The following very interesting sketch of the U.E.L. pioneer settlers along the front concession of Ernesttown, taking lot by lot from Kingston township to the boundary line of Fredericksburgh, was written by the late Lieut. Col. John Collins Clark, over half a century ago - in March 1844 - and was never before published. The document is now of rare historical interest and value. It is the best and most complete sketch of the pioneer families of "Second Town" or of those who first settled along the shores of the Bay of Quinte we have ever seen. Only a portion of the paper can be published this week, for lack of ample space, but it will be followed by the remainder as soon as practicable. MR. J.C. CLARK The writer was one of the sons of Robt. Clark, who has already been referred to in THE BEAVER as the first millwright in this Province, who erected the first mills, under government direction, at Kingston Mills in 1784 and at Napanee in 1785-6. He was born in Ernesttown the 7th of September, 1787 and was one of the earliest of the white children born in that locality. He was married by the Rev. Robert McDowall, Presbyterian Missionary, to Miss Rachael Stover, a native of the same township and they reared a family of nine children. Their descendants are among the well known citizens of our county today. He was for many years a Justice of the Peace, and an active member of the Methodist church, joining in 1816 and remaining faithful until his death which occurred on the 2nd of January, 1864, aged 77 years. He also took an active part in Militia affairs and was in the active service during the stirring times of the American War of 1812-14, and of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-8. He was made an Ensign in the Addington Militia in 1809; a Lieutenant in 1816; Major in 1822 and Lieut. colonel in 1832. A sword which he used for years in his official service, is now in the possession of his son, Peregrene Clark, Esq., and it has a wonderful history. It belonged to an American officer at the time of the famous and bloody battle of Lundy's Lane in 1814, the most decisive and fiercely fought battle in Canadian history. Its owner had a hand-to-hand conflict with a British officer during that bloody night and was killed by his antagonist, who took the sword as a trophy. It is a beautiful sword and some of the great nicks in its edges give indication of a terrible conflict. Mr. Clark was a man of good literary taste and left some very valuable records behind him. Among others is a very neatly written and well arranged diary in which is recorded, for many years, the events of interest every day in his locality, such as births, deaths or marriages, the state of the weather, the transpiring public events, and the like, all of which are now curious and valuable. The writer well remembers him as a venerable old man who first nominated Mr. Richard John Cartwright as the fit and proper person to represent Lennox and Addington in the old Parliament of Canada. He made a graceful speech in doing so. That was in 1861 [1863] and it was the commencement of Sir Richard's political career. THE REMINISCENCES As we have before intimated, the "Reminiscences" now before us were written in 1844, when Mr. Clark was becoming an old man, and sixty years after the first settlements were made. In his preface he remarks: "I am forcibly reminded of the immutability of human affairs. Not one of my early schoolmates now reside at their early homes - at the places of their birth. Many have gone to the silent tomb. Others have scattered to different parts of the Province and some to the United States. Some of them became slaves to a vitiated appetite and fill drunkard's graves. The present owners of a number of the farms of the early settlers are retired officers of the Army and Navy, whose habits and customs are so different from the U.E. Loyalists and their children, that I feel myself nearly alone among them. "It is sixty years this summer [1844] since a settlement was commenced of this Township, Ernesttown, then called Second Township (Kingston being the First and Fredericksburgh the Third). The district was called Mecklenburgh, and extended from the Gananoque to the Trent rivers, and it then constituted a part of the Province of Quebec. It was in 1791 separated by an Act of the British Parliament, into the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and in 1841 the two provinces were again thus re-united." The early settlers along the first concession, starting westward from Kingston township were as follows: THE PURDYS Mr. David Purdy located in the last lot, No. 42. He married Miss Abigail Ostrum, whose connections settled in the township of Sidney. They had a large family, most of whom are still living, and two of their youngest sons, Samuel and Joseph, now reside on the old farm. The old man is dead, but his widow still survives. Their oldest son, Gilbert, married Miss Assenith Goldsmith, of Hallowell township. Ruliff, another son, married a widow