Aug 29
1815 Kingston Chronicle |
Adolphustown, did, on the 28th of June laft,
infinuate in a certain advertifement
publifhed in the Kingfton
Gazette, refpecting a STRAY MARE that I deemed it of too little confequence to inform the owner where fhe
might be found; I think it my duty to
inform thofe who are inclined to credit the
malicious affertions of B. Clapp, of a few of the
circumstances attending the above tranfaction. I can prove to the fatisfaction
of any perfon defiring
it, that the following notice was pofted up in the moft public places, in three different townfhips, viz. Adolphuftown,
Fredericksburgh and Erneft Town, for at leaft three weeks previous to the advertising of the Mare
by B. Clapp. “BROKE Into the
Pasture of the Subscriber, on the 25th of May, 1815, a likely BAY
MARE. Any person by proving property
and paying charges, can take her.
WILLET CASEY” The above Mare
was at my houfe on Friday, the 23d
of June, towards night; but miffing her
on that night, and hearing by chance that fhe was
in the poffeffion of B. Clapp, I fent him the following note in order to obtain her. I was credibly informed that B. Clapp was feen riding faid mare on
Saturday morning, and in the afternoon lent her to go feveral
miles. “BENJAMIN
CLAPP, “I hear that there is a BAY
MARE, at your place, that broke out of my pafture
& if it is the one, the boy I fend will know her. She and two others broke into my enclofure on or about the 25th of May. The other two, the owners have got. The mare I have advertifed,
therefore, I am holden for her, and I will thank
you to let the boy have her; and the firft time I fee you, I will
pay your demands for pafture. You will oblige me in fending her. “From
yours to ferve, WILLET CASEY ADOLPHUFTOWN, 27TH JUNE, 1815.” B. Clapp, refufing to comply with the requeft
contqained in the above note, I immediately went myfelf, and took her away. I think it proper to ftate
that I had about nine months previous to her breaking into my enclofure, agreed for faid Mare
and her mate, for two hundred dollars.
However, the rightful owner has got her, and I really hope the difturbed mind of B. Clapp, concerning her, is now at eafe.
WILLET CASEY Adolphuftown, Auguft 28, 1815. |
Jan 16
1816 Kingston Chronicle |
NOTICE - For Sale or to Lease - That valuable
Farm in the townfhip of Adolphus
Town adjoining the Village of Holland Ville, owned and formerly occupied by
the fubfcriber.
Poffeffion of the premifes
to be given on the first day of April 1816 - Also, That valuable Farm No. 8, fituated and lying in the Townfhip
of Fredericksburgh additional, containing 200 acres, more or lefs, together with a large and commodious Houfe, Barns, and a large improvement thereon, formerly
owned by the late Hazelton Spencer, Efq, deceafed; poffeffion alfo to be given on
the first day of April 1816 Charles Stuart Kingston
23d Dec 1815 |
June 15,
1816 Kingston Chronicle |
Broke into the enclofure of the fubfcriber, in
Adolphustown, on or about the fifteenth day of May, 1816, a bright Bay HORSE about fifteen hands high, feven years old, and natural trotter. The owner may have the fame by proving
property and paying charges. THOMAS DORLAND, June 1, 1816 |
Sept 14,
1816 Kingston Chronicle |
Melancholy Circumstance On Saturday
last, the 5th inst., as the scow was crossing from Adolphustown,
at Barker’s ferry to Sophiasburgh, with eleven persons, two men, three women;
the others boys and girls - and a span of horses and waggon
on board. In consequence of the Scow
being leaky, and the wind blowing fresh, she filled about mid-way of the
ferry, when, melancholy to relate, four of the eleven were drowned; viz. 2 sons of Mr. Bloat’s the ferry-man,
one aged 21, and the other about 14, a son of Mr. Joseph Dorland, of Ameliasburgh, aged 11 years and a young lad by the name
of Snyder, aged 13 years, - By the spirited actions of Reuben Height, a lad
of about 16 years of age, son of Mr. Daniel Height, Mrs. Height, her
daughter, and two girls belonging to the home, were saved; the other girl, a daughter of the widow
Trumpour, was saved by the timely assistance of Mr. Wessels
with a skiff. The horses swam ashore
and the waggon sank, but has since been found. -
They were the property of Mr. Height.
- Three of the bodies have been found and buried. |
Oct 13
1818 Kingston Gazette |
Five Dollars Reward - runaway from
the fubfcriber on the night of the 30th
September, JOHN WHITE, an indented apprentice to me, aged fixteen,
is fhort and ftout built,
fay four feet fix or feven
inches high, pock marked, had on when he went away a black round jacket and fuftian trowfers. Alfo, faid J. White took with him, a fmall
boy by the name of John Myer Blunt, aged about feven
years, is frefh faced, has large eyes, had on large
ribbed corduroy trowfers, a new wool hat, is very
light of his age, when he walks his toes turn in a little. Alfo, on the
afternoon of October 2d, Jonas Coffiftor,
a boy about feven or eight years of age, freckled
in face, very ftout built, had on an old ftriped flannel fhirt, brown
flannel trowfers, a black cloth round jacket - All
the above boys have other clothes with them. Any perfon that will return the above Boys to their mafter, or lodge them in any jail in this, Johnftown, or Newcaftle Diftricts, and give the fubfcriber
proper notice of it, fhall be entitled to the above
reward, or Four Dollars will be paid for John White alone, Six pence for
James Corriftor, and any reafonable
charges paid.
