The most prominent man among the
pioneer settlers of the Township of Fredericksburgh, in 1784, was Col. Jas.
Rogers, who was in reality the leader of those who first settled in West Township.
Just on what lot he located, we do not know. If any reader of these lines can
supply the information it well be gladly received. He has no descendants now
remaining in this county that we are aware of, and any fact in regard to him
and his family are difficult to obtain here. It does not seem just, however,
to the memory of one who occupied a position as prominent, as his, that more
should not be known of him. Col. Rogers and Col. Crawford were the prominent
officers during the war of men of the King's and Queen's Rangers, who
principally were the first settlers of Fredericksburgh.
"Roger, James, Marysburgh
and Sophiasburgh, Son of Major James, King's Rangers, P.L. 1786. "Rogers, David M.,
Marysburgh and Sophiasburgh, Son of Major James, King's Rangers. P.L.
writes: "The early settlers
sometimes called it the Township of Frederick. It was called after Augustus
Frederick, the Duke of Sussex, ninth child of King George III. According to
the original plan of this township preserved in the Crown Land's Department,
it was surveyed in 1784. The limits of the Second Town (Ernesttown), having
been defined, the Third (Fredericksburgh) was also planned. Having fixed the
base line which formed a slight angle with that of the Second town, over the
width of Twenty-five lots, it was at first the intention to limit the
township to this extent of frontage; and the lots were consequently completed
and numbered from west to east, as had been done with the first two
townships. But it turned out that this would not meet the requirements of
Sir. John Johnson's disbanded soldiers, (of whom Jas. Rogers was a Colonel),
to whom a promise had been made that they should be located in a township by
themselves. The result was, that the wishes of the corps were gratified, and
the township was enlarged to the extent of thirteen additional lots, (taken
from Adolphustown) which the map will show are numbered from east to west,
and which indicates that the lots were completely surveyed before they were
numbered. That portion of the Third town, included in the portion first
numbered, received the name of Fredericksburgh Original, and that subsequently
added was called Fredericksburgh Additional." And so it came about that in
order to make room for Roger's men in one township that Fredericksburgh,
contains over 40,000 acres, and Adolphustown a little over 11,000. It thus
comes about that Fredericksburgh, since divided into two townships, contains
two sets of lots from No. 1 to 11 numbered in opposite directions, from the
west base line of the originally surveyed township. FOLLOW-UP Napanee Beaver Oct. 11 1901 COL.
JAMES ROGERS' RESIDENCE Two weeks ago there appeared in
the Beaver some notes in regard to Col. James Rogers, one of the prominent
U.E.L. pioneers of this county, and the leader of the settlers of the
Township of Fredericksburgh, who belonged to the "Rogers Rangers"
as they were sometimes called, and by others known as the Queen's or King's
Rangers. It was stated that though he died in Fredericksburgh, yet no one now
appears to know the location where he lived. Our former townsman, Mr. C. C.
James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for the province, has very kindly
examined the original Crown Lands records of Toronto, and sends the following
information. The lot referred to in his letter is now well known as "the
Sherman farm", on the North Shore of Hay Bay, in the third concession of
N. Fredericksburgh. It was owned by the late Robert Sherman until his death,
some years ago, and is now occupied by his sons. The writer's early
remembrance of the farm was when it was owned by Mr. James, Mrs. Sherman's
father. It was then but little cleared, the whole of the excellent land
except a couple of small fields, on each side of the road, being in very
heavy timber. It may be doubted, therefore, if Col. Rogers lived on that lot,
or if he did, very little clearing was effected -
much less than on those occupied by most of the prominent early settlers. The
following is Mr. James' letter: Dear Sir -- In the Beaver of 21st
September, in your sketch of Col. Jas. Rogers, you ask for information as to
the lot upon which he located in Fredericksburgh. Your difficulty has arisen
from the fact that no lot was patented to him, and none of his descendants
remain in that township. I can, perhaps, give the information: In 1789, Lord Dorchester,
Governor-General of Canada (which at that time included what is now Ontario),
requested the Law Boards to have prepared for his information a list of the
lots under certificate of location. John Collins, deputy surveyor general,
prepared the list for the Mecklenburg district and forwarded it to Lord Dorchester
on the 25th January, 1790. In this report is contained a list of the lots in
Fredericksburgh, with the names of those located, and Maj. Jas. Rogers
appears as the owner of lot No. 6 in the 3d
concession (200 acres). This lot is on the north shore of Hay Bay, not far
from the east end of the bay. This lot was patented on July 7th 1818, to
"Margaret Rogers, now Greeley." I think I am correct in stating
that she was a daughter of Maj. Jas. Rogers, and that her daughter is still
living in Northumberland county north of Grafton. This was the only lot
assigned to Maj. Rogers in Fredericksburgh, the rest of the land to which he
was entitled being granted in Prince Edward county. A fair inference
therefore is that his lot No. 6 in the 3d
concession is the one on which he lived and where he died in 1790. The list of 1790 above referred
to is very interesting as showing the first location of the loyalists and
disbanded soldiers, and also in supplying the military titles of all the
officers at the time of their location. Other names in this township list are
Capt. Crawford, Gunnersell Lipscomb, Ruster, George Singleton; Lieuts.
James Bradshaw, Carscallen, Richard Ferguson, Wm. Fraser, Isaac Ferguson,
John Howard, Hazleton Spencer, Solomon Johns, Philip Lansign,
Wm. McCoy, McGinn, Wm. Schermerhorn,
Church and Young, etc. This list does not of course
give the final location of all the settlers, but the lots at first assigned.
No doubt there was a good deal of moving about, trading and exchanging, before
settlement was finally made and patents issued. One other point in the article
needs a slight modification. David McGregor Rogers did not sit in the U.C.
Legislature continuously from 1796 to 1824. He was out of the then House for
one term, 1816 to 1820. He had, I believe, a claim to prosecute against the
Government. He sat for 24 years, the largest term of service in Upper Canada.
He was named after his maternal grandfather, Rev. David McGregor."