Nov 20
1810 Kingston Gazette |
BE SOLD - That valuable ftand for a MERCHANT or TAVERN-KEEPER in the townfhip
of Frederickfburgh, bordering on the Little Creek, near Bradfhaw’s Mill. The property confifts in a neat
Dwelling-house, painted Spanish brown, forty-five feet in length and
twenty-fix feet wide, including a gallery in front, which runs the whole
length of the houfe; the walls and
partitions are all built of found burnt brick; a good brick chimney with two
fire-places; there are five rooms on the lower floor, and one bed
room on the fecond. Likewife, a good
log ftone houfe and a horfe ftable, and upwards of two hundred acres of moft EXCELLENT
LAND, bounded on the weft fide by the Little Creek, and on the eaft fide
by the eaft half of lot No. 13, extending from the King’s highway foutherly,
down acrofs the Big Creek. For further particulars apply to JOSEPH FORSYTH, Efs., Kingfton, or to
the fubfcriber at Thurlow, 14th Nov, 1810,
Jan 29
1811 Kingston Gazette |
OF SALE Midland Diftrict, to wit. The sale of the ASHES which were of Benjamin Seymour, deceafed, now in
the hands of the Executrix, taken in Execution by me, at the fuits of Allen
McLean, Efq, Mr. John Shuter, and William Hunter, is poftponed till MONDAY,
the 4th day of February next, and then to take place on the
premifes now occupied by Elizabeth Seymour, Executrix, at the hour of two
o’clock p.m. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff Sheriff’s Office 21ft January, 1811 |
Feb 26
1811 Kingston Gazette |
The fubfcriber being duly authorized to collect the debts due John
Adams, of Frederickfburgh, Blackfmith, takes this opportunity of informing
thofe who are indebted to the faid John Adams, that unlefs immediate payment
be made their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney. RICHARD ROBISON Napane Mills, 1ft February 1811 |
June 5
1815 Kingston Gazette |
The Fubfcriber has for fale a valuable tract of Land, fituated in the
firft conceffion of the townfhip of Frederickfburg additional (being part of
the Hamestead) - For further information enquire of B. C. Spencer,
Administrator Frederickfburgh, Oct 31 1814 |
June 5
1815 Kingston Gazette |
BE SOLD - And poffeffion given immediately, the eaft half of Lot No. 26 in
the 7th Conceffion of the Townfhip of Fredericksburgh - about
feventy acres under good improvement, with a proportionate quantity of meadow
land, and the whole well watered. For
particulars apply to the fubfcriber on the premises. JEHIEL HAWLEY Fredericksburgh March 23 1815 |
Jan 6 1816 Kingston Chronicle |
For Sale or to Lease - That valuable Farm in the townfhip of Adolphus Town adjoining the
Village of Holland Ville, owned and formerly occupied by the fubfcriber. Poffeffion of the premifes to be given on
the first day of April 1816 - Also, That valuable Farm No. 8, fituated and
lying in the Townfhip of Fredericksburgh additional, containing 200 acres,
more or lefs, together with a large and commodious Houfe, Barns, and a large
improvement thereon, formerly owned by the late Hazelton Spencer, Efq,
deceafed; poffeffion alfo to be given
on the first day of April 1816 Charles Stuart Kingston 23d Dec 1815 |
Feb 24
1816 Kingston Gazette |
To be fold or rented, as may be agreed upon, that well known valuable farm,
lot No 11 and the Weft half of Lot No. 10 in the firft conceffion of
Additional Fredericksburgh, together with a good frame Houfe and Barn, good
meadows, and two Orchards thereon and about one hundred and forty acres of
improved land. The premifes are well
fituated for a farmer, merchant or Innkeeper.
For further particulars, apply to the fubfcriber or to D. Wafhburn, Efq.
in Kingfton MICHAEL COYLE Kingfton 20th
Feb 1816 |
June 14
1817 Kingston Gazette |
- A perfon of the name of CYRUS COSY, of fmall ftature, light
complexion, and fandy coloured whifkers and locks, foppofed to be about
thirty years of age, was employed as a fchool mafter in April and may laft,
at Frederickfburgh, in the Midland Diftrictt, and province of Upper
Canada. He proved to be fo in difcreet
and paffionatte, that on the 16th of May, he beat one of the
children of the fchool, a daughter of the fubfcriber, of the age of fix
years, to fuch a degree, under the pretence of punifhing her for looking off
her book, that her health was ferioufly effected, fhe was confined a
confiderable time, and for feveral days her life was tho’t by the furrgeons
who attended her to be in danger. A
warrant was iffued againft him by two neighbouring magiftrates, and he has
abfconded. Confidering him to be a
dangerous perfon, I think it my duty to publifh this ftatement of facts, as a
caution to all perfons who may be applied to by him, againft employing fo
unfuitable a perfon to inftruct and govern a fchool. GEORGE SILLS. Frederickfburgh,
June 10, 1817 |
Oct 28
1817 Kingston Gazette |
TRUSTEES of the School in the front Conceffion of Frederickfburgh, give public
notice, that the faid School is opened, in the fchool Houfe near John Camp’s,
under the inftruction of Mr. Barns, who teaches Reading, Writing, Englifh
Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, the Latin and Greek languages, &c. ROBERT McDOWALL, WM
CRAWFORD JOHN CHURCH Fredericksburgh Oct 20 1817. |
Dec 16
1817 Kingston Gazette |
SALE - On reafonable terms, the East half of Lot No 14 in the firft
conceffion of Frederickfburgh, with a good Frame Houfe and Barn and about 150
bearing Apple Trees thereon and about 60 acres under good improvement. For further particulars, enquire of PETER YOUNG on the premifes Frederickfburgh, Dec 12 1817 |
Dec 16
1817 Kingston Gazette |
Sale, The New MILLS on Big Creek,
in Frederickfburgh, in good repair, with the Weft half of Lot No. 25 in the
fourth conceffion of faid Townfhip, with a fmall, but convenient Dwelling
Houfe there on erected.. ALSO Seven Hundred and Thirty acre3s of Land,
lying in the Townfhip of Lochaber, Diftrict of Montreal, and two hundred
acres in the Townfhip of Camden, Midland Diftrict. The whole will be fold cheap. - For particulars, apply to Mr. J. Tuttle,
Kingfton, or to the fubfcriber, on the premifes. Matthias Smith.
Frederickfburgh, Dec 9, 1817 |
Jan 13
1818 Kingston Gazette |
RAN AWAY - from his father, Abraham
Phillips, aged fixteen years - this is to forbid any perfon from employing
the faid Abraham Phillips on pain of being dealt with as the law directs. PETER PHILLIPS Fredericksburgh
Jan 4 1818 |
Apr 28
1818 Kingston Gazette |
Notice is
hereby given that on the 21ft day of April, about 7 o’clock in the evening, a
thief by the name of John More, who had been committed to the Gaol by the
Commiffioners of the Court of Requeft.
Any person that will take up faid thief, and bring him to the
fubfcriber, or keep him fo that he can be obtained fhall have the reward of
Five Shillings GEORGE C. HERNES, Constable Fredericksburgh Apr 20 1818 |
Oct 13,
1818 Kingston Gazette |
Farm FOR SALE, Pleasantly fituated on the
fhore of the Bay of Quinte, and immediately oppofite the Upper Gap - being
the Eaft half of Lot No. 18 in the firft conceffion of Frederickfburgh -
About 40 acres are under improvement, well fenced, and a new frame Houfe,
with a good celler on the premifes. The above farm will be fold together with a pair of ftrong work
Horfes, a Waggon and Farming utenfils. Application to be made to the Printer,
July 27 |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
A FARM FOR SALE - Adjoining Hay Bay, in the
township of Fredericksburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2 in the fecund
conceffion, containing 100 acres and having about 40 acres under cultivation,
with a log houfe and barn upon it. for
the terms apply to Daniel Wefhburn, Efquire, Kingston. P. VanKOUGHNET |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
For Sale - That Elegant farm No. 8,
firft Conceffion township of Fredericfksburgh, 28 miles from Kingfton
(containing 200 Acres) formerly occupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the
name of Manfion Houfe. It contains
about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high
with 2 barns and other buildings.
