In the first settlement of the
U.E. Loyalists in the old Township of Adolphustown every lot situated on the
north side of Hay Bay, consisting of the fourth and fifth concessions, was at
once assigned and nearly every one of them was at once occupied. It so
happens that every one of these lots lies fronting the waters of either Hay
Bay, or Bay Quinte, and that was a very important matter in the days when
there were no roads, wagons or horses, and the water was the one common
There was but one burying
ground in that part of the township, and it alone has been used by the people
of that locality from the time of the first settlement of the township to
this day with a slight exception to two. It will probably continue to be the
last resting place of many of the residents of that locality for generations
to come. It happens, however, that the descendants of the first Loyalists who
cleared away the wilderness there and transferred the then "wild
lots" into very fruitful and productive farms have now nearly all left
the township. It is somewhat singular that of all the well-known of the
earliest and largest families all over the old township of Adolphustown, only
a very few bearing the old family names now remain living there. The old
residents of three score and three score and ten years are now surrounded by
those whose names and families they knew nothing of in their early years.
A recent visit to the old burying
ground in the Fourth concession of the township of Adolphustown, located on
the small hill on the farm now occupied by James McMorine
and Wm. H. Cadman, was of unusual interest to the writer. It recalled the
memories of many faces and histories of those familiar many years ago, who
were active and influential citizens in their day, but who are now silently
resting until the resurrection day. Just how early that "God's
acre" was established, and began to be used we know not, but it was probably
soon after the first deaths began to occur among the earliest of the
settlers. There seems at no time to have been any other common burying place
established, and few of the dead among the settlers were taken elsewhere for
The interments of the first
generation were nearly all made before there were headstones at all in use,
and what red cedar posts and other articles may have been made use of to mark
the respective graves are now all obliterated. The ground is now in a much
better condition that most of our old country graveyards, having been
recently well and substantially fenced, with a very substantial steel wire
fence and red cedar posts. The most of the headstones that were ever put
there - they are nearly all white marble slabs - are also in a fair state of
preservation. Today, with a very small expenditure of time, labor and money,
it can all be put in a good condition. Perhaps all it may now need is for
some active person to take the initiative of starting a subscription for that
Among the names inscribed
on these headstones are numbers of those well-known and familiar to the
inhabitants of years ago, but hardly now known at all. They may as well be
taken in rotation as they lived along the Hay Bay front, commencing at
"the Point" at the western extremity. There first come those of
William Casey and his wife Martha Robinson. They were the pioneers of what
was well-known as "Casey's Point" in early times, and the name was
often given to the entire neighborhood. That point has become pretty well
isolated now, but in the early days when canoes and small sailing boats were
alone used for traveling purposes it was considered a very central locality.
William Casey and his
brother Willet, who first settled in the second concession of Adolphustown,
were among the well-known of the earliest U.E.L. refugees. They were natives
of Providence, Rhode Island where their father was a silversmith of
considerable prominence. They were both active in the British course during the
years of the American revolution, and of course, they shared the fortune of
all the other Loyalists of that day, and had to find refuge in Canada, their
property having been confiscated. Willet lies buried, with his wife and
several members of his family, in the old U.E.L. burying ground at the
village of Adolphustown, and mention has been made of them before. William
and representatives of three generations of his family lie buried here. His
name appears on the on the official lists of the U.E.L.'s in the Provincial
Crown Lands Department with this official record: "Was a master
carpenter in Quartermaster General's Department at Yorktown (previous to the
outbreak of the revolution.) Came in 1786." His name was on the
Government list of 1786 of those to whom provisions were supplied. His name
also appears in the Crown Lands as the one to whom the original deed was
granted for lots 24, 25, and 26 of the fourth concession of Adolphustown -
farms now owned by Dr. Ward and Isaiah Sherman. He lived on that farm till
the day of his death, and reared a large family, whose descendants are now
pretty generally scattered in various parts of this province and in British
Columbia, and elsewhere. He died in 1842 at the ripe age of 82 years. He was
a member of the first Methodist class formed in Upper Canada, at
Adolphustown. In 1791, he was one of the builders of the historic old
Methodist Church there - the first of the kind built in Upper Canada, and his
name stands on the original subscription list as one of the largest
subscribers for its erection. His wife, Martha Robinson, was a native of
Duchess County, New York, and was a member of a well-known Quaker family
there. She died in 1840 aged 77 years.
They built a large and
comfortable dwelling house for themselves over a hundred years ago, which is
still standing and is now occupied, sound and quite as warm today as most of
the modern built dwellings. It has seen the whole of one century and the end
and commencement of two others. In their day it was not an uncommon thing to
see wolves, foxes and bears passing along the bay shore directly in front of
their own doors, and bears used to swim across the bay there, where it was
over a mile wide. Two of the daughters once saw a bear thus swimming to
shore, and went down to meet him, knowing how wet and tired he would be after
such a swim and actually killed him with an axe and club. And it was quite a
large one, too.
One of their children
only, Samuel Robinson, with his wife, Hannah Johnson, have their final
resting place beside the parents. Their daughter Elizabeth Jane, who died a
young woman, and a grandchild, Jewel J., a young son of the late Hiram Casey,
of Kingston are also lying in the same family plot.
