28 1811 Kingston
Gazette |
Erneft Town Academy The fubfcribers
hereby inform the friends of learning that an Academical
School, under the fuperintendance of an
experienced preceptor, is opened in Erneft Town,
near the Church, for the inftruction of Youth in
English reading, fpeaking, grammar and compofition, the learned languages, penmanfhip,
arithmetic, geography and other branches of Liberal Education. Scholars attending from a diftance may be boarded in good families on reafonable terms, and for fifteen fhillings
a year can have the ufe of a valuable Library. ROBERT McDOWAL BENJA. FAIRFIELD, WM. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPH. FAIRFIELD, WM. WILLCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEORGE BAKER, Erneft town, 11th March, 1811 |
2 1811 |
Yefterday, between 3 and 4 o’clock, P.M.
the large ftore fituated
in Bath Village, belonging to the New Hampfhire
Iron Factory Company, was difcovered to be on fire,
which appeared to have been accidentally communicated from a fire place in
one of the chambers, and which had made fuch progrefs before being difcovered,
that it immediately after burnt through the roof, and clofe
thro’ the fide of the ftore near the chamber where
it began. With thefe
appearances added to the circumftance of the upper
part of the building being fo crowded with condenfed fmoke that a man
could fcarely remain in it longer than he could
draw his breath, all exertions were fuppofed
ineffectual; but being informed that
there were fix hundred weight of gun powder in the ftore,
twenty quarter cafks of which were placed under the
roof, it was thought that the explofion would
produce fuch a terrible cataftrophe,
and that the lofs of the ftore
and contents, would be fuch a facrifice
to the company, it was determined a defperate
effort fhould be made to fubdue
the flames; accordingly a line of men with buckets was formed from the river
to the ftore;
others went by a ladder on the roof to receive the water, and others
went into the garret in furfuit of the powder,
which was fo darkened with fmoke
that they could fee nothing but the holes that were burned through the roof
directly over the powder, and the fire conftantly
dropping. In this fituation
the twenty cafks of powder were all taken out with
the matting round them burning, and one of the cafks
was actually unheaded witht
e powder fully expofed; but no fparks
happened to drop into it. - The other cafks
were fo much heated that to day
the powder will run out between the ftaves. The almoft
unequalled efforts of the people who happened to be prefent,
eventually faved the ftore,
although it is confiderably damaged. |
5 1815 Kingston Gazette |
second concefsion of the townfhip
of Ernefttown, having thereon a good Houfe, Barn and Shed - being the fame formerly occupied
by James McGee as an Inn and is one of the beft ftands in the country for bufinefs. Inquire of S. BARTLETT Kingston, May 25 1815 |
7 1815 Kingston Gazette |
Fifty Dollars Reward - Stolen from the Pafture
of the fubfcriber, on or about the 30th
of September; a Dark Bay MARE, about
14 hands high and five years old, paft, with a
heavy Mane and a fcar upon her breaft,
occafioned by the Collar, and fome
white hairs upon her back, occafioned by the Saddle. She has no other mark that I know of. The thief is fuppofed
to be James Chatterfon, who left the place in a Clandefdine manner the fame night that the mare was
miffing. The clofe
that he wore when he went away I cannot defcribe,
but he wore a white hat with him; he
is fuppofed to be gone up the Bay. Whoever will bring back faid
thief and Mare, fo that he may be brought to juftice, fhall receive the
above reward, and for the mare only 25 dollars reward. BOSTEON HOGLE Erneft Town Oct 6 1815 |
Sept 7
1816 Kingston
Gazette |
NOTICE - The fubfcriber
has commenced running a Stage Waggon From Kingfton to Erneft Town village, daily, to leave B. Olcott’s tavern, at Kingfton,
every morning, at fix o’clock, and return the fame evening. To commence on Monday, the firft day of July. Every accomodation
will be afforded to paffengers and baggage SAMUEL PURDY Kingston, July 12 1816 |
13 1818 Kingston Gazette |
PROPOSALS - Will be received by Mr.
