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Note:  Spellings are as they appear in the originals.  This includes the use of the letter “f” in place of the letter “s” in earlier notices. (e.g. “Mifs” = “Miss”  or  fifter” = “sister”)








Mrs. Caroline Nash, sister-in-law of Parker Allen, of Adolphustown, died last week, aged sixty-six years.


NASH – On 26th May, Caroline Nash, sister of Parker Allen, Adolphustown.


The death is announced of Miss Nash, daughter of the late Thomas Nash, J.P., Picton. After the death of her father she retired to Adolphustown, where she spent the remainder of her days.


June 9 1892

Weekly British Whig


June 16 1892

Weekly British Whig




DIED - On Wednesday morning the 28th ult at Adolphustown, of lingering decline, Mrs. Hannah Nash, aged 47, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Nash.


May 7 1847

British Whig



(nee Allen)


Death of Mrs. Nash

In ill health for several months and her condition for the past three weeks very serious, death claimed a very highly esteemed resident of Deseronto on Monday morning when Mrs. Isabella Nash passed away at her home on Mill Street. Arrangements were completed on Monday for the funeral service which will be held from the family residence on Wednesday afternoon and will be in charge of Rev. A.G. Cameron, D.D., of the Church of the Redeemer. Interment will be made in the family plot, Cataraqui Cemetery.

Mrs. Nash who was the widow of the late Caleb N. Nash was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Allen of Adolphustown. Her early years were spent in Adolphustown and her marriage to Mr. Nash took place in Picton, her husband having been a resident of Bloomfield. They resided in Kingston for a great many years, Mr. Nash having been a traveler. Five years ago, Mrs. Nash moved to Deseronto and although of a retiring disposition, she made many close friends here, all of whom were very sorry to learn of her passing.

The deceased, who was 77 years of age leaves to mourn her loss an only son, Edward Allen Nash and two brothers, Thomas Allen and C.P. Allen of Adolphustown. During the past few weeks her niece, Mrs. Preston, whose husband is a Presbyterian minister at Vankleek Hill has been with her.


Apr 16 1935

Kingston Whig Standard


Mary Elizabeth

   *   see Allen, Mary Elizabeth (nee Nash)


Dr. S. L.


Death of Dr. S. L. Nash – At his late residence, Bath on Wednesday morning, Dr. S. L. Nash passed to rest after a month’s illness. Only a few months ago the deceased’s brother, Thos. W. Nash, the well-known land surveyor, died.  At Milford, 82 years ago, the late Dr. Nash was born and for the past nine years had been a resident of Bath.  In religion, deceased was a Methodist, and member of the church of this denomination at Bath.  Besides five sons and six daughters, the late Dr. Nash is also survived by one brother and three sisters.  The sons and daughters are:  Caleb M. Nash, Snow Road, Thomas Nash, Wellington;  Percy Nash, Cleveland;  Edward Nash, Alberta;  Mrs. Dr. Fands, Mexico;  Miss Florence Nash, New York;  Miss Alice Nash, Chicago;  Miss Mary Nash, London;  Miss Bertha Nash, Clifton Springs;  Miss Ruby Nash, residing at home.  The brothers and sisters are:  Dr. Alfred Nash, Joliette Ill.; Mrs. Gabelle Swetman, Picton; Mrs. Louise Ronis, California;  Mrs. Mary Allen, Kingston.


Ca 1915

From the Watson Scrapbooks




Died - At Picton on the morning of Monday the 14th inst. Thomas Nash, Esq. J.P. clerk of the District court, &c &c. He has left behind him a wife and eight young children to deplore his untimely removal, and his death has caused a blank in Society, which will not easily be filled up. As a Magistrate and public character, he was firm and uncompromising in the discharge of his duty. As a neighbour and friend, he was kind and benevolent, - ever ready to assist the distressed or succor the afflicted. As a husband and father, he was tender and affectionate, and deeply will his loss be felt by the survivors.

The memory of the just is blessed.


Aug 15 1837

Upper Canada Herald


Thomas Webb


At the General Hospital, Kingston, Tuesday afternoon, March 23rd, 1915. Thomas Webb Nash, C. E., in his 88th year.  Funeral from the undertaking rooms of Robert J. Reid, 230 Princess Street to Cataraqui Cemetery on Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock.  Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend.


Father of K. & P. Has Passed Away

Career of Thos. W. Nash, Engineer, is Closed

He Laid out plans for Kingston and Pembroke Ry. – Was an Engineer of Authority

Mr. Thomas Webb Nash succumbed to the ravages of old age in the General Hospital Last night.  He had been in the institution for about two weeks but age had set heavily on his weakened shoulders and he gradually sank, passing away peacefully last night.  The late Mr. Nash was born on Amherst Island on the 29th of December 1826.  His father, Thomas Nash came from Bristol;, England, and carried on a store at Picton, Ont.  On his mother’s side he was descended form Mrs. Haris, of Albeston, a somewhat distinguished member of the “Society of Friends” (Quakers).  A short account of her life was published at Bristol in 1834.  Mr. Nash himself was a Quaker in sympathies and has been heard to claim that he was still a member of that Society as he had “never been read out.”  At the same time his religious connection for many years was with the Methodist church.  His heart was set on being an engineer, and he articled himself to John Emmerson, a Provincial Land Surveyor at Thurlow, and was in his employment, when the construction of the Grand Trunk Railway from Toronto to Montreal was begun.  He obtained employment as an engineer of the great new railway and continued with the Grand Trunk until the road was completed, and subsequently came to Kingston and settled down here pursuing the vocation of a Provincial Land Surveyor, which he carried on up to a few months ago.  When the Kingston & Pembroke Railway was organized he became their Chief Engineer.  The laying out of the road as it now runs was his work.  Only Engineers know the difficulties with which he had to contend in constructing a road through the broken country between Kingston and Renfrew.  He was one of the makers of Canada, whose work is done out of sight, without noise, but is none the less of the greatest value to his country.  It would not be incorrect to say that Mr. Nash was universally esteemed as a man of unblemished character and reputation quiet, simple and unostentatious in his life “doing good by stealth,”  in ways that very few people knew anything about.  There are men in Kingston who could tell of sincere services of friendship and assistance rendered to them by the deceased citizen, which were never heard of or known except between the giver and receiver.  Mr. Nash took a real interest in the University and School of Mining and for some years was a Governor of the latter institution.  He leaves two brothers, Dr. Alfred Nash, Joliet, Ill.; Dr. Samuel Nash of Bath, Ont., and three sisters, Mrs. L. E. Loomis, of Rich Hill, Mo.,  Mrs. Isobel Sweatman, of Bloomfield, Ont., and Mrs. Mary Allen Kingston, Ont.



From the Watson Scrapbooks




Robert Naylor, Deseronto, baker, died on Tuesday and was buried on Thursday.  He was thirty-three years of age of consumption.


Daily British Whig

Feb 8, 1893


Garret Miller

At Richmond on Thursday, September 14th, 1933, Garret Miller Neely in his 74th year.





Charlotte A.


Neilson - At Conway, Ont., on April 28th, Charlotte A. Neilson, wife of the late John Neilson.


Apr 29 1904

Daily British Whig


Eleanor N.