Christopher German,
another of the pioneer settlers, lived next farm to Wm. Casey, and now lies
buried close beside him. He was a native of New York State, when yet a
British province, and during the war of the revolution, and was a soldier of
the King's Loyal Rangers. He appears to have come also in 1786, together with
two brothers, one of whom settled in Fifth town, now Marysburgh, and the
other in Ninth town, now Tyendinaga. They all
reared large families, and their descendants are today very numerous and
widely scattered nearly all over the country, but none of the name are now
left residing in Adolphustown.
Christopher German was a
man of a good deal of prominence and influence in his day. He was one of the
early magistrates of the county and a member of the early Court of Requests.
He was also a member of the first Methodist class formed in the province, a
local preacher of some prominence, and a trustee of the first Methodist
church built. The writer yet remembers the large and genial old man, full of
good nature. He is said to have been a man of powerful bass voice, and that
counted a good deal in a public man's favor in those early days. He died
suddenly, of apoplexy in 1840 in the 74th year of his age. He was a large and
successful farmer and influential business man. The farm is now owned by Mr.
James Jaynes, and is considered one of the best in
the entire township.
His wife, Catharine, lies
by his side. She survived him several years and died in 1849 aged 79 years.
They reared a large family, several of whom became well-known and highly
respected men. Two of the children of this family, John and Jane, were among
the ten victims of the great drowning that occurred on that fatal Sunday
morning of June 1819. The parents had reached there by an earlier boat and
were helpless witnesses to the death struggle in the waters of their children
a few rods off. We have heard it said by some of those who were living at
that time, that the agony of the mother during that terrible moment was among
the worst agonies they ever witnessed. She was a beautiful singer, and was
said to have been singing with the others in the prayer meeting in the church
when the alarm of the drowning struggle was given, but was never known to
sing again. They were healthy and promising young people.
Two at least of the sons
of Christopher German became useful Methodist local preachers, like their
father. They were Peter and Matthew. Peter was for many years a resident of
Prince Edward county, where he died and his memory was long held in high
esteem. His son, Rev. John Wesley German, is now a respected old
superannuated Methodist minister, residing at Berlin, Ont. Matthew was many
years a resident of this county and died in North Fredericksburgh in 1860 and
he and his first wife, Margaret Smith, lie buried not far from the graves of
their parents. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence and ability,
and highly respected in his day.
It was partly on the well
known Bogart homestead, in the fourth concession, that the burying ground is
located, and its location there may have been because of the first interment
of some members of that once very large and well known family. Members of
five generations of that family have been interred there. The family were of
Dutch origin, and may have been among the settlers of the New Netherlands -
at Tapaan, on the Hudson river, before New York
became an English colony. Gilbert (or Gyspert in
Dutch), Bogart, the head of this family, came from New York with several of
their children among the first refugees who left New York in 1785, in the
vessels that passed around the Atlantic coast and up the St. Lawrence as far
as Sorel, before the close of the season of that year. They located on lot
21, which was originally deeded by the government to Gilbert and his son
Abraham, and on which they both lived and died and were buried. Gilbert died
in 1829, in the 78th year of his age and his wife, Mariah Lent, in 1837 in
her 95th year. Their son, Abraham Bogart, died in 1844, in his 82d year, and his wife, Maria Lazier, in 1874 in her 102d year. Their son, Lewis Lazier Bogart, died in 1888,
in his 85th year, and his wife, Elizabeth Cronk, in
1890, in her 77th year. Cornelius V. Bogart, another son, died at Belleville
in 1888, in his 80th year. It well be seen from these figures, and some that
are to follow, that they all belonged in a family noted for their longevity.
Members of five generations of that family have been buried in that now
historic ground. Some of the bodies have since been moved to another plot,
but still it pretty well deserved to be called, as it was once know, as
"the Bogart burying ground."
In the old church records
of St. Paul's Church, South Fredericksburgh - the first church of England
built in the Midland district if not in the province - is Rev. John
Langhorn's original certificate of the marriage of "Abraham Bogart, of
Adolphustown, bachelor, and Mary Lazier, spinster, of Sophiasburgh."
That occurred on March 18 1792, and the original certificate with their
signatures attached thereto is now in the Bishop's office, Kingston. Mr. F.
Richardson took an excellent photograph of it last year. They reared a large
and somewhat remarkable family of ten children, nine of whom, were sons,
"and there was not a drone or a black sheep among them" used to be
remarked by the older people. They all lived to be elderly people, were
married and had families of their own, except, Peter who was one of the
victims of the great drowning, already referred to in his eighteenth year.
The sons nearly all of whom became prominent and respected men attributed and
very properly, no doubt, much of their success in life to their energetic
mother, to whom they paid truly regal respect and homage when she became one
hundred years old.
She had the good judgement
to introduce them all to learn some industrial trade, and nearly every branch
of industry then available was represented among them. Among the trades
taught to some of them were the blacksmith, cooper, tailor, hatter, carpenter,
shoe maker, and we are not sure that exhausts the list. It is yet well known
what extensive and quite wealthy business men some of them became, but the
prudent foresight of the mother was for "something to fall back on, in
case they fail" in other business speculations.
For lack of available
space now it will be necessary to defer to a future issue references to the
families of the Coles, Bensons, Campbells, Huycks, Valleaus, Clarks, Hermances, Sobys and others
whose names are marked on the various graves in this old ground that may also
well deserve the title of another Adolphustown U.E.L. burying ground.