George Ham, of Erneft Town, between this time and
the firft day of November next, for the Erection of
a CHAPEL in the village of Erneft Town. The fize whereof
is to be 42 feet long and 32 wide. A
Gallery is to be erected, and a more particular defcription
will be given to any one defirous of engaging in
the undertaking, on application to Mr. George Ham. Erneft
town, Sept. 26th, 1818. |
6 1819 Kingston |
All persons are
hereby forbid trusting Abigail, my wife, on my account, as she has been delirious
for several years past, and has certainly forsaken my bed and board, as I am
determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date DAVID PURDY Ernest Town July 19 1819 |
25 1825 Upper Canada Herald |
- The Co-partnership
existing between Peter Ham and George Ham of the Town of Bath, and carried on
under the Firm of George Ham & Co. will expire on the first day of April
next, at which time a dissolution will take place. They therefore request all
those who are indebted to the said Firm, by Bond, Mortgage, Promissory Note,
Book Account, or otherwise, to make payment on or before the above date. They will
receive during the Winter, good Merchantable Wheat, as usual, Peter Ham George Ham Bath, Dec 6, 1824 |
26 1826 Upper Canada Herald |
- Grammar School The building
commonly known by the name of the Academy at Bath, being now neatly and
comfortably finished, the Grammar School will be opened on Monday the 23d inst. under the management and superintendance
of the Rev. John Stoughton, in whose house a few pupils may (if required) be
accommodated with board and lodging, on moderate terms, Bath, Oct. 17th,
1826 |
26 1826 Upper Canada Herald |
Advertisement Persons willing to
contract for the building of a Brick Meeting house on Lot Number ten in the
third Concession of Ernest Town, forty two feet in length by thirty feet in
width, are Requested to give in their proposals for the same, on or before
the first day of December next, to Mr. John Bell or Isaac Fraser, Esq. of
Ernest Town, either of whom will give the necessary information Respecting
the said building. Ernest Town 28th October, 1826. |
30 1827 Upper Canada Herald |
We are requested
to state that the new Presbyterian
meeting house, in the 3d concession of Ernest
town, will be opened for public worship on Sunday next. The Rev. Mr. Machar, of Kingston, will preach the opening sermon. |
1 1828 Upper Canada Herald |
Valuable Tavern Stand For Sale The subscriber
now offers to sell his Tavern stand, situated in the centre of the pleasant
and interesting village of Bath, and if taken while in humour, he will
dispose of it at a very reduced price. The premises are too well known to
need describing. The conditions of payment will be made easy, and an
unquestionable title given. A.P.Forward Bath, 30th May
1827 |
25 1828 Upper Canada Herald |
Mr. Thomson: I
would wish to ask one question through the medium of your useful paper. Why is not the building, in the Village of Bath, known by the name of
the Wesleyan Missionary Chapel, completed? The building was
commenced, I think, in 1818 or 1819, by subscription. Many persons subscribed
liberally; I subscribed and paid in hand, five pounds currency. I also have
understood, by one of the said Missionaries, that they had the means of
completing it, and meant so to do; but it still stands unfinished, with the
roof blown off, the windows broken by school children - from the inside of
which also they gather firewood. Its present appearance is a surprise to
travellers, and a disgrace to the Village of Bath and its vicinity. A Friend to Piety. March 11, 1828 |
6 1829 Upper Canada Herald |
The undersigned,
having obtained his Licence to keep
a House of Entertainment in the Village of Bath, through his friends, to whom
he feels grateful, for their recommendation; he pledges himself to give
general satisfaction and will faithfully demean himself as an Innkeeper. Jacob VanCleak Bath, May 1st,
1828 |
2 1829 Upper Canada Herald |
Notice - All persons indebted to the Estate of Peter Ham late of Bath,
Merchant, are requested to call without delay and settle their respective accounts,
and those having claims on the said Estate will please present them for
adjustment. Philip Ham
acting Executor Rebecca Ham
acting Executrix Bath, April
27th, 1829 |
26 1829 Kingston
Chronicle |
SALE The House and
Premises of the late George Macaulay, Esq. situated in the village of Bath,
on the Bay of Quintie, about sixteen miles from the
Town of Kingston. The Dwelling House
contains on the first floor, an Entrance Hall, Drawing Room, Sitting Room,
two Bed Rooms, Pantry, Kitchen and an Attorney’s office. Above Stairs, there are four good Bed
rooms, and underneath the house, an excellent cellar. There is also on the premises, a Stable,
and suitable out offices. The whole of
the Buildings are nearly new and in excellent condition. There is nearly an acre of Land belonging
to the premises, tastefully laid out into gardens, and well stocked with
choice Fruit Trees forming altogether one of the most delightful places of
residence for a genteel family in the District. |
23 1831 Kingston Chronicle |
Establishment young Ladies are instructed in the following branches of
Education, viz;
fashionable and ornamental Works. Mrs.