MOSES CARNAHAN, Adolphustown, October 4, 1818 The above
unfortunate Boys have had no caufe whatever for
what they have done, and I muft obferve
what is moft aftonifhing,
their behaviour for the whole feafon has been GOOD,
and not the fmalleft difaffection
is known to have exifted. - If the faid
Boys will immediately return to their duty, all will be well. M.C. |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
FOR SALE - On very reafonable terms, and immediate poffeffion given, a FARM, lying in Adolphuftown,
on the Bay of Quinty, one mile weft
of the court Houfe, formerly owned and occupied by
the late Philip Dorland, deceased; on
which is an orchard of 115 large Apple Trees and almoft
every other kind of fruit Trees that is planted in this country. Alfo, a
convenient framed houfe and barn and houfes. About one
hundred pounds, will be required down, and the remainder will be made very eafy. For further particulars enquire of the fubfcriber, on the premifes GEORGE DOUGLAS Adolphuftown, 8th Nov 1818 |
Feb 5 1819 Kingston Chronicle |
NOTICE - The subscriber having been duly appointed Executrix to the estate of
PAUL HUFF, late of Adolphuftown, deceased; Notice is hereby given, to all thofe indebted to faid estate
to make immediate payment; and all perfons having claims againft
it, are requefted to prefent
them, duly authenticated, for adjuftment. ELIZABETH HUFF Adolphuftown,
Dec 24, 1818 |
Sept 3
1819 Kingston
Chronicle |
From the U.C.
Herald, August 31 Melancholy Accident On Sunday
morning last, about eight o’clock, as eighteen young persons were crossing
Hay Bay, from the fourth to the third concession of Adolphustown, for the
purpose of attending Divine Service, in a small leaky boat, when within about
three hundred yards of the shore the boat filled, and precipitated them all
into the watery element ! ! Eight
escaped - the other ten sunk never to rise again ! The names of those who perished are as
distressing scene was rendered doubly so by the presence of several agonized
parents who were on the shore and unable to rescue their children from the
water. From a personal acquaintance
with many of the deceased we are enabled to testify to their worth -tender
parents, affectionate brothers and sisters and an extensive circle of distant
relations and friends are left to bewail this unexpected and awful
visitation. While it operates as a
warning to those who survive, not unnecessarily to risk their lives, let it
impress us with this solemn truth, that, “in the midst of life we are in
death,” and to be prepared for so sudden a change, is the peculiar privilege
of the good and virtuous. |
Oct 27
1820 Kingston Chronicle |
NOTICE - I am under the disagreeable necessity of warning all persons
against trusting my wife, Mary Clapp, on my account, as I will not pay any
debts of her contracting after this date, she having left my bed and board
without my consent, in a clandestine manner. GILBERT D
CLAPP Adolphus
Town 28th Sept 1820 |
June 27
1826 Upper Canada Herald |
Camp Meeting - A correspondent has favoured us with a partial account of the Camp
Meeting, which commenced at Adolphustown on Thursday, the 15th, and closed on
Monday the 19th instant. We are further informed, by a person who attended
during the whole of the time, that on Sunday it was generally supposed there
were about 3000 people present, and that the utmost decorum prevailed within
the camp ground; that the exercises were appropriate, and deeply
interesting.....79 whites professed to find peace in Christ, and many backsliders
were reclaimed.... More than 370 partook of the Holy Communion...... There
were upwards of 140 tents on the ground, some of which were very
large.....The weather was extremely favourable, there being but one shower of
rain, and that on Monday morning. |
1826 |
BY AUCTION Will be sold on Thursday the
12th of October next, at the subscriber’s Auction Room, positively
without reserve, LOT NO. 9 in the
Village of Adolphustown, lately occupied by Noxon
Harries, as a Tavern, containing one Acre of Land - with a two story frame
House erected thereon and an excellent Well of living water - Also, an
Orchard with 50 BEARING Trees of choice grafted fruit. Conditions of sale - 1-4 of the purchase
money to be paid at the time of sale -
1-4 in six months - 1-4 in
twelve months and the remainder in two years. Sale to commence
at 12 o’clock, noon, JOHN STRANGE, A.
& B. Kingston, 25th Aug, 1826 |
June 19
1830 Kingston Chronicle |
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at
Adolphustown, June 5th, 1830. Elisha Aims. -
George W. Bedell, Ezekiel Benson. - Daniel Cole,
Barnard Cole. - Andrew Davis. - James Fraser 2, Abraham Fraser. - Alexr. Edgar. - Norman Hurd,
Daniel Haight. - Wm. King. -Larry Lewis 2.
Peter McFadden, Wm. McGrath. - Thos. Steel. - Gamaliel
Taylor, and Robt. White. N.B. If these
letters are not taken up (or redeemed) in six weeks from this date, they will
be sent to the Dead Letter Office. JOHN D. GILBERT,
P.M. |
Oct 1830 Episcopal
Watchman |
account of the movements and Episcopal Accts of the bishop has been politely
furnished for the Sentinel by his Chaplain, dated York, 29th
September. - We left Kingston
on the evening of the 1st September, and on the 2d the Bishop administered the apostolic rite of
Confirmation to eleven persons in the church at Bath. On the 3d, he
preached to a small congregation at the church of Fredericsburg
- through some mistake in giving notice, the majority of the people were not
aware of his intention. On the 4th,
St. Paul’s church at Adolphustown was consecrated, and at the same time
twelve persons were confirmed. We
proceeded on the same evening to the flourishing village of Hallowell - and
on Sunday, the 5th, the consecration of the commodious new brick
church at Picton took place. There was
a large congregation, and it is due to the Rev. Wm. Macauly
to say that the church has been built principally at his own expense, and the
congregation formed chiefly through his exertions. The church is called St. Mary Magdelene’s. [excerpt from
complete article] |
Apr 2 1831 Kingston
Chronicle |
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office, at
Adolphustown, 5th March, 1831. Isaiah K. Boyce,
Willet Casey, Gideon Daton, Ebenezer Doil, Rev. G. Ferguson, Mrs. Mary Garrison, Wm. A.