   *  see Fisher, Eleanor N. (nee Neilson)



(nee Downey)


A Fragrant Memory - The Life of the Late Mrs. Neilson of South Fredericksburgh

On Sunday, May 20th, Eliza Neilson, widow of the late Thomas Neilson, of South Fredericksburgh sank peacefully into her eternal rest at the advanced age of ninety years and six months. The deceased was born in island Magee county Antrim, Ireland, and was the eldest sister of the late Thomas Downey, of Napanee. In 1830 she came over with her husband to this country and settled in Sandhurst, where they brought up a numerous family, eight of whom survive her, all well known and highly esteemed members of the community. Those who saw Mrs. Neilson only in the last years of her life, in the decrepitude to which old age had reduced her, could hardly realize the remarkable mental and physical vigor and activity which characterized her all her working days. In the year 1858, she was suddenly deprived by death of the support and counsel of her wise and faithful husband. Henceforth she had to bear alone the burden of the family cares and responsibilities, but she proved equal to the task, ruling her household "prudently with all her power," bringing up her sons and daughters in the virtue and admonition of the lord, and teaching them by an example of quiet and unpretending religion how to live good and useful lives. Her house was one in which industry, godliness, charity and purity predominated. Sir Christopher Wren's epitaph, in reference to St. Paul's cathedral " Si queris monumentom circumspice, " "if you seek my monument look around,: is in a higher and nobler sense applicable to her, as surrounded, so to speak, by her sons and daughters ornaments of the community in which they live. She sleeps peacefully in the quiet churchyard of St. Paul's church, Sandhurst.


June 1 1894

Daily British Whig


Elizabeth Jane

(nee Wright)


DIED AT CONWAY - Mrs. Neilson, wife of Robert Neilson, general superintendent of the Philadelphia and Erie division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, who died at her summer residence at Conway, was a daughter of the late Solomon Wright, Adolphustown, and had been an invalid for years, consumption finally carrying her off. Besides her bereaved husband she leaves six children, two sons and four daughters. A winter was spent to Colorado, but no home seemed so dear as that of her native township, where she passed, peacefully away, surrounded by her friends. The funeral took place on Thursday morning.


Died At Fredericksburgh - Mrs. R. Neilson, wife of the general superintendent of the Philadelphia and Erie division of the Pennsylvania system, died at her parents' home near Fredericksburgh, last night. The superintendent's headquarters are at Williamsport, Penn., and orders have been given for special trains to be run over the different roads to convey him to Cape Vincent at once, where Folger Bros., will run a special boat this afternoon to Kingston. His wife was visiting her parents.



From the scrapbooks of J. Wright


Oct 7 1892

Daily British Whig


Oct 5 1892

Daily British Whig


Elizabeth Wright

  *  see Campbell, Elizabeth Wright (nee Neilson)





NEILSON - At Napanee, by drowning, June 4th, 1895, Fred R. Neilson, aged 16 years and 11 months.


Sad Drowning Accident

The town was thrown in a state of excitement Tuesday evening about half-past five o'clock by the sad intelligence that Master Freddie Neilson, a lad nearly seventeen years of age, had been drowned in the river while bathing at the sandbanks near Whittington's brickyard. The lad is a son of Mr. Allan Neilson, of Sandhurst, and had been a student at the Collegiate Institute for nearly three years. He was a great favorite with is associates and teachers who loved and respected him as did all who knew him. In school he was always obedient, industrious and studious, very quiet and gentlemanly. The citizens of the town express much sympathy of the sorrowing parents. His brother, Master John Neilson, in W.S. Detlor's drug store, was almost distracted on being told the news while the mother fainted away on receiving the intelligence by telephone. After school, Fred, along with a number of boys, went down the river in a row boat to bathe. The other boys, who were better swimmers than he, had gone a considerable way out in the channel when they heard his cries for help and turned around immediately, but were nearly tired out on reaching the spot, and although they made repeated attempts to rescue him, could not succeed. In the meantime the news of the accident was carried up the river and Master Allen Preston, son of Mr. D.H. Preston, Q.C., who was in bathing at one of the steamboat docks, hearing the cries, jumped into a punt close by and rowed manfully to the spot, about half a mile, where, after diving a number of times he succeeded in bringing the body to the surface. Every effort was immediately made to resuscitate him by Dr. Ward and others, but proved unavailing, the body having been in the water over half an hour. The remains were conveyed to Carscallen's undertaking establishment where they were place in a casket and afterwards taken to the home of the parents. The funeral took place at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning and was largely attended. The Principal of the Institute and many of his former schoolmates were among the cortege. A floral anchor with the initials N.C.I. adorned the coffin, sent by the teachers and scholars of the Napanee Collegiate Institute.


Napanee Ont., June 4 - A very sad drowning accident happened this afternoon about five o’clock, when Fred, the fifteen-year-old son of Mr. Allan Neilson, of Sandhurst, lost his life.  After school, a number of the school boys went down to the river to bathe.  It is supposed that the deceased took cramps, and before assistance could be procured was drowned.  The other boys who were with him were small, and could not swim well.  He was in the water more than half an hour, and all efforts to resuscitate him proved fruitless.


Napanee, June 5. - A very sad accident occurred at the sand banks on the Napanee river yesterday afternoon about five o'clock, when Fred, the fifteen year old son of Allan Neilson, of Sandhurst, lost his life. After school a few of the boys went down the river to bathe, and it appears young Neilson took cramps and drowned before assistance could be procured. Allan Preston recovered the body after being in the water over half an hour, and all efforts to resuscitate him proved fruitless.

The other boys who were with him were small and could not swim well, and therefore could not render him assistance. The remains were taken to his father's last night.


The remains of the late Fred Neilson, drowned in the river on Monday afternoon were conveyed, yesterday morning, to his home in Sandhurst. The funeral takes place today.


June 7 1895

Napanee Beaver


June 5 1895

Daily Mail & Empire, Toronto


June 6 1895

Weekly British Whig


June 10 1895

British Whig


Ida Isabel


NEILSON – At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Richards, North Fredericksburgh, on Tuesday, May 27th, 1941, Ida Isabel Roddick, widow of the late James S. Neilson. Funeral from her late residence, Stella, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock (standard time) to St. Alban’s Church. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend.


MRS. I. I. NEILSON - Amherst Island, June 3 - The funeral of the late Mrs. Ida Isabel Neilson was held from her late residence on Friday afternoon at 2:30 to St. Alban's Anglican Church where Service was conducted by Rev. C. C. Brazil, rector of this charge, assisted by Rev. H. C. Secker of Westport and Rev. R. K. Earls of St. Paul's Church. Following the service the cortege proceeded to Glenwood Cemetery where interment was made in the family plot. The pall-bearers were Neilson Roddick, Robert Wright, Arthur Howard, George Ham, John Sheffield and Rod Wright. Relatives and friends were in attendance from Napanee, Kingston, Conway, Lyndhurst, Westport, Port Hope and Toronto. Mrs. Neilson's brother, John Roddick, who resides near Viking, Alta., was also in attendance, arriving the day of the funeral.


May 28 1941

Kingston Whig Standard


From the scrapbooks of J. Wright


James Silliman


Late J.S. Neilson, Stella

The death occurred on Sunday at 12.30 p.m. of James Silliman Neilson, general merchant, Stella, after an illness of two weeks. The deceased was born at Sandhurst sixty-nine years and nine months ago. He had resided at Stella since 1883 when he opened a general store and coal business. In religion he was an Anglican and belonged to the A.O.U.W. Surviving are his wife; two sisters, Mrs. George Wright, Sandhurst, and Miss Anna Neilson, Cobourg; two younger brothers; two daughters, Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson and Mrs. Backus both of Brooklyn N.Y., and two sons, Arthur C. of Toronto and L.R. of Stella.


The Late James S. Neilson of Stella, Amherst Island

On Sunday, Feb. 20th, James Silliman Neilson died at his home, Stella, Amherst Island, in his seventieth year, greatly regretted. He was the youngest surviving son of the late Thomas Neilson of Fredericksburgh and his wife Elizabeth Downey. He spent his boyhood days on his father’s farm and got his education in the public school on the next farm. There were good schools in those days and apt scholars. The Neilson family and others who attended the same school profited by the instruction of a competent master. It was under him that Robert Neilson, C.E., an elder brother, laid the foundation of a brilliant and successful career. He later became president of one of the leading railroads in the United States.

