Surname |
Notice |
Source |
Abrams |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Friday, April 11th, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. George Abrams, twins, - son and daughter. |
Apr 18 1913 Napanee Beaver |
Abrams |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Saturday, August 30th, 1913,
to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Abrams, a daughter. |
Sep 6 1913 Kingston Daily Standard |
Alcombrack |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, July 2nd, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. William Alcombrack, a son |
July 3 1914 Napanee Beaver |
Allison |
At Adolphustown on Tuesday, March 25th, the wife of D.W.
Allison of a son. |
Apr 2 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Allison |
At Adolphustown, on Monday, July 12th, 1915, to Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond J. Allison, a son – Harold Forester |
July 17 1915 Kingston Standard |
Allison |
At the General Hospital Kingston on Sunday, August 23, 1936 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Allison of Adolphustown, a son. |
Sept 2 1936 Napanee Beaver |
Allison |
At Kingston General Hospital, January 19th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allison, of Adolphustown, a son. |
Jan 23 1929 Napanee Beaver |
Allison |
At Kingston General Hospital, on Friday, November 3rd,
1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allison,, nee Marjory
Parks, a daughter. |
Nov 1939 Magee Scrapbook |
Amey |
At Fredericksburgh, on Monday, Nov. 15th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Amey, a son. |
Dec 3 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Asselstine |
At Hawley, April 20th, wife of C.H. Asselstine of a son. |
May 2 1898 Daily British Whig |
Asselstine |
In South Fredericksburgh, on July 11th, wife of B.
Asselstine, of a daughter. |
July 31 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Asselstine |
At Fredericksburgh, April 8th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Asselstine, of a daughter. |
Apr 19 1879 Daily British Whig |
Asselstine |
On the 30th July, wife of William Asselstine, South Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Aug 11 1890 Daily British Whig |
Asselstine |
AT Anderson, on Thursday, Jan. 13th, 1916, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. B. Asselstine, a son – Briden Henry. |
Jan 22 1916 Daily Standard |
Baird |
At North Fredericksburgh on Sunday, March 27th, 1932 to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baird, a daughter |
1932 Stray Clipping |
Baird |
In North Fredericksburgh, August 16th, Mrs. Edward Baird,
of a daughter. |
Sept 5 1901 Weekly British Whig |
Baird |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Feb 22nd, the wife of Wm. Baird, of a son. |
Feb 27 1879 Daily British Whig |
Baker |
At Sandhurst on March 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker,
a son. |
Apr 1 1926 Daily British Whig |
Barnhardt |
At Hay Bay on June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Barnhardt, a son. |
July 6 1915 Daily British Whig |
Benn |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Benn, of Parma, a son |
Apr 7 1905 Napanee Express |
Benn |
At Parma, on Friday, June 14th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Benn, a daughter. |
June 21 1907 Napanee Express |
Benn |
At Parma, Nov. 2d; to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Benn, a son. |
Nov 21 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Benn |
At Hayburn, Saturday, 18th June, to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Benn, a daughter. |
June 21 1907 Napanee Beaver |
Benn |
At Parma, on May 13th to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Benn, a son. |
June 24 1912 Daily British Whig |
Bennett |
On Saturday, 24th September, the wife of Mr. J.W. Bennett, Fredericksburgh Station, of a son |
Oct 1 1881 Napanee Beaver |
Bennett |
In North Fredericksburgh, 20th March, to Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Bennett, a daughter. |
Apr 2 1906 Weekly British Whig |
Bird |
At Adolphustown on Tuesday, March 21st, 1933, to Mr. and
Mrs. James Bird – a son. [Warren] |
Mar 1933 Magee Scrapbook |
Blakely |
At North Fredericksburgh, August 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blakely, a daughter. |
Sept 12 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Blakely |
At North Fredericksburgh on Friday, Sept. 22nd, 1905 to Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeley, a daughter. |
Oct 6 1905 Napanee Express |
Bones |
On Aug. 17th, at North Fredericksburgh, the wife of
Samuel Bones, of a daughter. |
Aug 28 1884 Weekly British Whig |
Box |
At Parma, on Sunday, April 13th, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Box, a daughter - Edith Roberts. |
Apr 18 1913 Napanee Beaver |
Brazill |
At the Kingston General Hospital on Thursday, December 8th,
to Rev. C.C. and Mrs. Brazill, Adolphustown,
Ontario, a son |
Dec 9 1938 Kingston Whig Standard |
Brooks |
At Gosport, on March 21st, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks, a daughter. |
Apr 9 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Brooks |
At Sillsville, on June 29th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Brooks, a daughter. –Philis Marie. |
July 20 1923 Daily Standard |
Brooks |
At Adolphustown, on August 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey
Brooks, a son. |
Aug 13 1925 Daily British Whig |
Brooks |
At Hay Bay, on Monday, Feb. 11th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brooks, a daughter |
Feb 15 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Brooks |
On August 15th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brooks,
Sillsville, a son - Harold Walter. |
Aug 19 1922 Kingston Daily Standard |
Brooks |
On May 17th, 1924 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Brooks, Hayburn,
a son, James William |
May 24 1924 Daily Standard |
Brooks |
At Hayburn on Oct. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brooks, a
son. |
Nov 10 1925 Daily British Whig |
Brown |
At North Fredericksburgh, on August 27th, the wife of Mr. Almon Brown, of a son. |
Aug 30 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Brown |
At Adolphustown, July 4th, wife of William Brown of a
daughter |
July 21 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Bruce |
At Hayburn on July 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bruce, a