B.’s experience as a Teacher in
England, renders her well qualified to impart solid instruction, with elegant
accomplishments, on a plan calculated
to make study agreeable, and ensure the progress of her Pupils. TERMS OF MRS.
Washing, use of Linen, Beds, &c. 10s per week. BOARD, without
Washing (the Bed, Linen, &c, being found by the Pupil,) 7s 6d per week. HALF of the
Quarter to be paid in advance. COMMON
Education, including Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History,
& plain Needle Work, 10s per Quarter. EXTRAS Music £2
0 0 French 1
5 0 per quarter Drawing 1
5 0 Velvet painting,
6 Lessons, ------ 1 0 0; these are sufficient to perfect a Pupil. Oil Painting,
according to agreement. 12 Weeks to the
Quarter. Bath, 18th
April, 1831 |
Jan 22
1834 Upper Canada Herald |
Lot of Ground for Sale Containing one
acre and a half, situated on the road leading from Bath to the York Road. On said Lot there are erected a new Dwelling House 20 by 29
feet, built in 1832, and well finished, a Blacksmith's Shop 20 by 41 feet;
said shop is well ceiled and finished off, having two forges and a Coal House
16 feet square, all in good order for business. The whole of the
premises are enclosed by a good fence, and will be disposed of on liberal
terms. Oscar F. Pool Ernest Town March 22 1833 |
June 3
1834 British Whig |
informs the inhabitants of Ernest Town and its vicinity, that his Carding
Machine is in complete order, and he is now ready to receive WOOL FOR CARDING In addition to
the above, the Fulling and Dressing of Cloth will
be carried on, the first rate Workmen being engaged for the purpose. Any Wool or
Cloth damaged by the machines, if returned, will be paid for. TERMS VERY
Ernest Town, May 29th, 1834 |
June 3
1834 British Whig |
RUNAWAY - From the subscriber, on the 26th inst., an indented
apprentice named John Leson. This is to forbid all persons from
harbouring or trusting him on my account, as I shall pay no debt of his
contracting. JACOB HILLMAN Bath 27th May 1834 |
June 13
1834 British Whig |
A CHILD FOUND - A child about ten years of age, the
son of a Mr. Walker, residing in the 4th
concession of Ernestown, strayed away from his home in the woods surrounding
his father’s dwelling was absent 48 hours.