James, after learning the business of a general merchant, in a leading Napanee store, went to Amherst Island forty-seven years ago. He then formed a partnership with the late Captain Thomas Polley. They conducted the business of general merchants for four years, after which the partnership was dissolved by united consent. Capt. Polley continuing the business with his brother-in-law the late George Wright as partner. J.S. Neilson began business for himself in a small store where the present large building stands.

In 1873 he married Miss Sarah Louisa Preston, daughter of the late David Preston of Amherst Island. To them were born four children: Gertrude, who married Dr. Thompson of Brooklyn; Mollie, who married Mr. Backus, M.E.,; William, who died eight years ago and Arthur, Mechanical Engineer, Toronto.

In 1885 Mrs. Neilson died. In June 1888 Mr. Neilson married Miss Ida Isabel Roddick of Port Hope, of this marriage there are six children: Lawrence Roddick, C.E.; Kathleen who married Arnold Wemp of Amherst Island; Marjory, Isabel, Harold Hagerman, Frederick Silliman and Anna Lorean, all at  home.

Mr. Neilson was of a quiet retiring disposition, kind and charitable both in word and deed. During almost a lifetime of constant intercourse the writer never heard him utter one unkind or uncharitable word. As a business man he was shrewd, upright, ablying, and has left an honourable record. He had a faculty for training young men for business and has sent out quite a number who are doing well.

He held the responsible offices of Past Master and Township Treasurer for many years. He was trustee for a long time, and was secretary-treasurer of the Continuation School from its inception. The neat little Anglican church and commodious rectory are both monuments of his liberality and zeal for his church, for although he was ably assisted by others, yet he was the moving spirit.

He was church warden and a delegate to the Synod on several occasions. He was Past Master of Tanti Lodge, A.O.U.W. In politics he was a liberal.

The funeral took place on Tuesday, February 22nd at 2 p.m. to the Church of St. Alban the Martyr, and was largely attended by the people of Amherst Island. There were also a number present from Napanee, Fredericksburgh and Kingston. His nephews were the pallbearers. His brethren of Tanti Lodge led in the mournful procession, followed by the pupils of the Continuation School and their teachers. All his nine living children were present except Mrs. Thompson, who was ill and with Mrs. Neilson, followed the casket on which were fragrant flowers wrought into appropriate forms and placed there by loving hands.

The rector, Rev. J. Connolly Dixon, accompanied by Rev. Mr. McTear, rector of Bath, met the procession at the church door and conducted the bearers to the front, after which the solemn funeral service was read and appropriate hymns sung, closing with “Come to Me and Rest.”  The body was then placed in the vault for interment.

Canon Roberts, Cataraqui, a former rector, drove all the way to be present at the last rite of his former parishioner and friend, but unfortunately was not able to arrive in time for the first part of the service.

So ends the active career of a man who for forty-seven years identified himself with the best interests of the island, and who will be sadly missed for many a day.


Feb 21 1916

Daily British Whig


Mar 9 1916

Daily British Whig

Jessie E.


NEILSON, Miss Jessie E. – On Tuesday, December 5, 1972, at Toronto, Miss Jessie E. Neilson, dear aunt of Fred A. and W. Ivan Neilson. Service and interment at St. Paul’s Anglican Cemetery, Sandhurst, Ontario on Wednesday, December 6 at 2 p.m.


Dec 6 1972

Kingston Whig Standard



   * see Wright, Matilda


Ormiston Howard


NEILSON, Ormiston Howard - In Kingston on Friday, Mar. 31, 1961, Ormiston Howard Neilson, elder son of the late William J. Neilson and Emma Howard, and dear brother of Mrs. E. Wishart (Ethel), Ochre River, Man.;  Mrs. A. L. Coleman (Marion), Napanee;  and John James, Ridgetown, Ont.  Funeral service was held at the R. J. Reid chapel in Kingston on April 3, with the Rev. W. L. Simmons of Napanee as officiating clergyman.  Interment was in McDowall Memorial Cemetery at Sandhurst.


April 6 1961


Post Express




At Fredericksburgh, on the 18th July, Thomas Neilson, Esq., formerly of the Isle of Magee, near Belfast, Ireland, aged [60?] years.


July 27 1858

Daily British Whig



   * see Robertson, Amelia (nee Nelson)




THE LATE D.A. NESBITT, B.A., I.P.S. - On Monday, January 8th, 1917, Napanee lost one of its most honored and respected citizens, when Mr. D.A. Nesbitt, Public School Inspector for Lennox and Addington passed away, from the effects of a stroke received a few days previously. 

Mr. Nesbitt was born in Walsingham, Ontario in 1854 and received his early training at Amberley Public School.  Along with some others, he left home for Sydenham to attend the High School there.  In 1885 he received his first class teachers certificate and forthwith entered  on his career as a teacher and educationalist.  In 1893, he received his degree of B.A. from Queens and two years later a specialists degree in English and History.  Both were taken extramurally.  From 1889 to 1893, Mr. Nesbitt taught English and History in the Carleton Place High School and in 1893 went to Newburgh as the Principal of the Academy.  In 1907, he was appointed to the Inspectorship which position he held until the time of his death.

In 1880, he was married to Miss Rachael Lyness of Burgoyne, Bruce County.  She and six children survive him.  Howard, DDS, of Lindsay, Ont., Miss Mary of Napanee,  Miss Pearl Alberta, L.T.C.M. of Kingston, Mrs. Farley, also of Kingston, Mr. Percy, of Toronto Dental School and Miss Constance, nurse-in-training at Kingston General Hospital. 

Mr. Nesbitt was a P.D.D.G.M. of Union Lodge No. 9, A.F. and A.M., and a member of Court Napanee, No. 30., I.O.F., an active member of Trinity Methodist Church and for some years Superintendent of the Sunday School.   He was broad and sympathetic in his outlook on life;  magnified his office” and was deeply concerned in all that made for the welfare of the people.  The funeral took place Wednesday noon, at Trinity Church, and from there the body was taken to Lindsay for interment. 



Newspaper Clipping


Mary Eleanor

(nee Sharpe)


NEVILLE - In the Hotel Dieu Hospital Saturday Nov 26 1942, Mary Eleanor Sharpe, dearly loved wife of the late Chester W. Neville and mother of Dr. K.P.R. Neville of London, Ont. in her 93rd   year. Funeral took place from James Reid’s Funeral Parlors at 10 o’clock Monday morning to Switzerville U. C. Cemetery.






Mr. & Mrs.




Since the last issue of the STANDARD death has claimed among others as its victims two old and highly respected residents, whose deaths occurred so nearly together that it seemed as if ordained that they who had been so long and happily united in life should not be parted in death.  The deaths referred to are those of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Neville, which occurred on Monday and Thursday of last week.  Mrs. Neville preceding her husband by the three days indicated above.  Mr. Neville was born in Switzerville in the year 1813, and Mrs. Neville in North Fredericksburgh about two years later.  Both had been in poor health for some time and the release from their sufferings at last was not altogether unexpected.  Mr. Neville was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, one who might well have become conspicuous in the affairs of any community, but he seems to have preferred reserving his energies for the service of religious and benevolent enterprises.  Many years ago he united with what is now known as the Canada Methodist Church, in which body he became subsequently a local preacher of ability much above the average of the class.  He loved his religion well, and by his daily life sought to set an example to all around him which would win for it respect and lead others to embrace it.  He also at various times and in many ways has rendered valuable service to the temperance cause, of which he was long a firm friend.  In Mrs. Neville he had fortunately a helpmate who thoroughly sympathized with his religious and benevolent feelings and who gave him valuable assistance in all his undertakings in their behalf.  The place that they have vacated in church and society affairs will not readily be filled.  Their presence, kindly counsel, loving Christian encouragement and generous aid will be greatly missed by many, who sincerely mourn their departure hence to their eternal reward.  Of a family of twelve children with which their union was blessed, eight survive them and now fill honorable positions.