son. |
Aug 29 1910 Daily British Whig |
Bruce |
At Sillsville, on Saturday, Dec. 22nd, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie R. Bruce, a son. |
Jan 11 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Bruce |
At the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on July 13, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie
R. Bruce, Sillsville, a son. – Robert Williamson. |
Aug 7 1926 Daily Standard |
Bush |
At North Fredericksburgh, on December 4th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Bush, a son. |
Dec 19 1925 Daily British Whig |
Bygott |
At U.E.L., on Friday, March 22d, 1912 to Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Bygott, a son. |
Apr 1 1912 Napanee Beaver |
Cadman |
On March 7th, Mrs. W.H. Cadman, of south Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
Mar 12 1875 Daily British Whig |
Card |
In North Fredericksburgh, on 24th, the wife of J.N. Card, of a son. |
July 1 1892 Napanee Express |
Carroll |
At Sandhurst on Oct. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll,
a daughter. |
Oct 31 1922 Daily British Whig |
Casey |
On the 7th ultimo, the wife of Gilbert S. Casey, Esq., of
Adolphustown, of a daughter |
Mar 31 1848 Montreal Gazette |
Chalmers |
At Camden N.Y., on Jan. 19th to Mr. and Mrs. George
Chalmers, Adolphustown, a daughter. |
Jan 26 1920 Daily British Whig |
Chalmers |
At Adolphustown, on November 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Chalmers, a son. |
Nov 1929 Napanee Beaver |
Chalmers |
At Parma, on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Chalmers, a
son. |
Sept 25 1909 Daily British Whig |
Chalmers |
At Kingston, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Chalmers, Adolphustown, a son. |
Sept 11 1916 Daily British Whig |
Chamberlain |
At Conway, on the 2- instant, the wife of J.C. Chamberlain, Esq., of a daughter |
Mar 30 1871 Weekly British Whig |
Charters |
At Sillsville, on June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Bertram
Charters, a son. |
June 22 1918 Daily British Whig |
Christie |
At Davy’s Island, on Aug. 23rd, the wife of John
Christie, Napanee, of a son. |
Sept 5 1889 Weekly British Whig |
Church |
At Fredericksburgh, 5th April, the wife of William
Church, Esq., of a son. |
Apr 16 1855 Kingston Daily News |
Church |
On Monday, May 4th, at Fredericksburgh, the wife of
William Church, Esq., of a daughter. |
May 4 1857 Daily British Whig |
Clancy |
At North Fredericksburgh, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs.
L.B. Clancy, a son. |
May 15 1911 Daily British Whig |
Clancy |
At hay Bay, on Tuesday, Dec. 12th, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs.
L.B. Clancy, a son. |
Dec 16 1916 Kingston Standard |
Clark |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Dec 7th to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Clark, a son. |
Dec 18 1922 Daily British Whig |
Cousins |
In Collins Bay, on May 2nd 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Cousins, of Dorland, a daughter. |
May 4 1914 Daily British Whig |
Craven |
At Sandhurst, on Sunday, June 27th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. William Craven, a son. |
July 9 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Creighton |
At Hawley, Oct. 13th, wife of Fred Creighton, of a son. |
Oct 29 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Creighton |
On Aug 10th, wife of J.C. Creighton, of South Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
15 Aug 1896 Daily British Whig |
Creighton |
On 13th Oct., wife of John Creighton, South Fredericksburgh, of a daughter |
Oct 16 1890 Daily British Whig |
Creighton |
At Sillsville, on Saturday, March 13th, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Creighton, a daughter |
Mar 19 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Creighton |
On Saturday, Sept 26, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Creighton, a son
– John Frederick. |
Sept 1931 Magee Scrapbook |
Crowe |
On April 20th, wife of E.C. Crowe, Fredericksburgh, of a
son. |
May 2 1889 Weekly British Whig |
Cummings |
On 17th July, wife of James G. Cummings, North Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Aug 11 1890 Daily British Whig |
Cummings |
On Sept. 8th, wife of W. Cummings, North Fredericksburgh,
of a daughter. |
Sept 17 1889 Daily British Whig |
Cuthill |
In North Fredericksburgh, Dec. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Cuthill, a daughter. |
Dec 12 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Daverne |
In Adolphustown, 22nd January, to Mr. and Mrs. L.G.
Daverne, a son. |
Feb 1 1904 Weekly British Whig |
Daverne |
At Adolphustown, on Saturday, January 17th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daverne, a daughter - Florence Louise. |
Feb 13 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Davey |
At Adolphustown, on January 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Davey, a son. |
Jan 16 1905 Daily British Whig |
Davis |
At Adolphustown on April 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Davis, a son. |
Apr 18 1934 Magee Scrapbook |
Davis |
At South Fredericksburgh, Oct. 16th, the wife of Marshall
Davis, of a son. |
Nov 6 1878 Kingston Daily News |
Davis |
At Parma, on March 19th, the wife of M.V. Davis of a son. |
May 4 1880 Daily British Whig |
Davy |
At South Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, April 11th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davy, a son. |
Apr 19 1912 Napanee Beaver |
Detlor |
At Hawley, on Sunday, 24th Feb., the wife of Mr. Perry Detlor, of a son. |
Mar 1 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Dickson |
At Hayburn, June 30th to Mr. and Mrs. R. James Dickson, a
son |
July 5 1905 Daily BritishWhig |
Dudgeon |
In North Fredericksburgh, Oct. 19th, wife of James
Dudgeon of a daughter. |
Oct 29 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Embury |
At Hayburn, on Sunday, 5th July 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Embury, nee Ella Marsh, a daughter. |
Aug 7 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Emmons |
At Sillsville, 28th July, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Emmons, a
son. |
Aug 5 1907 Daily British Whig |
Ferguson |
At Adolphustown, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, a son. |
April 19 1918 Napanee Beaver |
File |
In North Fredericksburgh, on May 7th, the wife of Mr.