Perfons defirous of purchafing may enquire of the Subfcriber on the
premiffes or to D. Hagerman Esq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON FREDERICKSBURGH
Sept 8 1818 |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
All perfons are Cautioned againft purchafing Lot No. 22 in the 7th
Con of Frederickfburgh, or lot No. 27 in the 1st con of Richmond,
from the Heirs or Affignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an
indisputable title to the fame. GILERT HARIS Sidney, 4th
Dec 1818 |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
Executive Council Office York, 29th November 1820 Notice is
hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in council,
that unlefs the reprefentatives of John Blefs, the original Locatee of the
Weft half of Lot Number sixteen, in the third conceffion of the Townfhip of
Fredericksburgh, in the Midland Diftrict, do claim, within one year from this
date, the patent will iffue to Martin Salisbury. This notice is to be publifhed for six months in the Upper Canada
Gazette and Kingston Chronicle. JOHN SMALL C.E.C. |
Oct 8 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
Whereas Magdalene, my wife has eloped and left my bed and board,
without any just provocation, I therefore forbid all persons from harbouring
or trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting ZACHARIAS FRALICK
Fredericksburgh Oct 5 1819 |
June 30
1820 Kingston Chronicle |
Whereas Margaret, my wife, has left my bed and board, without any
caufe or provocation, this is therefore to forbid all perfons, harbouring or
trufting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting
after this date. ASHBIL ROHLY Fredericksburgh, 13th June 1820 |
Oct 20
1820 Kingston Chronicle |
Whereas Thomas Harris, now of the townfhip of Fredericksburgh has been
guilty of a breach of a promife of MARRIAGE to me the Subfcriber, and has by
his falfe infinuations, caufed me to go aftray from the path of my duty to
myfelf and my God, and by that means has involved me in trouble and fhame,
and caufed the difpleafure of my parents and my God, to fall on me by
depriving me of my home, and the fweet communion which I formerly held with
my brethren and my God - and whereas the faid Harris has now forsaken me and
is about being married to another woman, I think it my duty to forbid the
marriage of the faid Thomas Harris, and for that purpofe I publifh the above
ftatement, and that all perfons may know what deception the faid Harris is
capable of. Therefore I do forbid any
perfon Marrying the faid Thos. Harris to any woman within my knowledge. MARY [her X mark] Bowen, Widow Frederickfburgh Sept 29th 1820 |
Oct 13
1826 Kingston Chronicle |
Licenced Surveyors Notice is hereby given, that an adjourned Session of the Peace will be
held at the House of Marvil Garison, in the Township of Fredericksburgh, on
Saturday, the 21st Instant, at 10 o’clock Forenoon to receive proposals for
re-surveying part of the said Township, and the whole of Fredericksburgh
Additional Fredericksburgh, Oct 7, 1826 |
Dec 1 1826 Kingston Chronicle |
We regret to learn that the Grist Mill of Mr. George H. Detlor,
Fredericksburgh, was consumed by fire on Friday last. A quantity of grain, which happened to be
in the mill was also destroyed. |
June 19
1830 Kingston Chronicle |
of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Fredericksburgh, on 5th
June, 1830. Abegail Sluter, Alexr. Forshee. - Berceloff Atkinson. - Charles
Cotter. - David Edgar, Daniel Bowen, David Parks 2, David Brown, Duncan Bell,
David Jackson. - Francis S. Pierce. - George Huffman, George H. Detlar, Esq.,
George Jordan. - Hugh Bence. Henry
Carter 2, Hugh Stephenson. - Jacob Kealer, John Sills, Joseph Gunsoloes, John
Anderson, John Clark, Esq., James Forshee, Jacob Shaw 2, John Danges, Jonathan
Cummings 2. James W. Jones 3, John and Isaac Bane, Jonas Vanalstine, Jacob
Peterson, James Allin 2, packets. - Margaret Hess, Mathew Cealin, Mark
McMurry, Mathew Sharp. - Peggy Cronk, Patrick Kelly 2. Peter Mowers, Paul
Chirley. Peter Perry. Esq. Peter I. Forshee. - Stephen Warner 2, Stephen
Younge, Sarah Forshee. - Tylor Cummings, Thomas Empey, Esq., Thomas McConnell
- Valentine Joyce. - Wm. J. P. Bartells, Esq.
Wm. Bill, Wm. Bradshaw. - Zachariah Tralick. If these letters are not taken up (or redeemed) in six weeks from this
date, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. D.L. THORP. P.M. |
Aug 7 1830 Kingston Chronicle |
is herby given that Charlotte Baird, having left my bed and board,
without any cause or provocation, I shall not be held bound for any debts of
her contracting. SAMUEL BAIRD Fredericksburgh, 31st July 1830 |
June 24
1834 British Whig |
- This is to forbid any person or persons trusting my wife or children
after this notice, as I will not be accountable for any debts
contracted. Likewise to forbid any
person purchasing any property belonging to me, as the sale will be void. ZACHARIAS FRALICH Fredericksburgh, June 9th 1834 |
Oct 4 1834 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
- Whereas, my wife, Elizabeth Ackerman, has left me without any just
cause, I hereby caution all persons whatever not to harbour or trust her on
my account, for I am determined not to pay any debt which she shall contract
of after the date hereof. JAMES ACKERMAN, Senior Fredericksburgh, 5th September, 1834 |
Dec 23
1834 British
Whig |
STORE - The subscriber begs leave to notify to his friends and Customers,
and the public generally, that he has opened a general assortment of New
Goods, which he intends selling at low prices; and will take in payment all kinds of
country produce, with house and field ashes, and all kinds of Furs. D. ROBLIN Lot No. 21 5th Con Fredericksburgh 22d Dec 1834 |
Dec 8 1835 British
Whig |
- A GENERAL MEETING of the Householders and Freeholders of the Township of Fredericksburg
will take place at the Inn of George Charters on Saturday, the 19th
instant, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, to consult upon the best
measures to be adopted to carry into successful operation the law lately
passed by the Legislature, commonly called the Township Officer Law; as all are deeply interested. A general attendance is requested Fredericksburg Dec 5th 1835. |
Jan 6 1836 British Whig |
TOWN MEETING TOWNSHIP OFFICERS Richard Ham Town Clerk Wm. Spencer Assesor &
Colector D.L. Thorpe Esq. James Fraser Esq. D. Roblin Esq. Commissioners D. L. THORP, Chairman RICHARD HAM, Poll Clerk Fredericksburg Jan 6 1835 |
1836 |
For Sale - 100 acres of excellent land, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the
first concession of Fredericksburgh, pleasantly situated on the Bay of
Quinte, and convenient to a Steam Boat Landing. there are about 60 acres under cultivation; a variety of Fruit trees, a Frame DWELLING
HOUSE, and a new BARN 50 feet by 30.
The stock, crop, &c. may be had by the purchaser at a valuation. The greater part of the purchase money may
remain in the hands of the purchaser.
For further particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. JAMES SILLIMAN. Fredericksburgh, July 8 1836. |
Feb 4 1837 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
Licences for 1837 - [Fredericksburgh] - Andrew Quakenbush, John Davey. |
Mar 27
1841 Kingston Chronicle & Gazette |
Whereas my Wife, ELIZABETH CHURCH, hath left my bed and board without any
just cause or provocation - I do hereby forbid any person or persons from
harbouring her, and from giving her any credit. - And I do hereby give notice that I will
not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. JOHN CHURCH Fredericksburgh, 18th March, 1841 |
July 3
1841 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
FARM FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale One Hundred Acres of Valuable Land in
the Township of Fredericksburg, Midland District, fifty acres of which are
under improvement, the quality of soil is excellent, on the premises are a
new Frame Dwelling House, two Frame Barns and Wharf, with Two Storehouses, at
which the Steam Boats plying between Kingston and the Head of the Bay of
Quinte stop daily. The above property is beautifully situated on the shore of the Bay of
Quinte in a well settled neighbourhood, having the advantage of good roads,
schools and places of public Worship, distant about 28 miles from Kingston,
18 from Napanee, 12 from Picton, 9 from Bath and from the village of
Adolphustown. To any person disposed to carry on Merchantile business this property
would be a desirable acquisition, such having been carried on there for many
years, and the present occupant being about to leave the place. The premises for some time past have
yielded rent of L50 Currency per annum, and will be sold moderate -
Apply to the proprietor D. L.