Aug 25 1883





(nee Benjamin)


Mrs. Robert Newberry, who died in St. Louis and whose remains were interred in the Belleville cemetery, upon the 15th instant, was Miss Esther Benjamin, eldest daughter of the late Geo. Benjamin, who founded the Intelligencer, and in whose office, the late Sir Mackenzie Bowell became an apprentice, and subsequently publisher of the Intelligencer.  Miss Benjamin married the late Robert Newberry, teacher of the High School here and was most popular and highly esteemed.  Mrs. Newberry removed to St. Louis, twelve years ago.  Mrs. Newberry always exhibited great love for her native city.  She has left three sons and three daughters.  Her sisters are Mrs. E. F. Milburn, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Shaw who still survive.



(Ca. 1916-20) From the  Watson Scrapbooks


Florence Victoria

(nee Corkindale)


NEWBERRY – At Picton, Aug. 28th, Florence Victoria Corkindale, wife of George Benjamin Newberry.


Sept 6 1888

Weekly British Whig



   *  see Ballance, Mrs. Robert




In South Fredericksburgh, on March 18th, Maggie Newman, aged 2 years.


March 27 1880

Daily British Whig


Ernest Stewart


OBITUARY -  In the death of Ernest Stewart Newport, editor and publisher of the Deseronto Post, the community has lost a good citizen and a bright, energetic worker.  Though but 26 years old, he was well known to the public and enjoyed a wide circle of friends.  With determination to win, and increasing labor, he gained a portion of that success which surely would have been his if death had not claimed him so early.  His honesty, cheerfulness and forcefulness of purpose won for him the respect of all that knew him. Mr. Newport served his apprenticeship with the Napanee Beaver, and was later connected with The Daily British Whig, Kingston.  In 1915, he took over the Deseronto Post, and raised that paper to its present standing.  He was an active member of the Board of Education in Deseronto, and took a prominent part in all public and church movements.  In 1917 he married Miss N. L. Windover, of Napanee, who is left to mourn his loss.






Mary J.

(nee Wood)


A Lifelong Resident.   The death occurred on March 14th of Mrs. John Niblock, a lifelong resident of the vicinity of Sweet’s Corners.   The deceased had been bothered with heart trouble, and had been in failing health for some years.  Her husband passed away twelve days before. The late Mrs. Niblock before marriage was Mary J. Wood, Lyndhurst, daughter of the late Robert Wood, and there she lived until she was married to Mr. Niblock about thirty-five years ago.  The deceased was sixty-four years of age.


Mar 29, 1920

Daily British Whig, Kingston


William David


WILLIAM D. NICHOLAS - Tribute was paid William David Nicholas, 75, of 131 Raglan Road, when a funeral service was held here July 11 with interment in Sandhurst cemetery. 

Mr. Nicholas, a native of England, died July 9 at the Kingston Hotel Dieu Hospital.  He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Nicholas.

He was a former employee of the Aluminum Company of Canada, having retired 11 years ago.  Mr. Nicholas worshipped at St. Luke’s Anglican church.

Surviving are his wife, the former Ellen Wilson;  two daughters, Mrs. A. C. (Barbara) Buckingham of Ottawa;  Mrs. K. (Thelma) Dougherty of Kingston, and two sons, David and Orvel, both of Kingston.

Rev. H. C. Secker officiated at the 2 p.m. service July 11 at the Gordon F. Tompkins funeral home.

Pallbearers were Herbert, Walter, Fred, Albert, George and Robert Wilson.


Lloyd Scrapbooks




DEATHS – NICHOLS – In Napanee, on Feb 25th, Priscilla Nichols, aged 84 years.


PRISCILLA NICHOLS – On Saturday last the death of Mrs. Priscilla Nichols took place at her late residence, Mill street, west.  Her illness was of only three days duration, brought about by lagrippe.  Deceased was a widow of the late Levi W. Nichol, who resided on the old David Roblin farm, Deseronto road and died some six years ago.  After her husband’s death Mrs. Nichol removed to town where she had up to the time of her death lived a very retired life.  Two sons and a daughter survive here.  Edith, the daughter is now confined to the house by illness.  One son, Marshall, P.L.S., also County School Inspector, resides at Chatham, and the other, Douglas, is off in the western States.


Mrs. Levi W. Nichols - Died, after a brief illness, at Napanee on Feb. 25th, Priscilla Douglas, relict of the late Levi Warner Nichols, aged eighty-four years. Deceased was aunt of W.T. Gibbard, and born in Adolphustown. Not long after her marriage to Mr. Nichols, they removed to Napanee, where they lived some years before, during and after the rebellion of 1837. They subsequently removed to Prince Edward county, and afterwards to Richmond, in Lennox county, where the family resided until after Mr. Nichols' death. For the past thirteen years, the old lady has been faithfully cared for by her only daughter, Caroline Alida. Besides the daughter there are two sons - Douglas in Harvard, Nebraska, and Wilmot, a graduate in arts of Trinity college, Toronto, now inspector of public schools in Kent.


Mar 3 1893




Mar 7 1893

Daily British Whig




At Rest – The remains of Captain Nicholson’s wife were placed in the vault at Conway on Wednesday and will be interred there with her father’s family in the spring. Rev. Mr. Forneri, of Adolphustown, assisted at the burial service and friends from Kingston and Belleville were in attendance.


The remains of Lizzie, beloved wife of Captain Nicholson, were interred in St. Paul's burying ground, on April 14th.


Mar 7 1890

Kingston Daily News


Apr 17 1890

Napanee Beaver




Robert Nicholson, farmer of Fredericksburgh, aged 51 died on the 5th Dec 1837 and was buried on Thursday 7th following by me Saltern Givins.

Witnefses - John Brown & Asa Richardson.



Parish Register





Died at North Fredericksburgh on Saturday, January 6th, 1917, Annie Nolan, beloved wife of Michael Nolan, aged 74 years, 1 month.

The funeral will take place from her late residence, North Fredericksburgh on Tuesday, January 9th, 1917. Services at Hay Bay Church at one p.m., thence to Riverside Cemetery Vault.

Friends and acquaintances will please accept this invitation.



Memorial Card


Clayton Raymond


Deaths - Nolan - In Weston, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1932, Clayton Raymond Nolan, in his 27th year.  Funeral service at St. Gregory’s Church, Picton, Friday, Nov 11 at 10 a.m.  Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.


Clayton Raymond Nolan -

The death occurred at Weston Hospital for Consumptives on Tuesday, Nov. 8th of Clayton Raymond Nolan of Picton, following an illness of several months.  The deceased was in his 27th year, and was born at Tweed, Ontario.  Coming to Picton as a young man with his mother, he entered the employ of Ed. Peeling, butcher, and remained in that position until the death of Mr. Peeling.  He continued with Mr. Patterson as long as his health permitted. He was adept as a meat cutter and most popular with the general public.

Early this summer, as a last resort, in an endeavor to combat the dread disease, the young man entered the Weston Hospital where he passed away on Tuesday.

To mourn their loss, he leaves his wife (formerly Albertina Perrin of Pembroke) and three young children, one boy and two girls; his mother, Mrs. Mary Nolan of Picton, and one brother, Eddie.

The funeral service takes place in St. Gregory’s Church, Picton, on Friday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m.  Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery.


Nov 10 1932

The Picton Times



  *  see Parks, Maud (nee Nolan)



Ward Aberdeen


Deaths - Nolan, Ward Aberdeen:

At Kingston General Hospital, Fri., Jan. 9, Ward Aberdeen Nolan, RR 3 Napanee. Husband of Hazel Sexsmith and dear father of Earl, at home, in his 72nd year. Rested at the Wartman Funeral Home, Napanee. Funeral service in the chapel, Jan. 12, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. John Craig officiated. interment Riverview Cemetery. I.O.O.F. service was held Sun., Jan. 11 at 8 p.m.