Chas. File of a daughter |
May 15 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Files |
At North Fredericksburgh, 18th Dec., the wife of Chas.
Files, of a daughter. |
Dec 28 1886 Daily British Whig |
Fisher |
At North Fredericksburgh on Sept. 26th to Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher, a daughter. |
Oct 5 1920 Daily British Whig |
Fitchett |
At Parma, on April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Fitchett, a
son. |
Aug 29 1910 Daily British Whig |
Fitchett |
At Parma, on Oct. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fitchett,
a son. |
Oct 21 1911 Daily British Whig |
Ford |
In North Fredericksburgh, on May 25th, wife of Robert
Ford of a son. |
June 7 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Forneri |
On Nov. 2nd, the wife of R.S. Forneri, B.D., Adolphustown, of a daughter. |
Nov 8 1888 Daily British Whig |
Fox |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, 29th August, the wife of Mr. Chas. Fox, of a daughter. |
Aug 30 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Fraser |
A child was born this week to Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser, of North Fredericksburgh, which is entirely devoid of anything in the shape of arms. It is thought the infant will not live. |
Jan 15 1887 Kingston News |
Fretts |
In South Fredericksburgh, on 1st Aug. wife of D.F. Fretts, of a daughter |
Aug 6 1892 Daily British Whig |
Fretts |
At Hawley, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Fretts, a
daughter. |
May 15 1909 Daily British Whig |
Fretts |
At Hawley, on August 25th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Fretts, a daughter. |
Sept 5 1925 Daily Standard |
Fretts |
At Hawley, on March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fretts, a
daughter. |
Apr 6 1911 Weekly British Whig |
Fretts |
At South Fredericksburgh, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs.
George Fretts, a son. |
Mar 28 1916 Daily British Whig |
Fretts |
At Hawley, on Wednesday, October 27th, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fretts, a son. |
Nov 5 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Fretts |
On Aug 22nd wife of Orval Fretts, Hawley, of a son. |
Sept 1 1890 Daily British Whig |
Frink |
At Hay Bay, Sept. 7th, wife of Wilson Frink, of a
daughter. |
Sep 14 1899 Weekly British Whig |
Frink |
At Hay Bay, on June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Frink, a
daughter. |
June 20 1908 Daily British Whig |
Frink |
At South Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, January 17th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frink, a daughter. |
Jan 20 1922 Napanee Beaver |
Gallagher |
At Adolphustown, on July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gallagher, a son. |
July 26 1926 Daily British Whig |
Galt |
At Hawley, on Saturday, March 30th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Galt, nee Laurena M. Meyers, a daughter. |
Apr 1 1912 Napanee Beaver |
Galt |
At Macdonald, North Fredericksburgh, the wife of Mr. Henry Galt, of a daughter. |
Sept 28 1889 Napanee Beaver |
Galt |
At Gosport, on Nov. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Galt, a
daughter. |
Nov 13 1909 Daily British Whig |
Galt |
At Gosport, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Galt, a
daughter. |
Mar 30 1911 Weekly British Whig |
Galt |
At Gosport, on Sunday, March 26th, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Galt, a son |
Apr 7 1916 Napanee Beaver |
Galt |
At Sillsville, on Friday, June 26th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Galt, a daughter - Beatrice May. |
July 3 1914 Napanee Beaver |
Galt |
At Sillsville, on Thursday, Nov. 2nd to Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Galt, a son – George Norman. |
Nov 11 1916 Daily Standard |
Garrison |
In North Fredericksburgh, Sept. 18th, the wife of Charles H. Garrison, of a son and heir. |
Sept 29 1891 Daily British Whig |
Garrison |
At Parma, South Fredericksburgh, on May 5th, wife of Jonas Garrison, of a daughter. |
May 16 1895 Weekly British Whig |
Garrison |
At North Fredericksburgh, on October 12th, 1925, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Garrison, a son - Donald Roy. |
Oct 14 1925 Kingston Daily Standard |
Gates |
At North Fredericksburgh, March 31st, wife of John Gates,
of twins, boy and girl. |
Apr 9 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Gerow |
On April 25th, wife of Wilbur Gerow, North
Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
May 2 1889 Weekly British Whig |
Gilbert |
At Sillsville, on Wednesday, March 24th, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gilbert, nee Hazel Frink, a son - Stuart William. |
Apr 2 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Gilbert |
At Sillsville, Ont., to Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gilbert, a son - Warren Frink Gilbert. |
Sept 21 1923 Napanee Beaver |
Gilbert |
At Hawley, on Sunday, November 23rd, 1919 to Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert, a son - Kenneth Nelson. |
Dec 12 1919 Napanee Beaver |
Godwin |
On Oct. 11th, the wife of Mr. Godwin, South Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Oct 16 1890 Daily British Whig |
Gordanier |
In North Fredericksburgh, April [blank] wife of Louis Gordanier of a son. |
Apr 14 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Haight |
At Conway, on Monday, January 17th, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs.
