Some of the noble U.E. Loyalists pioneers of this county gave such
unmistakable evidences of their undaunted courage as well as of their
patriotism during the times of the American revolution that their heroic
deeds ought to be kept in commemoration. We purpose now to refer only to
three or four cases, selected from a very large number that might be
mentioned. These were men well known among the early U.E.L. settlers of this
county and whose descendants are among our well known families here today. At
some future time we may make reference to others of the same truly heroic
stamp. The descendants of such men have certainly good reasons to feel proud
of their ancestry and that they have the honor to still bear their names.
We are indebted to Dr.
Egerton Ryerson's "Loyalists of America: for the following facts
regarding Luke Carscallen, who was one of the first pioneer settlers on the
Front of Fredericksburgh. He was a Sergeant in the New York Royal Regiment
during the war of the revolution and appears to have been amongst the company
of Loyalist refugees sailing from New York in the fall of 1873 and landing in
Fredericksburgh in June of the following year. According to the authority
already referred to he was an Irishman by birth, and had served in the
British army in his native land in his younger days. He retired from the army
and emigrated to the American Colonies, settling in New York prior to the
breaking out of the great American rebellion. Being a man of peace he desired
to remain neutral and take no part in the then exciting political contest.
The Americans however, resolved that no man should thus be allowed to remain
in peace and quietness. They insisted that all must either take active sides
with them or be branded as traitors and have their property confiscated, and
be driven from the country. They said to Carscallen that as he was a man of
previous military experience, he must join them or be regarded as their
enemy. His reply was that he had once fought for his King, and would do it
again, if compelled to fight at all. An order was then promptly issued to
arrest him, his loyalty being his offence. He secreted himself for the time,
as did hundreds others, like-minded.
He possessed at the time a
fine landed estate of 12,000 acres, which was now at the mercy of the
agitators, and that was soon after confiscated. Not satisfied with that they
seized his young and tender son and tried by threats and intimidations to
extort from him where his father could be found. The plucky boy, however,
well understood what was intended for the father in case his place of
concealment was made known, and so bravely refused to tell. They then
threatened to hang the boy unless he told. "Hang away" was the
courageous reply, and the cruel men so far carried out their threat as to
suspend him three times by the neck until he became insensible and almost
dead. But all to no purpose. Then some of these monsters kicked his insensible
body, but were foiled in their search for the absent father. That courageous
boy was the ancestor of a large section of our well known Carscallen family
in this county today.
The Carscallens were among
the prominent members of the early Methodists of this province. According to
Playter's History of Methodism it was at John Carscallen's log house, in
Fredericksburgh, near the Upper Gap, that William Losee, the pioneer
Methodist missionary preached his first sermon in this country. That was in
the summer or fall of 1790. Luke Carscallen was a prominent officer in the
Canadian militia and took an active part during the war of 1812-14. We have
heard the late Col. Samuel Dorland refer to his deep piety and the respect in
which he was held by all the men under him. Among other things he said that
the men noticed that early every day Colonel Carscallen went away quietly in
the woods and it was generally some time before he returned again. Being
curious to learn why he thus secreted himself from the others, one of the
young men clandestinely followed him and soon found that he was engaged in
reading the scriptures and private prayer. All during the camp service that
habit was kept up and the men made it a point that he should never be
disturbed in these devotions.
He was another of the early U.E.L. pioneers of Fredericksburgh, whose
descendants are numerous and respected in this and the adjoining counties. He
was a native of New York State, near Albany, where he and several of his
brothers were born and reared. They were loyalists to the British cause, but
one of the older brothers was drafted into the American ranks. Such a service
was so repugnant to his feelings that he soon made his escape, but fell very
sick and was kept concealed for a time. The visits of a doctor, who was
watched, led to his discovery. His father was at once required to give a bond
of $1200 that the son should not be removed while sick. He got well and again
attempted to escape a service that was repugnant to his feeling. He was
caught, made prisoner and handcuffed to another prisoner. While being thus
removed from one place to another, the two prisoners managed to knock their
guard on the head and ran for life, thus bound together. At night they
managed to rub their handcuffs off, and finally escaped to Canada. Another of
the brothers was similarly drafted, carried off, and was never afterwards
heard of.