Gilbert, whose maiden name was Clapp, of Fredericksburgh. They lived and died in the township of Sidney, where he became a wealthy and prominent man. David was accidentally shot and killed when a boy, by his cousin, John Everett. Samuel married Eliza, and Joseph married Minerva, daughters of Samuel Lockwood. John and Jacob married daughters of Mr. Fretts, of Fredericksburgh. Elizabeth married a Mr. Woodward; he died and she married again. Mary married John Abbot; he died and she married Mr. Ellerbeck. Old Mrs. Purdy has, from her youth, at times, been subject to aberration of mind, and some of the children have been deranged. David Purdy's brothers, Micajah, Gilbert and Samuel, settled in the township of Kingston; they had large families. Samuel removed to some distant place, Gilbert is still living; he was twice married, and Micajah, who died lately, was married five times and was the father of twenty-three children, nine of whom, and his last wife, are living. His first two wives were sisters, by the name of Sands, of Newburgh, New York State. the third was Miss Ann Detlor of Fredericksburgh, the fourth a Miss Embury, a niece of the third, and the fifth Miss Mehetable Holmes, also of Newburgh, New York. THE BOOTHS Joshua Booth Esquire, who resided on the next farm, married Miss Margaret Fraser, a daughter of Daniel Fraser Esquire. He had a large family. His son Benjamin married Miss Katharine Dorland of Adolphustown - they were married Nov. 9, 1809 by Rev. Robert McDowall, and were the parents of Philip, Joshua, John and Dr. Donald Booth, of Odessa, and of Mrs. P.S. Timmerman and Mrs. Parrott, of Ernesttown. Sarah married Mr. Bedell Dorland of Adolphustown; they were also married by Rev. R. McDowall Sept. 5, 1808. She has been dead many years, and left a large family. Joshua married a Miss Daly. They soon parted and he is now dead. John married Miss Bristol; he is dead. Charles remains a bachelor. Hester married Mr. James Stalker. Mary married Philip Daly. Eleanor married first, Doctor Phelps. He died and she married again. Mehetable is dead. Harriet married a Mr. Doty who died and she is now a widow. The old gentleman, Joshua Booth, died in the field in 1812, supposed of a fit. His widow is still alive. The old farm is still vested in the family but occupied by strangers. He was selected a member of the first Parliament of Upper Canada to represent Addington in 1792. (He was a large mil owner and an extensive land holder. He was also a Justice of the Peace and a member of the Court of Request for Ernesttown which held its meetings as early as 1796, which were often held at his house). THE LAKES Mr. Nicholas Lake occupied Lot No. 39, but soon left it, and it has been occupied by various persons since. It is now owned by widow Graham, from Scotland, and leased by a Mr. Davy from England. The family moved elsewhere and have become numerous in the township. THE JOHNSONS Lot No. 38 was settled by Capt. Wm. Johnson, a half pay officer. He married in Lower Canada previous to coming here, to a widow McCoy, who had three children by the Captain. Robert, the eldest, left home and went to New Spain, as it was then called. Samuel and Ann came to the wilderness with their parents. Samuel married Miss Amarilla Hawley, daughter of Jeptha Hawley Esquire, who lived near Bath. She had a large family. She is dead but her husband still lives. Ann married Mathew Clark, son of Robert Clark, Esq. She is still living. Mr. Johnson was for many years Colonel of the Addington Militia and a Justice of the Peace. His first wife died and he married a widow Murray, from Niagara. They have both been dead many years. He left his property to his first wife's grandson, William Johnson McCoy, who married the daughter of the colonel's last wife, Miss Elizabeth Murray. He sold the farm to Chas. Cheshire Esq., a retired officer of the navy, an Englishman. He is also now dead and the farm is now occupied by William Batt, his son-in-law, from Ireland. Thus have the farms passed into the hands of strangers. THE FAIRFIELDS William Fairfield Sr., settled on Lot No. 37. He was married in the colonies and had nine children when he located on the farm, and three born afterwards, all of whom lived to get married. One half the children were girls. Their mother's name was Abigail. The old couple have been dead many years. Archibald, the oldest son, married Miss Mary Howland, from England. She had four children, three girls and a boy. She died early. Her eldest daughter, Amelia, married Henry Holcomb, an American. They are both dead. The second daughter, Sabra Ann, married William Garbutt, an Englishman, who now owns the west half of lot No. 36 on which he resides. The third daughter, Mary, married Daniel Fraser, a Lower Canadian. They have no children living. The son, Archibald, died in his youth. Old Archibald is also dead. He resided many years in Lower Canada and died there. Mary, the oldest daughter of Wm. Fairfield Sr., married Ichabod Hawley. They had nine or ten children. They have been