Picton to Wm. Anderson, Esq., Postmaster, on the premises or Anthony B.
Hawke, Esq., Chief Emigrant Agent, Kingston June 2 1841 |
Sept 29
1841 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
- All persons are hereby forbid
trusting any person or persons, or any member of my family on my account
after this date, without written order, HENRY
HAM Fredericksburg, 22d September 1841 |
Apr 27
1844 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
Stealing - On Thursday lat, Joseph Weeks Butcher, from Picton, in the District
of Prince Edward, was fully committed to stand his trial at the next Assizes
for the Midland District, on a charge of stealing eight sheep from the
premises of William J. Sloane, farmer, of Fredericksburgh, on the evening of
Wednesday last. |
Dec 6 1845 Kingston Chronicle &
Gazette |
- To Merchants and Others Whereas my supposed Wife, calling herself Sarah Chambers, has left my
house, this is to caution the public not to trust her on my account, as I
will pay no debts of her contracting. Timothy Chambers, Sen. Fredericksburgh Mills 4 Con, Lot 23, Nov 21 1845 |
Sept 22
1847 Upper Canada Herald |
- Whereas my wife, Lucy Russel, has left my bed and board without any
just cause, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting her, as I will
pay no accounts contracted by her, from this date. Peter Sills Fredericksburgh, Sept 10 1847 **
see Article for Oct 20 1855 ** |
Feb 19
1848 British
Whig |
POST OFFICE - We are happy to say, the Post Office in this township, discontinued
last summer, has been recently re-established, Mr. W. J. Sloan, Post Master. |
Feb 19
1848 British Whig |
of Licences for TAVERNS and SHOPS issued by the inspector of the Midland District
for the year 1848. [Fredericksburgh] John Davy, George Charters, Edward Baird, Obadiah Chambers, Samuel
McAlwain, James G. Lucas. |
Oct 20
1855 Daily British Whig |
The Queen Vs. Lucy Sills This was an action entered by the Crown against Lucy Sills, for
stabbing her husband with a knife. The Assault was rather of an aggravated
nature, it being the intention of the prisoner to take the life of her
husband, and a farmer living in Adolphustown. The Jury returned a verdict of
Guilty of Assault, with intent to murder. |
Feb 7 1856 Napanee Standard |
Notice - Tenders will be received for the erection of a School House in
the Township of Fredericksburgh until the 15th of February. For specifications and other particulars
apply to the subscriber JOHN CHAMBERLAIN Fredericksburgh Jan 26 1856 |
July 24 1856 Napanee Standard |
Strayed -
from the premises of William Gracy Lot 11 4th Concession of Fredericksburgh
about 4 weeks since, 3 three years old steers, 1 three years old heifer, and
1 four years old steer, the latter red with a wite back and legs one of the
former yellow, 1 red with a white face and shoulders, 1 black muley heifer,
any information of the, will be thankfully received by the subscribers. |
July 31
1856 Napanee Standard |
Notice - is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Township of
Fredericksburgh will be held at the Inn of John G. Lucas on Thursday the
twenty ninth day of May at 10 o'clock A.M. |
Feb 1857 Napanee Standard |
Lands for Sale -
The subscriber will dispose of the west half of Lot No 25, 8th
concession of Madoc, and lot No 8 in the 13th concession of
Portland, containing 100 acres each. On
the latter lot there are about 20 acres cleared. Parties desirous to purchase, will do well
to call early, as the lands must rise rapidly in value. WM.
CHURCH Fredericksburgh,
12 Feb 1857 |
Apr 23
1857 Napanee Standard |
Notice -
Came into the enclosure of the subscriber about the 20th of November last, A
RED BULL, The owner if requested to prove property, pay charges and take him
away. |
Feb 18
1858 Napanee Standard |
for Sale - The subscriber offers for sale the East half of lot 8 in the fifth
concession of Fredericksburgh, containing fifty acres. Said farm is mostly
improved, and would make a desirable residence. |
Mar 18
1858 Napanee Standard |
- I hereby forbid any person from purchasing a NOTE OF HAND given by
George Sills and Jacob Marsh to Peter Sills for the sum of Twenty-five
pounds, as said note has been paid by me. |
Feb 14
1861 Napanee Beaver |
OR STOLEN; From the premises of the Subscriber, 2nd Concession, No. 16, South
Fredericksburgh, about the last of August or first of September. Three head of
Young Cattle about 3 years old. Two of them heifers, lion black, one black
and red. The other a red steer, white face and each of them a piece off the
right ear. Any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery
will be suitably rewarded. G. N. Charters South Fredericksburgh, Jan. 24th 1861 |
Apr 20
1861 Napanee Standard |
Notice is
Aug 29
1861 Napanee Standard |
Sale - Mill Priviliege and Farm The well known Farm and Mill Site known as
Chambers' Mills, situated in the Township of North Fredericksburgh, and
within five miles of the village of Napanee and twenty miles of Kingston. |
Dec 5 1861 Napanee Standard |
Sale Will be Sold by Public Auction on the premises of the Subscriber, on |
Mar 19
1862 Napanee Standard |
Farm for Sale in the West Half of lot No. 19, South Fredericksburgh, containing 102
Acres, 80 of which are in a good state of cultivation and the remainder in
wood land. |
Mar 19
1862 Napanee Standard |
For Sale 60 acres of
Excellent Land, being composed of the West half of Lot No. 6, in the second
concession of South Fredericksburgh, will be sold very cheap or traded on
certain conditions for a farm of less value.
Oct 20 1862 Kingston News |
Horsestealing - A colored man named
Edward Freeman, in the service of Patrick McAvoy, North Fredericksburgh, took
his master's span of horses on Tuesday last, and started off with them. The
thief was traced to the township of Beverly, where he was fortunately
arrested on Thursday night and the horses recovered. He was taken back to
Fredericksburgh on Friday, where a magisterial examination will take place.
The prisoner has already served a term in the Penitentiary for the same
Jan 11
1864 Daily
News, Kingston |
FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT In the 4th Concession of
the Township of Fredericksburgh - the west part of Lot No. 8, consisting of
160 acres. There are 80 acres under a
good state of cultivation, a new Brick House and Log House, and a Frame Barn
40 by 60 feet. This farm is beautifully situated on
the bank of the Napanee River and is distant only three miles from the
village. For particulars inquire of the
Subscriber on the premises. EDWARD
29 1862 |
Dec 21
1877 Napanee Express |
Hay Bay (From our special
Correspondent) DEAR EDITOR, - Thinking that some of the many readers of
your valuable paper might be interested with a few items from Hay Bay, we
venture to write them. The Cheese Factory in this vicinity
under the management of Mr. Insley, closed about the 20th
October. We learn from the Secretary’s
report that the number of pounds of cheese manufactured during the season was
46,488. The average number of pounds
of milk per pound of cheese, ten pounds.
The Officers for 18787 are as follows:
M. Bogart, Salesman; A. C.
Parks, re-elected Secretary and Treasurer;
Wm. Joyce, and W. J. Mellow, Auditors. The Grange in this locality is in a
very prosperous state. Mr. A. C.
Parks, the Grange Agent, sold the barley realizing sixty two and a quarter
cents, F.O.B. Our Temple is in a very unhealthy
condition at present. The Ferry boat under the able
management of Captain Woodcock, is still running. We understand he intends adding twenty feet
to the length of his store house, to meet the increased demand for storage. It is now definitely understood that
Irvin Parks, Esq., is to oppose the present Warden, Mr. Dollar in the contest
for Reeveship. A warm contest may be
looked for.
