By Donald Hough
Published 2000
Reprinted 2024
CENTURIES IN HAYBURN, a book by Don Hough, is a companion of similar format
to his “TWO CENTURIES IN SILLSVILLE”, which was published in
1997. The author is a life-long local resident and also a sixth generation
descendant of pioneer John Hough, U.E. who settled on neighbouring Lot 6,
Con. 2, in 1784. Both of Don's books, like the other publications of the
South Fredericksburgh Heritage Committee, deal with the history of the local
communities of the Township.
TWO CENTURIES IN HAYBURN covers the records, lot by
lot, of ownership on Concession 3, Additional, from the Crown Grant to the
present owner, and includes extensive genealogical information on the
families who lived there.. These books will prove invaluable to future
generations, both as a record of land holdings and local family history.
$25.00, Two Centuries in Hayburn is the perfect gift for someone with roots
in the area, perhaps looking for an ancestor.