dead many years. William Fairfield Jr., married a daughter of Doctor Billings. They had three children; Benjamin, Eliakim Billings and Joanna. She died and he married Miss Clarissa Fulton, daughter of Capt. Fulton, and they had several children. He has been dead many years, but his widow is still living. He was a Magistrate several years. Benjamin Fairfield, third son, married Abigail Lockwood, step daughter of Jeptha Hawley Esq. They were married by the Rev. John Langhorn in St. John's Church, Bath, April 11th, 1797. They had a number of children. He is dead but she is living. He was a Justice of the Peace. Jonathon Fairfield, fourth son, married Charity Ryder. They were married by Rev. J. Langhorn, at Bath, April 22nd, 1795. They had a number of children. He is dead but his widow is still living. Stephen Fairfield, fifth son, married Miss Marian Pruyn. They were married by Rev. J. Langhorn at Bath, March 11th 1799. They had two children, Herman and Jane. He has been dead many years. His widow married Capt. Thomas Dorland of Adolphustown, who has been dead for years, but she is still living. The son, Herman, married Alice Badgley. They had seven children. Jane Fairfield married Mr. John Dean. She left three children at her death. John Fairfield, sixth son, married Miss Elizabeth Clapp of Fredericksburgh and moved to Murray Township, Northumberland County. Sabra Fairfield, second daughter, married Mr. Wm. Wilcox, from Augusta, Leeds county. They were married August 28th 1797 by Rev. John Langhorn. She had two children, John and Clara. She has been dead many years. Clara married Marshall Spring Bidwell Esq., and they are now residing in New York. (Mr. Bidwell represented Lennox and Addington in the Upper Canada parliament for many years, associated with Mr. Peter Perry. He was Speaker of the House at one time and a leading spirit in the old Reform party till the Rebellion of 1837 when he left Canada). Mr. Wilcox was twice married since Sabra died. He died a few years ago and let a widow. Abigail, third daughter, married Mr. Henry Ripson. They had several children and moved to the United States. Clara was the fourth daughter. She was a very handsome and interesting young woman and married Mr. Benjamin Brown, of Brownville, New York, who became an officer in the American militia, a brother of General Jacob Brown. They were married at Bath, May 19th, 1802 by Rev. J. Langhorn. He died and she married again. Both are now dead. Jennet Fairfield, fifth daughter married John Grashong, by whom she had some children. Later on\n she married Daniel Sheldon, and since she married Arthur Aylsworth, of Hallowell. Sarah Fairfield, sixth daughter, married Emanuel Overfield and went to the western part of the Province where he died. Major John A. Krein, a retired officer of the 60th Regiment, a German, now owns (in 1844), a part of the old farm and the widow of Stephen Fairfield holds a life estate on the other half." The balance of the paper must be held for future issues of THE BEAVER. it contains equally interesting sketches of a number of other early families - the Roses, Clarks, Frasers, Hogles, Ameys, Hawleys, Lockwoods and several others. It may be here remarked that the fine old Fairfield family residence, pleasantly situated on the Bay shore, almost midway between Millhaven and Collin's Bay, is still owned and occupied by one of the descendants, Thomas D. Fairfield Esq. The house was built in 1796 and has been continuously occupied by some member of the family ever since, some of the sixth generation now living in it. It has well withstood all the wear and tear of over a century, and is a capital type of some of the homes built by our hardy pioneers. The timbers throughout are oak and the nails were all made by a neighboring blacksmith, as were nearly all the nails used a century ago. It has withstood the ravages of time even better that the historic Deacon's "on horse shay." Thos. W. Casey The BEAVER of last week gave the first part of the reminiscences of the late John Collins Clark, written in 1844, of the pioneer U.E.L. families first settled along the Bay of Quinte shore of the first concession of Ernesttown. We now give another chapter from the same interesting old document, which will be found equally interesting, with some notes of our own in regard to some of the descendants of these grand old families. But for lack of space these notes could be very largely extended. Some of the very best blood in our county today, and in many other sections of the province, is descended from these loyal old pioneers. THE FRASERS Mr. Clark wrote as follows: - "Daniel Fraser Esquire, occupied the west half of Lot No. 29 for several years, though not the first settler on it. He married a widow Davis for his second wife, by whom he had son, George. He had a number of children by his first wife, viz., Andrew Fraser, who lived many years in the United States; Abraham, who married a Miss Randolph; John, who married Miss Experience Rose, who has been dead many