Griggs, Burger Huyck, Able Huyck, Ricketson Haight,
2, Elisha Hill, Noxen Harris, Royal C. Hicks, Edwin
Mallory, Wm. Martin, Daniel Ruttan, Wm. M. Roblin, Owen Roblin, Jacob Ruttan,
Neal Shannon, Charles Sr., Charles, Joseph Trumpour, 2; John Wilson, Mary Wilson, Paul Wright. N.B. If these Letters are not taken up, or
redeemed within six weeks, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. JOHN D. GILBERT,
P.M. |
July 23
1831 Kingston Chronicle |
ACCIDENT - While the steam boats Sir James Kempt and Toronto were lying at
Adolphustown on Friday last, the charge of a small cannon, fired from the latter, entered the leg of one of the sailors
on board of the former, and lacerated it most dreadfully. Doctor Dormer, who happened to be at
Adolphustown, immediately dressed the wound, and we believe the unfortunate
sufferer is now on a fair way to recover. |
Apr 3 1832 Hallowell
Free Press |
Elopement. Whereas my wife,
JEMIMA has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I
hereby forbid any person harboring, or trusting her on my account, as I will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date. -- I also forbid any person paying her
money, or property on any note, she may have in possession, which were given
in my favor - as the said notes were taken from me without my consent. JOHN HUYCK Adolphustown,
March 13, 1832 |
May 12
1832 Kingston
Chronicle |
A communication
in the Hallowelll Free Press, under the signature
of “Lennox,” recommends that the people of Adolphustown and part of
Fredericksburgh should meet together to petition the Parliament for a
dissolution of the present incorporation of the counties of Lenox and
Addington, and to attach the above parts of the country to the County of
Prince Edward. The writer concludes by
observing, “We have lived long enough to see and feel the evil consequences
of the incorporation of the counties of Lenox and Addington. In fact (he very pointedly remarks) it is
high time that we should be separated, that we may in future send a man to
Parliament, whose interests are solely and wholly interwoven with our own; and who among us is so likely to discharge
that important duty as Samuel Casey, Esq.?” |
Jan 16
1833 Upper Canada Herald |
of Crown Lands Notice is hereby
given, that a portion of the Town Lots in Adolphustown, in the Midland
District, will be exposed to sale, by Public Auction, at the Court House in
Adolphustown on Saturday the 29th day of December next, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
on the following conditions, viz. The purchase money to be paid by four
installments, with interest, the first instalment at the time of sale, and
the second, third, and fourth instalments, at the interval of a year, between
each, and subject to the condition of building a Stone, Brick, or Frame
house, not less than 24 feet long, and
18 feet wide, to be completed within two years from the day of sale. Commissioner of
Crown Lands Office, 17th November, 1832 |
Jan 20
1836 British
Whig |
Esq., Chairman Ricketson
Haight Town Clerk Peter V.
Dorland Assessor Thos. J.
Dorland Collector John Bogart Thom. Casey Henry Davis Commissioners |
Feb 19
1848 British
Whig |
List of Licences for TAVERNS and SHOPS issued
by the inspector of the Midland District for the year 1848. TAVERN LICENCES
- Adolphustown Andrew Gerow, Robert Leitch |
May, 1874 Misc.
Article |
Editor - Being in Conway Post Office I
heard a discussion as to the propriety of the inmates of the Postmaster’s
house at Adolphustown changing the mail or waiting upon the Post office as
the small-pox is in the house, and with all the care that can be taken they
must be more or less exposed and liable,
to taken it, and if they do must spread it
far and wide, as the mail boy has to go into so many Post Offices, and the
Postmasters must be exposed as well as persons in the offices. As the disease is so much to be dreaded,
would it not be wise in the Post Office Surveyor to have the office for the
time being changed to Mr. Pool’s, or some place
convenient? We hope those remarks will
not offend Mr. Watson or his family, as we all appreciate Mr. Watson as a
kind, obliging man, and one who would not inflict any wrong upon his
neighbour knowingly, but as that disease is so contagious or infectious, too
much caution cannot be taken for the public weal. As Mr. Watson is a special friend of mine,
as well as his family, I append my real name, knowing it will create no
ill-feeling in them toward me, and will exonerate persons whom he might
suspect, believing that it originated through some ill-feeling. E.
SILLS, Picton. Conway,
May 2, 1874 (We greatly
regret to learn that there is small-pox in Mr. Watson’s family. We may say, however, the Post Office
Inspector has already attended to the matter -ED.NEWS.) |
Oct 13
1877 Canadian
Illustrated News Montreal |
Adolphustown was
the centre of civilization and refinement when York or rather Toronto, was
yet primeval forest. It has been, and
let us hope still is, the nursery of Ontario statesmen. It was here that the Rt. Hon. Sir John A.
Macdonald, when a boy, trembled beneath, the withering glance or uplifted arm
of the pedagogues, Burns and Hughes.