W.L. Haight, a daughter. |
Jan 22 1916 Daily Standard |
Hambly |
At North Fredericksburgh, April 25th, the wife of Irvine
Hambly (nee Miss Laura Dennison) of a son. |
May 20 1897 Weekly British Whig |
Hambly |
In North Fredericksburgh, Dec. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hambly, a daughter |
Dec 12 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Hambly |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, 1st July, the
wife of Mr. J.W. Hambly, of a daughter. |
July 10 1891 Napanee Beaver |
Hambly |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Hambly, a daughter. [Death notice follows Nov. 7th] |
Nov 20 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Hart |
At North Fredericksburgh on May 13th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hart, a son. |
May 22 1905 Weekly British Whig |
Hart |
At North Fredericksburgh, on June 9th to Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hart, a daughter. |
June 25 1906 Weekly British Whig |
Hart |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, Dec. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart, a daughter. |
Jan 6 1911 Napanee Beaver |
Hart |
At North Fredericksburgh, on August 10th, 1925, to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hart, a daughter. – Doris Beatrice. |
Aug 22 1925 Daily Standard |
Hawley |
On 24th June, wife of George Hawley, North Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
July 4 1888 Daily British Whig |
Hawley |
At Napanee, on March 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hawley,
Hay Bay, a son. |
Mar 16 1909 Daily British Whig |
Hayes |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Aug 29th, the wife of Mr. J.
Hayes, of a son. |
Sept 10 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Heagan |
At Fredericksburgh Station, on the 25th ult., the wife of
Mr. John Heagan, G.T.R. Station Agent, of a
daughter. |
Oct 3 1877 Kingston Daily News |
Henderson |
In North Fredericksburgh (South Napanee) on Wednesday, Feb. 22d, 1882, the wife of - Henderson, of a son. |
Mar 4 1882 Napanee Standard |
Henwood |
At South Fredericksburgh, to Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Henwood, Jr., on
Monday, July 18th, a son (Elsie Magee). [Roger] |
July 1932 Magee Scrapbook |
Henwood |
To Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Henwood, Sandhurst, on September 15, 1933, a
son. [Grant] |
Sept 1933 Magee Scrapbook |
Henwood |
On Monday, May 27, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Henwood, Sandhurst, a
daughter. [Elsie] |
May 1935 Magee Scrapbook |
Herrington |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, May 1st, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Herrington, a daughter. |
May 10 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Hicks |
At Bardolph on Nov. 9th, wife of J. Hicks (nee Miss Gertie Richardson) of a son. |
Nov 19 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Howell |
At Bethany, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howell, (nee Kathleen Burtch) a daughter, Phillis Feryn |
Apr 28 1922 Napanee Beaver May 1 1922 Daily British Whig |
Howell |
At North Fredericksburgh, 4th Sept., the wife of W.D. Howell, of a daughter, nee Annie Hambly. |
Nov 5 1897 Napanee Beaver |
Hudson |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, June 15th, the wife of Mr. Frank Hudson, (nee Miss Mabel Vanalstine) of a son. |
June 20 1902 Napanee Express |
Huffman |
At Hay Bay, on Sept. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Huffman, a son. |
Oct 12 1915 Daily British Whig |
Humphrey |
At Kingston General Hospital on Friday, Sept 20, 1935, to Mr. and
Mrs. Blake Humphrey, of Adolphustown, a daughter. |
1935 Magee Scrapbook |
Humphry |
At Dorland, on Sunday, 17th May, the wife of Mr. J.A. Humphry of a daughter. |
June 1896 Napanee Beaver |
Hunt |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, Aug. 31st, the wife
of Mr. Albert Hunt, of a daughter. |
Sept 10 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Hunt |
On Feb 15th, wife of Pat. Hunt, jr., Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Feb 25 1890 Daily British Whig |
Husband |
At North Fredericksburgh, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Marcus Husband, a daughter. |
Apr 14 1902 Weekly British Whig |
Huyck |
At Adolphustown, on Oct. 22nd, wife of B. Huyck, of a daughter. |
Oct 27 1890 Daily British Whig |
Huyck |
On Sept. 5th, wife of Daniel Huyck, Adolphustown, of a
son. |
Sept 17 1889 Daily British Whig |
Jackson |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Jackson, a son. |
Feb 28 1920 Daily British Whig |
Jayne |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, Nov. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. James Jayne, a son- George Henry. |
Dec 3 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Jayne |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Feb 25th, the wife of James A. Jayne of a son. |
Feb 26 1880 Daily British Whig |
Jaynes |
At Gosport, on Saturday, Jan. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Jaynes, a son. |
Jan 23 1903 Napanee Beaver |
Johnston |
At Adolphustown on July 25th to Mr. and Mrs. William
Johnston, a son. |
Aug 13 1925 Daily British Whig |
Joyce |
At Gretna, on Oct. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Joyce, a
daughter. |
Oct 21 1911 Daily British Whig |
Joyce |
At North Fredericksburgh, on 15th May, to Mr. and Mrs.
John Joyce, a daughter. |
June 1 1903 Weekly British Whig |
Joyce |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Oct. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Joyce, a daughter |
Nov 14 1916 Daily British Whig |
Joyce |
At Gretna, on Friday, January 18th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Joyce, a son, Gerald William. |
Jan 23 1929 Napanee Beaver |
Keech |
In North Fredericksburgh, Jan. 22nd to Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Keech, a son. |
Feb 26 1907 Daily British Whig |
Lloyd |
At Sillsville on Sunday, January 2nd, 1921 to Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Lloyd, a daughter. – Eleanor Ruth. |
Jan 15 1921 Daily Standard |
Lloyd |
At Sillsville, on May 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lloyd,
a son. |
June 16 1910 Weekly British Whig |
Lloyd |
At Sillsville, on Oct. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Lloyd, a
daughter. |
Oct 12 1915 Daily British Whig |
Lloyd |
In North Fredericksburgh, Oct. 19th, wife of Richard
Lloyd, of a daughter. |
Oct 29 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Loucks |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, March 11th, the wife of Mr. Loucks of a daughter. |
Mar 17 1884 Napanee Express |
Loyst |
In North Fredericksburgh, on 21st inst., the wife of Abram Loyst, of a daughter |
May 28 1884 Daily British Whig |
Loyst |
At Sillsville, on Jan. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loyst,
a daughter. |
Jan 30 1926 Daily British Whig |
Loyst |
At Gretna, July 23rd, the wife of John Loyst, nee Bertha
Maud Fields, of a son. |
Aug 2 1900 Weekly British Whig |
Luffman |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Aug. 11th, the wife of Mr.