Aug 31
1877 Napanee Express |
The Recent loss by Lightning. Mr. Philip Garrison of
Fredericksburgh, has given us the particulars of his recent the loss by
lightning on the 15th inst., as follows when discovered at 11 p.m.
flames reached 20 ft. above the large barn 92 x 40 situated about 30 rods
from the house. It contained a large
quantity of wheat, barley, a young colt, valued at $150, and several
adjoining stacks of grain, were all consumed before any assistance could be
rendered. A smaller barn about 60 feet
in length and 14 ft. distant, almost immediately caught fire and was entirely
consumed, including a quantity of hay, poultry, new lumber waggon, harness
and saddles, thresher and cleaner, farming tools &c., nothing saved
except a cutter and a new mower. Mr.
Garrison’s loss has been estimated, by competent judges, at $4,500. No insurance. He is not at all disheartened, intending to
rebuild immediately.
Apr 4 1890 Napanee Express |
Big Creek - The roads are very muddy
at present. A large number were out
for their farewell sleigh ride on Saturday. Mr. Henderson is slowly
improving, we hope to see him around soon. The farmers are busy
drawing their pressed hay to Fredericksburgh station. Mr. Oscar Weese is home
on a visit for a few weeks. Oscar, we
are glad to see you. Mr. Editor, news is very
scarce this week as the roads are in a very muddy condition. A large number from this
neighbourhood attended the sugar social at Anderson’s Church, Tuesday night
(Jim had a long drive in the miserable roads.) |
Apr 4 1890 Napanee Express |
Bay - The snow is nearly all gone again. Farmers are preparing for their spring
work. Mr. Augustus Hermance is improving
fast. Mr. Francis Vanderwater is after
great suffering improving slowly. I am quite fascinated with THE
EXPRESS since its system has been improved. Many of the people are troubled with
an epidemic which resembles LaGrippe. Captain Woodcock will soon have his
boat running to the convenience of a great many. Mr. Will McDonald has also improved
his house in giving it a fine coat of white paint. Mr. Adam Parks has greatly improved
the appearance of his house by the addition of a veranda. I hear Phoenix cheese factory is in a
way to commence work as soon as is necessary. Mrs. Eli Arnold daughter of N.
Outwater is expected home on a lengthy visit.
She will be welcome here. Hay Bay is growing more picturesque
every day, but in the midst of all its gayieties the sad intelligence has
just reached us that Jack has cut his foot. The people in this and the adjoining
neighborhood are elated at the prospect of a new church, which will be
erected near the boundary line between Gosport and Hay Bay. We are pleased to know that under the
able treatment of Dr. Grant, Mr. N. Outwater is able to be about the house
Jan 6 1892 Napanee Express |
CONWAY – Mr. Editor, -- Christmas and New Year’s have come and gone in their usual way. Some wish I had gone like Christmas, but
ah, no that would never do, I am going to stay and give you all the items in
and around the village. A number from
here attended the quadrille party at Sillsville town hall, and reported a
jolly time. The election
passed off quietly. Mr. T. Ham was
elected reeve by acclamation. He is
well worthy of the office. For
councillors John McCaugherty headed the polls to the satisfaction of all,
Edward Embury, Geo. Sharp and William Smith came next in relation. Mr. D. Griffith, the defeated candidate,
went home well satisfied with the result of the poll. Mr.
R. O. Cadman spent Sunday evening at Mr. James Hill’s . Come again Robert. Mrs.
W. Asselstine, of Michigan, is home to spend the winter with her father. Messrs.
Hill and Phippen have returned to Kingston.
the girls will miss you boys. The
party at Mr. George Wright’s was well attended by the young. We
are sorry to say that Mr. W. Sills is not improving any. |
Apr 22
1892 Napanee Express |
Mr. Editor, seeing nothing in your valuable paper from Sandhurst I though I
would take up my pen and let you know what is going on in and around the
village. The
ice has all gone and the boats are commencing to make their appearance which
the old folks say are a sign of spring.
Will Younges is paying a flying visit to Sandhurst. Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Hill spent Sunday in Hamburg. Rumor
says a wedding soon. Come girls hurry
up with those new dresses. The
boys and girls feel bad and look sad since they got their pictures taken or
expected to get them taken on Friday last.
I wonder if ever they got left so nice before. We
notice the fox colt took its regular trip down the front. Best wishes Will. Mr.
George Doyle returned from Kingston to Sandhurst on his way to the Fifth-Town
but on account of the heavy sea had to remain a couple of days with friends. Professor
R. Kennedy of Bath is spending a few days at the residence of Mr. Wm. Hill. We
notice Felix is getting the cage ready.
Be on the lookout girls. Mrs.
Charles Redden presented her husband with a bouncing baby girl. Mr. Editor I
suppose the people will wonder and wonder who wrote this but you can tell
them it was Little Jack. |
Dec 23
1892 Napanee Express |
Conway - Well, Mr. Editor, it is drawing nigh unto Christmas, and we are all
looking for our Christmas presents. We
have come to the conclusion that the best place to buy your Christmas goods
is at our own little store here in Conway, which is so ably managed by Mr. H.
Macdonald. Henry is very obliging and
says he will not be undersold. Hurrah for Ham,
our noble reeve. He is in the field
once more after a very successful season’s work. Every one with him vote for him and be
happy. A large number
from here attended the Methodist tea meeting in Sillsville and report a good
time. Rumor says one
of the Sandhurst preachers is going to receive a valuable horse from the
congregation for a Christmas present. Some of our
young ladies intend taking a week’s holidays at Christmas. We will miss you girls. We are sorry to
say that Miss Fannie Phippen, who was removed to Kingston, is still very low.
We hope for her speedy recovery. Rumor says a
wedding soon. One of our young ladies intend taking the matrimonial step for
better or worse, we know not. Rev. Mr.
McArthur and family, of Kingston, intend coming to Conway to spend their
Christmas holidays. Mr. Charley
George, of Kingston spent a few days here visiting friends. Charley intends making it interesting for
the Kingston boys who wish to play against him on the Harmonica. Charley has gone back to put up the money. The little pony
paid us a flying visit through here.
Welcome, Harry. What is the
matter, some of our young men finish their education at college and be back
in a week. That is really so, and very
Ernest they were in their studies. We hear that our
school teacher is engaged for another year. Well, Mr.
Editor, I will draw to a close by wishing you a merry Xmas. |
Feb 17
1893 Napanee Express |
A large number
attended the sale at Mr. H. P. Claringbold’s this week, which was a grand
success. Mr. John Green,
the noble butcher from Kingston, was here this week and again took the best
cattle from here. Mr. James
Whiskers spent Sunday in Bath. Frank took a
long drive on Monday last. Of course
he came to Conway en route for Hay Bay.
Frank well knows which way to go. The severe storm
of last week left some of our young people in a very awkward position, but
all the same they got home the next day.
Some looked pretty tough. We are pleased
to say that Miss Lily Clute, who has been suffering this past two weeks is
recovering. Mr. Edward
Beeswax has purchased that famous horse, Big Wonder. Be on the lookout girls. Mr. Dennis
Collins intends fattening a cow for the World’s Fair. Dennis says it takes a lot of grain. Mr. Ike Cole, we
are pleased so say, is around again after the accident with a colt. The colt being the smartest of the two
landed Ike over the fence. Ike says he
will be careful in the future. Rumor says a
wedding soon. Be on the lookout girls. A rather serious
runaway occurred this week. Mr. H.
