Perry to Alice Maud Frink, both of Fredericksburgh.


July 26 1888

Weekly British Whig

Perry -



PERRY - HAM -  In Trinity Church Parsonage, Napanee, on Tuesday, May 28th, 1929, by Rev. Harry Pawson, Dorland Franklin Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Perry, of North Fredericksburgh, to Thelma Martha Ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Ham, of Napanee.





Perry -



PERRY - PARKS - By the Rev. E. Howard, at the Bay parsonage, South Napanee, April 15th, Mr. A. B. Perry and Miss Edith May, eldest daughter of John Parks, Esq., all of North Fredericksburgh.


PERRY-PARKS – At South Napanee, April 15th, A.B. Perry to Edith May Parks, all of North Fredericksburgh.


Apr 17 1890

Napanee Beaver


Apr 24 1890

Weekly British Whig

Perry -



Married - At North Fredericksburgh, 11th Dec., Wm H. Perry, North Fredericksburgh, to Hattie Richardson, Hastings.


Jan 8 1887

Daily British Whig

Peters -



PETERS-BONGARD - A very pleasing event took place on Wednesday, Feb. 1st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bongard, Adolphustown, when their eldest daughter, Mary Helen, was united in marriage to Mr. T.N. Peters, of Ormsby Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Roberts at the rectory, Adolphustown. The bride wore a blue and white cloth skirt and a white silk blouse, also a beautiful gold pin, the gift of the groom. Miss Ettie Bristow, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. Geo. Bongard, brother of the bride, performed similar duties for the groom. After a sumptuous repast the happy couple left for Picton, en route for the groom's home at Ormsby. The bride received many beautiful and costly presents and the best wishes of her friends, about forty of whom were present. - Picton Times please copy.


Feb 3 1905

Napanee Beaver


Feb 11 1905

Daily British Whig

Peters -



At Napanee, on the 24th Dec., Ephraim Peters to Martha A. Bristow, all of South Fredericksburgh.

(same announcement includes marriage of Henry Brinklow & Harriet E. Peters)


On Dec 24th, Mr. E. Peters, to Miss Martha A. Bristow, all of South Fredericksburgh.


Dec 27 1879

Daily British Whig


Jan 15 1880

Kingston Daily News

Peters -



HARROWSMITH WEDDING - Miss Thelma Lee Becomes the Bride of Roy C. Peters.

Harrowsmith, March 27 - A pleasant event took place at the Methodist parsonage on Wednesday evening, March 24th, when Miss Thelma Reta Lee, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, of Deseronto, formerly of Colebrooke, became the bride of Roy C. Peters, son of A. H. Peters of Wilton.  Rev. A. W. Stewart performed the ceremony.  The youthful bride wore her travelling suit of Copenhagen jersey cloth, with hat to match, and white fox furs.  A dainty luncheon was served at the home of Mrs. C. S. Lee, sister-in-law of the bride, after which the happy couple took the C.N.R. train en route to Hamilton,  On their return they will reside at Wilton where the groom is a  prosperous farmer.


March 29, 1920

Weekly British Whig, Kingston

Peters -



At the Manse, Napanee, March 6th, by the Rev. J.R. Conn, M.A., Clark W. Peters to Ellen M. McNabb, both of South Fredericksburgh.


Mar 15 1907

Napanee Beaver

Peterson -



MARRIED - On the 31st ult. by the Rev. Mr. Official Stuart, Mr. PAUL PETERSON, of the townfhip of Adolphustown to Mifs SARAH MERRILL of this place.



Apr 6 1816

Kingston Gazette

Peterson -



At the residence of Wm. H. Davy, Esq., Bath, by the Rev. W.F.S. Harper, Mr. Wm. F. Peterson, son of Jacob Peterson, Esq., Fredericksburgh, to Miss Margaret Ann Billings, daughter of Mr. Ira Billings, of the Township of Sidney.