Here it was that the ex-Premier’s good father looked at his thin
legged stripling and declared that “John A. would make a man yet.” The old school house is no more, but the
willow trees which stood near by, and from which
the master made his urchins cut his whip sticks, stand and flourish
still. The old oak tree is there also,
around which the school boys were wont to gambol, and where in mutinous
conclave, the school lads schemed deeds of vengeance against their tyranical domine. No less than fifteen members of Parliament
have arisen out of Adolphustown, among whom we call to mind VanAlstine, William Casey, Samuel Casey, Paul Peterson,
Daniel Hagerman, Christopher Hagerman, (Judge) Philip Roblin, David Roblin,
Sir John A. Macdonald, Sheriff Ruttan,
Philip Doran, etc. In the old U.E.
Loyalist burying ground can be seen the resting place of the first settlers,
where may be noticed dilapidation par excellence, the boundary fence being
down, and many of the enclosures (Hagerman’s in particular) lying in wild
disorder. The headstone of “VanDusen” measures
its length on the ground as though it had got tired of the obituary business
and wanted to go back to the less exalted a vocation of an ordinary stone, and will succeed in its
efforts unless something is done to prevent it. We here again present our readers with a
striking contrast in the picture of this desolated cemetery and the splendid
mausoleum of the Allison family. The
latter is situated on the banks of the Bay, and was erected at a great cost
by David Allison, Esq. The interior is
arranged for the depositing of thirty bodies in apertures having marble
tablets for the inscription of names.
There are double walls to the building, between which a man may
walk. A stranger approaching it would
wonder what proud hero or statesman rested under such an imposing
structure. Neither hero
nor statesman, however, as yet, has graced this receptacle of the dead. The bones of the hero of the Allison family
the United Empire Loyalists, still lie in the cemetery spoken of. At present there are three members of the
Allison family buried in the vault, among whom is the father of D. Allison,
whose lives were as uneventful as they could very well be - lives of ordinary
honest labour incident to a farmer.
There is an air of quiet beauty about Adolphustown that is quite captivating.
A prominent view as you ascent from the water is “Glenwood,” the seat of John
J. Watson, Esq., a descendant of the United Empire Loyalists. The old English church, surrounded by
numerous monuments of the dead, stands as a memento of the past. It was built about thirty years after the
advent of the Loyalists to the Bay of Quinte.
It is a quaint edifice, the interior being arranged in the old
fashioned English way, and is in keeping with the quiet, peaceful, contented,
and prosperous community amid which it is situated. |
Mar 29
1878 Clipping
from the Watson Scrapbooks |
OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT] This quiet little place, as usual, is
beginning to wear a cheerful appearance as spring approaches; but, notwithstanding, it has to bear its share
of calamities, misfortunes, and grievances, as well as other places. Diphtheria is raging to an alarming
extent. It has carried many to their
long home, and those who have recovered, are still in a very weak
condition. On two occasions there has
been three buried in one day. Mr. Barker of Kingston, Post-office
Inspector for the eastern division of Ontario, was here yesterday, and many
of the inhabitants of the place had the pleasure of seeing a man whom they
never saw before, although he has been a long time in office. The late mail robbery between Adolphustown
and Kingston, in which the Grangers of Lodge No. 377 lost a registered money
letter, was brought in question, at the Post Office here, and a lively
discussion was soon stirred up. The Inspector
finally began to take evidence without swearing. Several of the carriers stated that they
had been in the habit of undoing and doing up the strap, and shaking out the
contents of the bag, and one of them stated that he had locked the bag,
whereupon the Post master called him a liar.
The carrier offered to swear to his statement, but the Inspector did
not put any person under oath, considering such liberties of a light
character. The Grangers are calm, but
they feel a grievance and seem determined not to let the matter drop until
they receive justice. From the
statements made of the liberties allowed in the Post Office, and the
circumstances connected with the robbery, many are led to believe that the
carrier who robbed the mail knew that the letters were in the bag. It looks reasonable too, for it seems that
he opened the main or outside bag very soon after leaving this office, and
only examined the through mail for Kingston made up at this office, not even
being suspected by the other offices. The
Grangers say they will now put the matter in the hands of a competent lawyer,
and try the brains of the law. Section
78, chap. 7, 38 Vic. Statute of Canada, reads to me as if some
one in the mail service would have to make good the lost money. Farmers are preparing for sowing, and some
of them with high lands expect to put in some seed this week. One man here has already planted his
potatoes - put them in on the 9th inst. They are called six week’s potatoes, but
they are not up yet, and of course nobody knows how they will turn out. If I remain here long I will write
you again, and give you what news there may be afloat. I am quite taken up with the place and
think I shall remain, the situation is so pleasant. Yours
&c., AN EYE WITNESS Adolphustown, Mar. 19, 78
Dec 24
1880 Napanee Express |
Tea meeting held in the Union School house, on the farm of Mr. Robt. McGee on Thursday of lat
week, was a complete success. the cash
receipts amounted to between thirty and forty dollars. The chair was occupied by Elias clap, Esq.,
“and a jolly old soul was he,”
Speeches were made by Rev. Messsrs. Briden, preacher in chare,
Cadman, (local) and Shorts, music was furnished by Mr. Henry Rickley and his juvenile choir. their performance was worthy of all
praise. Others also lent valuable
assistance in a musical way. Mrs. Rigely
who has suffered several years with rheumatism, is growing “quite smart”
under the able treatment of Dr. Walker, who is
daily winning new laurels. Mr. Alex glass is offering his farm for
sale and is selling of his stuff prepatory to his
moving to Napanee, which town will thereby, if the rumor is true, secure a
first class citizen. There is a young man in our town, who,
although hitherto a steady sober industrious man, is reported to getting
fearfully addicted to his glass. So far
has his appetite go the better of him that it is feared, if he remains in his
present condition till New Year’s it will be all over with him. And nobody who has seen the glass can have
the heart to blame him; the “Kernel”
wishes him and his fair co-partner all possible happiness. Own up, my boy, it’s too transparent. There is as yet very little excitement
over municipal elections. It is not
likely that our present popular and efficient reeve will have any opposition,
But there seems to be an undercurrent at work indicating that nomination day
will, begin a sharp fight for councillors. Most of the
fisherman have taken up their nets, they say there is no fish. KERNEL |
June 19,
1884 Clipping
from the Watson Scrapbooks |
The readers
of THE TRIBUNE have long since been familiarized with the early settlement of
the Loyalists in the Bay district and with landing of the little band at
Adolphustown. It is pleasing to know
that the demonstration of the past three days has been fairly successful. As a preliminary to the proceedings the
corner stone of the new Methodist Church was laid with appropriate ceremonies
by Mr. J. Allison, who is 86 years of age.