Obituary - Ward A. Nolan

Ward Aberdeen Nolan, RR 3 Napanee, died Fri., Jan. 9 1970 in Kingston General Hospital, following a brief illness.

Born in North Fredericksburgh, he was the son of William Michael Nolan and Clara Jaynes. He spent his entire life on the Nolan family farm which has been in their name for over 100 years. He was a member of Hay Bay United Church until it closed. He then became a member of Hay Bay community church and served on the Board of Stewards. He was a member of Argyll Lodge No. 212, IOOF.

Surviving are his wife, Hazel, and son, Earl.

The funeral service was held at Wartman's Funeral Home with Rev. John Craig officiating.

Pall bearers were Roy Abrams, Eldon O'Neil, Harold Hawley, Cameron Brooks, Aubrey Davey and Ken Simpson. Flower bearers were David Abrams and Gary O'Neil. Interment was at Riverview Cemetery.






William Bell


Secretary of the Napanee Cheese Board for 30 years, a salesman for cheese factory supplies and for the cheese board and president of the Excelsior cheese factory for 27 years, William Bell Nolan was buried at Bethany Cemetery Monday afternoon.

Rev. C.D. McLellan, minister of Grace United Church, Napanee, which the late Mr. Nolan attended, officiated at the funeral, held from the Wartman funeral home here to Grace Church at two o’clock. The late Mr. Nolan had been active in church work and had been a steward and trustee of the Hay Bay United Church charge in his native district for many years.

Born at Hay Bay, he had been a farmer in early life and later moved to Napanee where he died at his home after a month’s illness. He was in his 80th year, a son of the late Michael Nolan and his wife, the former Annie Bell.

He is survived by his wife, the former Clara Jaynes, and a son, Ward Nolan of Hay Bay, as well as a grandson, Earl, and several nieces and nephews.

Special solos were sung at the funeral by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sexsmith of Hay Bay. Pall-bearers were Stafford Murphy, George Fralick, Edward Hambly, Karl Sexsmith, James Robertson and Roy Abrams. Flower-bearers were Ross McConnell, John Jaynes, George Jaynes, William Walker, Percy McKeown and Walter Fitzgerald.


June 19 1951

Kingston Whig Standard


William Escott


Death of William E. Norman – An old resident of Picton, Mr. William Escott Norman passed away on Thursday morning, October 10th. He was born October 11th 1845 and was the elder son of the late Robert Addison Norman, Sr., first Police Magistrate of the Town o f Picton.  He was of U.E. L. Stock, his mother having been a granddaughter of the pioneer, David Barker, U.E.


From the Watson Scrapbooks




NORRIS – At North Fredericksburgh on June 26th, Annie Norris, aged 62 years, wife of William Norris.


June 30 1926

Daily British Whig


Benjamin George


NORTH - Benjamin George (Ben) at his residence 220 Dundas street, west, Napanee, on Sunday, January 24, 1965, Benjamin George North, beloved husband of Lela Davy and dear father of Mrs. K. L. Bachofer (Mary Ellen), in his 63rd year.  Resting at his late residence.  Private funeral service on Tuesday, January 26 at 2 p.m.  Rev. Irvin Johnston officiating.  Interment Wilton Cemetery.  The family has requested that contributions “in memory” be given to the heart fund.


Jan 25 1965


Whig Standard


Emma Gertrude

   * see Fraser, Emma Gertrude


Gladys Belle Pearsal


NOXON - In Hallowell, March 20, Gladys Belle Pearsal, wife of Walter Noxon, in her 28th year.


Mar 29, 1920

Daily British Whig, Kingston


Jane Almira

   * see Davy, Jane Almira (nee Nugent)




Death of Robert Nugent -

The sudden death of Robert Nugent, which occurred at his home in Wesley on Thursday evening, was learned with sincere regret by his many friends in Newburg, where he was exceptionally well known and held in the highest of esteem.   The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nugent, and passed away on the same farm in which he resided all his life.  He was the last surviving member of a family of four boys and four girls.  He was a most devoted and active member of the Methodist (now United) Church and attended the Wesley church.

The funeral, which was held on Sunday afternoon, was largely attended, showing the esteem in which he was held by his relatives and friends.  The remains were brought to the Newburg vault, the interment to be made in the spring. Rev. Enos Farnsworth of Belleville, a former minister, officiated in the absence of Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, who is ill.  The deceased leaves to mourn his loss Mrs. Nugent, who before her marriage was Miss Agnes Sexsmith, and two sons, Harold at home and Will at Westport.  There are also several grandchildren,  In his passing this district has lost one of its most outstanding residents.






(nee Grant)


DIED - At Prescott, on Wednesday the 17th  inst. after a long and painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Ann O’Brien, aged 40, wife of Peter O’Brien Esquire of Springfield Park, and daughter of John Grant, Esq., late of Denlogas, North Britain.  She will be long and deservedly regretted by her relatives and all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance, her amiable disposition and gentle manners having endured her to all who knew her.  She paid the debt of nature with fortitude and resignation which strongly marked her pious and innocent life.  Her funeral was attended by a concourse of the most respectable persons in the neighborhood, and for several miles off.  Prescott, Dec 22 1817


Jan 13 1818






O’BRIEN - At Napanee, on Thursday, August 3d, 1911, Annie O’Brien, beloved wife of Mr. James O’Brien aged 58 years, 1 month and 17 days.  The Funeral will take place Saturday morning, Aug. 5th at St. Patrick’s Church at 9 a.m.






Dennis James


The Late Dennis J. O'Connor

In ill-health for about three months the death occurred at his son's residence, Hawley, on Tuesday, July 14 of Dennis James O'Connor, in his 89th year. The deceased had been a well-known farmer all his life. He was born at Sandhurst and 71 years ago he came to the farm from which the funeral took place. He was a Roman Catholic in religion and the funeral, which was held at St. Patrick's Church, Napanee, July 16th, was largely attended and was in charge of Very Rev. Dean E.M. Leacy, who sang the requiem mass.

His wife, Mrs. Eliza O'Connor, predeceased him twenty-four years ago, also one brother, Edward, and three sisters, Mrs. E. Embury, Mrs. James Hanlon, and Miss Mary O'Connor.

He leaves to mourn his death one son, Edward and grandson, Dennis James, also two sisters, Mrs. Patrick Hunt of Chicago, Mrs. Fred Laidley of Kingston, and a niece, Mrs. Irene Boden, of Chicago.

The pall-bearers were Vivian Boston, James V. McCarten, D.W. Young, James McDonald, Bert Elliott and Isaac Brisco. Interment took place in St. Patrick's Cemetery.


July 29 1942

Napanee Beaver




Edward O'Connor, 20 years of age, died at Hawley on Monday. At a barn raising he took cold which brought on a complication of ailments from which he died.


July 23 1884

Daily British Whig



  *  see Laidley, Margaret (nee O’Connor)





At South Fredericksburgh, Sept. 4th, Mrs. Mary O'Connor, relict of the late Michael O'Connor, aged eighty years.


Sep 7 1901

Daily British Whig




[Hawley] Another old resident has gone from our midst in the person of Michael O'Connor who died on Saturday last. He was born in Ireland and came to this country when a boy and lived in South Fredericksburgh the remainder of his days. A very appropriate sermon was preached in the R.C. Church, Napanee, on Monday last, then the remains were placed in the family plot in the Napanee Catholic cemetery. His end was peace.


Aug 2 1895

Napanee Beaver


Elizabeth A.

   *  see Dennee, Elizabeth A. (nee O'Donnell)


Arthur Frank


OHLMAN - At South Fredericksburgh, on Saturday, September 27th, 1919, Arthur Frank Ohlman, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ohlman, aged 27 years, 7 months and 10 days.