John was also drafted and
taken to the rebel army when he became old enough for service, but he also
managed to make his escape to Canada. He then enlisted in the Rogers Royal
Battalion and was honorably discharged at the end of the war and later on,
became one of the first company of settlers in Third Town, or
Fredericksburgh. He married a Miss Loyst, also a member of one of the early
U.E.L. families, we believe, who appears to have been possessed of the same
patriotic and heroic spirit. In Upper Canada they spent their first summer in
clearing a little spot of land, where in the fall they got a little grain in
the ground. For weeks during that summer they slept under the shelter of a
tree, but managed to erect for themselves a snug log hut before winter set
in. Nearly all their neighbors had a similar experience, but many of them
lived to see their farms cleared, under cultivation, with comfortable
dwellings and their families well to do and educated.
The Diamonds have been
ever since among the well known families of the township. They have also been
prominently identified with the Methodists from the beginning.
They have also been among the
well known and respected families of this county since its very first
settlement. According to Canniff's History of the U. E. Loyalists, they were
originally of English or Welsh nativity. They were dwelling in New Jersey at
the time of the outbreak of the Rebellion, but resolved to take no part in
the contest though it was well known that their sympathies were with the
British. Their experience also was that all who did not take any active part
in overthrowing the government were treated as traitors and rebels. One day
as John Roblin was sitting in his doorway, in New Jersey, a scouting party
came along and fired fourteen shots in the house, without any previous
warning or notice. He was wounded in the knee, though the other members of
the family appear to have escaped unhurt. The house was then entered and
ransacked for valuables. A demand was then made to know where their money
was. John, already wounded, was stripped nearly naked and his brother Stephen
was hung by his thumbs to a tree to extort from him where their money was
concealed. One of the men of the party put a bayonet to the breast of Mrs.
Roblin and dared her to call King George her king. She did not flinch,
however, but just as the demon was about to fire at her one of his comrades
knocked his weapon aside. John was afterwards placed in one of the American's
hospitals, but he said that his treatment was so harsh and cruel that he
became a life long cripple. Mrs. Roblin went to Gen. Washington who was then near
by, and complained of their treatment, and the family was not again thus
Both brothers soon joined
in the British service and served during the war. They were both among the
families who landed in Adolphustown on the 16th of June 1784, and made it
their home there. The family have been well represented in that township ever
since, as well as in Hastings, Prince Edward, and various parts of this
county. In the first list of the families in the old Town Meeting Records of
the township, in 1794, appear the names of John Roblin, with three in family,
Owen Roblin, Jr., with two and Owen Roblin, senior.
Dr. Canniff states that
John Roblin died and his widow, with the family, moved to Sophiasburgh, where
she bought 100 acres of land for $25, and paid for it by weaving. She
likewise cut down trees and made her own log hut.
In Playter's History of
Methodism is given a copy of the subscription list of the Adolphustown
Methodist church, the first of the kind built in Upper Canada, - bearing date
of February 3d 1792, and the name of Mrs. Elizabeth Roblin, appears as the
second largest subscriber. The author speaks of their trip to Canada by way
of the Richelieu river, wintering at Sorel - and living on rations allowed by
the British government, in common with the other Loyalist refugees. In the
spring the families passed up the St. Lawrence, in batteaux, or flat bottomed
boats. The trip thus made from Sorel to Adolphustown, a distance of a little
over -- hundred miles, represented a very hard and toilsome journey of nearly
an entire month, - from May 21st to June 16th, and it may not be considered
bad time for the only methods of travel they then had. She was the
grandmother of John P. Roblin, M.P.P. for years a prominent member of the old
Reform party in the Upper Canada Legislature previous to the Mackenzie
rebellion, and also in later years, who was afterwards appointed by the
Hink's government Registrar of Prince Edward county, a position he held to
the time of his death. The venerable Owen Roblin, J.P. , the founder of
"Roblin's Mills" in Ameliasburgh, was also another grandson. He is
now past 90 years of age, and is said to be the oldest commissioned
postmaster in Canada.
We believe that David Roblin, M.P.P., who
for years represented Lennox and Addington in Parliament, was also a
grandson. He lived and died in Napanee, and is yet well remembered by the
older readers of THE BEAVER.
John Roblin, a son we
believe of the lady before mentioned, was among the first converts under
Losee's labors in this province, and he became a zealous worker in the
Methodist church and a popular local preacher. He was elected to parliament
for the midland district at an early time, but being opposed to the Family
Compact party, then in power, his seat was declared vacant because he was a
local preacher. He was re-elected and again the seat was declared vacant, by
the same party and for the same reason. He returned home and soon after was
again elected, for the third time. He died, however, before the next session
was held and thus what threatened to become a serious case of
dissatisfaction, if not of disturbance, was bought to an end. The late Mrs.
George H. Detlor, so many years a well known resident of this town, was a
daughter of his.