Yesterday the whole neighborhood to a man turned out, and forming
regular divisions, had the satisfaction of finding him and restoring him to
the arms of his parents. |
June 24
1834 British Whig |
BE SOLD - The Subscriber
offers for sale, an eligible Stand for a Blacksmith, Waggon
Maker or other Mechanics. The premises
are good and consist of a Frame House and Shop, with one and a half acres of
excellent ground; and are situated a
short distance from Bath, in a thickly settled country. The Stand is at present occupied by a
Blacksmith. Apply to OSCAR F. POOL Ernestown, June
2nd 1834 |
July 18
1834 British Whig |
NOTICE - All persons having claims against the estate of the late Benjamin
Fairfield, Esq., deceased, of the town of Bath are requested to present their
accounts duly authenticated, and all persons indebted to the estate are
requested to make immediate payment to CHARLES FAIRFIELD, Administrator Ernestown,
14th July, 1834 |
July 25
1834 British Whig |
NOTICE - Is hereby given that my wife, Lucretia,
Runaway, on the 13th Instant, I do hereby forbid any person or
persons harbouring, or trusting her on my account as I shall pay, no debts of
her contracting. JOHN ABRAMS Ernestown July 13th
1834 |
Aug 15
1834 British Whig |
Polly Harrison, having left me without any just cause, this is to forbid any
person or persons harbouring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no
debts of her contracting. R. HARRISON Wilton, Aug 11
1834 |
Oct 31
1834 British Whig |
Tomb Stones &c. The Subscriber,
grateful for the patronage he has received, begs to inform his friends and the public,
that he still continues to manufacture to order, at his shop in BATH, Tomb Stones of
almost every description; WINDOW CAPS
& SILLS Stove Pipes and HEARTH STONES and every other
article in the Stone Cutting line, on the shortest notice and the most
reasonable terms ABRAHAM LOTT N.B. All kinds
of produce received in payment Bath Sept 16th
1834 |
Nov 7 1834 British Whig |
NOTICE - Six Pence Reward RUNAWAY from the
subscriber, Sarah Crage, this is to forbid any
person or persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will not pay
any debts of her contracting. Any person, who
will return her, shall have the above reward, but no charges paid ALEXANDER
3rd Nov 1834 |
Dec 5 1834 British Whig |
FIRES - Yesterday morning about four o’clock, Brown’s Mills, situated on the
Big Creek in Ernestown, consisting of a Grist and Saw Mill, were discovered
to be on fire, and the erections being entirely composed of wood, they were
speedily burnt down to the ground. How
the fire originated is not known. The
property destroyed was valued at about $3000. |
Mar 19
1835 British Whig |
Notice - WHEREAS my Wife Jane, having left my bed and
board without any just provocation;
this is to forbid any person or persons trusting or harbouring her on
my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date JAMES McAULEY Ernestown March
8th 1835 |
Mar 19
1835 British Whig |
taken his permanent residence with Mr. James Stalker, 2nd
Concession Ernestown, where he will be always ready to attend to professional
calls. ERNESTOWN Feb 23
1835 |
Mar 19
1835 British Whig |
Slander WHEREAS, several
evil designed persons have originated and basely circulated a scurrilous and
false report in order to defame the reputation of Miss E. A. Daly, daughter
of P. Daly, Esq. of Ernestown, the following affidavits are made, that the
public may see the absurdity of such a report. AFFADAVIT of DR.
PERCY MOORE This deponet being sworn, saith,
that Miss E. A. Daly has been his patient during the present winter; he has visited her frequently, and that
there is no ground or cause for suspicion or evil surmise; the report concerning this lady being
absurd and totally false. (signed) J.P.
MOORE Sworn before me,
this 9th day of March 1835 (signed) THOMAS
BEAMISH This deponet being sworn, saith,
that he was requested to examine Miss E. A. Daly’s case, and that there is no
ground or cause for suspicion or evil surmise; the report concerning this lady being
absurd and totally false (signed) WILLIAM BEAMISH Sworn before me,
this 9th day of March 1835 (signed) THOMAS
SPARHAM J.P. The editors of
the BRITISH WHIG and Chronicle & Gazette will please to give the
above three insertions in their respective papers, and send their accounts to
P. Daly Esq., Ernestown. |
Apr 2 1835 British Whig |
patronage he has received respectfully begs leave to acquaint his friends and
the public that he continues to carry on the Tailoring Business, at his old
Stand, next door to Mr. Benj. F. Davey’s store in Bath Cutting done Bath, March 2nd,
1835 |
May 19
1835 British Whig |
B. BROWN, TAILOR BEGS leave to inform
the inhabitants of Bath and its vicinity, that he receives orders in his
business at his shop in this place. Such as favor
him with their work, shall find it punctually and neatly executed Bath January 23rd 1835 |
June 12
1835 British
Whig |
HOUSE AND STEAM BOAT MOTEL THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs his friends and the public, that
he has taken that well known Tavern and Hotel, in the village of Bath,
formerly occupied by Mr. P. Davy, and earnestly solicits a continuance of patronage. Every possible attention will be paid to the comfort of his guests,
and a selection of the very best Wines and Spirits will be made. A.