From all parts of the adjoining country there came in crowds of
visitors on Monday morning to witness the laying of the foundation stone of
the monument. The proceedings of the
day were commenced by the playing of the National Anthem, after which the
Divine blessing was invoked on the day’s festivities. In the afternoon after a short address by Mr.
Bogart, the venerable chairman of the Committee, Dr. Canniff gave an
interesting oration winding up with the sentiment - Canada for the
Canadians. The stone was then laid by
R. W. Bro. A. McGuinness, D. D. G., M. of the
Masonic order, with the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of their rite to
prayer being offered by Worshipful Bro. Rev. R. J. Craig, of Deseronto, as
Grand Chaplain. Able speeches were
then delivered by Sir Richard Cartwright and Rev. Mr. Lucas, who both paid a
just tribute to the Loyalists. On
Tuesday, the number of visitors was much greater than on the previous day, all the steamers being fairly packed
with a living freight. The corner
stone of the Memorial Church was laid by the Lieutenant Governor, the
different offices being said by the Archdeacon of Kingston assisted by
several clergymen of the diocese.
Happy addresses were subsequently delivered at the grand stand by his
Honor the Lieut Governor and other distinguished
visitors. Chief Annosothkah
in his handsome and striking costume, the observed of all observers,
delivered an oration abounding in interesting facts. Grand processions and sports completed the
programme for that day. Yesterday concluded the centennial celebration, the principal
feature of the proceedings being the procession in the costumes of 1784. Thousands have been attracted to
Adolphustown by this celebration, all of whom return home with better ideas
of the heroic deeds of the U. E. Loyalists. |
23 1887 Clipping
from the Watson Scrapbooks |
DEAR MR. EDITOR; -- Can you be so unkind to your old
friends in this good old village of Adolphustown, of U.E. Loyalist fame, the
birth place of many distinguished men and no less than fifteen members of
Parliament, and today one of the most beautiful and picturesque villages in
the Province of Ontario. How did you
come to permit any correspondent through malice or any other cause to say
“this place had lost its charms for business,” or anything else? No, Mr. Editor, that is not the case; on the contrary this village is in every
way prosperous. We have to record in
the first place a first-class general store, under the management of Mr. J.
Frank Chalmers, where you can buy everything that is required in the country,
having a large and well assorted stock at as low prices as can be bought in
Picton or Napanee, and having few expenses and buying his goods in Montreal
and the best markets elsewhere. The post office is also in a flourishing
condition and I am credibly informed that the income was never greater than
at the present time; that more than
nine-tenths of the post office business is done upon the Bath route, and not
upon the Napanee, as has been asserted.
Another industry, I may mention, that is
considered a great boom to the surrounding country, is the steam saw mill,
kept in full blast for a considerable portion of the season by a worthy
inhabitant, Thos. F. Gibbs, jr. In addition to this, it is the place of
residence of the Rural Dean, Rev. R. S. Forneri, through whose instrumentality
and the liberality of the members of the church of England, here have erected
a U.E. Loyalist Memorial Church, of graceful gothic style, externally
finished except the steeple, and of which the entire cost will be when
finished about $7,500. This village is also the place of
residence of the Rev. W. R. Young, of the Methodist Church, a minister held
in the highest estimation by all classes of people here and wherever else he
is known, and bids fair from his piety and earnestness to take an exalted position
in the Methodist Church. We have also a goodly number of retired
gentlemen of wealth and respectability, and the ladies are well known for
their hospitality, piety, and charity. And, moreover, about the time of the
Queen’s Jubilee, a monument will be erected to the memory of the U.E.
Loyalists, whose remains lie in the old cemetery, mainly through the perserving energy of a few of the remaining scions of
that good old stock, therefore, Let
no rude foe with ruthless hand Or
impious discontent, Mar
the happiness of its inhabitants. YOURS
etc., TRUTH P.S. A large vessel is
fitting out in our harbor, and in a short space of time we shall have the
daily steamers calling at our wharves.
a lovely place of summer resort, and facilities for any kind of
business or pleasure, and a good house of public entertainment under the
control of Mr. and Mrs. Garner. |
Dec. 20
1889 The
Napanee Express |
There was an interesting service at the Centennial
Church, last Sabbath morning, when five adults received the solemn rite of
Baptism. Next Sabbath
morning, in the same Church, the memorial service for Mr. E. A.Mallory’s children will be held. Mr. John Pollard lost a sweet little girl
by Dyptheria on Saturday last. A few years ago, Mr. Pollard lost three
children at a stroke by this fatal disease, and the dear little Rosa makes
the fourth victim taken from this one household by the terrible scourge. The Methodist Sabbath School will have a Xmas
Tree in the Centennial Church on Xmas eve.
