


   The Beaver has already contained some rough notes of some of the early families of Adolphustown, north of Hay Bay, who were among the U.E. Loyalist pioneers of that township, and whose last resting place is in the old burying ground of that locality. It was then intimated that some mention would also be made of some of the leading early families who were among the pioneers in the first settlement of that part of this county.



   Next farm east of the Bogart's homestead of which mention was previously made in these columns came Bernard Cole. His grave and that of his wife Isabella are both marked in this historic God's acre. The burying ground lies on one half of his farm - now owned by Mr. James McMorins, and the west half of the Bogart homestead.

   Bernard, or Barnot, Cole, was a son of Daniel Cole, who occupied the first lot in the first concession of Adolphustown. The family came from Long Island and were among the original U.E. refugees who left New York in the fall of 1783 on their long seacoast journey to Upper Canada, spending the winter with the others at Sorel below Montreal, where, it is said, two members of the Cole family died of smallpox. When they landed at Adolphustown in June of 1784, the surveyors had not yet completed the work of surveying out the lots and all had to remain in their canvass tents until this was done, so that each lot could be fairly given out to the respective families.

   Daniel Cole had a much larger family than any of the others and they all agreed to allow him at once to take lot 1, in consideration of his family which still numbered eleven in 1794, and they all turned in and helped him do a little clearing and put up a log shanty, while they were thus waiting. The shanty was covered with long marsh hay, or rushes, which, it is said kept out the rain and the cold very well. He is put down in the Government official record as a "Soldier of the Orange Rangers." He lies buried, we believe, in the old U.E.L. burying ground at the front of Adolphustown.

   Bernard was one of Daniel's sons and was a young man of about 23 years of age when the refugees first landed in this country. He settled north of Hay Bay and lived and died on the farm there, where he reared a large family. It was from his farm and in his boat that the ill-fated party started on the Sunday morning in June 1819 for the Adolphustown church, just opposite, ten of whom were drowned. Himself and his wife and one son, Conrad, were among the survivors of that party. One daughter, Jane, a young woman, just then engaged to be married, was among the drowned.

   Bernard, according to the inscription on his headstone, died October 5th, 1854, aged 90 years. His father, Daniel lived to be 105 years. A brother, John, who lived in Ameliasburgh, was 94 years old at the time of his death. His son, Conrad, if I remember right died in N. Fredericksburgh at past 90 years. Other members of the family also attained great ages. Bernard had a distinct remembrance of Kingston as it was when he first saw it in 1784. "Old Mother Cook, then kept a tavern in the village; it was a low flat shanty with two rooms. There were but four or five houses altogether in the place." And that was then the largest settlement and made most pretentions to a village of any in all this Province!



   The second farm east of Cole's lot on 19, was first occupied by Lieut. Archibald Campbell. He was one of the prominent men among the early settlers, and in 1795 he was Town Clerk of the Township of Adolphustown, according to the old record. A daughter of his, Jennet, married Elisha Miller, a leading citizen of Prince Edward county in 1792. They were the parents of the Rev. Gilbert Miller, for years a prominent Methodist preacher in this part of Canada, who died at Picton years ago. There are yet numerous descendents of that family in Prince Edward, one of whom, the late E. Miller, represented the county for years in the House of Commons. Another daughter, Elizabeth, married Hilderbrand Valleau, of Prince Edward in 1800 and there are yet numerous descendants of theirs residing in that county. Mr. Valleau, now collector of customs at Deseronto, is a grandson of that pair. We understand that Mr. Campbell spent his last days with that daughter and lies buried in the old Conger Methodist church burying ground, near Picton. He and his son-in-law, Elias Miller, lie buried side by side, and nearby lies also H. Valleau, and other members of both these families.

   There were three generations of Archibald Campbells resident in succession on the same farm in Adolphustown - the farm now owned by our townsman, Mr. John Soby - and they were all influential men in their day. Archibald second died July 5 1851, aged 83 years, and his wife, Catharine Herrington, lies buried by his side. They reared a large family, who became well-known residents, and numbers of their descendants still reside in this vicinity. Among the children yet well remembered by our older inhabitants, but all of whom are gone now, were Alexander Campbell, J.P. of Napanee, of whom mention has been several time made in these columns; John Campbell, of Tyendinaga, where Marysville station now is, where his son still resides; Archibald of Adolphustown; Mrs. Henry Davis, of Adolphustown, whose descendents are yet numerous in this county; Mrs. John Bogert, also of Adolphustown who has also numerous descendents in this vicinity, and the late Mrs. Catharine McHenry, also of Napanee, the mother of Miss McHenry, of Centre St.

   Archibald Campbell, third, was born and died in Adolphustown and a monument has recently been erected there in the memory of him and Mary Valleau, his wife. He was the first representative elected to represent the township in the old Midland District Council. That was at the town meeting held in January 1842. For years after, when the Township Councils were established, he was repeatedly elected a member of it and was several times represented it in the Counties Council then held in Kingston. He was an officer in the Militia, and a Methodist class leader at the time of his death, which occurred in December, 1861, aged 55 years. He was a man held in high esteem by all who knew him. There is not one of the Campbell name now resident in that township, though the descendants are yet quite numerous.



   The Huyck's , like the Campbell's who were their next door neighbors, were at one time a pretty large and influential family, and they have also now swindled down in numbers until there is but barely one of the name left remaining in the township. Lieut. John Huyck, the head of this once numerous family, was an officer in the King's army during the war of the American Revolution and was granted lot 18 in the fourth concession, and also lot 18 butting on that in the fifth concession. On both these farms some of his descendents are still living. On the Hay Bay shore he erected a very commodious stone dwelling house, which in its day, must have been an unusually fine residence and which is yet standing and yet occupied. It is now, I believe, the oldest dwelling house in the township, if not in the county, and was built in the nineties of the eighteenth century. In the records of the very first town meeting held in Adolphustown, in March 1793 - and it was probably the first one of the kind ever held in the Province - his name appears as one of the officials elected, and it also regularly appears for years after. He was a man of pretty extensive business for those times, and was among the very first along the Bay to go into the square timber business, sending the products to the Quebec market. For years that was an important and very venturesome business. The township and its immediate surroundings contained very large white oak and rock elm trees, from which were manufactured and rafted very large sticks of square timber and which were rafted to Quebec, and then many of them exported to England for ship building. His sons, Burger, Edward and John, lived and died on the farms he first occupied, and they, too, have their last resting place in the same burying ground. A daughter, Jane, was the wife of Col. Samuel Dorland, and the descendants of all these have ever since been among the well known residents of the township, as well as very considerable numbers in Prince Edward and the other counties. The family home previous to the migration to Canada was in New York state.

   Among the descendants of the original John Huyck in this county may be named Edward Huyck, now an old man in Newburgh; Peter, a well known Richmond farmer; Burger, of the fifth concession of Adolphustown; Mrs. S. Hawley and children Gilson and Mrs. Randall, of Hay Bay, Mr. Redford Dorland, Township Clerk of Adolphustown; Mrs. Wilmot Hawley, also of
Adolphustown; the sons and daughters of the late Irvine Clapp, also of Adolphustown; Mrs. W. N. Doller, Mrs. James McKay, and Mrs. John Clark, N. Fredericksburgh, and it may be, many others, with whose names the writer may not be familiar.

   Several others of the well known pioneers of that portion of Adolphustown, who also lie buried there, have not been named for lack of space, but may be at a future time.