ASHLEY Bath May 8, 1835 |
June 12
1835 British Whig |
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, having received his
Excellency the Lieut. Governor’s License to practice the three branches of
the profession, begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Ernestown, Camden,
Portland and Loughborough, that he has taken up a permanent residence near
Simmons’ Mills, Ernestown, where he shall be happy to attend to any medical
application Simmons’
Mills, Dec 26 1834 |
June 23
1835 British Whig |
Our Country
friends of the Midland District, particularly those in Ernestown and its
vicinity, will we are sure be pleased to learn that Wm Forward Esq. has been admitted a Barrister at Law and Attorney
in all His Majesty’s Courts, and has taken up his permanent residence in the
village of Bath - Amid the countless the numbers of the legal profession, it
is pleasing to distinguish the entrance into it of one man of sense,
experience and education; and though
our notice of Mr. Forward’s merits may with some do him but little good, yet
we refrain not from speaking of him as he deserves. We have known this gentleman while we have
known Canada, and have found him always, honest as a lawyer, and capable as
an advocate; - and why not? Did not
his noviciate pass in the very best school for legal instruction in the whole
province, - that of the two Messrs. Bidwell?
A sound and conscientious lawyer is an ornament to his neighbourhood,
while a worthless litigant is a pest to society; but thinking of Mr. Forward as we do we
feel persuaded that his residence in Bath, unlike that of a certain
despicable character in Kingston, will prove a benefit instead of a curse to
the community. |
July 4
1835 British
Whig |
RUNAWAY - From the subscriber on the 20th of May last, an
apprentice named Jacob Holmes, about 15 years old. This is to forbid any person harbouring or
trusting him on my account, as I will not be answerable for any debts of his
contracting. SAMUEL
D. PURDY, Township of Ernestown, July 11, 1835 |
July 10
1835 British Whig |
Academy - The public are respectfully informed that the above Classical Academy
will be reopened on Monday, the 22nd June, under the
superintendence of Mr. John Mackintosh, Principal and his Assistant. For terms apply to the trustees Bath, June 18th, 1835. |
Aug 12
1835 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
We learn that Amherst Island, generally called the
Isle of Tanti, in this vicinity has within a few days, been sold to the Earl
of Mountcashel for the sum of 10,000 L
sterling. |
Nov 4 /11
1835 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette |
Nov 4 1835
On Monday Evening last, a man named McArdle was brought from Bath, in the Kingston Steamer,
in custody of the proper officers, under a warrant of committal to Kingston Jail
for having stabbed John Johnston at a horse race near the above mentioned
town. It appears Johnston and McArdle had quarrelled some time ago at a camp meeting,
in consequence of which a grudge had subsisted between them ever since. -They unfortunately met at a Horse race on
Monday last, near Bath, when their mutual animosity was evinced, and a fight
between the parties ensued. Johnston,
who was a powerful man, was likely to become
victor, when McArdle drew a knife and
stabbed Johnston in the abdomen, inflicting a frightful wound, from which
there is little hopes of his recovery.
