Taken from various issues of the British Whig 1890-1892

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Surname



J.S. Bell, North Fredericksburgh, served as sergeant in Capt. Fralick’s troop of cavalry during the rebellion, being on duty for two years. He received word from his colonel at 2 a.m., with orders to notify his captain and to rendezvous at Lossee’s Corners at 9 a.m. It was sharp work, but at the hour named, sixty-two put in an appearance. He served one winter at Kingston, and the others at Herman Fairfield’s between Kingston and Bath. He can recall only Jacob Fralick, of Picton, Merritt Amey, of Moscow and Sergt. Allan Fraser, of Ernesttown, as the surviving members of his troop. 


Nathan Clark. I am one of the old veterans of 1837-38. I enlisted in Capt. Lockwood’s company in the year of 1837. We marched to Kingston and stayed, for a few days, on a steam boat laying at a dock. We were then taken to Fort Henry, where I did duty as sentinel on the ramparts of the fort and picket duty outside of the fort. In the spring of 1838, I joined Capt. Fralick’s cavalry and was stationed with others on the Bath Road to patrol the lake shore and carry despatches. There was a raid made on Amherst Island, Mr. Preston being one of the sufferers. The raiders at the island said they would make a raid on the mainland, my father’s place being named as one of the places they would destroy. I will recollect an incident that took place on e night on our patrol. Joseph Purdy and myself came across a very suspicious person about 3 o’clock I the morning. He would not give a very satisfactory account of himself, so we concluded we would take him to Kingston. He was very stubborn and said we should not go to the trouble to get a wagon as he preferred to walk, so we got him between us, he on foot, and myself and companion on horseback. Every thing went on nicely, until we got to a piece of woods, then near where Mr. Ashley lived. He then made a break for the woods and we after him on our horses. We finally caught him, took a halter from one of the horses, tied his arms behind his back and marched him in to Kingston. We furnished our own horses and clothing and received nothing from the government for them; not quite as liberal as the United States government for their volunteers who put down a rebellion. 


Robert Collins, North Fredericksburgh, is one of the veterans of 1837-8. In 1837, he enlisted at Camden East with Capt. Wheeler, father of the late Luke A. Wheeler, of Tamworth. His company tramped through the mud to Kingston and did regular service that winter. Mr. Sisson, for many years past a lawyer of Belleville, was lieut. or ensign. In the fall of 1838, Mr. Collins enlisted in the cavalry troop of the late Samuel Clark, of Clark’s Mills and after serving a time at Kingston they were employed in preserving peace in his section. Mr. Collins thinks that Mr. Sisson and himself are the only survivors of those companies.  


William Cook.  Harrowsmith boasts one of the oldest survivors of the rebellion of 1837-8, in the person of William Cook, father of T.B. Cook, proprietor the Queen’s hotel in that village. Mr. Cook is now 90 years of age and is hale and hearty. He lives on lot 10, 3rd concession of Camden, where he has continued to reside since July, 1833. Always a staunch conservative, he went to the polls at the last election and cast his ballot for good government and the maintenance of British connection. Three children are left of his family, who hope to celebrate with their father his 100th birthday. The oldest of these is Mr. T.B. Cook of Harrowsmith and the next oldest, Mrs. Lorenzo Switzer and a younger brother, who live on the farm with their father. The old gentleman served under Captain Parker, of Clark’s Mills, in the rebellion, and loves to talk of old times. 


James Fitchett, sr., of South Napanee, served in 1837-8. Samuel Dorland, Adolphustown, was his colonel and Samuel Casey, captain. He expected to go to the Windmill but on reaching Kingston was kept there. Afterwards he was stationed at Napanee. Mr. Fitchett was very expert with the sword in his day. On the 24th January next he will be eighty years of age and is still active for one of his years.


