




Napanee Beaver Feb 3 1899


            Cyrus Allison, Esq., who has the honor of being Warden of this county this year, is a native of the county, and has for years taken a prominent part in municipal affairs.  He is one of the representatives of the U.E. L. Division in our County Council, and is himself of U. E. Loyalist stock.  The Allisons and the Hoovers, the families from which he sprang were among the first families of the United Empire Loyalist Pioneers who first landed on the shores of Adolphustown in June 1784, and they have been well represented in that Township and in this County ever since.  The have well done their share in making this county what it is to-day.


            Joseph Allison, grandfather of our Warden, was one of the officials elected at the first Town meeting held in Adolphustown in march 1792, which was probably the first municipal meeting of which we have any record in Upper Canada.  The late Joseph B. Allison, father of the Warden, was for years a member of the Adolphustown Township council and its representative in the old United Counties Council, held in Kingston. Three of his sons have also been members of our County Council.   David W. Allison, ex M. P., who also filled the Warden’s chair;  Joseph Allison, Esq., of Adolphustown and now Cyrus Allison, Esq., of Parma, South Fredericksburgh, who has for years occupied a seat in the county council.


            Warden Allison is a farmer and a good type of the well-to-do and intelligent yeomanery of which this County has good reason to feel proud.  He has been president of one county Agricultural Association, and is actively interested in whatever pertains to our agricultural progress.  He is a member of the Methodist church, as his fathers were, and strongly Liberal in his political leaning, but he can hardly help that, for it seems to have run in the family blood ever since political parties were formed in this country.  Whoever may have official business to transact with our Warden during the year will find him always affable and fair to all, quite irrespective of creed or party.




A Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography, 1886


   Allison, David Wright, Adolphustown, was born at the aforenamed place, in the year 1826.  His parents were children of Benjamin Allison and Henry Hroon [Hoover], who left their homes and property at the close of the Revolutionary war, in 1784, and settled in the township of Adolphustown as United Empire loyalists.  D. W. Allison was educated in the schools of his native place, his studies embracing such subjects as are implied by the term "sound English education."  Sometime after leaving school he entered into commercial pursuits, and how successful his exertions have been is best told by looking at the position which he now holds in the industrial life of the country.  He has been extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber and salt in the Saginaw valley, Michigan, and has had an important interest in mineral lands, and is proprietor of the valuable Saginaw mine in Marquette county, Michigan.  In addition to these enterprise, Mr. Allison is engaged in farming upon an extensive scale, and is the largest land owner in the County of Lennox.  Mr. Allison was warden o f the counties of Lennox and Addington for the year 1881 and in 1883 was elected to parliament for the County of Lennox.  He is a member of the Masonic craft, and has obtained the highest degrees conferrable in this country.  He is, and has always been, a member of the Methodist church.  in 1876, he married Amelia Elizabeth Membery.


A Stalwart of Lennox

D.W. Allison, Ex-M.P.P. is a Man of Great Ability

Daily British Whig Dec 20 1888


   No individual in the community has more numerous or stronger claims to be classed among the representative men of this county than has David Wright Allison, of Adolphustown. He is a branch of the U.E. loyalist stock that first settle this fair land, and whose frugal industry and loyalty made this province what it is. His parents were son and daughter of Benjamin Allison and Henry Hoover, who displayed their loyalty to British rule by leaving their homes and property at the close of the revolutionary war in 1784, refusing to live beneath a secession banner, and settled beneath the old Union Jack as pioneers of the township of Adolphustown. Their early struggles, the great privations they endured in hewing out a home in the forest, are matters of history and will be the glory of their descendants through revolving cycles of time.


   D.W. Allison owns and resides upon the farm on which the first faithful band landed, where they pitched their encampment, where they lived and struggled together and where for many years their beloved dead were buried. The old graveyard is preserved sacred to the memory of the loyal heroes whose ashes repose beneath the spreading branches of its trees. And no more loyal heart beats amongst the army of their descendants than the present guardian of this spot of so great national interest.


   His mother, who is about the only surviving representative of those who drew land under the U.E. Loyalist grant, still resides with him, receiving every filial care and attention, and possesses her faculties in a remarkable degree.