G. Luffman, of a daughter. |
Sept 10 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Mack |
In Fredericksburgh on May 10th, wife of W. Mack of a son. |
May 21 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Madden |
On Sept. 18th, wife of Jas. Madden, North
Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
Sept 26 1889 Weekly British Whig |
Magee |
At Sillsville on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Magee,
a son. |
July 24 1922 Daily British Whig |
Magee |
At Sillsville, Ont., on July 19th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin a. Magee, a son. – Wallace James. |
Aug 22 1925 Daily Standard |
Magee |
At Sillsville, on Friday, May 16th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Magee, a daughter |
May 28 1930 Napanee Beaver |
Magee |
At Sillsville, Ont., March 20th 1937, to Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Magee (nee Georgia Thurston), a daughter, Shirley Barbara. |
1937 Magee Scrapbook |
Magee |
At Adolphustown, Sunday, October 4, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Magee, a son. [Alex] |
1936 Magee Scrapbook |
Mallory |
At Adolphustown, on May 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mallory, a son. |
May 31 1924 Daily British Whig |
Marflitt |
There was born on Sunday, May 11th to Mr. and Mrs. John Marflitt, of Hay Bay, a son. Mother and child are doing
well in Kingston General Hospital. |
May 1930 Napanee Beaver |
Matthews |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Matthews, a daughter - Annie Marguerite. |
Jan 18 1918 Napanee Beaver |
McCabe |
On Sept. 10th, wife of Ashton McCabe, Hay Bay, of a
daughter. |
Sept 17 1889 Daily British Whig |
McCabe |
At South Napanee, on May 19 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCabe (nee Miss Mae Lamont), a daughter, Betty Mae |
May 28 1930 Napanee Beaver |
McCabe |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Saturday, August 18th, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McCabe, a son. |
Aug 31 1906 Napanee Express |
McCaugherty |
At South Fredericksburgh on Dec. 14th to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward McCaugherty, a son. |
Dec 30 1918 Daily British Whig |
McConkey |
On Aug 10th, wife of Joseph McConkey, North
Fredericksburgh of a son. |
Aug 18 1892 Weekly British Whig |
McConkey |
At North Fredericksburgh, Sept 1st, wife of Joseph McConkey of a daughter. |
Sept 3 1898 Daily British Whig |
McCullough |
At the Kingston General Hospital on Thursday, Sept. 6th,
1934, to Mr. and Mrs. J.R. McCullough, a son (John William). |
Apr 18 1934 Magee Scrapbook |
McFarlane |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Monday, Jan. 26th, the wife of Mr. Andrew McFarlane, of a bouncing baby girl. [The father of this interesting child is eighty-one years of age.] |
Feb 7 1880 Napanee Beaver |
McFarlane |
At North Fredericksburgh, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. J. McFarlane of a daughter |
Nov 10 1877 Daily British Whig |
McHenry |
At North Fredericksburgh on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
James McHenry, a daughter. |
May 21 1903 Weekly British Whig |
McKendry |
At North Fredericksburgh, February 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward McKendry, a son. |
Feb 17 1903 Daily British Whig |
McWain |
On May 24th, wife of T.G. McWain,
North Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
June 6 1889 Weekly British Whig |
McNeill |
At Fairview, N. Fredericksburgh, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McNeill, a son. |
Oct 2 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Meagher |
On 18th April, the wife of James Meagher, South
Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
Apr 28 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Mellow |
At Sillsville, on Monday, April 29th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Mellow, a daughter. |
Mar 22 1912 Napanee Beaver |
Mellow |
At Sillsville, on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 1913, to Mr. and
Mrs. A.W. Mellow, a daughter. |
Dec 6 1913 Daily Standard |
Mellow |
At South Napanee, on Oct. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mellow, a son. |
Oct 29 1923 Weekly British Whig |
Membery |
In Adolphustown, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Amos Membery of a son. |
Feb 17 1872 Daily News |
Meyers |
At Hawley, on Aug 2nd, wife of H.E. Meyers, of a daughter. |
Aug 17 1900 Daily British Whig |
Miller |
At Sandhurst, on Sunday, Dec. 26th, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred F. Miller, a daughter |
Jan 22 1916 Daily Standard |
Miller |
At Hawley, Nov. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Miller, nee Florence Galt, a son |
Dec 4 1903 Napanee Beaver |
Miller |
At North Fredericksburgh on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. John Miller, jr., of a son. |
Nov 10 1877 Daily British Whig |
Miller |
At Macdonald, on the 17th inst., the wife of William Miller, of a daughter |
Aug 30 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Milligan |
On 28th July, the wife of J. Milligan, North
Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Aug 16 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Milling |
At Hawley, June 18th to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Milling, a
daughter. |
June 25 1906 Weekly British Whig |
Milling |
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Milling, Hawley, are the proud possessors to twin
daughters. Both mother and babies are doing nicely. |
Nov 10 1908 Daily British Whig |
Mills |