W.N. Fletcher, Sharbot Lake, says his name can be found on the pay list of the late Samuel Casey, Adolphustown, captain of the company in which he served. He was in Kingston when the prisoners were brought here, and afterwards was sent to Napanee, where he did duty for six weeks. There are several others who served in the same company still living in Adolphustown. William R. Sills, Napanee, is a veteran. He served under Capt. Dorland, first at Fredericksburgh and afterwards at Fort Henry in Kingston from November, 1827 to May 1838. 


Sheldon Hawley, Sidney, sends in his name as one of the veterans of 1837-8. He was on duty in Kingston for some time and helped to look after the Windmill prisoners when they arrived from Prescott. He was also present at the hanging of some of the prisoners and served his full time, receiving an honorable discharge. He is now an old man and wants his name placed among the rest of the patriots who did their duty so well on that memorable occasion. 


Andrew Hill, a native of Tyrone, Ireland, who emigrated to Canada about 1834 and came to Amherst Island to reside shortly after he left the Queen’s service, some forty-seven years ago. On the outbreak of the rebellion in 1837, he volunteered and continued in one branch or other of the service for several years. He entered the volunteer marines at Kingston about the 1st of Dec. 1837 and remained in the service until 1838 in April. He was present with a sergeant’s guard in the month of Feb. 1838 at the foot of Amherst Island, as it was believed that some disaffected persons were crossing from the foot of the island to the states on the ice. He was on guard and took two fellows prisoners who were endeavoring to cross the line. He was discharged from that arm of service in April, 1838 and joined the Royal Navy on the 19th of June, 1838, and continued until June, 1843, when he received his discharge, a discharge which would admit him to the Royal Navy in any part of the British dominions. In November, 1838, he took part in the battle known as the “Battle of the Windmill,” being aboard the war steamer Cobourg which, prior to the final surrender, found that her artillery were too light to be effective, and returned to Kingston for heavier cannon. Then, returning to Prescott, took part in the final battle and assisted in bringing up the prisoners to Kingston. He is a hale, hearty old gentleman still and an unflinching Briton, and takes great pleasure in recalling the scenes and doings of those troublesome times.


Augustus Huyck, near Napanee, was one of the veterans of 1837. He was a private in Casey's company of cavalry, and performed duty at Kingston and afterwards did duty at Napanee. His father was a captain and his brother an ensign. Both the latter are dead. 


Edward Kimmerly, Watertown, N.Y. , served several months at Kingston in the troubles of 1837, as a member of Captain Fraser’s company. He was actually engaged in all the movements of the time. 


Daniel Kinahan, Wilton, is an old veteran of 1837. He was in Capt. Lockwood’s company. He is now eighty-one years old.


Miles McKim: I volunteered in March, 1837, in Capt. Clark’s company of cavalry, Benjamin Aylesworth being ensign, and served until regularly discharged in May. Amongst those belonging to the company were Vance, Dempster, Keenan, McDonald, Conlin, Sweet, Robt. Sproul, Wm. McEwen. On arriving in Kingston, about 60 strong, we had to look up quarters for ourselves. I had the good fortune to secure mine at Mrs. McCrae’s, mother of Thos. McCrae, carriage-maker, Princess street. Our pay was 5s. 5d. while stationed in the city, paying for our own board and forage furnished for our horses; and 9s. 2d. per day, when stationed on the Montreal or Toronto roads carrying despatches. Our duties were to drill every forenoon to learn the sword exercise; afternoon at bugle call on horseback. We formed three squares near the artillery barracks, marched up Princess street to the commons and went through the different cavalry evolutions and sword exercise, and returned to the place of muster, at which time the names were called of those who would be on picket duty that night. There were five pickets of five or six men each, taken out of the cavalry companies nightly, four to patrol the four roads leading into the city, and one to the picket house near the city end of Cataraqui bridge. Each man was on picket duty about every fifth night. The uniform of the company was deep blue with red facings. This we had to pay for ourselves; our arms were a short marine sword and very large pistol. We had no holsters, so we had to carry the pistol in our sword belt, and a cartridge box. A few days before our discharge all the volunteers, horse, foot and artillery, were called out for a general field day. The first spectacle after we were drawn up on the commons was the driving in of our pickets by an imaginary enemy and their falling in in the rear of our long line of infantry. We carried on a tremendous fire for fifteen minutes and the formed squares to resist an imaginary cavalry attack; the artillery was brought to the front and made a lively cannonade. There was little or no wind and the field was covered with a dense smoke, the bugle then sounded for a cavalry charge; I can scarcely describe it. I can only compare it to a charge of the Mamelakes or of the light brigade at Balaclava. Why, sir, the press of the day declared it would have overwhelmed any common enemy without sword or pistol. Our horses wrought up to the highest pitch of excitement by the cannonading, dashed into the smoke and did not see a man until we reached the farther side of the field, when I found Robert Sproule on my right. Thus ended this memorable day.  We returned to the city covered more thickly with dust than with glory and in a few days were discharged never more all to meet until the great bugle call shall summon all the armies of earth.