Phippen left his team standing alone a few minutes, when they became restive
and started. The one horse fell and is
seriously hurt. The sleigh tongue
broke. We are sorry to
say that Mr. Edward Morrow met with a painful accident. He fell about 15 feet to the barn floor
hurting his arm. Dr. Northmore dressed
the wound and found the bone was not fractured. We are sorry to
say that Mr. Henry Macdonald, our enterprising storekeeper, is very
sick. We hope it is nothing serious,
for we miss you a great deal Henry. Death has again
visited our little hamlet and claimed for its victim Miss Fannie Phippen, one
of Conway’s fairest and brightest young ladies, loved by all. She being a member of the English church
the Rev. Mr. Forneri preached the funeral sermon on Sunday last, when he
spoke very highly of Fanny. The
friends have our sympathy in this their sad bereavement. A blank is in
this household left, A loved one now
is gone, The only hope
this home possessed Has from the
circle flown. Through weary
days of suffering, She never once
complained, She lived a
cheerful Christian life, And heavenly
love she gained. Mr. John T. Hill,
of Kingston Business College, was home attending the funeral of Miss Fanny
Phippen this week. Mr. Amos Younges
was up last week cutting wood for Mr. Wm. Herbert. Amos is a hustler with the axe. Mrs. Hutchison
is home from attending the funeral of her grandchild in Toronto. Mr. Fletcher, of
Queen’s University, Kingston, very ably filled the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church on Sunday last, in the absence of Mr. McArthur. There will be no service next Sunday in the
Presbyterian church, as Dr. Ross, of Queen’s University, will preach in the
Union Church, Ernesttown. |
Feb 24
1893 Napanee Express |
Conway - We were visited with another severe storm on Sunday last, which
makes the sleighing a great deal better. We are sorry to
say that Mr. VanDyck met with a painful accident on Saturday last. While unhitching his team one of the horses
stepped on his foot smashing his toe.
Dr. Northmore dressed the wound. O where, tell me
where, did the little pony go on Saturday night last? Why it went across the ice with one of
Conway’s fairest young ladies. We are pleased
to say that Mr. R. O. Cadman has returned from visiting the Grand Lodge of
the A.O.U.W. in Toronto last week.
Welcome back, Robert. Mr. Hendry,
agent of the Equitable Life Assurance Company, of Kingston, accompanied by
Mr. Samuel McNeil, of Conway, were around insuring the lives of some of
Conway’s able young men. We advise
both young and old to insure, as the Equitable is the strongest company in
the world. We are sorry to
say that Samantha has been suffering this past week with toothache. She says it is more severe than lumbago. Mr. Wm.
Herberts, we are sorry to say is suffering from a severe cold. Will is one of those men that don’t often
catch a cold, but it stays there when he catches it. Mr. Edward
Wright is laying down lumber for a new silo.
Ed believes in stock raising. Charley has
purchased a new violin. He intends
furnishing music for the dances free this winter. A concert will
be given in the town hall, South Fredericksburgh, in behalf of the
Presbyterian Church, Sandhurst, on Thursday, 2nd March. Let every young man come and bring his best
girl. Sunday last was
a holiday as there was no church on the front. It is a rather strange
time for a young man to be seeking May flowers. Miss Anna Clapp
is home attending her mother, who met with an accident by falling on the ice. Miss Taverner,
our music teacher, has been away spending a few days with friends. Her pupils wish for her speedy return. Our enterprising
fishermen are meeting with great success.
Bill and Tom always takes the lead in securing the large ones. We are pleased
to see that Miss Lily Clute has returned.
We are glad to see you Lily. Mr. W. T. Ham,
our worthy reeve, is breaking a span of colts. They are dandies. |
May 14
1897 Napanee Beaver |
Sandhurst and Conway - I think, Mr. Editor, you had a
description of Sandhurst some time ago, but not of Conway, and since the
places have been joined together I will give a description of them. It is
situated on the beautiful shores of the Bay of Quinte, about half way between
Belleville and Kingston and noted for its favorite summer resort. The main
street, running east and west, is Ontario St. Commencing at the western end
of Ontario St., is the residence of A. Tavener, who is an extensive fruit
raiser, having some fifty acres of orchard. Just across the road is the
blacksmith shop of N. Peters. Then we come to Eleventh St. running north to
H. Couher's market gardener. Next is the Clark estate, which has also a large
acreage of orchard. Next is the fine residence of H. VanDyke also Mrs. Simon
Wright. Between them is the grist mill of H. Shering's our general thresher.
Then we pass by the post office, kept by Mr. G. Ham, also the school house
run under the skillful management of D. Stratton of Parma. Then we come to
Elm avenue, running north to Clark's Mills and south to Conway store and
Quays. On the west side is the A.O.U.W. lodge room also W.H. Wright's fruit
ranch. On the east side is the Methodist church and Conway's general store
and elevators. The new store is completed and was opened on May 1st. Next is
Walnut St. running south to Tarry Hall, and north to Mrs. Hill's dressmaking
establishment. Then we pass by E. H. Phippen's cheese factory and stock farm
and the Methodist parsonage, in which lives Rev. E. S. Shorey. Oak avenue,
running south tot the boat livery and barber shop, owned by W. Galloway. Then
we come to Ontario St. Park, the famous picnic grounds. The manager, C.W.
Wright, has engaged the services of Abraham Carter and son as care takers for
the season of 1897. Next is Eighth St. running north to Sillsville, and south
to the bathing grounds. On the north side on Ontario St. is the Presbyterian
church. Opposite it is the Episcopalian church. Then we come to Wellington
St., on which are situated the blacksmith, T. Gurren and T. Mellow's
residence, to the north, also, runs south to the sand pit and baseball
grounds. Then we come to Seventeenth St. which runs north to Sharp's Corners.
It also is the boundary line between this place and Pine Grove. Miss Lawson, of Harrowsmith is at present visiting at the parsonage,
the guest of Miss Susy Shorey. Mr. Oliver Robinson, of Front Road, spent Easter Sunday here visiting
friends. The rain on Sunday disappointed quite a number of our fair sex who
expected to be able to show the new styles in dress, but as it was a few
ventured out to their sorrow as Miss Hicks, of Cressy, and Miss Urquhart, of
Hawley, dressmakers, have done this place up in good style. Mr. James Hill went to Napanee on Sunday night. Miss Higgins, of Kingston, has returned to her home at Conway to spend
the summer. Miss Grace Downey and Master Willie Wright, of the N,.C.I., spent their
Easter holidays at their respective homes. I think it would be a good plan for the Sillsville correspondent to go
and get his eyes tested by Smith or Chinneck and get a pair of glasses so
they would be able to read what was printed and not guess at it. Mr. Kerr, of Waupoos, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. C. Wright. Mr. D. McNabb has commenced drawing lumber for his new house to be
erected this summer. The ladies of this town have organized a base ball club and are
practising two evenings each week. Mrs. T. Mellow is confined to the house through illness. Mr. Wm. Wright is busily engaged fixing up his place and has given his
house a fresh coat of paint. Will says his trips to Picton are not for nothing. The Sir
Alexandria made her first trip this week. |
May 14
1897 Napanee Beaver |
Farmers are busy sowing and land works good. A large number intend going to
Kingston on the 24th May from here. Mr. S. McNeill, who had been keeping a
debating school here all winter, is going to give a lecture in Bath on June
7th. Subject of lecture, "Orangeism". Mr. Joseph Marsh traded
horse, harness and buggy with Mr. McFarlane last week; they just changed rigs
as they stood on the road. I wonder if they would trade their sweethearts
off. Messrs.
Hilditch and McNeill have their fruit garden looking good and are looking
forward for a big supply of berries. Arbor
day has past and gone and great credit is due to Mr. Anderson and his staff
of children in the manner in which they cleaned the yard; they ploughed it
and dragged it and filled all the holes with a scraper. We
are sorry to say Mrs. Milling is not improving as we would like to have her. Mr.