The ladies of the congregation will have their annual Xmas Tea Meeting
on Xmas night. The annual New Year’s Festival
at No. 1 on New Year’s night. |
April 4
1890 The Napanee Express |
The ice is beginning
to break up, and we are looking for the steam boats soon. Mr. J. F. Chalmer
has a fine store an deserves the patronage of the public. T. F. Gibbs has
his saw mill in full blast and is turning out a fine lot of lumber. Our council held
a meeting on Saturday and appointed W. Hawley, treasurer, in the place of the
late Cyrus Roblin. The Windsor
hotel is open and in first class trim for the public, as a boarding house
which was needed very much. Our village is booming, their
has been lots of fun for our boys and girls for parties and dances are all
the go for the last week, go it while you are young, boys. The English Church when completed will be
one of the handsomest edifices in the county and illustrates the advance made
by our flourishing village. Mr. Wilmot Hawley has been appointed
Treasurer of Adolphustown in the room of the late Mr. C. A. Roblin. The Trustees of the village school have
been summoned to meet to consider a case of unruly conduct, at present, issue
not known. Sugar socials and parties are in
order; the crowning one of the season
will be held in the Centennial Church on Tuesday the 8th inst. The funeral of the late Treasurer was
attended by a large concourse of sympathizing friends. The Centennial Church, of which he was an
honoured Trustee, was appropriately draped in mourning as a token of respect
to his memory, and his remains were reverently borne to the grave by his four
sons and two sons-in-law. The home of the popular reeve of South
Fredericksburgh, Mr. C. R. Allison, was made glad on the 19th ult.
by the birth of the first grandchild, a bright little daughter of his only
child. -- Mother and infant doing well. We tender according to mood of
circumstance, congratulations or sympathy. |
April 18
1890 The
Napanee Express |
Messrs. Farnsworth and Butler from Albert
College, whose labours were so acceptable here last fall, will conduct
service next Sabbath both morning and evening, in the Centennial church. After having had the most terrible roads ever
known in this vicinity they are becoming fairly passable again. The plow is fairly at work, and some little
seeding has been done in favored spots. Navigation is fairly opened for the season
on the front Bay. The Hero and
Reindeer made their first trips on Monday.
Quite a fleet has cleared from the different Bay ports with ice for
the other side, at prices that will give an ample remuneration. The many friends of the Rev. David Wilson
will be glad to learn that he will preach (D.V.) next Sabbath morning at
Conway, and in the evening will take part in a platform service in the town
hall, Sillsville, in the interest of the missionary cause. About forty of the young people of the
Centennial church raided the parsonage on Tuesday evening, bringing with them
syrup and sugar for a real old-time social.
With plenty of good cheer, vocal and instrumental music, and parlor
recitations, a very pleasant evening was spent.. The funeral of the late Solomon Wright, of
south Fredericksburgh, was held in the Conway church on Friday last, and a
large congregation attended to pay the last tribute of respect to this
memory. The church was heavily draped
in mourning. (From
another correspondent) The
roads are drying up. Farmers
are starting to sow. The best
party of the season was held at Mr. Fred H. Pollard’s last week. Miss
Jennie Arthurs intends going away for a few days to visit her sister in
Kingston. Mr.
Fred Pollard intends moving in a few days. Mr.
D. W. Allison has purchased a fine team of horses. Mr.
D. W. Allison is talking of letting the Gibb farm. Mr.
Duffett wants a first class clerk as business is so rushing. Mr.
J. F. Chalmers has rented D. W. Allison’s dock. We wish you luck Jack. |
25 1890 The Napanee Express |
Mr. D. W. Allison is preparing to build
this season, on his Glebe farm, a barn over a hundred feet long. It will be built chiefly for the storage of
hay. The prayer of the petitioners for a license
for Adolphustown has not been granted.
This will be glad tidings to many an anxious parent. Mr. Wm. Taverner,
in the 81st year of his age, is lying very low, and fears are
entertained of his recovery. Mr. W. H.
Cadman, who has been confined to his house for several weeks, is beginning to
get around a little again. It would
seem as if the after-consequences of the latest epidemic have to be carefully
guarded against, more so than even the first attack. Many of its victims in this vicinity,
especially among those more advanced in years, are still languid and
prostrate. The Rev. David Wilson rendered very
acceptable service on this circuit last Sabbath. In the morning he preached an able sermon
in the Conway church, and in the evening gave a fine missionary address in
the townhall, Sillsville. The congregation was large and the people
responded nobly considering other claims upon them. A fine site has been secured from Mr.
Lasher on which will be built a Methodist church this summer. Messrs. Farnsworth and Butler, students
from Albert College, held services morning and evening last Sabbath in the
Centennial church, Adolphustown. Large
congregations attended. The Rev. Mr. Howard, of Napanee, will
preach educational sermons on this circuit as follows: Adolphustown 10.30; No. 1, 2.30; and Conway at 7. Collections in aid of the educational
enterprises of the church. (From another correspondent)
Miss Flo Pollard is spending a few days
with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Fournia, before leaving
for her future home in Toronto. Her
many friends are sorry to lose her, but hope she may be as successful in the
future as in the past, and be a happy bride. Parties are all the go. Mr. J. F. Chalmers has started to repair
the Windsor hotel, and it needed it very much. Mr. Luke Trumpour, one of our councillors,
has gone to Rochester, N. Y., and an election will be necessary. Go it, Fred. Mr. D. W. Alison has bought the Robinson
farm. It is rumoured that D. H. Pollard is to
start for California next week. Fall grain and meadows want rain; but the land is in good trim for working. It is said we are to have a wedding soon. Our cheese factory opens on the first of
May. Mrs. Lyons is home on a visit at her
mother’s Mrs. Capt. Chalmers. |
9 1890 Napanee Express |
hear some one played thief around. Mr.