   Mr. Allison was educated in the schools of his native place, his studies embracing such subjects as are implied by the term, "a sound English education." Some time after leaving school he entered commercial pursuits, and how successful his exertions have been is best learned by looking at the position which he now holds in the industrial life of the country. By his keen business tact he has amassed a fortune, which he best employs by promoting the prosperity of the community in the various active pursuits in which he is engaged. He is not one of those who, having wealth at command, is content to sit down and horde the results of usurious interest. Every enterprise which promises to be of public advantage receives his encouragement and support, and where he brings his force and business skill to bear it is as a rule successful, financially. It has long since come to be recognized that Ontario has few shrewder, more enterprising or more successful business men than D.W. Allison, of Adolphustown. He has been extensively engaged in the manufacture of lumber and salt in the Saginaw Valley, Michigan, and has had an important interest in mineral lands. He is still proprietor of the valuable Saginaw mine in Marquette county, Mich. In addition to these enterprises Mr. Allison is engaged in farming upon an extensive scale, and is the largest land owner in the county of Lennox and Addington. He has also engaged extensively in shipping enterprises, owning at the present time four vessels. He supplied a large share of the funds to build the tidy little steamer Reindeer for the route to Napanee, though he has since disposed of his interest.


   Mr. Allison has been a consistent reformer and his public career, though brief, has been equally successful with his commercial record. In 1881 he was elected warden of the county and made an excellent presiding officer, assisting materially in the important work of consolidating the county debt. In 1882 he was elected to represent the constituency of Lennox in the parliament of Canada, and made a good representative.

Socially he is held in the highest esteem. He is an enthusiastic member of the Masonic craft, having received the highest degrees obtainable in this country.


   In 1876 he married Amelia Elizabeth Embury [Membery], a member of one of the oldest families of the township, and they have four children. He has erected on the shores of the Bay of Quinte, in a most picturesque spot, a palatial residence, planned and equipped with every modern convenience. Here his hospitality is unbounded, and his home is the centre of social life in that community.

Mr. Allison has long been a consistent member of the Methodist church, and one of its most liberal supporters.


   Some years ago he erected on the bay shore a splendid mausoleum of solid cut stone, which is nearly as indestructible either by time or the elements, as it is possible to make, and there it is hoped the remains of himself and family may be placed when their career here is ended.


   Mr. Allison is a useful man, and we hope he may long be spared in health, strength and energy to bless those around him.





   Passed the Upper Canada Medical Board, July 5 1819. His examiners were Drs. Macaulay, Widmer and Lyons. He was born in Fredericksburgh on the Bay of Quinte, August 29, 1789. His mother was the eldest daughter of the celebrated Major Rogers whose disbanded battalion settled that township. The doctor was one of Major Rogers' legatees. He had one brother and one sister. The brother, James Rogers Armstrong, was a well-known pioneer merchant of Picton, then of Kingston. He subsequently removed to Toronto. He married a daughter of Dr. Dougal, of Picton. He at one time represented Prince Edward County in the Provincial Parliament. One of his daughters became the wife of Dr. Beatty, of Coborg. Dr. Armstrong's parents died while the children were quite young. Edward found a home with his uncle, who removed to Little Lake in Hallowell. "Here", says Dr. Armstrong, "was the scene of my earliest recollections." In 1796, the three children were taken to Vermont to be educated, where they continued until 1806. Dr. Armstrong obtained his medical education at Dartmouth College, N.Y., and came, it is related, to Hallowell, 1817, where he continued to practice until 1820 or 1822, when he removed to Kingston and engaged in practice. In 1838, he took up residence at Rochester, N.Y., where he remained during life.


   The writer received an interesting letter from Dr. Armstrong in July, 1867, giving a great deal of information about early times, especially at Kingston. He wrote of his intimate association with the Hon. Richard Cartwright, Col. John Ferguson, Allen McLean, the first upper Canadian lawyer, made so by Act of Parliament; also the Senior Hagerman, of Adolphustown, likewise made a lawyer by the Crown. He also mentioned Barnabus Bidwell, Archdeacon Stuart and others of note in that day, with whom he was intimate. Dr. Armstrong presided at a meeting for the suppression of intemperance at Kingston, February, 1830. He died at Rochester in 1877, aged eighty-eight.





[June 19 1924, Weekly British Whig]  

Will be 100 Years of Age on Wednesday; Mrs. Minerva Ann Asselstine, 135 Alfred Street is a Centenarian.