Editor, I won't say much this week as you will require a lot of space for the
court news. |
July 8
1898 Napanee Beaver |
One of the most disgraceful scenes we have ever heard of occurred in Conway a
short time ago. A poor old man was attacked by a gang of young men and was
used in a rather rough manner. The people of this place are ashamed of people
who would do such a cowardly act. The Reeve was notified of the act and at
once came to the poor man's assistance, but he was kindly cared for by people
in Parma. Mr. Milling, the Reeve of the Township, had him removed to Napanee,
where he will be taken care of. Mr. John T. Hill, of Napanee, will reside
here in the future. We
are sorry to lose our esteemed friend, John Collins, who has been a faithful
clerk in our neat little store. The
latest style of introducing your best fellow in Conway is to call him your
brother. What next? Our new
choir is making rapid progress. We wish them success. A party of men were at
work preparing for the celebration this week at the Presbyterian Church. A
sermon for the Orangemen of Hamburgh at the Presbyterian church on Sunday
July 10th, at 7:30 in the evening. A barrel
factory, we understand, will be started here this summer. |
April 3
1925 Napanee Beaver |
Monday, April 13th, 1925, H. W. Gallagher will sell for Miss F. Sloan,
Sandhurst, at 12 o'clock noon, Ford touring car, harness, wheelbarrow, garden
implements, chicken wire, potatoes, household furniture, consisting of
upright piano, carpets, curtains, stoves, lamps, etc. Usual terms. |
April 3
1925 Napanee Beaver |
On Wednesday,
April 15th, 1925, H.W. Gallagher will sell by public auction for Samuel
Walmsley, on Lot 11, in the 5th Con. of North Fredericksburgh, opposite
Deseronto, on South shore, near Woodcock's School House, at 12 o'clock, 3
horses, 11 milch cows, brood sow with 11 pigs, farm machinery, sleighs,
cutter, wagons, 2 buggies, harness, Milotte cream separator, barrel churn,
milk pails, milk cans, forks, shovels, cookstove, household furniture, etc.
Usual terms. |
1940 Scrapbook Clipping |
CONWAY -SANDHURST - Jan 8 - Delightful winter weather
has lasted through the holiday season and, with plenty of snow for pleasure,
there has still been fine roads for travel. The cold wave is still unabated,
but the night of January 7th was the coldest so far, as the Bay of Quinte was
entirely frozen over on Sunday morning. The east wind cracked it up, but was
not strong enough to take it out. We extend our
heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy married life
to Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Picton, who were recently married. The bride
was formerly Miss Evelyn Ackerman, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Ackerman, of Sandhurst. She was organist of Conway United Church for a number
of years and a popular member of the Young People's Society. The Misses Helen
and Marion Wright, students at Peterborough Normal school, have spent the
vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Wright, Conway. Last week they
spent observing and teaching in Conway and Sandhurst schools respectively.
This week Miss Marion Wright has full charge of Sandhurst school for Monday
and Tuesday, and Miss Helen has charge of Conway school. On Wednesday they
return to their studies at Peterborough. Miss Elizabeth Wright and Miss
Marion Wright are receiving hearty congratulations as winners of the
scholarship and medals at Napanee commencement exercises last week. The W.A. of
Conway United Church holds its January meeting at the home of Mrs. Puttenham
. |
Nov 17
1942 Scrapbook Clipping |
SILLSVILLE - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Littlefield Rev. Mr. Walker of Bath officiated at the christening, Nov. 11,
of their infant son, Leroy Edward, also of Donna Marie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Mack and of Charles Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon. The babies are all first cousins. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Sharpe were
witnesses. After the ceremony Mrs.
Littlefield served refreshments. The Young People’s Union of Sillsville and
Conway met at the home of Donald Hough Friday evening with about 20 in
attendance. It was decided to prepare
a play, “Superstitious Susie” to be put on in January. A number of Sillsville young people enjoyed
their first skating for this season Sunday. A farewell party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Anderson, Hawley, last week.
They were presented with two chairs. Misses Dorothy and Frances Magee, Toronto,
spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Kingston, are
visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Mr. Elliott. Born, Friday, Nov. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie
Loyst, a daughter. |
July 12
1943 Scrapbook Clipping |
Sillsville - The annual picnic of Sillsville Sunday School was held on Tuesday afternoon
at the edge of Mr. Perry Young’s woods.
there were about 30 present.
After dinner, softball was played.
John Creighton and Hugh Sharpe acted as captains. Later, races were run. The Young
People’s Class met at the home of Mrs. Perry Young for one of their “summer
evenings”. They played catch,
croquinole and table tennis. Lunch was
served by the hostess. The treasurer, Moira McLean, reported a balance of
$1.41 on hand. Miss Hilda
Creighton, of Kingston, spent the week end at home. Mrs. Rod Sharpe
is a patient at the Kingston General Hospital. Mrs. Lachlan
McLean has returned home, after spending a week at Kingston with Mr. J. E.
Penney and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Penney. Mr. and Mrs.
D.W. Young attended the Conservative convention in Picton on Saturday
afternoon. |
Sept 1953 J. Wright Scrapbooks |
Rev. and Mrs. Trumpour, of Little Britain, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Don
Hough after an extended trip to the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Benn, and
family, were guests on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mellow's. Mr. and Mrs.
William McConnell, and girls, of Seeley's Bay, spent the weekend at E.
McFadden's. G. Hugh Sharpe left on Monday for Alberta to help his cousins
with the harvest. Mrs. Leslie Merritt, and children, of Toronto, are spending
the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Merritt. George Young is spending a few
days in Toronto. Billie Young spent the weekend in Kingston. The Pines ball
team lost out to Deseronto in the playoffs. Now they can hang up their gloves
for another year. John Elliot is attending the Ottawa Exhibition. |
Nov 1957 Christian Neighbourhood |
4-H Club -
The first three meetings of the "Sillsville Stitchers", the 4-H
club, were held at the home of Mrs. D. Hough. Officers were elected as
follows: President, Marion Grooms; Secretary, Sandra Garrison;
Vice-President, Vibeke Peterson; Treasurer, Leona Mellow; Reporters, Erna
Peterson and Aileen Stalker. The present project "Being Well Dressed and
Well Groomed" comprises for the main part in the making of a slip or
crinoline. Materials and patterns have been discussed, as well as topics on
attractiveness, good grooming, hand and hair care. The Home Economist, Miss
Sandra Thibaudeau, of Napanee attended the third meeting and demonstrated a
manicure. A fee of 10 cents per member per meeting is being taken in this
project to defray expenses. Lunch and a social time concludes each meeting.
Sixteen girls are enrolled as members. (Signed) Erna Peterson. |
Nov 1957 Christian Neighbourhood |
THE VARIETY SHOW - The annual Variety Show, sponsored by the Board of the
Christian Neighbourhood was held on November 1st and 2nd. The first show was
in St. Alban's Parish Hall and an appreciative audience gave applause to the
various members. Rev. Alan Brandon was the competent master of ceremonies.
Aileen Stalker and Gail Brooks sold the generous contribution of home-made
candy during the intermission. On Saturday evening the show was presented in
Sillsville Town Hall with slight variations in the program. Mr. George
Southall was an efficient chairman. Again a plentiful supply of candy was
sold, the vendors being Sharon Young, Carla Sills, Gail Brooks and Nancy
Morrow. The talent of the community was displayed in the presentation on each
evening. Musical numbers by the Rev. Alan Brandon, Mrs. Guy Huyck with guitar
accompaniment, and by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor pleased their hearers. An
Old-time Square Dance done in gay fashion by members of the Women's Institute
and their friends dressed in costumes of by-gone days caused amusement. A
demonstration by the 4-H Club Girls was an illustration of the usefulness of
this work. Tap dancing numbers were gracefully done by Shirley Smith to piano
accompaniment. Also receiving applause were Alice and Gerald Daverne, and on
Saturday evening the Wandering Artist, friend of Mr. Southall, who, it
developed, is the Student Minister on Cressy circuit. Miss Peggy Ham showed
coloured views taken locally and in other parts of Ontario and a selection from
those photographed during a year's stay in England and on a trip through
European countries. These were much admired by the attentive viewers. And so
another successful Variety Show has passed into history. |
Nov 1964 Christian Neighbourhood |
OPEN HOUSE - On October 30th, the South Fredericksburgh School Board held
Open House at the Sandhurst School where two new rooms had been added to the
former two. The short programme opened with the singing of 'O Canada'
followed by the prayer of Dedication by the Rev. Mr. Dunning. The chairman of
the Board, Mr. D. Hough, welcomed the guests and spoke briefly to the more
than one hundred present. In his remarks, he referred to the planned
additional building of three more classrooms, a general purpose room, a
teacher's room, and the necessary heating and plumbing for such an addition.
The Principal, Mr. Rae Thompson, spoke on behalf of Mr. Langford and Mr. M.B.
Caldwell who were absent due to illness. Mr. H.H. Roberts, the architect, Mr.