Bowen Aylsworth was here this week. Mr.
David Pollard has given up going away. Mr.
D. W. Allison has Mr. John Jewell at his big barn. Quite
a time is expected on Friday night in the town hall. A
court was held in the town hall here on Friday. Justice was given. Mr.
Ash and several others have lost a number of eggs. Be careful boys. Farmers
are not done sowing. The weather has
been so wet and cold. Miss
Vic Pollard is expected home to spend a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Fred
Pollard. An
exciting time took place in the village here on Saturday night a race between
a mule and a mare owned by Ruttan:
mule winner. Messrs.
Pollard & Cousins are getting up a lot of new nets. Mr.
Frank Fournier is having a pool table put in his tavern. Mr.
Duffett expects a tailor this week.
Leave your orders, boys. Andrew
Fournier and Wilmot Hart are fishing together this spring. Mr.
R. Hawley is going to enlarge his store as business is so rushing. Fish
are running well this spring. Roney & Roney hauled over
400 weight his spring. The
third con. Sabbath school has opened with J. F. Roblin manager, and Mr. F.
Buck, assistant manager, Mrs. R.
Hawley, Miss D. J. Hawley and Mrs. W. Hawley committee. At
the Adolphustown horse races Stewart Ruttan took first money with his running
mare, “Flying Alice,” and Gallagher second with the
two-year-old mule. White Dublin was
not fatigued. He ran one heat alone. |
16 1890 Napanee Express |
At the fourth quarterly meeting of the
Adolphustown circuit, held in the Conway church on the 10th inst.,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted regarding the death of the
late Solomon Wright: That whereas this is the first meeting of
the Adolphustown Quarterly Board since the lamented death of the late Solomon
Wright, who was one of the oldest and most highly esteemed members of the
Board, and whereas the Methodist church on this circuit has by his death lost
one of its most generous supporters, who was always ready with open heart and
hand to serve the cause he loved so well;
therefore resolved that this meeting cannot allow the opportunity to
pass without placing on record our deep sense of the loss we have sustained
by his removal to the church triumphant, and while we bow with uncomplaining
submission to the Divine will we pray that from his own family may be raised
up worthy sons of a worthy sire, and that his mantle may fall upon the
younger members of the church. The following were elected at this
meeting, according to the discipline of the Methodist church, the Trustee
board for the Sillsville church, now in course of erection: Samuel H. Mellow, Felix Mellow, Thomas
Mellow, Duncan Hough, martin Hough, William Hough, Ortin
Robertson, Jethro Card and Jacob S. Benn. Building committee: Samuel H. Mellow, D. Hough, David Young and
Orton Robertson. Mr. George Phippen was elected delegate
from this circuit to the District meeting which meets at Napanee on the 27th
inst. The contract for the removal of the
Hamburg church and its re-erection at Sillsville
has been awarded to the Card Bros., and the church is to be ready for
dedication by Nov. 1st. The Rev. David Wilson will preach next
Sabbath morning at the Centennial Church, Adolphustown, and in the evening at
Sillsville. Collections in behalf of
Educational Fund. The Bishop of Ontario will hold a
confirmation service to-day (14th) in St. Paul’s church,
Adolphustown. The Alexandria, disabled on her down trip to
Montreal last week, was brought back to the Picton dry dock, promptly
repaired, and was ready for her regular service this week. |
May 23,
1890 Napanee
Express |
In the list of trustees for the Sillsville
church published recently in THE EXPRESS
the name of Norris Fitchette was omitted. The Rev. M. J. Bates will preach next
Sabbath at the Centennial Church, Adolphustown, in the morning, and at Conway
in the evening. Miss McGillvray
from Picton has been secured as a dress maker in connection with Mr. Duffett’s store at the village. She comes highly recommended. The Sabbath schools for the Adolphustown
circuit are now well organized for the season, and have entered upon their
work with more than usual enthusiasm. In the political campaign there must be a
good deal of the still hunt, as there is not much being done in the way of
public meetings; in such cases it is
difficult to foreshadow the final result, as it is frequently the unexpected
that happens. Mrs. D. W. Allison and Mrs. Duffett and
other elect ladies are interesting themselves to organize among the young
people and Anti-Slang Society. Any
effort of this kind to promote purity of speech and conduct among the young
cannot be too highly commended. Farmers have been greatly delayed in their
planting operations by the recent rains, although the crops on the whole are
looking very promising. There is the
prospect oaf another abundant crop of hay. It is said that D. W. Allison will take off
at least 200 tons from his Globe farm alone.
He is pushing forward his new barn, which will be over 200 feet long,
to make storage room. [from
another correspondent] We
have had nice showers of rain lately.
The grain is growing fine. Mr.
Thos. Bretler is the father of a fine young
son. Shake Tom. Rumour
says Mr. J. B. Allison is to take to himself a wife this summer. Messrs.
D. W. and J. B. Allison expect friends in California to visit them shortly. Mr.
M. Pollard received a severe kick from a cow he was milking on Monday night. Jack,
you must do a little better than you did on the 24th, or you wont get the black eyed girl. Mr.