Nov 21 1855

Daily British Whig

Peterson –

   Matilda (?)


In Adolphustown, on the 21st ult., by the same [Rev. J.G. Manly], Mr. Hazelton Peterson, of Fredericksburgh to Miss Ann Matilda of Adolphustown in the Midland District.


Mar 20 1839

Christian Guardian

Peterson –



Nicholas Peterson of Hallowell and Peggy VanTassel, of Fredericksburgh, married May 30 1809.



Stephen Conger Marriage Register

Phillips –



Robert Phillips and Sarah Davidson, married September 5 1830, Fredericksburgh.




Church Records

Phillips –



PHILLIPS-OUTWATER – On Wednesday, June 21st, 1911 at Bay Parsonage, South Napanee, by Rev. C.W. DeMille, Laura Gertrude, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Outwater, Hay Bay, to Mr. Harry Alexander Phillips of Fort William.


June 26 1911

Kingston Daily Standard

Phippen -



PHIPPEN-COLEMAN  At St. Paul's Church, Kingston, by Rev. H.K. Coleman, and the Bishop of Ontario, on Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1928, William Scobell Phippen, of Philadelphia, son of E.H. and Mrs. Phippen, of Napanee and Edith Christabel, daughter of Archdeacon and Mrs. Coleman of Kingston.


Wedding Bells - Phippen-Coleman

An exceedingly pretty early autumn wedding took place at 11.30 a.m. Saturday, September 15th, 1928,  in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kingston, when the marriage was solemnized of Edith Christabel, daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon J.H.H. Coleman and Mrs. Coleman, to William Scobell Phippen, of Philadelphia, Pa., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Phippen, of Napanee. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in her wedding gown of white crepe romain trimmed with Belgian lace, and black and silver Gainsboro hat, and she carried an arm bouquet of Butterfly roses and lily of the valley. She wore the groom's gift, a gold wrist watch. Miss Frances Coleman, of Toronto, was her sister's bridesmaid, and was becomingly gowned in beige crepe and satin and small French hat to match, and carried roses. Mr. Jack Metzler, of Napanee, was best man. Miss Lettie Walker, organist of St. Paul's played softly throughout the ceremony. The chancel and altar were most artistically arranged with quantities of lovely autumn blooms, and here the first part of the ceremony was taken by the Rev. H. K. Coleman, of Sharbot Lake, brother of the bride, and the Bishop of Ontario.

Mrs. J.H.H. Coleman, mother of the bride, wore a lovely gown of silver toned grey crepe de chine with touches of silver lace and wore a corsage bouquet of violets. Mrs. Edward Phippen, of Napanee, mother of the groom, wore a smart frock of two-toned blue charmaine, with hat to match, and carried roses.

Following the ceremony  a buffet luncheon was served at the bride's home, St.  Paul's Rectory, Queen Street, which was beautifully arranged with gladioli and baby mums, and here the guests had an opportunity of viewing the handsome array of gifts, testimonies of the popularity of the bridal couple. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Phippen left for Detroit, the latter smartly attired in brown and sand ensemble and close fitting hat, and brown fox fur. Mr. and Mrs. Phippen will reside in Philadelphia, where they have the best wishes of a host of friends.


Sept 19 1928

Napanee Beaver

Phippen -



Marriages - Phippen-Phippen - At St. James' Church, Kingston, January 4th, 1899, by the Rev. J.K. McMorine, M.A., assisted by the Rev. Rural Dean Forneri, Edward H. Phippen, of Conway, Ont., to Kate J.E. Phippen, of this city.


Wedded at Noon - At noon today in St. James' church Rev. J. K. Macmorine, assisted by Rev. Mr. Forneri, brother-in-law of the bride, united in marriage Miss Katie Phippen, daughter of S.S. Phippen, and Edward H. Phippen, Conway. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Mabel H. Phippen, while W.H. Phippen, brother of the groom, performed the duties of "best man."  Only a few relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Phippen left a noon for Detroit. The bride and groom are cousins.