    On Wednesday next, a dear old lady who has lived for forty-two years at 135 Alfred Street, will celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of her birth. She is Mrs. Isaac F. Asselstine who was born two miles west of Odessa on June 18th, 1824. Her maiden name was Minerva Ann Parrott, eldest daughter of a family of thirteen children. Her father was Capt. John Parrott, who was attached to a battalion stationed in Kingston at the time Fort Henry was built. The Parrotts were an old English family who came out to the state of Maine before the war of the Revolution. When the war of 1812 broke out, James Parrott returned to England and fought in the British army, in which he rose to the rank of colonel. His brother remained in Maine and joined the army of the Revolution. Col. Parrott, a great uncle of Mrs. Asselstine, returned to Canada and settled near Odessa. He built the brick Methodist church on the fourth concession four miles west of Odessa in 1792, about the same time as the Hay Bay church was built. Col. Parrott was associated with the United Empire Loyalists, such as the Hon. Richard Cartwright and other stalwarts, who were the leaders in the settlement of this district. Parrott’s Bay was named for this prominent family.

   Mrs. Asselstine was educated first at the nearest school and later attended for three years a school at Bath conducted by a Mrs. Mackenzie, an English lady. She recalls perfectly her school days and tells amusing incidents connected with them and with the life of the countryside a century ago. She married I.F. Asselstine and went to live at the Asselstine Woollen mills one of the interesting relics of a bygone age still in existence near Odessa.

   She also lived in Newburg before coming to Kingston.

   Mrs. Asselstine was a schoolmate of Mrs. Darius Smith, of Collin’s Bay who has been ill but is recovering and will be one hundred and three years old next October. Mrs. Asselstine is bright and cheerful, a bit deaf and her eyesight has failed somewhat. She has been bed ridden for twenty-two years and during that time has had a faithful daughter, who saw to her every need, Miss Kate Asselstine, who is with her.

   On Wednesday her son, Mr. Michael Asselstine of the Odessa woolen mills, his daughter, Frankie, her grandson, Mr. Harry S. Pawley, her grand-daughter, Mrs. F. Jewett, her sister, Mrs. John Grange and her sister-in-law, Mrs. J.M. Parrott, Napanee, will be with her to congratulate her on attaining the century mark and as she is well enough to see visitors, Miss Asselstine will welcome their old friends during the afternoon and evening.


[June 17 1925, Daily British Whig]  

Mrs. I.F. Asselstine 101 Years of Age – On Thursday, June 18 – Has Been Bed-ridden Twenty-three Years.

   On Thursday, June 18th, Mrs. Isaac F. Asselstine, Alfred street, will celebrate her one hundredth and first birthday anniversary. Mrs. Asselstine, although bed-ridden for twenty-three years, is quite well and able to take an interest in life. She will have with her on her birthday her daughter, Miss Kate Asselstine, who has been her faithful nurse during her long years of incapacity and her grand-daughter, Mrs. F.M. Jewett, Montreal, who will arrive in town today.

   Mrs. Asselstine is the oldest surviving member of her family, or indeed, of the United Empire Loyalist families who settled the Bay of Quinte district. Last year, her old friend, Mrs. Darius Smith, Collin’s Bay, another centenarian, passed to her rest. The Whig congratulates Mrs. Asselstine and wishes her a happy birthday.


[June 15 1926, Daily British Whig]  

Mrs. I.F. Asselstine Will Be 102 Years Old on Friday Next

   The Whig offers sincere congratulations to Mrs. I.F. Asselstine, 135 Alfred street, who on Friday, June 18th, should she survive, will reach the great age of one hundred and two years. Mrs. Asselstine although bed-ridden for twenty-four years, is in good health except for a touch of lumbago. Her daughter, Miss Kate Asselstine, who has devoted her life to her mother, lives with her and it is owing to her kind and efficient care that she has lived so long and so happily.

   Mrs. Asselstine, whose father was Jonathan Parrott, one of the United Empire Loyalists, lived on what is now the provincial highway not far from Odessa and here Mrs. Asselstine was born when the country presented a very different aspect to its present one. She has lived in this neighborhood all her life, and has been a resident of Kingston in her house on Alfred street for forty-two years. Her son, Mr. Michael Asselstine, of the Asselstine Woollen Mills, Odessa, was eighty years old on June 13th. She has thirteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. One of her grandsons, Mr. H.S. Powley, Toronto, will be with her on her birthday.