- We are informed to-day that
Johnston is since dead. Nov 11 1835 We are happy to learn, that Johnson, the
unfortunate man who was lately stabbed by McCardle,
in Bath, is still alive. |
Nov 17
1835 British Whig |
To the Printer
of the British Whig - Sir - You will
please to mention to the readers of the WHIG,
that all the bridges between Kingston and this place are down. In coming to
Bath yesterday, I had to go round by the York road, and came on the Front
again by McGuin's Mills. I had my labor for my
pains, for I found the Floating Bridge at Parrott's Bay destroyed by the
heavy gale of Wednesday last. I had then to go round a distance of some
miles, and it was night before I got here. This Floating Bridge is the one
for which the House of Assembly voted £400 last session, but which the
Legislative council tomahawked. As the bridge will be expensive to repair,
and there are no funds to do it, the country people will be deprived of the
means of coming to Kingston until the ice makes in the bay. What they are to
do next year, heaven only knows. John Johnston, the man who was stabbed a
few days ago, is not dead, but is expected to recover. The wound (in one of
the small intestines) puts on a healthy appearance, and although still highly
dangerous, has an appearance of doing well. Wounds of this nature generally
prove mortal. Great credit is due to Messrs. Steward and Ellsworth, the
medical gentleman who have the poor man in charge. They have been unremitting
in their attention, and have sat up night and day with him. A good deal of
excitement is created with respect to his recovery. With regard to this place, I find but
little difference in its appearance. A good deal of business is done here,
but it is done very quietly. Several thousand bushels of barley have lately
been shipped from hence to Oswego, affording an instance of the shortsightedness of the party in the House of Assembly
who wished to lay a duty on American grain imported into the province. I
cannot omit to mention, that Benj. F. Davy, the enterprising young merchant
of Bath, is doing an extensive trade, paying cash for every kind of produce.
He sports two stores - the one for cash, the other for credit; but I leave
you to judge which has most customers. The Editor,
Bath, Nov 13 1835 |
Mar 19
1836 Kingston Chronicle
& Gazette
- Mr. Davy begs
leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has again opened his
Hotel in Bath, where he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Bath, Dec. 30th,
1835. |
Jan 12
1847 British Whig |
OFFICE, Montreal, 9th January 1847 HIS EXCELLENCY
THE GOVERNOR GENERAL has been pleased to appoint Isaac Fraser, of Ernestown,
Esquire, to be registrar of the counties of Lenox and Addington, in the place
of Allan McLean, Esquire. |
Sept 15
1847 Kingston Herald |
A Post Office has been established at Mr. John Gordanier's Earnest Town, under the name of "Morven
Post Office". Persons wishing to direct letters to that locality will
make it more convenient for their friends to direct to Morven rather than to
Napanee as formerly. |
Feb 4 1854 Daily British Whig |
The Bath Hotel by H. Dunsford This well known
Hotel has recently been refurnished and re-decorated. The Beds, Bar and
Larder are kept in the best order; and the Stables and Barns put in good condition
for the proper reception of Horses and Carriages. Bath, February,
1854 The Bath Hotel We congratulate
the good people of Bath, and all persons who have to visit that quaint
looking, but kind-hearted Dutch village, on the re-possession of a clean,
well-kept, comfortable Hotel; where Man can be sure of a good Dinner, and a
clean Bed; and where Horse can be fed and properly cared for. This property
lately fell into the hands of Mr. Stenson, of the
City Hotel here, who has recently leased it to his brother-in-law, Mr. H. Dunsford, so long and favorably known as the Bar of the
same hotel. We are assured that the new Lessee will keep a good house, for he
can keep no other, and we recommend all Travellers going west, not to give
Bath a wide berth, as has been too much the case since Mr. Peter Davy retired
from business. |
Jan 1 1864 Daily News Kingston |
D. Young, M.D. Physician,
Surgeon &c., Graduate of the University of "Queen's College,
Kingston, and Licentiate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Canada.