R. Keller, the contractor, and Mr. H. Keeler, who was in charge of the
construction, all spoke briefly. Reeve H. Creighton brought greetings from
the council. Mrs. R. Stalker, on behalf of the Community Club presented a
book to the school for an exhibit made by S.S. #5 Sillsville for the
Centennial Celebration held in August. The pupils of S.S. # 5 Sillsville are
now attending the new Sandhurst School. The Benediction, pronounced by Mr.
Ronald Pierce, and the singing of 'God Save the Queen', brought the
formalities to a close. The guests had the privilege of touring the four
rooms of the school and meeting the teachers, Mr. Rae Thompson, Principal,
Mrs. J. Roblin, Mrs. Wagar, and Mrs. K. Morrow. Dainty refreshments were
served by Conway U.C.W. A bright spot in the decor was a beautiful
arrangement of yellow and bronze mums presented to the school by the
Contractor and Builder. Congratulations are in order to a hard working School
Board, Messrs. D. Hough, W. Haight, R. Powell, W. Myers and Mrs. M. Young;
and to Mr. W.G. Gilbert for a fine, modern building. |
March 1965 Christian Neighbourhood |
special meeting with all members present, was called on February 17th to meet
with the School Board to discuss the building of an addition to No. 2 School
at Sandhurst. Moved by Councillors Elliott and McCracken that this council
give their approval to the request of the Board of the Township School Area
for the expenditure of $85,000.00 for the erection and furnishing of the
proposed addition to No. 2 School (Sandhurst). Said money to be raised by
debentures.......Carried Harold Creighton, Reeve. |
Jan 1967 Christian Neighbourhood |
the December meeting of the Sillsville U.C.W., seven members were honoured
with Life Membership Pins and Certificates in recognition of twenty-five
years service in the church. Mrs. Tibbutt, Jr. read the order of service
while Mrs. Duane Cuthill, Mrs. Don McCracken and Mrs. Glen McCracken pinned
corsages on the recipients listed below: Mrs. Percy Merritt, Mrs. John
Hagerman, Mrs. Fullerton Taylor, Mrs. Leslie Mellow, Mrs. Bert Windover, Mrs.
Don Tulloch and Mrs. Borden Young. Two years ago, Mrs. H.M. Hough, Mrs. J.P.
Cuthill, Mrs. A.H. Mellow, Mrs. R.P. Young were also honoured with membership
pins and certificates. |
May 14
1970 Christian Neighbourhood |
place in every sphere of living conditions today and it is with regret and a sense
of loss that we contemplate the changeover of the mail system in our area.
The rural post office will become a thing of the past an in the Sillsville
and hay Bay communities, the mail is being delivered from the Napanee office
and this route has become R. R. 2 Napanee as of May 1 1970. Postmasters in
earlier years at Sillsville were Messrs. Arthur Mellow, Mark Shewman, Morley
Creighton and at the present time, Mrs. Stewart Loyst. Our friendly mail
carriers, Maybelle and Ray Garrison have been obliging and courteous and have
been in charge of this route for thirty-six years. To them and to Mrs.
Stewart Loyst we express our appreciation of work well done. Ray Garrison's
father, Jonas Garrison, was mail carrier over sixty years ago and continued
in that capacity until age forced his retirement and his son Ray carried on
with the service. In the early 1900's Mr. John Magee solicited the help of
Uriah Wilson, Member of Parliament at that time, and through his influence a
post office was established and called "The Pines" because of a
pine grove nearby, and was situated in the western part of South
Fredericksburgh on the Hay Bay Road. Mr. Magee became postmaster and later
drawing the mail from Parma, taking over the route from Mr. George Emmons who
had moved from the vicinity. Mr. Leslie Dafoe was one of the earlier mail
drawers and being left-handed, he had the misfortune to break the key in the
lock of the mail bag and it had to be forwarded to Ottawa to have it
reopened. Another post office on the Hay Bay road was in care of Mr. Henry
Rikley and later Mr. George Spencers and was called "Hayburn" a
name still familiar to many people. Each householder provided a small cloth
bag for the postman to deposit on a fence post with the mail. Very often it missed
the post and landed in the dooryard. In earlier times, the people were compelled
to walk a mile or two to secure their mail or to send mail and the delivery
at the office was on two days a week, later extending to three days. There
are very few of the older generation remaining who remember the uncertainty
of the early rural mail service. We have come a long way since those days and
these new methods are expected to make life free and easy. But can we be
sure? Friendly neighbourhoods are developing into what appears to be an urban
society. the old comradeship is fast disappearing and all in the name of
progress. We will miss our contact with our genial friends Mr. and Mrs. R.
Garrison of "Her Majesty's Service" and the best wishes of the
friends from Sillsville and Hay Bay are extended to them in all their future
activities. |
May 14
1970 Christian Neighbourhood |
HAWLEY W.I. The April meeting of the
Hawley W.I. was held at the Institute Hall on April 7th. The meeting was
opened with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The President extended a
warm welcome to the District President, Mrs. Clarence Wayte and Mrs. Bruce
Cuthill. The Roll Call was answered by the payment of dues. The minutes were
read and approved and the Treasurer's report was given. Correspondence was
read and dealt with. The members were asked to choose the short courses they
referred for the Senior Training School which will be held in the Fall. First
choice was "Accessories for the Home" and second "Hats".
Plans were made to sell tickets on the quilt the members have made, with the
draw to be held in the Fall. Mrs. Grant Huyck was asked to make arrangements
for a paper drive. Mrs. Jim Stapley gave a report of the dinner meeting of
the Safety Council. The minutes of the last annual meeting was read by the
secretary, Mrs. Gerald Galt. The reports of the standing committees were
presented. The President, Mrs. Clarence Parks, thanked the members for the
reports they had given and gave a summary of the activities of the W.I.
during her term of office, closing with this thought -- "Our Hawley
Schools have passed away; our Hawley Church has been closed; regional
government may come and places will lose their identity on the Map -- but
let's use our motto -- Keep Hawley on the Map through the Women's
Institute." Mrs. Clarence Wayte, District President, conducted the
election of officers. Mrs. Gerald Galt acted as secretary for the election.
Following is the slate of officers: President - Mrs. James Stapley; 1st Vice
President - Mrs. William Myers; 2nd Vice President - Mrs. James Lowry;
Secretary - Mrs. Clarence Parks; Treasurer - Mrs. Gerald Galt; District
Director - Mrs. Guy Huyck; Alternate - Mrs. Grant Huyck; Branch Directors -
Mrs Charles Kerr, Mrs. Gordon Young and Mrs. Harold Creighton; Pianists -
Mrs. Harold Creighton and Mrs. Sheldon Hughes; Lunch Convener - Mrs. Grant
Huyck; Public Relations Officer - Mrs. Gordon Young; Agriculture and Canadian
Industries - Mrs. John Sonneveld; Home Economics and Health - Mrs. Arthur
McLaughlin; Citizenship and Education - Mrs. Charles Kerr; Historical
Research - Mrs. James Lowry; Resolutions - Mrs. Cameron Craven; Flower
Committee - Mrs. Grant Huyck and Mrs. Arthur McLaughlin; Auditors - Mrs.