Mr. Edward H. Phippen, the popular cheese factoryman at Conway, and Miss Kate J.E. Phippen, of Kingston, were married at St. James' church on Wednesday 4th inst. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.K. McMorine, assisted by Rev. Rural Dean Forneri, of Adolphustown. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Mabel H. Phippen, while W.H. Phippen, brother of the groom performed the duties of best man. A glad new year.


Jan 4 1899

Daily British Whig




Phippen -



On 25th Feb., John Phippen of South Fredericksburgh, to Eliza Turnbull, Napanee.


Mar 5 1885

Weekly British Whig

Phippen -



PHIPPEN-VANDYCK - At Conway, on June 16th, George Phippen to Henrietta, youngest daughter of H. VanDyke.


June 23 1890

Daily British Whig

Phippen -



PHIPPEN - WRIGHT -  The marriage of Mr. W. H. Phippen and Miss M. A. Wright, daughter of George Wright, Esq., was celebrated in St. Paul’s Church, Sandhurst, by Rev. Canon Roberts, the rector, on Wednesday, January 30th, at 1 p.m.  Miss Wright has been organist in the church for quite a number of years.  The hymn, “The voice that breathed o’er Eden  was sung and the wedding march at the conclusion of the service was played by Miss J. Roberts.  Many friends wish the newly married couple long life and  happiness.


Feb 8 1907

Napanee Beaver

Platt -




A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized by the Rev. Hubert  E. Secker at St. Alban's Anglican Church Rectory Adolphustown, at eight o'clock on Tuesday evening, February 22nd, 1944, when Pearl Beatrice, youngest daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. A. Denison, Napanee, became the bride of Walter Albert, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Benn Platt, Sillsville.

The bride was becomingly dressed in a floor-length gown of French lace over satin cut on princess line featuring a sweetheart neckline and finger-tip sleeves. She wore a three-quarter length veil, daintily held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms. The bride's corsage was of red bridal roses and fern. Miss Edith Perry attended the bride, attired in a street length dress of pink sheer with black accessories and flower hat. Her corsage was of pink and yellow roses with fern.

The groom was attended by Mr. Eugene Whaled on Deseronto.

The gifts to the attendants were a gold filled bracelet to the bridesmaid and a Morocco billfold to the groomsman.

Following the ceremony, the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, where a dainty luncheon was served. Later the happy couple left on a short honeymoon in Ottawa, Montreal and points east.

On their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Hayburn.





Pollard -



POLLARD-FERGUSON - On July 10th, at Adolphustown, Joseph Edward Pollard to Anna Ferguson, all of Adolphustown.


July 12 1893

Daily British Whig

Pollard -



In Picton, Aug. 7th, Fred. Pollard to Amelia Pollard, both of Adolphustown.


Aug 17 1888

British Whig

Pollard –



POLLARD-POSTE – At the Methodist parsonage, on Thursday, May 12, 1921, by Rev. Anderson, Mr. Hardy Pollard of Adolphustown to Miss Laura Poste, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Poste, Hay Bay.


May 21 1921

Kingston Daily Standard

Pomroy -



Married - In this city (Kingston), on the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, 2 Wellington Terrace, by the Rev. P. Gray, Mr. William Franklin Pomroy, of Bell Rock, to Annie, second daughter of James A. McDowall.


Feb 12 1874

Weekly British Whig




PORTT – GALLAGHER – On Monday, March 15th, 1920, at Shannonville, Ont., Robert Arnold Portt to Anita Elizabeth Gallagher, of Dorland, County of Lennox and Addington, by the Rev. J. Cantrell, Rector of Shannonville.