In North Fredericksburgh, March 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mills, a daughter. |
Apr 2 1906 Weekly British Whig |
Milo |
At Hawley, July 12th, wife of Michael Milo, of a daughter. |
July 18 1898 Daily British Whig |
Moore |
At Adolphustown on Sept. 15th to Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Moore,
a daughter. |
Sept 19 1914 Daily British Whig |
Morrow |
At “The Pines”, Bath, on Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Bertram H. Morrow, a son. |
Mar 1 1924 Daily British Whig |
Mullett |
At Hayburn, on Thursday, 4th April, the wife of Mr. S. Mullett, of a son, stillborn. |
Apr 12 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Neal |
At Conway, on Dec. 17th, to Rev. H.B. and Mrs. Neal, a
son. |
Jan 17 1925 Daily British Whig |
Newman |
On 5th April, wife of Fred Newman, North Fredericksburgh,
of a son. |
Apr 16 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Norris |
In Clarksville, on 1st August, W. Norris, of a son. |
Aug 13 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Norris |
At Clarksville, July 10th, wife of William Norris, of a
son. |
July 23 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Nugent |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Dec 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude
W. Nugent, a son. |
Dec 19 1925 Daily British Whig |
Nugent |
At N. Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, November 19th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Nugent, a daughter, Ruth Mary |
Nov 1929 Napanee Beaver |
O’Connor |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Morley O’Connor, a son. |
Oct 5 1920 Daily British Whig |
O’Neil |
At North Adolphustown, on Nov. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton O’Neil, a son |
Nov 23 1920 Daily British Whig |
Parker |
At Hay Bay, on June 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker, a
son. |
June 21 1913 Daily British Whig |
Parker |
At Hay Bay, on 9th May, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, a
son – still born. |
May 18 1905 Weekly British Whig |
Parks |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Parks, a son. |
Sept 14 1925 Daily British Whig |
Parks |
At North Fredericksburgh, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. John Parks of a daughter |
Apr 22 1875 Daily British Whig |
Parks |
At Hay Bay, on June 15th, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. L.T.
Parks, a daughter |
July 4 1904 Daily British Whig |
Parks |
At Hay Bay, 5th Sept., wife of Newton Parks, of a daughter. |
Sept 10 1894 Daily British Whig |
Parks |
In North Fredericksburgh, May 24th, wife of Newton Parks,
of a son. |
June 4 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Parks |
At Hawley, on Nov. 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parks, a
daughter. |
Nov 13 1909 Daily British Whig |
Parks |
In North Fredericksburgh on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, 1916, to Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Parks, a daughter. |
Dec 16 1916 Kingston Standard |
Parks |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sunday, April 21st, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Parks, a son - John Morris. |
Apr 26 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Perry |
At Fredericksburgh, Nov. 11th, wife of George A. Perry of
a daughter. |
Nov 18 1897 Weekly British Whig |
Perry |
At Hay Bay, on Saturday, Oct 30th, the wife of Jeremiah Perry, of a son. |
Nov 5 1897 Napanee Beaver |
Peters |
In South Fredericksburgh, on April 26th to Mr. and Mrs. William
Peters, a son. |
May 4 1914 Daily British Whig |
Pettit |
At North Fredericksburgh on Saturday, April 12th, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pettit, a son. |
Apr 18 1913 Napanee Beaver |
Phippen |
At Conway, 11th March, wife of E.H. Phippen, of a son. |
Mar 18 1901 Daily British Whig |
Post |
At Hay Bay on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr. Gilford Post
of a daughter |
Oct 8 1897 Napanee Express |
Price |
At the Armitage, Adolphustown, on the 23rd inst., the wife of Elias Price, Esq., of a son |
July 26 1872 Daily News |
Pringle |
At North Fredericksburgh, Aug. 27th, wife of William Pringle of twin boys. |
Aug 29 1894 Daily British Whig |
Prout |
At Hayburn, on Oct. 23 to Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Prout, a daughter. |
Nov 2 1903 Daily British Whig |
Prout |
At Adolphustown Thursday, August 20th, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Prout, the gift of a son. |
Sept 2 1936 Napanee Beaver |
Pyke |
At Sillsville, on Wednesday, March 31st, 1926 to Mr. and
Mrs. J.A. Pyke, a daughter. |
Apr 1926 Napanee Beaver |
Rayworth |
At North Fredericksburgh, on the 22nd inst., the wife of
Mr. Wm. Rayworth, of a son. |
Aug 25 1877 Kingston Daily News |
Rendell |
At North Fredericksburgh, April 27th, wife of Edward
Rendell, of a son. |
May 5 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Rendell |
At North Fredericksburgh on Aug. 30th, wife of Edmund
Randall, of a daughter. |
Sept 10 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Reynolds |
On May 11th to Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds, Dorland,
nee Pearl White, twins, boy and girl. |
May 15 1909 Daily British Whig |
Richardson |
In South Napanee, July 26th, wife of George Richardson, of a daughter |
July 29 1899 Daily British Whig |
Rikley |
At Hayburn on March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Rikely, a daughter |
Mar 30 1908 Daily British Whig |
Robertson |
At Napanee, on the 26th March, the wife of Mr. James E.