Harold Huff and Mrs. Harry Lowry. The installation ceremony was conducted by
Mrs. Wayte. Mrs. Grant Huyck thanked Mrs. Wayte and presented her with a
gift. The meeting was closed with the Queen. Institute Grace was sung and a
cafeteria lunch was enjoyed. |
May 1974 Christian Neighbourhood |
Barn Fire - On April 20th, 1974, Jack
Miller's barn burned to the ground. This barn was located on Highway #33 on
the south side near Conway and was better known as the Romney Farm. Onlookers
were amazed at how suddenly the fire began and how quickly it spread. Many
people saw the barn intact just minutes before the flames began their
relentless destruction. The cause of the fire is unknown. Neighbours came to
the rescue and managed to save all the livestock, some harness, and a large
quantity of seed grain. The Bath fire department answered the call, but they
were unable to contain the fire due to the speed at which it spread through
the building. A considerable amount of farm machinery and several antique
cars were lost. At present the owner is considering rebuilding on the same
site, but no final plans have been made. |
Nov 1974 Christian Neighbourhood |
A house fire recently consumed the old
Magee homestead located at the intersection of the Gore sideroad and south
Shore of Hay Bay Road. The blaze, which is assumed to have been set, was
noticed just prior to midnight, November 1, by a passerby who notified
neighbours who in turn called the Bath Fire Department and police. A small
fire was also found in the barn adjacent to the house, but people on the scene
were able to smother it before it could do any amount of damage. The fire
department was unable to save any portion of the house which burned to the
foundations. To date, those responsible for setting the fires remain
unapprehended, although investigations have been set in progress by the OPP
and Ontario Fire Marshall's Office. This was not the only fire that occurred
during Halloween celebrations. A valuable barn was burned to the ground on
Highway 33 near Sandhurst. South Fredericksburgh Council is to be commended
for offering a reward. |
1975 Christian Neighbourhood |
McDowall Memorial Cemetery, at Sandhurst, was the scene
of any important historical happening on June 22nd. The Presbyterian Church
of Canada in co-operation with the Ontario Heritage Foundation have provided
an historic plaque to honour the labours of the Rev. Robert James McDowall
1786-1841. Mr. Robert J. McDowall and family, descendants of Rev. McDowall
were present to perform the unveiling. |
Sept 1980 Christian Neighbourhood |
HAY BAY SWIM PROGRAM - The organizers of the Hay
Bay Swim Program would like to congratulate the following swimmers who have
earned the following awards: CRSC
NOVICE: John Dainard, Tanya Dorsch, Dan Pfliger, Emily Ruttan, Roland Ryan,
Brent Bowen, Timmy Reynolds, Shelley Dickson, Amy Mack, Greg Sheperd, Michael
Robinson, Tanya Baldwin, Ronny Stiff, Andrew Loyst, Christopher Rosseau,
Jennifer McDonell, Timmy Wells, Danielle McPeak. PRE-BEGINNER
- Danny Sharp, Shaun Karp, Tina Reynolds, Lee Bauman, Mark Ford, Stephanie
LaForce, Andrew Miller, David Sherrow. LEVEL TWO
- Scott Dickson, Kim Dainard, Lisa Deline, Janice Yhard, Kathryn Wright,
Tyler Berrie, Stephen LaForce, Ursula Karp, Jackie Baker, Keith Shelley,
Michael MacDonald, Michelle Rosseau, Jennifer Levesque, John Tompkins, Donna
Elizabeth Hamilton, Dawn Batchilder, Billie Dainard, Scott Wells, Tracey
Wells, Lorraine Shelley, Paul Robinson, Wendy Shepherd. LEVEL
THREE - Mark Shepherd, Gloria Sherrow, Tanya Bell, Diane Papiz, Bonnie Allen,
Mark Schaub, Derick Valentyne, Eddie Caton. JUNIOR -
Peggy Alsop, Karen Shiner, Susan Elliot, David MacDonald LEVEL FOUR
- Danielle Valentyne, Erica Raj, Deena Clayton, Robert Elliot, Max Miller. INTERMEDIATE
- Brenda Alsop, Susan Johnston, Jane Baudmann, Danielle Harrop, Dale
Reynolds, Mike Schaub, Andrew Wright, Lori Sonneveld, Carol Young, Mrs.
Marnie MacDonald. LIFESAVING
II - Heather MacDonald SENIOR - Vicki Bell, Steven Raj, Patsy Whalen. LIFESAVING
March 1985 Christian Neighbourhood |
BEAVERS - We are:
Chris Rosseau, Andrew Loyst, Kevin Fasken, Michael Welsh, Blaine Yard, Todd
Ruttan, John Dainard, Cory Garrison, Cory Haight, Gregory Scales, John
Clayton, Fred Dorosh, Sean Elvins, Tim Reynolds, Jason Hager, Brent Bowen,
Billy Wilson, David Hough, Dan Sharp. Our leaders are Susan Wagar, Darryl
MacDermaid and Scott Laverne. We are hoping for more leaders to come out and
help. Mrs. Loyst, Mrs. Hager, and Mrs. Garrison come and show us crafts. Some
important dates coming up are January 26th, our sleigh ride at Glen Mack's
and February 19th which is our yearly Father and Son banquet. Also we would
like all of the adults who read this to keep March 9th open for a dance which
is being put on by our group committee. The money they make goes to pay for
our badges, craft material and camp-outs. so please help them out. Thank you. |
1986 Christian Neighbourhood |
Levesque, Gr. 8; Cecilia Bermingham, Gr. 7; Tanya Roy, Gr. 8; Lisa Jones, Gr.
8; Cory Wiik, Gr. 6; Tammy Turnball, Gr.7; Kathryn Wright, Gr. 6; Sue Schenk,
Gr. 7; Sandra Remillard, Gr. 6; Chantal Roy, Gr. 6. BOYS - Joe Thompson, Gr.
8; Howie Garrison, Gr. 7; Steven McIlwaine, Gr. 7; Steven Liberty, Gr.7; Mark
Ford, Gr.6; Mark Phillips, Gr. 7; John Dainard, Gr. 5; Andrew McIlwaine, Gr.
6; Geoff Cole, Gr. 6; Paul Jones, Gr. 6. |
1986 Christian Neighbourhood |
- Primary: Linnea Dawn Lucas (Maple Syrup), Jeffrey Fasken (Log House), Becky
Amo (Log Cabin). Junior: Chantel Roy & Sandra Remillard (trains), David
Steenburgh (Glenora Ferry), Michael Welsh (Pioneers). Intermediate: Tanya
Harris (Fort William), Tanya Roy & Jennifer Levesque (Seigneurrial
System), Jay Belanger (Fort William). COLLECTIONS;
Primary: Tom Reynolds (Comparing old and new tools), James Kilpatrick
(Grandfather's School Days), Lisa Mack (Blacksmith's Tools). Junior: Cory
Wiik (Family Tree), Kathryn Wright (A Collection of Family History), Laura
Ruttan (Postcards). Intermediate: Cecilia Bermingham & Kelly Scales
Primary: Eric Morrow (My grandfather in WWII), Hillary Morrow (My
Grandfather's School Days), Alison Hough (Milk Production). Junior: James
Bell (A School of the Past). Intermediate: Mark Phillips (Archaelogy). ESSAY; Primary: Andrew Hough (Tractors of
our Farm), Teddy Pixley (History of our farm), Jennifer Smith (Hay Bay
Church). Junior: David Hough (History of our Farm), Dugal MacDermaid (Early
Water Transportation), Brent Bowen (Sir John A. MacDonald). Intermediate;
Vicki Thisththwaite & Laurie Windover (Plains Indians), Lisa Jones
(Hazelton Spencer), Lara Kirby & Denise Johnson (Louisbourg).
1988 Christian Neighbourhood |
RECREATION AND COMMUNITY CENTRE - Dan Garrison, John Forsythe, Bob Rombough,
Heather Morrow, Doug Gallagher, Richard Hicks, Russell Brownlee, Bev Gander,
Ross Morton, Phyllis Hicks, Keith Hunt. TENNIS
COMMITTEE - Sandra Pixley, Heather Morrow, Betsy Ruttan, Fred Pixley, Larry
Ruttan, Roger Morrow, Phyllis Hicks, Dan Garrison. BALL
COMMITTEE - Doug Gallagher, Don Reynolds, Steve Sine, Dave Cole. COMMUNITY
CENTRE COMMITTEE - Richard Hicks, Bob Rombough, Diana Lloyd, Mickey Garrison,
Bill Moon, John Reid, John Reynolds, Rodney Lloyd, Robert Whitfield, Dan
Garrison. FABS - Clarence Parks, Cora Barker, Eileen Fitchett, Russell
Brownlee. HERITAGE
COMMITTEE - Ross Morton, Susan Wright, Geraldine Morton, Pat Galt, Ruth
Wright, Grant Huyck EXHIBITION
COMMITTEE - Richard Hicks, Penny Reynolds, Sandra Pixley, Bob Rombough, Dan
Garrison, Bill Moon, Marg Reid, Pam Rombough, Phyllis Hicks, Leslie Lloyd. |