PORTT – GALLAGHER – A quiet wedding was solemnized near Shannonville, at William Henry Portt’s residence, on Monday last, the 15th inst., when Robert Arnold Portt was united in holy matrimony to Anita Elizabeth Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher of Dorland, County of Lennox and Addington.  The bride, who was prettily attired in a dress of taupe crepe-de-chene, and holding a bunch of lovely pink carnations, was given away by her father.  The Rev. J. Cantrell, Rector of Shannonville, officiated.  The friends present were the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, viz., Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Portt, Mr. And Mrs. Robert Gallagher, and Stratton Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Milligan and Mrs. Dutlor.  The bridegroom is just recovering from a severe illness.  We wish them bon voyage through life.


Portt-Gallagher Wedding

A quiet wedding was solemnized near Shannonville on March 15th, at the residence of William Henry Portt, when Robert Arnold Portt was united in marriage to Anita Elizabeth Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher, Dorland, county of Lennox and Addington. The bride, daintily attired in a taupe crepe-de-chine dress and carrying a bunch of beautiful pink carnations, was given away by her father.


Mar 19 1920

Napanee Beaver



From the Watson Scrapbooks


Mar 19 1920

Daily British Whig

Post –



POST-McCABE – At Napanee, August 23rd. Richard Benson Post, Brighton, to Mrs. Sarah Eliza McCabe, North Fredericksburgh.


Aug 29 1910

Daily British Whig

Proffit -



PROFFIT-LLOYD - At Napanee, on 21st February, Ernest E. Proffit, Scott, Ont., and Miss Edith E. Lloyd, South Fredericksburgh.


PROFIT-LLOYD - At the residence of the Rev. H.I. Allen, Napanee, on Feb. 21st, Ernest E. Profit, of the township of Scott, County Ontario, to Edith E. Lloyd, of the township of South Fredericksburgh.


Feb 26, 1900

Daily British Whig


Feb 23 1900

Napanee Express

Prout -  



HUFF-PROUT – In St. Patrick’s R.C. Church, Napanee, by Rev. Father McDonald, on January 23rd, 1929, Miss Addlean, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Huff, North Adolphustown, to James V., oldest son of the late John Gordon and Mrs. Prout, of Adolphustown.


Mar 1929

Napanee Beaver

Pruyes -



Married - At Fredericksburgh, on the 26th Dec., by the Rev. John A. Mulock, Rector, Augus Pruyes, of Marysburg, to Cinderella Margaret, daughter of John Davy, Esq., Fredericksburgh.


Jan 3 1856

Daily News

Punchard -



[Dorland] - Mr. Herbert Punchard and Miss Annie Lewis were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon in St. Alban's Church by Rev. A. Strothers. The happy young couple will reside at Conway.


Mar 23 1928

Napanee Beaver

Purdy –



Adolphustown – The marriage of Miss Lola Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Allen, to Lewis Purdy took place in the Anglican Church Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Purdy will shortly motor to their home at Camorillo Heights, California.


June 22 1938

Kingston Whig Standard

Purdy -



John Ferris Purdy, age 65, Res: Havelock, b. Canada, Widower, Farmer, Methodist, son of Samuel Purdy & Permelia Ferris.

Maggie Eleanor Clark, age 45, Res: South Fredericksburgh, b. Canada, Spinster, Methodist, dau of James Clark & Marra[?] Thompson

Married at South Fredericksburgh Jan 16th, 1901 by R. Allin, Methodist Minister

Witnesses:  Jennie [?] Clark, S. Fredericksburgh & Mrs. Clark, S. Fredericksburgh


Married in Fredericksburgh - The home of the Misses Clark, South Fredericksburgh, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Jan. 16th, when Miss Maggie Eleanor, youngest daughter of the late John Clark was united in marriage to John F. Purdy, Hawley, by the Rev. R. Allen, in the presence of the more immediate friends of the family. The happy couple left for London and other western points.


Methodist Marriage Records

Conway - Adolph.