Robertson, of South Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
Apr 10 1878 Kingston Daily News |
Robertson |
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Robertson, Gosport, are rejoicing over the
arrival of a son, on May 12th. |
May 25 1907 Daily British Whig |
Robertson |
At Gosport on Dec. 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Robertson, a
son. |
Dec 30 1918 Daily British Whig |
Robertson |
On Aug. 5th, the wife of Ortin
Robertson, South Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Aug 16 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Roblin |
In Adolphustown, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. David Roblin, of a daughter |
Oct 12 1900 Napanee Beaver |
Roblin |
At Adolphustown, Jan. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Roblin,
a son. |
Feb 3 1919 Daily British Whig |
Roblin |
At Adolphustown, on Monday, May 3rd, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Roblin, a daughter. |
May 21 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Roblin |
At Adolphustown, 12th Jan., to Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Roblin,
a daughter. |
Jan 28 1904 Weekly British Whig |
Rombough |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, February 2d, 1882, the wife of Mr. Rombough of a daughter. |
Feb 11 1882 Napanee Standard |
Root |
On the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Edson
Root, South Napanee, of a son. |
Oct 3 1877 Kingston Daily News |
Russell |
In North Fredericksburgh, 16th June, wife of James
Russell of a son. |
June 25 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Ruttan |
Our congratulations are also extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ruttan, of
Bethany, on the arrival of a new babe to their home. |
May 1930 Napanee Beaver |
Ruttan |
At Bath, on Easter Sunday, March 31st, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Ruttan, a son. |
Apr 26 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Ruttan |
At Sillsville, on August 18th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Ruttan, a son. – Douglas Cleveland Ross. |
Sept 5 1925 Daily Standard |
Sagar |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fredrick Sagar, a daughter (stillborn). |
Oct 2 1919 Weekly British Whig |
Schryver |
On 11th June, 1888 at Morven, the wife of Myro Schryver, Fredericksburgh, of a daughter |
June 21 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Scrimshaw |
At Fredericksburgh, on Friday, April 12th, 1918 to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scrimshaw, a son - Cameron Alfred. |
April 19 1918 Napanee Beaver |
Seely |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, July 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Phletus Seely, a daughter. |
July 24 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Sexsmith |
At Bardolph, March 31st, wife of Alfred Sexsmith of a
son. |
Apr 8 1897 Weekly British Whig |
Sexsmith |
At Gosport on Sept. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sexsmith,
a son. |
Oct 3 1922 Daily British Whig |
Sexsmith |
At Adolphustown, on Wednesday, October 27th, 1920 to Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Sexsmith, a son - Lewis Grant. |
Dec 3 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Sheffel |
In South Napanee, Tuesday, 9th Sept., to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sheffel, a son. |
Sept 12 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Sherman |
At Hay Bay, on Sunday, 9th August, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherman, a son. [Death recorded same day] |
Aug 21 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Sherman |
On Feb 12th, wife of John Sherman, North Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Feb 14 1890 Daily British Whig |
Shorey |
At North Fredericksburgh, May 16th, wife of W. Shorey, of a son. |
May 23 1887 Daily British Whig |
Sills |
In North Fredericksburgh, May 4th, wife of Albert Sills, of a son. |
May 15 1899 Daily British Whig |
Sills |
At Sillsville, July 27th, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Blake
Sills, a daughter. |
Aug 7 1915 Daily Standard |
Sills |
At Sillsville, on Saturday, April 10th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Blake Sills, a daughter. |
Apr 16 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Sills |
At Sandhurst on Thursday, January 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sills, a daughter |
Jan 21 1910 Napanee Beaver |
Sills |
In South Napanee, June 24th, wife of Thomas Sills, of a
son. |
July 2 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Sills |
On Aug. 24th, the wife of W.E. Sills, Conway, of a
daughter. |
Sept 6 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Sills |
On 3rd Sept., wife of W.E. Sills, Conway, of a daughter. |
Sept 10 1890 Daily British Whig |
Smith |
At Conway, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, a
son. |
Apr 2 1903 Weekly British Whig |
Smith |
At Hay Bay, on Feb 21st, wife of Henry Smith, of a
daughter. |
Mar 5 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Smith |
In South Fredericksburgh, July 12th, wife of John Smith, of a son. |
July 18 1898 Daily British Whig |
Smith |
At Fredericksburgh, on Oct 27th, the wife of W.R. Smith, of a son. |
Nov 1 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Soby |
On Aug 21st, the wife of John Soby,
jr., Adolphustown, of a daughter. |
Sept 5 1889 Weekly British Whig |
Soby |
At Gosport, July 14th, wife of John T. Soby, of a daughter. |
July 23 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Sparks |
In North Fredericksburgh, on 3rd March, wife of Samuel Sparks
of a daughter. |
Mar 17 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Spencer |
At Macdonald on March 6th, the wife of John Spencer of a
son. |
Mar 27 1884 Weekly British Whig |
Spencer |
At Hayburn, on Jan 29th, 1900, the wife of Mr. Jas. Spencer, (nee Miss Blanche Dupree) of a daughter. |
Mar 2 1900 Napanee Express |
Storey |
At South Fredericksburgh on Friday, February 25th, 1921 to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Storey, a son. |
Mar 11 1921 Napanee Beaver |
Stratton |
On 15th inst., wife of James G. Stratton, North
Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Apr 26 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Sweet |
At Sillsville, on Feb 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sweet,
a son. |
Mar 5 1918 Daily British Whig |
Sweet |
At Sandhurst, on Friday, March 12th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sweet, a son, Raymond Everton |
Mar 26 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Taverner |
In South Fredericksburgh, on April 16th, the wife of Mr.
A. Taverner, of a son. |
May 1 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Thompson |
In South Fredericksburgh on April 21st, wife of Mr.
