Births and Baptisms in Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh

Quick list of records from the area. Sources are being updated.


A-B  C-D  E-F-G  H-I-J  K-L  M-N-O  P-Q-R  S-T-U-V  W-X-Y-Z




Early Birth Notices From Local Newspapers


Birth Notices are rare in the earlier papers; most didn’t appear until the late 1800s, and even then would normally mention only the father’s name and the gender of the child. Given names of the child and the mother’s name are seldom included.



Also See:

Grace Methodist/United Church Records

Baptisms 1862-1873



Links to Area Birth & Baptism Records Online


Rev. John Langhorn’s Register 1787-1813

Rev. John Langhorn was sent to Upper Canada as a missionary by the Church of England. He landed in Kingston in 1786 and proceeded to Ernest Town (now Bath). He left Canada in 1813. He worked primarily in Ernesttown and Fredericksburgh, but made frequent trips to the surrounding areas.



Rev. Robert McDowall’s Register

Rev. Robert McDowall was sent to the Bay of Quinte district as the first Presbyterian minister. He arrived at Kingston in the early spring of 1798 and remained in the area until his death in 1841. Records for Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh included.



Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records 1899

Included are the original transcripts of the Langhorn and McDowall Records.



Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register 1825-1910

Transcribed records listed alphabetically by surname. Photos of the original pages are available by clicking on ‘Images’. Bay of Quinte area records with both Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh are included.