Note: Mrs. Asselstine passed away in June of 1928. Her obituary is available under Deaths & Obituaries.




Kingston Whig Standard Nov 24 1937


Has Cut Four Acres Hay With Scythe in a Day

Oscar Asselstine of Marlbank will be 91 on December 10


Oscar Asselstine, one of Marlbank’s grand old men, will be 91 years old on December 10 and he can still do all the work around the house, caring for his garden in the summer and even splitting the wood in the winter. His hearing is good and he can see to read without glasses. In his boyhood days he can remember the money being computed in pounds, shillings and pence. He remembers the days of travelling with oxen and has owned teams of oxen that could travel as fast as many horses. Many a day has he spent with the scythe in the hay field and he remembers once, when with one other man, they cut a 15 acres field in two days, making an average of nearly four acres a day each. Mr. Asselstine can remember the first threshing machine and how it was run with a one-horse tread. Then came the two-horse tread mill and later the six and eight-horse sweep to drive the more improved models of threshing machines. His grandmother often, in his childhood days, sat spinning flax which had been hand harvested. Mr. Asselstine has been married twice although both of his partners have passed on and he has three sons living and three daughters.


Mr. Asselstine regrets the loss of the community spirit that prevailed in his younger days. He says that the generation of today Is not getting as much out of life as people used to when he was in his youth. Mr. Asselstine did a great deal of cattle buying till his advancing age prevented him from following this occupation and he still watches the livestock markets every day and can tell the trend of the market better than many men years younger. This fine old gentleman has read his Bible through several times and it is his daily companion as he passes along toward the end of the trail. A cousin, George Asselstine, who used to reside at Moscow, lived to the century mark and Mr. Asselstine feels there is a chance he will achieve this distinction.




The Watson Scrapbooks


   We have much pleasure in presenting to our readers a short historical sketch of our new warden, Mr. B. E. Aylsworth of Bath, who with Mr. Jesse Amey represents the new County council Division of Ernesttown, which includes the Townships of Ernesttown and Amherst Island, and the Village of Bath.  Mr. Aylsworth is well qualified for the important position his fellow councillors have placed him in having had many years training in township and county council business as reeve.   


   Mr. Aylsworth is a practical farmer, and his whole interests are with the agriculturalists, yet his views, naturally liberal, have been widened by extensive reading of current literature and his intercourse with the busy world, so that every industry or calling claims his active sympathy and support. 


   Bowen E. Aylsworth is a son of the late David Aylsworth, a grandson of Bowen Aylsworth, one of the U.E. Loyalists, who came to Canada and settled in the woods on the same farm where the subject of our sketch now resides.  The old gentleman, fixed by his loyalty, sustained all the hardships of a long journey with an ox team, and all the privations of pioneer life, and as was to be expected of such sturdy manhood, his succeeding generations have worthily sustained the good name which he bequeathed to them, and have added to the competency, the foundation of which he so well laid.  Among the list of these heroic men, no name is still held in higher esteem than that of Aylsworth.


   David Aylsworth reared a family of sixteen children - nine daughters and seven sons, and six of the latter are still living.  Bowen E. is about sixty years of age, and from his appearance, is in the very prime of life, and bids fair to reach the good old age of his father and grandfather, who were each considerably over four score years when they passed away. 


   Mr. Aylsworth married a daughter of the late Peter Miller, of Bath, and has but one son, David.  As intimated above, the Warden has always been a farmer.  Until he was twenty-one he lived with his father at Odessa when he settled on the original homestead at what is known as McIntyre’s Corners.  The site of the farm is exceedingly picturesque, overlooking the Bay of Quinte.  To this he has added fifty acres of the Huffman estate, giving him in all about 180 acres of what is considered the best farming land in the county.


   Mr. Aylsworth has had a long public career in the municipal council of his township and in the county council, and was in 1890 selected by the Liberals to contest the riding for a seat in the Ontario Legislature.  In this he was unsuccessful, our present popular representative, Dr. Meacham, defeating him.  In politics he is a reformer, staunch to his principles, yet tolerant of the views and interests of others.  He is also a consistent Methodist, and has for years worthily filled the office of steward in the church.  He is a Past Master of Maple Leaf Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Bath, and is held in esteem by the brethren of the craft.