Obituary -

It was a sudden shock to the community when one of South Fredericksburgh's most promising young men as "picked off" in the person of Arthur Frank Ohlman, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Ohlman, after a short severe illness of scarcely four days.

Deceased was in the best of health when he contracted Spinal Meningitis, and in spite of the best of medical skill, passed peacefully away on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 27th, 1919. His mind was exceptionally clear to the very last, with the exception of about an hour, when he sank into a deep sleep, (the first during his illness), from which he never awoke, but just passed "over there where the flowers are", which were his last words, expressing his desire to be out of this world of pain.

Among the floral tributes was a beautiful spray from the On-We-Glide Orchestra, of which he was a member. His casket was surrounded with flowers, while his soul revelled in the heavenly ones of his desire.

He was only 27 years old, but his memory will live with those with whom he came in contact. He leaves to mourn their loss, his father, mother, four sisters and one brother. Mrs. Wm. Blackadder, Slash Road; Mrs. Arch. Hegadorn, Westbrooke; Mrs. Art. Harrison, Big Valley, Alta., and Inez E.M.  and George L. Ohlman, of Napanee.


Oct 3 1919

Napanee Beaver




Death of Leopold Ohlman

The sudden death occurred at his late residence, on the York Road, on Monday evening, of Mr. Leopold Ohlman, who was well known in Napanee. Deceased suffered a stroke a few days ago and was again stricken on Monday night, passing away almost immediately. The late Mr. Ohlman was a life-long resident of the Township of North Fredericksburgh and resided near Hawley for a number of years, later moving to his late residence, which is situated about a mile from Napanee. He was particularly well known in the township as well as in Napanee and his sudden passing will be learned with regret by a host of friends. Besides his sorrowing wife he leaves to mourn his loss one son, George, of Napanee and four daughters, Mrs. Will Blackadder, Belleville Road; Mrs. Archie Hegadorn, Westbrook; Mrs. Arthur Hagerman, Alberta and Mrs. Paul Lapell, California. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family in the irreparable loss which they have sustained.


May 1926

Napanee Beaver


Aaron E.


AARON E. OLIPHANT - Died, on the 25th of June, 1886, Aaron E. Oliphant, in the 41st year of his age.  Brother Oliphant was converted to God about thirteen years ago, and joined the Methodist Church, in the communion of which he lived and died.  On the 5th of October, 1870, he was married to Carrie Fisher, daughter of Peter Fisher, Esq., of Burlington, who, with her seven children, is left to the tender care of our Divine Father.  For two months prior to his death our brother suffered very much, but his faith in Christ was unshaken, and he murmured not. His departure was peaceful and triumphant.  He rests from his labor.  [signed]  J.M. Simpson.


July 28 1886

The Christian Guardian


John Laing


Died - On Sunday the 27th inst., John Laing, youngest son of Mr. John Oliphant, aged 3 years and 5 days.


Aug 29 1832

Upper Canada Herald



(nee Armstrong)


At Amherst Island, on Wednesday, the 9th inst., Rachel Armstrong, wife of Mr. John Oliphant, formerly of Kingston, in her 64th year, a native of the County Tyrone, Ireland.


May 17 1866

Weekly British Whig


Bertha M.

(nee Stewart)

OLIVER - AT Napanee, on Saturday, April 3rd, 1937, Bertha M. Oliver, wife of J. G. Oliver, in her 71st year.



Mrs. James G. Oliver died Saturday afternoon at her home on West St., after an illness extending over several months.  Mrs. Oliver had been in poor health for some years and had been confined to her bed since last October.  About two weeks ago, she suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she failed to rally.

Mrs. Oliver was very well known in Napanee where she had lived practically all her married life.  She was a charter member of the Queen of Sheba Rebekah Lodge and was a member of the degree team since the institution of the lodge. For many years she was a member of Grace United Church where she was active in the Women’s Association and was also a life member of the W. M. S. and was greatly interested in the Helping Hand Bible Class.

The late Mrs. Oliver was born in Richmond township the daughter of the late John and Louise Stewart.  Her early girlhood was spent in the Brockville district where her father was station agent at various places.  At the time of her marriage, with her parents, she was living in Deseronto.  After her marriage she and Mr. Oliver lived for about five years at Port Hope, later returning to Napanee where they have since resided.

She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Grace McLaughlin, one son Frank and a grand-daughter Barbara McLaughlin.  She has also three sisters who are the last survivors of a large family.  They are Mrs. Gowan, Kingston; Mrs. Kratzer of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Swailes of Montreal.

Her funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at Grace United Church and was conducted by Rev. W. P. Woodger of Cobourg, a former pastor in the absence of her minister, Rev. R. T. Richards.  Interment followed at Riverview cemetery.






Harriet Ann

(nee Casey)


Mrs. William Oliver Dead

There passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Murphy, Tyendinaga, Harriet Ann Casey, wife of the late William Oliver, a life-long resident of Deseronto. She was the daughter of William Casey and Ann Eliza Fraser, Casey’s Point, Adolphustown. She was in her seventy-first year and is survived by four children, Herbert Oliver, Trenton; Mrs. J.A. McCaugherty, Detroit; Lewy Oliver, Detroit, and Mrs. Harry Murphy, Tyendinaga, and two grandchildren, Mrs. R.B. Newman, Detroit and Miss Marion Murphy of Tyendinaga. She was a life-long Methodist.


Mar 26 1924

Daily British Whig


Mrs. Herbert

(nee Jewell)


OLIVER – At Bellevue, Ohio, on Monday, Jan 7th, Mrs. Herbert Oliver, sister of Mr. W. J. Jewell, Napanee, aged 35 years.


The death occurred at Bellevue, Ohio, on Monday, Jan 7th of Mrs. Herbert Oliver.  Deceased was a sister of our townsman, Mr. W. J. Jewell, and daughter of the late John Jewell, of Adolphustown.  The remains were brought to Napanee on Tuesday evening and taken to Adolphustown on Wednesday.


From the Watson Scrapbooks




One of Napanee’s older residents, John O’Neil died at the age of 85 at his home in North Fredericksburgh on Saturday following a short illness of several weeks.

The funeral was held at his home on Monday afternoon. Ven. Archdeacon R.J. Dumbrille, rector of St. Mary Magdalene Church, of which deceased had been a member for many years, officiated and William Peterson, William Clayton, Overton Miller, Gilbert Storms, John Hays and Percy Robinson acted as pall-bearers.

Deceased was born in the United States, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Neil and came to Canada with his parents as a young boy. He lived for some time in Peterborough County and about 44 years ago came to this county where he farmed until he retired and moved to his late residence.

He was predeceased by his wife, the former Jane Driver, 10 years ago and is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank McCabe, North Fredericksburgh and three sons, William and George of Napanee and John in Toronto.

Burial will be held in the spring at Riverview Cemetery.


Feb 25 1943

Kingston Whig Standard




O'Neil - At North Fredericksburgh, on Monday, May 12th, 1930, Norman O'Neil.


Tragic Death of Norman O'Neil

A sad accident occurred at Hay Bay on Monday morning resulting in the death of Mr. Norman O'Neil, a highly respected resident of that vicinity, in his 71st year. Deceased was operating a tractor to which was attached a cultivator, and the supposition is that the unfortunate man was overcome by a weak spell and fell off the tractor into the path of the cultivator, which caught him, causing death. Deceased was a native of Tamworth. His wife predeceased him over thirty years ago. Three daughters and two sons are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Thursday). Interment at Morven Cemetery.


A large number of relatives and friends and neighbours attended the funeral service of the late Mr. Norman O'Neil on Thursday. The service was conducted by the minister, assisted by the hay Bay Choir. The floral wreaths were beautiful showing the esteem in which the deceased was held. Interment took place in Morven Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Mr. Gould, Mr. Fred Spencer, Mr. Oscar Williams, Mr. Peter Huyck, Mr. A.B. Sexsmith and Mr. Clark.