Francis McMaster, of Stella, was one of the ninety who formed a company from Amherst Island in command of Capt. Cumming, who had as his lieutenant, now Lieut. Col. Hitchens, Emerald. They were supplied with arms and clothing from Kingston. Mr. McMaster served from Dec. 1837 till May, 1838. For a great many years he has followed sailing and will, if he is spared, go on the water next season notwithstanding that he has passed his sixty-eighth year.


Dennis Neville, Napanee, was one of those who served as a volunteer in 1837. He was enrolled under Captain Lockwood and Lieut. Charles Fraser and was stationed at Fort Henry. 


Christopher Peterson, Napanee, was one of the volunteers of 1837. He first volunteered with Capt. Wheeler and afterwards with Capt. MacNider. He was over six months at Kingston but has lost his discharge. Most of the members of the company are dead. The only one that he can recall that is still alive is David Woodcock, Kennebec, whom Mr. Peters saw only about two months ago. 


Nicholas Price, Mountain Grove, who volunteered in 1838 under Col. McCoy, at Clark’s Mills, went to Kingston to Caffery’s barracks and was one of the guards over the wounded form the windmill the first night they were in the hospital. He belonged to the 8th battalion, under Captain McCoy. The late James Johnston, for many years crier of the court in Kingston, was the drill sergeant. 


James Rose, of Ernesttown, served under Capt. Matthew Clark. They had quarters on a steamboat in the Kingston harbor during the winter while doing active service.


Squire John C. Ruttan, Pittsburg, served under Capt. Peter Dorland at Adolphustown, drilling all winter with the minute men. At the height of the rebellion the regiment came to Kingston and served ten days. The bubble then burst and nearly all returned home, a few volunteering for further service.


William R. Sills writes from Napanee that he served under Capt. Dorland, first in Fredericksburgh and afterwards at Fort Henry in Kingston, from November, 1837 to May 1838. 


John Somerville, Napanee Mills, did duty as a volunteer in the years 1837-38-39. In 1838 under Col. McDonald, Capt. McGregor, Lieut. Herchimer, and in 1839 in the country under Lieut. McLean, of Kingston. 


William Sprole, Hartington, enlisted in 1837 under Capt. John Church, but was transferred to Capt. Spencer’s company. Both these officers were from Napanee. During that year he did service at the fort here, and was one of those guarding the penitentiary for two weeks. For six months of 1838, he was at the fort under Capt. Fraser, and on the 9th of May, 1839, was discharged. Like many others he was promised 200 acres of land, but never got it. Although seventy years of age, he is as young looking as a man of forty.


George VanAlstine, North Fredericksburgh, was one of the first to volunteer for active service at the breaking out of the rebellion of 1837. He enrolled himself in Capt. Casey’s company and was with him during the whole trouble. He will be 70 the 20th of august next. He helped carry those who were wounded in the fight at the Windmill, when they arrived by boat at Kingston, from the wharf to the hospital.