   Mr. Aylsworth’s brothers are Isaac Fraser and Robert W., of Ernesttown, George A., of Kingston, and David of Eldora, Iowa.  His sisters are Mrs. Dewitt, of Eldora, Iowa, Mrs. Robert Baker, Deseronto;  Mrs. R. A. Shorey, Napanee; Mrs. Norris Miller, Bath, and Mrs. Benj. Asselstine, Kingston.


We may here also state that Mr. Aylsworth has established a precedent by thoughtful deciding to forego the pleasure of treating his fellow councillors and friends to the customary Warden’s dinner, and will subscribe the amount which it would cost to the Indian famine relief fund instead. 


THE BEAVER and his large circle of friends and acquaintances congratulate the newly elected Warden.




British Whig Nov 2 1915


Has Served 35 Years As Postmaster of Village of Tamworth

James Aylsworth First Entered the Government Service in 1861 –

He Has Been Reading the Whig For Fifty-Two Years


   In February James Aylsworth, will have completed thirty-five years of service as post-master of the village of Tamworth. In conversation with a Whig representative this week, Mr. Aylsworth stated that he entered the service of the Dominion Government on February 1, 1861, and continued service for some years until he was relieved of his position, when the Government under which he was appointed went out of power. When the Laurier Government was elected he was place in charge of the post office and still holds that position. During the years that he has been in the employment of the Government he has seen great changes in the postal service. In the early days mail was brought from Camden East to Tamworth three times a week. It cost about five cents to send a litter. There were very few daily papers going through the mails although the Weekly British Whig, was taken by a number of the farmers in the section. Mr. Aylsworth can well remember the first copy of a daily paper to be delivered in Tamworth. It was a copy of the Globe, of Toronto, and was subscribed for by a man named Cameron who was then clerk of the court. The men of the village used to flock around Mr. Cameron on a street corner to hear the latest news.


   Although Mr. Aylsworth is in his seventy-fourth year he is probably one of the busiest men in Tamworth. Besides being postmaster, he is police magistrate for the provincial electoral district of Addington, clerk of the 7th Division Court in the County of Lennox and Addington, Clerk of the Township of Sheffield, Notary Public and general business agent.


   Any young men of the section who deserves to take a wife, should wait upon Mr. Aylsworth who furnishes the marriage license.


   In January 1861, Mr. Aylsworth came to Tamworth and has resided there ever since. He was born in Ernesttown being a son of Peter Aylsworth. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary Forshee, formerly of Fredericksburgh. He has one daughter, Mrs. J.F. Mitchell, Holyoke, Mass.


   For fifty-two years he has been a reader of the Whig, which he considers to be the newsiest paper in Eastern Ontario. In the early days the Whig, which came once a week, was a four page sheet.




Napanee Beaver Jan 23 1929


   In the year 1788, Bowen Aylsworth, one of the United Empire Loyalists, settled on the farm granted to him by the Crown. This fine old homestead of 200 acres is situated about three miles north of the historic Village of Bath, in the Township of Ernesttown, in the county of Lennox.


   This farm has always since been owned by descendants of this patriot, Bowen, by being passed down through successive generations, until today it is owned by David Aylsworth, of Napanee, with his son, David Fraser Aylsworth, occupying it.


   Bowen married Hannah Perry, and fifteen children were born to them. Many of these and their descendants have scattered throughout Canada, and some of them to the United States.


   Recently some of the descendants met at the home of David Aylsworth, in Napanee, when it was decided by those present to hold an Aylsworth and connection reunion some time during next summer. In order to promote and organize this reunion an "Aylsworth Reunion Association" was formed, and the following officers were appointed:

Honorary President - Hon. Sir Allen Aylesworth, K.C., K.C.M.G., Toronto, Ont.

President - David Aylsworth, Thomas Street, Napanee, Ont.

Secretary - Fraser Aylsworth, Madoc, Ont.

Advisory Committee - David Fraser Aylsworth, Bath, Ont.; Morley Aylsworth, London, Ont.; Dr. Ralph Aylsworth, Trenton, Ont.; W.R. Aylsworth, Reeve Kingston Township, Cataraqui, Ont.; Mrs. Emma Burritt, "Yellow Gables", Napanee, Ont.; Mrs. William Deroche, Napanee, Ont.; Mr. B. George Hamm, Odessa, Ont.; with power to add.