years; Daniel who married first a Miss Scouton, she died and he married again; Isaac, who married Miss Nancy Stawring, he is a Justice of the Peace and is now Registrar of the County of Lennox and Addington; Jacob married, but I do not recollect whom; George has been twice married. One of Daniel Fraser's daughters married John Carscallen Esq., of Fredericksburgh; one married Joshua Booth Esq., and one David Lockwood Esq." The descendants of Daniel Fraser, here mentioned, are now very numerous and well known in this county. He was an early Justice of the Peace and one of the first members of the Court of Request appointed in the county. Associated with him were Robert Clark and Joshua Booth, Esquires. The early records of that Court, still in existence, giving the proceedings as far back as 1796, show that the sittings were often held in his own residence. George Fraser, first referred to in the record, lived for many years and died in North Fredericksburgh, on the south bank of the Napanee River. His first wife was Miss Vanblaricome, of Prince Edward county, and his second Mrs. Lloyd, the mother of Mr. Benjamin C. Lloyd, of Camden, and the late Charles Lloyd and Mrs. Daniel Fraser, of Northport. She was an aunt of the Hon. Benjamin Seymour. His sons, still living, and now old men, are Daniel Fraser, of Northport, for many years a resident of Richmond township; Peter Fraser, of Enterprise, also for years a resident of Richmond; Davis Fraser, now of California, for years a resident of Napanee, and Isaac, who resides somewhere in the west. Mrs. Truman Beeman, so long a resident of Napanee, and now residing at Buffalo with her daughter, is a daughter and also the late Mrs. John Lochhead, of Camden. The grandchildren are now very numerous in this county. Abraham Fraser also left a numerous family. One of his sons was Capt. James Fraser, who lived and died in Fredericksburgh. He was an active officer in the Militia during the stirring times of 1837. Our townsman, Mr. Allan Fraser, is a son of Capt. James, and so is Donald now residing in California. Mrs. Robert McDonald, now of Napanee and Mrs. Ebenezer Ham, of North Fredericksburgh are daughters. Squire Isaac Fraser was, for many years, one of the ablest and most influential residents of the county and occupied the position of County Registrar until the time of his death. The office was then located at Millhaven, where he lived and died. The venerable Charles Fraser, Esq., Mrs. Henry R. Spencer of Napanee and Mrs. W. Hogle, Ernesttown Station, are his son and daughters. The late Mrs. Robt. Aylsworth, near Odessa, was a daughter of Isaac Fraser and among her children now living are the Rev. I.B. Aylsworth L.L.D., Rev. David Aylsworth, Charles Aylsworth, O.L.S., of Madoc, J.S. Aylsworth, O.L.S., of Richmond, Mrs. Ham and Miss Nancy Aylsworth, of Odessa. The late Mrs. Bowen Aylsworth, Ernesttown, was also a daughter. Daniel Fraser also had a large family. He was married to Miss Sarah Scouton by Rev. John Langhorn, at St. John's Church, Bath, Dec. 9th, 1789. The witnesses were Abigail Fairfield, Hannah Hetchcock and Daniel Scouton. the late Mrs. Wm. Perry, of Violet, was a daughter of Daniel Perry, and among his descendants are Mr. J. Rud Perry, and Mrs. W.A. Rockwell, of Napanee, Mrs. Isaac Fraser, Ernesttown, and the late Mrs. Jas. Madden, Kingston Road. Among his sons were the late Andrew Fraser who lived for seven years in Napanee and died here. Our townsman, J. Richard and John A. Fraser are sons of his and Mrs. James Rooney and Mrs. W.A. Rose are daughters. Mrs. John Carscallen and her husband lived and died on a farm in Camden near Thompsonville, where they both lie buried. They were the parents of the late Luke Carscallen, of Newburgh. The Hon. John D. Carscallen, of New Jersey, is a grandson. It is said that John Carscallen was the only man who ever owned a slave in Camden township in the early days of this country. THE HOGLES Mr. Clark writes: "Sebastian Hogle, John Lake and John Caldwell settled on lots 27 and 28, but soon removed back in the concession, where they had brothers. Sebastian Hogle married Miss Amy Cadman of Fredericksburgh. He is dead. James Hogle married Miss Deborah Cadman. Francis Hogle settled in Sidney township beyond Belleville. All these Hogles and their wives are dead." Note: the record of the marriage of Sebastian (or Bostian) Hogle and Amy Cadman is in Rev. John Langhorn's register of St. Paul's Church, Fredericksburgh, Dec. 14th 1789. The witnesses were James Hogle, Archibald Fairfield and John Canodten. He was the father of the late John Hogle, of Bath, Wm. Hogle of Ernesttown Station and Mrs. Perry Aylsworth, of Bath. James Perry of Ernesttown, and Miss Delina Aylsworth, of Napanee, are her children. Sebastian Hogle lived and died on the farm now owned by Mr. Wm. Hogle, near Ernesttown Station, where he owned a woolen mill. Francis Hogle was married to Miss Margaret Harman, of Ernesttown, at S. Paul's church Fredericksburgh, by Rev. J. Langhorn, March 3rd, 1795, the