The Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society


   In the fall of 1987, local residents interested in the history of the area met to form the South Fredericksburgh Heritage Committee. No minutes were taken during these early meetings. A wide range of options was discussed. Persons such as Dorothy Duncan from the Ontario Historical Society and Jane Foster from Lennox and Addington County Museum and Archives offered suggestions as to the objectives to be considered.


   By the fall of 1989 the South Fredericksburgh Heritage Committee was an affiliate of the Ontario Historical Society and registered as a Not-for-Profit Organization.


   Fund raising activities included an auction sale and many pie socials. The Committee was fortunate to have also received financial assistance from the municipality. Later, the sale of various publications provided funds for the on-going projects.


   Books were published, photos of houses and buildings in the township were taken, old photos were collected, and cemetery stones were photographed and transcribed. Lists of marriages, births and deaths were compiled and abandoned burial sites were cleared.


   In 2009, the South Fredericksburgh Heritage Committee was expanded to include the townships of Adolphustown and North Fredericksburgh, and the name was changed to the Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society.


   To date, 16 books have been published and are available through this website.


   Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month, six to eight months per year, 2:00 p.m., at the South Fredericksburgh Community Centre, subject to change for holidays. Check our home page for the next scheduled meeting. Everyone is welcome!




Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society




Angela Cronk   Contact


Vice President

Frank Abbey  Contact



Margaret MacDermaid Contact



Jane Lovell   Contact



Susan Wright  Contact


Book Directors

Joan Reynolds   Contact

Elizabeth Vandenberg   Contact


Communications Director

Jane Lovell   Contact





The Neighbourhood Messenger is an electronic newsletter distributed exclusively to members of the Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society. We encourage anyone interested in receiving a copy of The Neighbourhood Messenger by email to join our Society.  A lifetime membership is free, and in addition to ensured e-mail delivery of the newsletters, Society membership entitles those interested in our local heritage to be kept informed of, and participate in all aspects of Society activities. 


Become an AFHS Member by clicking  HERE



Information on this Website


Cemetery records have been copied from the actual visible stones. In cases where the stone is too damaged, or worn to decipher, previously recorded lists have been used for confirmation.  In some cases, the stones have disappeared altogether, and this has been noted on the transcription entry.  The majority of early settlers used wooden markers on the gravesites, which have long since disappeared, and therefore it is highly unlikely that any cemetery records will be found for those who died in the early part of the 1800’s or before.  There are a large number of interments in all of these cemeteries that remain unknown or unnamed. 


Birth, Marriage & Death Records are taken from church records, newspaper notices and various family records.


Family Photos are being added as they become available.  If you have older family/area photos that you would like to pass on, please let us know.  We also appreciate scanned copies of any identified photos that you may have.


Voters’ Lists are taken from original copies.  Very few of the older lists remain.  If we are able to locate any others, we will include them here.


If you would like to contribute information we are always on the lookout for original data.  If you have any old newspaper clippings, voters’ lists, or other printed information that you think would be of interest, please let us know. We are also collecting old photos of buildings and families in the area (particularly before 1925).  For those of you in the local area, we will gladly scan them, and return the originals to you. If from a distance, scanned copies are always appreciated.


For specific family information we suggest that you check the records on the site before you contact us.  The search engine on the home page is a good starting point, and works best if you enter the surname only.  Remember that various spellings do occur.  For example, “Sills” may appear as “Sil”, “Sill”, or “Sils”. With the exception of any census records, all lists are in alphabetical order, so you may want to recheck the lists as you go through.  We do not have birth/marriage/death certificates available, nor do we have complete genealogies on each family.


For information on other areas of Lennox and Addington County you may also contact the Lennox and Addington County Museum in Napanee (check the Links Page).


Publications for Sale include books that the Heritage Society has produced. 

A large amount of genealogy can be found in most of the publications, as well as great descriptions of the area.


Our Latest Books - The 2016 publication “Voices Volume 2 - Stories from Adolphustown and Fredericksburgh" is the latest of the books produced by the society.


If you find any errors on the site please let us know. Please remember that names have been copied and spelled as they appear on the originals, and we have decided to leave them as they are.  However, as careful as we try to be, there is the potential for mistakes, and we will double check anything that may be questionable.  



Can You Help?


We are looking for old photos and documents from

Adolphustown, North Fredericksburgh and South Fredericksburgh.


All photos are always appreciated - residents, schools, churches, etc.


We are currently compiling a database of houses in the townships, together with photos.

If you have an old photo of any of the homes in the area, please let us know.


Other specific items we are currently looking for:




The Adolphustown Town Hall

The South Fredericksburgh Town Hall at Sillsville

The U.E.L. Cheese Factory, Adolphustown

St. Paul's Church, Main Street Adolphustown

The Old Stores at Adolphustown

The Old Hotel at Adolphustown

Conway Store

Conway Wharf

Phippen Cheese Factory at Conway

Fredericksburgh Train Station

Local Churches

Local Cemeteries



Constitution and Roll of Officers and Members of Camp Le Nid, 1902




Older copies of the Napanee newspapers – the older the better!






As a last note....

All information provided on this site is done so on a volunteer basis.

Donations to the Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society are welcome. A tax receipt will be sent for donations of $25 or more.

Should you wish to make a financial contribution it may be sent to:


Adolphustown-Fredericksburgh Heritage Society

34 LeNid Way


Ontario Canada K7R 3K7