Residence Bath. Office, in Mr. Harrass' buildings,
opposite Mr. Petersons. |
Mar 3 1864 Kingston News |
Fire at Bath - A fire occurred at Bath on
Wednesday night, which consumed the shoemaker's store of Mr. Allan, and a
store, together with a dwelling house, occupied by Mr. Howard. Mr. Howard was
so closely pursued by the flames that he had barely time to seize his wife in
his arms and make his escape down stairs. Nothing was saved, neither were the
sufferers insured. |
Apr 8 1864 Daily News Kingston |
For Sale - That well-known property, Link's Mills situated in the Township of
Ernestown, County of Addington, and within half a mile of the Grand Trunk
Station. Said property is composed of one Grist Mill, with two run of stones,
a Saw Mill; with one upright saw, and a circular saw for edging boards, ten
acres of good land, with house, sheds and barn, and other building too
numerous to mention - all in good order. Any one
wishing to purchase will please apply on the premises. |
Oct 10
1884 Napanee Express |
Bath - An Enterprising Undertaker - Hiram Hoselton on quitting business as undertaker a few months
ago, had on hand some twenty hand-made orthodox coffins, the relics of the medaevial times, and he has succeeded, he informs us, in
selling the whole lot to a maiden lady and her sister of this municipality,
at a nominal sum. The ladies in question, though still hale and hearty, have
selected their burial spots in the English church cemetery at this place, and
have had their tombstones erected. The undertaker says they desire to be laid
away in the smallest caskets, which are to be telescoped into the larger
ones, until each one is encased in ten of his wooden overcoats. This will be
equal to the embalming process of the Mosiac
dispensation, and far more humane than the 'cremating furnacerios' now so much lauded in France and the other
countries of the old world. These two ladies are full communion members of
the Methodist church, and attend regularly divine service therein, and why
they should have selected burying plots in the Church of England cemetery is
a puzzle to the natives. It would seem to show that the Methodist doctrise, though good to live by, is not good enough to
be laid away with finally. |
Oct 10
1884 Napanee Express |
Bath - Real Estate - Mr. Joseph Dennee, late at South Fredericksburgh, is about purchasing
a house and lot on the north side of Main street, from Mr. Mark Rowse, of Ernesttown......Mr. John Hogle
H.M. Customs, is busily engaged in rebuilding a house on his premises on the
south side of main street, and Mr. Thomas Edwards has given the contract for
raising and remodelling his house on the water's edge...... We were in error
last week in stating that Mr. Morrow, of Emerald, would build a summer hotel
at the upper end of the town. He will, it is said, build some tenement flats
on his property here in lieu of the hotel. We hope he may do so, as tenement
houses are very scarce, and if built would add much to the prosperity of our
village...... Mr. D.W. Ball intends to erect a fine residence for himself and
family at the foot of Davy street, overlooking his mill property. |
Nov 19
1885 Weekly British Whig |
The Line is Again Opened On Tuesday the
following despatch was received from J.S. Neilson, Stella: "Telephone
completed and open for business between Stella and Bath." This is an
indication that the service between Amherst Island and the outer world is
open for use. Messages are despatched to Bath and there telephoned to Emerald
and Stella. Next spring telegraph instruments will be placed in position. Mr.
Hugh Lyttle, of Emerald, is coming to Kingston to
learn operating. |
April 26
1893 Daily
British Whig |
April 26th - A very entertaining sugar social was given
in the basement of the Methodist church on Tuesday evening in aid of circuit
receipts. A varied and pleasing
programme was rendered by friends of Wilton and Odessa circuits, while the
maple sugar was enjoyed by all. The
popularity of baseball was well attested by the large number of young men
that assembled in the town hall on Tuesday night, for the purpose of
re-organizing the Odessa club for 1893.
The following officers were elected;
President, Wm. Dougherty, secretary, W. Quayle; treasurer, Sidney J.Sproule; manager and captain, Archie Stapleton. The club will procure a new outfit and with
practice hope to carry off the laurels for this district. A special meeting of the council was
convened on Monday evening to consider the advisability of giving assistance
to the Rathbun telephone company, to run a line
from Kingston by way of Collinsby, Westbrook,
Ernesttown, Odessa, Violet, Wilton, Newburgh, Napanee Mills to
Deseronto. The company asked this
municipality for a $500 bonus and promised to put in instruments at fifteen
dollars for the first year. The
council gave a negative to the proposal, on the grounds that the telephone
was of little practical value to the farmer.