Jan 19 1901

British Whig

Purdy -




Married - At Bath, by Rev. J. Stoughton, on Tuesday 5th July, Mr. John Purdy of Sidney, to Miss Anna Margaret Frety of Fredericksburgh.


Aug 3 1831

Upper Canada Herald

Purnell -



PURNELL - SHOULTZ - On Wednesday, 30th ult., by the Rev. Jno. Stewart, assisted by the Rev. Robert Hosking, at the residence of the bride’s father, Beverly, Mr. Alfred Purnell, to Miss Sophia Shoultz, both of the Beech-grove appointment, Mountsberg Circuit.


Oct 7 1885

The Christian Guardian




A large concourse of friends were assembled at the fine residence  of Wm. Aylsworth, Esq., of Bath, on Thursday evening, the 16th inst., to witness the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Lina Aylsworth, to Mr. P. C. Purvis, of Lyn, Ont.  The ceremony was performed by her worthy pastor, the Revd. Wm. Briden, of Bath.  The bride, the centre of attraction, who was elegantly attire in prune colored silk elaborately trimmed with a rich lace, and presented a charming appearance.  She carried an elegant bouquet of natural flowers in her hand arranged in true artistic style.  Miss Jennie Alysworth, only sister of the bride, and Miss Minnie Watson, of Adolphustown, acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. C. Brown, B.A., at Brockville, and Revd. R. Clancy, of Bath circuit, as groomsmen.  After receiving the hearty congratulations the wedding march was played and the company were ushered into the large dining room where a magnificent supper was spread.  This room opens off a beautiful conservatory of rare plants and flowers, which was brilliantly illuminated and the perfume of which filled the room.  The table was loaded with every delicacy of the season, together with fruits and flowers in abundance and the tout ensemble of the whole scene was most beautiful to behold and long to be remembered. There were about seventy five guests present, most of whom were from a distance.  Watertown, Lyn, Brockville, Napanee, Belleville, Adolphustown and Picton.  The bride’s presents were numerous, well selected, costly and much admired by all present.   The happy couple together with a few friends were driven to Ernesttown station, G.T.R.R., where they embarked on the midnight train for the east, taking with them the best wishes of their many friends.  The next two hours were spent very agreeably by the company in listening to some fine recitations by Miss Lane, of Ernesttown, and others,  the lovers of music were regaled by the admirable playing of Miss Lane, of Napanee, Miss May Rogers, of Bath, and other fine musicians, and I am sure all present enjoyed the charming songs of Miss Briden and Miss Watson.  That this was one of the most rechereche weddings of the season is beyond doubt.  … One who was there…..


…From another correspondent…. MATRIMONIAL – A highly interesting and enjoyable marriage ceremony transpired at the residence of Wm. Aylsworth, Esq., Bath, on the evening of the 16th inst., at 8 o’clock, when his youngest daughter, Lina, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. P. C. Purvis, of Lyn;  the ceremony being performed by the Rev. William Briden, of Bath.  The bridesmaids were Miss Aylsworth, sister of the bride, and Miss Watson, of Adolphustown.  The bride was beautifully dressed in garnet silk, trimmed with ecru lace and orange blossoms.  The bridesmaids were also  dressed handsomely, the former in bronze silk trimmed with cream lace and tea roses, the latter in navy blue silk trimmed with cream lace and daisies, both wearing ornaments of gold and rubies.  The groomsmen, were Mr. Brown, of Brockville, and Rev. W. R. Clancy, of Bath.  Invitations having been widely extended a large number of friends were present from Kingston, Mallorytown, Watertown, Lyn, Napanee, Bath and the immediate neighborhood.  The marriage, ended the merits of a bountiful repast, gracefully adorned with a  variety of flowers fresh from the  conservatory, were freely discussed by all present, and the happy couple took their departure by the midnight  train for the east  amid the congratulations and farewells of a large circle of warm friends.


Ca 1882

From the Watson Scrapbooks