Thompson of a son. |
Apr 30 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Thurston |
At Hawley, on Friday, 22d Feb., the wife of Mr. Spencer Thurston, of a daughter. |
Mar 1 1895 Napanee Beaver |
Tibbutt |
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William G. Tibbutt, a son on December 31 at the
General Hospital, Kingston |
Jan 11 1933 Kingston Whig |
Tierney |
At Adolphustown, on Thursday, July 23d, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tierney, Long Reach, a son. |
July 24 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Trumpour |
At Ernesttown, 27th March, wife of Frank Trumpour, of a
daughter. |
Apr 9 1891 Weekly British Whig |
Trumpour |
At Adolphustown, on Wednesday, 17th inst., the wife of Mr. J.D. Trumpour, of a daughter. |
May 27 1882 Napanee Standard |
Trumpour |
At South Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, February 22nd, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. John Trumpour, twins, son and daughter. |
Mar 11 1921 Napanee Beaver |
Trumpour |
At Dorland, Ont., July 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Luke P.
Trumpour, a son. |
July 16 1906 Daily British Whig |
Unger |
At North Fredericksburgh, on the 10th ult., Mrs. Nelson Unger of a son. |
Feb 19 1872 Daily News |
Vanalstine |
In North Fredericksburgh on Sept. 22nd wife of Willet
Vanalstine, of a daughter. |
Sept 28 1889 Daily British Whig |
Wagar |
In South Fredericksburgh on the 14th inst., the wife of
Mr. Chas. Wagar of a son. |
Aug 25 1877 Kingston Daily News |
Wagar |
In Napanee, on 19th Aug, the wife of Ephraim N. Wagar, of
a daughter. |
Sept 4 1884 Weekly British Whig |
Wagar |
In North Fredericksburgh, on 3rd inst., the wife of Johnson Wagar, of a daughter. |
Nov 5 1897 Napanee Beaver |
Wagar |
At Sillsville, on Monday, April 17th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Wagar, a son, Walter Earl. |
Apr 28 1922 Napanee Beaver |
Wagar |
At Sillsville, on January 22nd, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wagar, a son. – Dalton Everson. |
Feb 28 1925 Daily Standard |
Wagar |
At Sillsville on April 2nd, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Wagar, a son. |
May 1 1926 Daily Standard |
Wagar |
On 19th April, the wife of Titus Wagar, North
Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Apr 28 1892 Weekly British Whig |
Wales |
At Hawley, on Tuesday, October 5th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Wales, a son. |
Nov 5 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Walmsley |
At Adolphustown, on Tuesday, January 20th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Walmsley, a son. |
Jan 23 1920 Napanee Beaver |
Walmsley |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, March 30th, 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walmsley, twin girls. |
Apr 7 1905 Napanee Express |
Walsh |
At North Fredericksburgh, Thursday, Aug. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Walsh, a son. |
Sept 12 1902 Napanee Beaver |
Walsh |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Monday, March 18th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walsh, a son. |
Mar 22 1912 Napanee Beaver |
Walsh |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Thursday, November 27th, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Walsh, a son. |
Dec 5 1919 Napanee Beaver |
Walsh |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Friday, March 2nd, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Walsh, a daughter, Geneva Mabel. |
Mar 17 1922 Napanee Beaver |
Walsh |
In North Fredericksburgh, 24th March, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Walsh, a daughter. |
Apr 2 1906 Weekly British Whig |
Warner |
In North Fredericksburgh on March 9th, wife of Wellington
Warner, of a daughter. |
Mar 22 1897 Daily Whig |
Whyte |
At Parma, on Saturday, Sept. 5th, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley B. Whyte, a daughter. |
Sept 11 1908 Napanee Beaver |
Wild |
At North Fredericksburgh on the 29th May, the wife of
Thomas R. Wild, Esq., of a son. |
June 8 1876 Kingston Daily News |
Williams |
At Gosport, on Sept. 3rd, wife of Oscar M. Williams of a
son. |
Sept 17 1896 Weekly British Whig |
Willitson |
On April 1st, wife of Mr. Willitson,
Fredericksburgh, of a son. |
Apr 10 1890 Weekly British Whig |
Wilson |
On 10th inst., the wife of Frank S. Wilson, of North Fredericksburgh, of a daughter. |
May 28 1884 Daily British Whig |
Wilson |
In North Fredericksburgh, on Sept. 1st, the wife of Rev.
W.D. Wilson, of a son. |
Sept 10 1879 Kingston Daily News |
Wright |
At Adolphustown, Dec. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Wright,
a son. |
Jan 4 1921 Daily British Whig |
Wright |
At Conway, Friday, Mar. 19, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Wright, a
son. [John] |
Mar 1937 Magee Scrapbook |
York |
At North Fredericksburgh, on Nov. 17th, wife of P. York,
of a son. |
Nov 29 1888 Weekly British Whig |
Young |
In North Fredericksburgh on Sept. 27th the wife of
Benjamin Young, of a daughter. |
Oct 8 1897 Napanee Express |
Young |
At Dorland, on Friday, Dec 8th, 1922 to Mr. and Mrs. Christie Young, a daughter, Flossy Christina. |
Dec 12 1922 Napanee Express |
Young |
At South Napanee, on Feb. 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Young, a son. |
Mar 1 1924 Daily British Whig |
Young |
At Dorland, on Dec. 8th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Christie
Young, a daughter – Flossie Christina. |
Dec 14 1922 Kingston Standard |
Young |
At Bath, May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Young, a son. |
June 1 1903 Weekly British Whig |
Young |
At Sandhurst, on Dec. 1st, wife of John A. Young, of a daughter |
Dec 7 1896 Daily British Whig |
Young |
In North Fredericksburgh, on June 28th, 1892, the wife of Nelson Young, of a daughter. |
July 1 1892 Napanee Express |
Young |
On 10th Aug., wife of Richard Young, South Fredericksburgh, of a son |
Aug 16 1890 Daily British Whig |
Young |
At Sillsville, on Monday, April 1st, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young, a son. |
Apr 19 1912 Napanee Beaver |