A very tragic accident took place on Hay Bay on Monday morning, May 12, when Mr. Norman O’Neil was killed. Mr. O’Neil was driving the tractor and must have taken a weak spell and fell off and he was dragged for considerable distance by the cultivator, which was fastened to the tractor. When discovered, life was found to be extinct. The late Mr. O’Neil was in his seventy-first year and for over twenty years had lived on the Bay. He was born at Tamworth and lived for a time at Violet, later moving to his present home. His wife predeceased him some thirty-two years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, Nellie and Lulu, of Syracuse, N.Y. and Mrs. Bull of Aberdeen, Washington; and two sons, Charles and Clayton at home. Also his sister-in-law, Miss Lemon, who has kept house for the late Mr. O’Neil for years. Funeral service will be held on Thursday afternoon. Interment at Morven Cemetery.


May 14 1930

May 21 1930

Napanee Beaver




Obituary – James O’Shaughnessy

On Saturday evening, 30th May, Mr. James O’Shaughnessy, of the first concession of the Township of Camden, passed peacefully away at the age of fifty-one years. He had not been in good health for the past seven months. His sickness was caused by an abcess on the liver. All was done that medical skill could devise. He was attended by four doctors, three of Napanee and one of Kingston. He had been able to be about the house until the past week, when he was taken down on Sunday night, 24th ult., and sank rapidly. Mr. O’Shaughnessy was born in the Township of Adolphustown, in the year 1845 in the month of April on the Gilbert farm, now owned by Mr. Gibbs. He resided in the Township of Camden with his brother Daniel for years. He leaves but one brother and two sisters to survive him.

A light is from the household gone,

A place is vacant, stilled.

A light is from the household gone,

Which never can be filled.


June 1896

Napanee Beaver


Mary S.


MARY S. OSTERHOUT - The Church and society of Frankfort have sustained a great loss in the death of our dear sister, the beloved wife of Bro. William Osterhout, of this charge,  one of our oldest and most highly respected members of the Official Board, in the forty-third year of her age.  Her departure was very unexpected, being stricken down of inflammation on the night of Friday, Jan. 14th.  She calmly passed away at an early hour on Sabbath morning, after a little over twenty-four hours of great suffering.  Our sister was of a bright and cheerful disposition, which was improved by a full consecration to God and the work of the Church;  having been converted in early life, she was ever ready to perform well her part in  behalf of the cause, and when the call came she was found ready to go the way of all the earth without a murmur.  Before her departure she called all the friends to her side to take a last earthly farewell, requiring from each a promise to meet her in the better land, at the same time assuring her heart-stricken husband that the time and way were short until they would be reunited.  Bro. Osterhout is greatly broken down, this being the third companion taken from his fond embrace, as well as several children.  Having acquired a competency of this world’s goods and provided well for a large family, he and his departed companion had retired a little over a year ago to a comfortable home in the village, where they expected to spend a few happy years, and where our brother now is sad and alone, greatly cast down but not forsaken.  May the God of all grace administer and comfort.  We laid her to rest, with due ceremony in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and neighbors.  [signed]  H. McQuad.


March 9 1887

The Christian Guardian



   *see Parks, Isabella (nee Ostrander)



(nee Casey)


Mrs. Florence Casey Ostrom - Widow of the late Thomas Marshall Ostrom, of Belleville and Toronto, daughter of the late Gilbert S. Casey and Esther Casey, of Adolphustown, passed away suddenly at her home, Piety Hill, Napanee, on October 10th last.

Mrs. Ostrom spent her girlhood days in the Township of Adolphustown, and latterly in school. She was well known in those days by a large circle of friends in Napanee and Adolphustown and the country around. After her marriage she moved to Toronto, where she spent most of her life. It was her unfortunate experience to lose three of her children. She left her surviving only one son, Mr. D.M. Ostrom, of Toronto, who has visited his mother here on different occasions and who was suddenly called to Napanee after his mother had passed away.

The late Mrs. Ostrom was most attentive to her mother during her mother's last years, which were unfortunately years of feebleness and illness.

Mrs. Ostrom was in very indifferent health during these years, and she suffered a physical breakdown, and spent considerable time in the Hospital in Toronto during the last winter, but she felt sufficiently recovered in health to open her home in Napanee this Spring, and endeavored to attend to her usual duties, and engaged in her work as a member of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary Magdalene's Church, and of the I.O.D.E.

To those who knew her intimately she appeared brightly alert to all the activities, both local and general, and her companionship was an inspiration for her friends, among whom she will be sadly missed.

The funeral took place in St. Mary Magdalene's Church on Thursday of last week, and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Dumbrille.

The sympathy of the community is extended to her son and his family, and relatives, in the bereavement they have sustained.


Oct 21 1927

Napanee Beaver


Margaret M.


DIED - On Monday, the 24th June, in the township of Sidney, of Hydrophobia, Miss Margaret M. Ostrom, 12 years, 5 months, and 16 days.

The deceased was bitten by a mad dog on or about the 14th May, but did not exhibit any symptoms of madness till Thursday the 20th June, when she became deranged, and would attempt to snap at almost every thing that fell in her way, especially when water was presented to her.  During the time she was seized with madness, and the time she died, a period of only four days, she had several lucid intervals, when she would converse with her friends, forgave the rabid animal which bit her, and expressed a sincere wish to leave this world of sorrow and woe.  She wished that her case might be published to the world.  The day preceding her death, the writer of this short sketch saw her, and he never beheld such a sight.  He believes that a pamphlet describing her situation during her illness, is preparing for publication.  The Editors of Newspapers in this Province are requested by her afflicted relatives to insert this short obituary in their respective papers.


July 20 1833


Chronicle & Gazette





On Thursday, December 22nd, 1938, at his late residence, Suite 9, Clayton Apartments, Young Street, Winnipeg, Man., Belyat Outwater, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Sarah Outwater, passed away.  Interment was made in Brookside Cemetery, Winnipeg.  He had been in failing health for about one year, but was able to be around up to within three days from the time he was confined to his bed.

Bill, as he was familiarly known, was born at Hay Bay, Ontario, September 24th, 1866, and remained on the old home place until 1916, when he disposed of the farm and came west to Goodeye, Sask.  He entered the services of the Canadian National Railway in whose employ he served fourteen years, at Central Butte and Fort Qu’appele Sask., as baggageman.  He retired from active service in 1932, and moved to Winnipeg.

He was a staunch member of the former Methodist Church long before Church Union.  His birthplace on the shores of the old Hay Bay, Ont., a historical spot on account of the first Methodist meeting House in Canada having been erected on its shores, this building still stands, and has been kept in such a state of preservation, that memorial services are still conducted periodically.

The Rev. W. E. Donnelly, Pastor of Young United Church, Winnipeg, conducted the service at the Mordue Funeral Home on December 24th, making particular mention of the historic birth place of the deceased, emphasizing the excellent character of the U.E. Loyalists and paying a very high tribute of respect to the departed.  Mr. Donnelly took his text from the 14th chapter of St. John, verses 1 and 2:  “In my Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also.”

Mr. Donnelly’s remarks were very sympathetic and comforting.  “Asleep in Jesus” was very beautifully sung by Mrs. Scott.

The high esteem in which the deceased was held was made manifest by the very numerous floral tributes.

Mr. Outwater leaves to mourn his widow and two daughters, Alberta of Winnipeg and Mrs. Harry Phillips of Ituna, Sask., also two sisters, Mrs. Edward Dirby of Belleville, Ont., and Mrs. M. Arnold, Chatham, Ont., and two grandchildren, Edna and Roy Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Outwater’s only son, Roy, died in Toronto, October 28th, 1918.