witnesses being Nabby Lockwood, Margaret Huffman and L. Hartman. The family became numerous and much respected in Sidney Township. A NUMBER OF NAMES James Parrott, a half pay officer, settled on lot No. 26. He afterwards sold to Mr. Adam Stawring, from Mohawk river, N.Y., and moved to the fourth concession. He had no children and died rich. His wife died many years before him. (The BEAVER has already given an extended notice of Mr. Parrott.) Mr. Adam Stawring now resides (1844) on the old Parrott farm. Mr. Jacob Miller settled next above Capt. Parrott. He had one son, George, and several daughters. George married Elizabeth Cadman. Jinney married John Caldwell. One married Zachariah Snider and Dorothy married Asa Cadman. The Cadmans settled in Third Town, or Fredericksburgh. Old Mr. Miller and his wife have been dead many years. Mr. George Miller died lately. His wife is still living, and her youngest son, Sebastian now owns the farm. (Sebastian Miller, here referred to, lived and died on the old homestead. He was a Methodist exhorter and much respected. We understand his sons still live on the same farm.) Mr. Frederick Baker settled on the farm next above Mr. Miller. His wife was a Davy. He died many years ago. His widow is still living with her son, George, who owns the old farm. The next farm has been occupied by various persons. Mr. Wigant, an early Lutheran minter, owned it sometime afterwards. Abraham Amey, who still resides on it. Mr. John Mabee lived next above; he married Barbary Huffnail. He sold to Abraham Amey and moved to Thurlow. Mr. Joseph Huffman, a waggon maker, was next. He married a widow Mabee; he had several children. He and his wife have been dead many years. His son Joseph married Hannah Hough. Samuel married Miss Skinner, of Niagara. Mary married Nathan Briscoe and Hannah married Samuel Hough, son of said Barnabas Hough. Mr. Charles Thomas (an Englishman) son-in-law of Abraham Amey, now owns the farm. VENTS AND AMEYS "Next above was Adam Vent, a tailor. He had many children, mostly girls. He had two boys, Philip and John. Philip died single and John married Miss Jemma Smith. They have a large family. John has the old farm. Of the girls, one married Andrew Huffman. He died and she married a Mr. Lewis. One married Mr. Vincent, of Kingston. He died and she married Mr. Haffle Coy, of Kingston. He is also dead. Another daughter married Mr. George Smith of Kingston and one married Coy of Kingston. Mr. Nicholas Amey had the next farm above. He and his wife have been dead many years. His wife was a Stover. they have a large family. Their son, John, married a Miss Asselstine, Abraham married Charity Sagar, David married a daughter of Jeremiah Snider. Joseph has been married four times, first to Sarah Smith, a daughter of Mr. Parker Smith, second to Phebe Combs, third to Catherine Baker, daughter of Frederick Baker and fourth to Elizabeth Baker, a sister of Catherine. He lives on the old farm. Peter married Mary Snider. One of the daughters married John Snider and another John Asselstine. SEVERAL FAMILIES Simon Snider settled in the next farm above. He had a large family. The sons were Jeremiah, John, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Zachariah and Philip. Joseph Amey now owns the old farm. Next above was David Williams, generally called Sergeant Williams, a blacksmith, long since dead. He had several children. they married and went away many years ago. Mr. Joseph Losee now owns and occupies the old farm, and keeps a tavern there. Next above was Lieutenants John Dusenberry and Best, half pay officers. they settled Lot No. 19. Lieut. Best soon left the place, and Mr. Dusenberry died in a few years from intemperance, leaving several children. The widow and children soon left the place, which has been occupied by many different persons since. The farm has been laid out in village lots (now Millhaven) and has a number of buildings on it. No. 18 was a government Mill lot. It was first leased a number of years ago by Joshua Booth Esquire and then was sold. It is now owned by a gentleman in Canada East. From the number of mills erected on this stream, it is called "Mill Creek." On No. 17 Mr. William Cottier settled. He married a daughter of Sergt. Williams. They had no children and both are dead. The farm is now owned by Abel P. Forward. Note - Mr. Cottier, here mentioned, was for a number of years a leading Church Warden of St. Johns Church at Bath. Mr. Forward was father of the late Henry T. Forward, so well known as a prominent resident and business man at Napanee years ago; of Messrs George and Clinton Forward, now residing on the old homestead, of Mrs. (Rev) W. Shorts, of Kingston and Mrs. (Rev.) W.H. Peake. Next will follow the Briscoes, John Grange, the Lockwoods, Jeptha Hawley, the Finkles, Huffmans and some others of the well known pioneer families of Ernestown, whose descendants are still well known pioneer families of Ernesttown, whose descendants are still well known residents of this county. Thomas W. Casey