Business men requiring such luxuries must pay for them. Odessa would like Ben. Folger
to run his electric cars to this village, that is on condition he gets his charter
from the city within the lifetime of the present generation. There is urgent need of stringent measures
being taken by the board of health, in the matter of removing filth, and the
using of disinfectants. The town in
some places presents a very disgraceful appearance, while the odors arising
from some stench holes are filling the air with disease. Promptness on the part of the board will
ensure popular favor. |
Jan 25
1894 Daily British Whig |
Destroyed by
Fire - Emerald, Jan 23 - The post office, telephone office and general store
at Emerald, Amherst Island, was destroyed by fire about nine o'clock this
morning. The fire started upstairs and had made considerable headway before
it was discovered. The origin of the fire is not known. there was some
insurance in the Mercantile insurance company, Waterloo. |
Sept 5
1895 Weekly British Whig |
Five Generations
of Them There is on
exhibition in the window of a Kingston picture store, a photograph of five
generations of one family. The names of those in the picture are Mrs.
Hartman, aged ninety-five, a great-great grandmother and hale and hearty;
Mrs. Nicholas Amey, of Ernesttown, her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, daughter of
Mrs. Amey; R. Johnston, son of Mrs. Johnston, and Mr. Johnston's little
daughter. Such a group is not easily come across in these days. |
Nov 23
1897 Daily British Whig |
Bath, Nov. 23 - Bath
is having quite a boom in the building line. R.R. Finkle
has a commodious ice house under course of erection; the new post office is
approaching completion and Mr. Hall has begun a residence and tinshop. Business is also flourishing. Mr. Mott is about
to open a weekly auction room. The evaporator has about finished this year's
work on apples and the proprietors are about to begin evaporating onions.
This is a new departure and we hope it will be successful. Mr. Rose has just
completed his residence. |
May 18
1901 Daily British Whig |
Fire at Bath - Hotel, Residence and General Store Destroyed. The peaceful little village of Bath, so
pleasantly situated on the shores of Lake Ontario, is to-day a sad looking
sight. On Friday night a disastrous fire swept away several of the finest
buildings and business places, and but for the faithful, earnest efforts of
the populace, who lacked the assistance of a fire brigade, the entire village
might have been swept away. As it is, the destruction to property is very
great. About eight o'clock fire was discovered in
a shed in rear of the Bay View hotel, owned by Norman Rightley.
The flames spread with rapidity, and in a few minutes the hotel was a
seething mass of flames. The entire building, with all its contents, fell a
pray to the insatiable element. The fire spread to Mack Robinson's residence,
near-by, and wrought equally disastrous havoc. Mott's general store, with its
new spring and summer stock, and a harness shop connected therewith, which Mr.
Mott also owns, were both destroyed. None of the contents were removed.
Apparently, little or nothing was saved from any of the buildings, and the
loss will therefore be an especially heavy one to the unfortunate villagers. Ex-policeman "Dan" Snider was in
the city this morning. He is proprietor of an hotel just across the street
from the Bay View house. "I never came as near losing all I owned as I
did this morning," said Mr. Snider to a Whig reporter. "So intense
was the heat, that a person could not pass between my hotel and the fire. All
the paint was melted off the front of my house. Had it not been that I had
dozens of hard-working men to help me, I would have lost all this morning. It
was a terrible fire for the little village, which looks anything but pretty
to-day." In the shed in rear of the Bay View house
was a horse owned by Mr Rightley, and a horse,
buggy, buffalo, overcoat, etc., the property of an old man named English, who
keeps a post office and a beer and wine tavern eight miles below Kingston.
All these were destroyed. Mr. English's loss being nearly $200. Mr. Snider gave him his overcoat and drove
him to the city this morning. It was a hard blow for the old gentleman. among
the contents destroyed at the Bay View hotel was $200 in cash. Mr. Rightley
carried $600 insurance on his hotel, but this will in no respect cover the
loss. Both Mott and Robinson carried but small insurances. The origin of the fire is said to be
incendiary. |