Jan 4 1939






DANIEL OUTWATER - probably Napanee's oldest citizen, passed peacefully away on Wednesday last. Mr. Outwater was born over 91 years ago in the Township of North Fredericksburgh, Hay Bay, and resided the greater part of his life in that township. He afterwards moved to Richmond where he lived for some years, and later settled in Napanee. Mr. Outwater was a son of the late Balyat Outwater of Hay Bay, who was married twice, Daniel being a son by the first wife and the last surviving one of the first family. Of the children by the second wife, there are still left, Mr. Nelson Outwater, Mrs. Elisha Sharp, Mrs. John F. Parks, Hay Bay and Mrs. Whitney Hawley of Bardolph. Mr. Outwater was married to Miss Jane Huffman, of Hay Bay, who still survives him. Mrs. Wellington Guess is their only surviving child. Mr. Outwater was an adherent of the Methodist church and a staunch Conservative. (**Written in – 11th Mar 1903**).



From the Hough Scrapbooks.




At North Fredericksburgh, on 26th inst., Elizabeth, relict of the late Belyat Outwater, aged 82 years.


June 5 1884

Weekly  British Whig


Ella Jane

(nee Mellow)


OUTWATER, Ella Jane Mellow – At her home, 299 George Street, Toronto, Monday, January 6 1941, Ella Jane Mellow, beloved wife of the late Malcolm Outwater and dear mother of Meta, in her 67th years.

Resting at the Funeral Home of G.H. Hogle, 63 Mimico Avenue, Mimico, Service Wednesday 2.30 p.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery.


Mrs. J.M. Outwater Died in Toronto

Mrs. J.M. Outwater, a former well known resident of Lennox County, died suddenly in Toronto on Monday, January 6th. She had been ill a few days with influenza, and her condition was not considered serious but she was found to have passed away in her sleep.

The late Mrs. Outwater was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mellow. After her marriage she lived for some years in Adolphustown, but for the past seven or eight years had resided in Toronto. She was about 70 years of age.

She leaves one daughter, Meta, in Toronto and was predeceased a few years ago by her husband and another daughter. She leaves also one brother, John P. Mellow, of Gretna.

Her funeral was held in Toronto and interment was made in park Lawn Cemetery.


Mrs. J.M. Outwater

Napanee, Jan. 11 – The death occurred in Toronto of Mrs. J.M. Outwater, word having been received by her brother, J.P. Mellow, Gretna. She was a native of Gretna and resided in Adolphustown before going to Toronto many years ago. She was Miss Mellow before her marriage many years ago and leaves an only daughter, Miss Meta Outwater and a brother, J.P. Mellow. Three brothers predeceased her, Wesley Mellow, Will Mellow and Charles Mellow. The funeral service was held at Mimico Wednesday afternoon.


Jan 1941




Jan 11 1941

Kingston Whig Standard


Jane Elizabeth

(nee Huffman)


Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Huffman, relict of the late Daniel Outwater, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C.W. Guess, Bridge Street, aged eighty-one years. The funeral takes place tomorrow at two p.m. to the Eastern cemetery vault.


May 13 1908

Daily British Whig


Meta Viola


Outwater, Miss Meta Viola

At Bunclody Nursing Home Collins Bay, on Monday, Jan 27, 1969, Meta Viola Outwater, dear daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Malcolm Outwater, of Adolphustown, in her 69th year. Miss Outwater is resting at the Tierney Funeral Home, Napanee, for funeral service on Wednesday, January 29 at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Irvine Johnston officiating. Interment at a later date.


Jan 28 1969

Kingston Whig Standard



   *  see, Parks, Mrs. Adam (nee Outwater)




Nelly Outwater wife of William Outwater of the Tsp of Fredericksburgh aged 97 years was buried in the Quaker burying ground Adolphustown January 3, 1852.



Anglican Records





OUTWATER - At Napanee, on 4th Nov., Mrs. Rachael Outwater, aged 73 years and 9 months.


Rachael Outwater

There passed peacefully away to her eternal rest last Sunday night, Rachael, wife of Daniel Outwater, aged 73 years, 9 months. About three years ago, deceased came to reside with her daughter, Mrs. W.H. Garrison, Thomas street, and has been troubled most of the time since by illness. For the past nine weeks she had been confined to her bed and became gradually worse. During her illness she was carefully nursed by her daughter and also by her granddaughter, Miss Blanch Outwater, of Plainfield, who has been almost constantly by her bedside for the past six weeks. Deceased's maiden name was Ruttan. She was a sister of Messrs. Elijah and Stewart Ruttan, Adolphustown, and Mrs. Hazlett, Belleville, besides whom a bereaved husband, a son, Mr. E. Outwater, Plainfield, and a daughter, Mrs. Garrison are left to mourn her loss. The funeral took place on Wednesday, the remains being taken to Plainfield, where services were conducted in the Methodist church, a short service having previously been held at the house.


Nov 8 1895

Napanee Beaver




Following a short illness of pneumonia, Roy Outwater died October 28th at Toronto. He was born Oct. 5th, 1894, on the old homestead, located on the shores of Hay Bay where he lived until he went to Toronto just two years ago.


Dec 11 1918

Daily British Whig


Sylvanus M.


OUTWATER - At Adolphustown, on Wednesday, March 9th, 1910, Sylvanus M. Outwater, aged 73 years, 4 months and 6 days.


One of the best known and most respected residents of Adolphustown has passed away with the death of Sylvanus Outwaters, who on Wednesday, succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Outwaters was almost the last of the genuine “old stock” of the township. He was a lifelong member of the Church of England and had always taken a prominent place and deep interest in all that affected the interests and welfare of his parish church of St. Alban’s in the Village of Adolphustown. He was a Conservative in politics and was one of the reliable and best known men of his district. He leaves to mourn him , a wife and two children, Mr. Malcolm Outwaters on the homestead, where he lived and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Adolphustown.


Mar 11 1910

Napanee Beaver


Mar 11 1910

Kingston Standard


Mrs. S.M.


DEATH OF MRS. S. M. OUTWATER - On Saturday, July 13th in Adolphustown, departed this life a dear old saint in the person of Mrs. S. M. Outwater, aged 85, and on the following Monday morning, after service by the Rector, Rev. Canon Roberts, in her late home, a large concourse testifying to the high regard in which she was deservedly held, her “tired body” was laid in St. Alban’s cemetery, beside that of her good husband who predeceased her a little over two years.  While friends and neighbors deeply sympathize with the sorrowing relatives left behind, yet they cannot but feel it a matter for contest, nay rejoicing, that these two old wayfarers, after a short term of separation, are now reunited in the fair land beyond the sea, and there continuing and that more effectively, their work for God begun here for “Lo from earth’s imperfect labour He hath call’d them to His feet, There to work, where free from failure, Work is sweet.”


From the Watson Scrapbooks




OUTWATERS - On the 26th inst., Elizabeth, relict of the late Belyat Outwaters, of North Fredericksburgh, aged 82 years.



Records supplied by Mrs. Mertie Jean Ackerman




Henry Owens

Retired district farmer Henry Owens, 77, of Dorland, who died Jan. 2 after a seven-year illness, was buried recently in St. Alban’s Cemetery at Adolphustown.

He was born at Birkenhead, Cheshire, England.

Surviving are his wife, the former Eliza Anne Tuck; three daughters, Mrs. Roy (Constance) Baker of Enterprise; Mrs. James (Violet) Chamberlain, Gananoque and Mrs. Kenneth (Betty) McFadden of RR 3 Gananoque.

Additional survivors are two sisters and three brothers, all of whom are older than Henry Owens and continue to reside in Birkenhead.

Mr. Owens attended St. Alban’s Church at Adolphustown. He was a member of the British Legion and a veteran of the First World War.

Rev. D.F. Dunning officiated at a service held in Alban’s Church. Pallbearers were Samuel Wilson, James Donnan, John Prout, Charles Reynolds, Borden Young and Joe Shelley.


Jan 23 1967

Kingston Whig Standard