W. S. Duffett has a fine store, a handsome dressmaker, and will soon have a
first class tailor. Hurrah
for Aylsworth!
Go in Bowen. All the people of
this burgh wish you luck and will do all they can to put you in Lennox’s
chair in the Provincial parliament. |
1919 Scrapbook Clipping |
Hundredth Anniversary of the drowning of the pioneers in Hay Bay was most
fittingly observed in the Adolphustown Church on Sunday, August 3rd,
last. The
Union Quarterly Meeting Service held was similar in form and spirit to that
of August 1819, when occurred the lamentable accident by which ten lives full
of youth and promise went down to a watery grave. The
large attendance and devout spirit of the worshippers was eloquent testimony
to the fact that the mantle of those early pioneers has worthily fallen upon
their children and grandchildren of the present day and generation. Having
entered into the heritage bequeathed to them, the successors of that sturdy
race of men have striven to maintain the principles of truth and
righteousness. Thus passing on, untarnished
and unsullied, the glorious heritage of the past. A
former Pastor, the Rev. Mr. Osborne, of Ohio, U.S.A., was present and
assisted in the service, and the Pastor made special reference to the
drowning accident and to the religious life of the time. May
such occasions ever keep green the memory of the early pioneers of
Adolphustown. |
17 1921 Napanee Beaver |
- Well, who said Dorland was wiped off the map? No, it is making some
improvements. - We have a slaughter house, with S. Mack for butcher, - Mr. Wilkie Cousins is painting his house, which makes it look
fine, also Mr. C. Young has changed the color of his house. - M.S. Gallagher
has completed his cement walk. - The strawberry festival at M. Mallory's last
Tuesday evening was a success, quite a sum being realized. - Mr. S. Mack
sports a beautiful car. - Quite a gloom was cast over this place when the
news of Reggie Beasley's death by drowning in the Napanee river reached us.
Reggie was a fine young man and was respected by all who knew him. The sympathy
of the whole community is extended to the sorrowing friends and relatives. -
Mr. and Mrs. S. Colson, of Kingston, are spending some time with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Gallagher. - Mr. Frank Westerfelt
and family motored to Belleville on Sunday last. - The services held in the
old U.E.L. Methodist church, Hay Bay, last Sunday will be long remembered.
The sermon by Judge Lavell, of Kingston, was very
appropriate. The church was filled to its capacity. The youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Young, also the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. P. Strawbridge
were christened by Rev. Howard Seymour. - The topic for the week is "who
stole the tire off W. Humphrey's car?" |
13 1923 Clipping from the Duffett scrapbooks |
ADOLPHUSTOWN seems to be coming into its
own as one of the precious spots connected with early Ontario history. The recent celebration there as a
preliminary to the observance next June of the one hundred and fortieth
anniversary of the landing of the Loyalists calls attention to the remarkable
place of the old village in laying the foundation of Ontario. It is to be
hoped that one result of the celebration will be to make the landing place
more accessible. At present the plain
granite shaft erected in 1884 stands in a small square fenced off from a
field, and the only method of approach is over private property. The memorial
is several hundred yards from a side road which runs to the edge of the Bay
of Quinte, and about a quarter mile from the main street of
Adolphustown. A site so intimately
bound up with the very beginnings of the Province surely deserves better
treatment. In this old village, now but a hamlet, began the Bay of Quinte
settlements in 1784; local
self-government for the Province was her started by the town meetings, which
began in March, 1792, and a Courthouse was built in 1796. The leader of
the Adolphustown settlers, Major Peter Vanalstine,
was appointed to the command of the company before they sailed from New York
in the fall of 1783. They wintered,
with other Loyalists in Lower Canada, at Sorel and Machiche,
and came up the St. Lawrence in spring in batteaux. Vanalstine was a
typical Dutchman, rotund in form, with a swarthy complexion. As there was at first no municipal
government, the good natured Major exercised a fatherly supervision over the
entire township, and many a dispute ended in a friendly compromise through
his mediation. Old St. Paul’s Church,
replaced by a new and ornate edifice some years ago, is retained as a
community hall, though the original spire has been removed. |
July 15
1936 Napanee
Beaver |
DORLAND, July 11. - Everyone is suffering from the intense heat
and crops are rapidly drying up. On
Wednesday afternoon a heavy downpour of rain and hail visited a portion of
the first and second concessions, but failed to cool the air. Unless relief comes soon the situation will
be very serious. Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Gallagher and family, of Detroit, spent the past week with relatives
here. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Gallagher, are accompanying them home. Mrs. Andrew
Magee and Mr. Keith Magee are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in
Prince Edward County. Members of the
W. I. enjoyed a pleasant afternoon on the lawn of Mrs. W.D. Roblin on
Wednesday. Hay Bay is a
popular place these days, a number of muskies
having been captured. |
Sept 24
1936 Kingston Whig
Standard |
ADOLPHUSTOWN - Fall ploughing is being rushed since the recent rains. A considerable acreage of rye has been sown
and some wheat. There is an abundance
of pasture now but the outlook for meadows for next year is gloomy as most of
this year’s seeding was killed by the heat and drought. It is hoped there may not be a serious
shortage of potatoes as late varieties are growing now. Corn cutting and silo filling are in
progress. The Women’s
Association held their meeting in the church in order that the men of the
congregation might be present to assist in laying plans for the anniversary
services. During the storm
last week a large tree on the farm of J. A. Humphrey crashed across the
telephone line into the road. George Mogg and daughter, who recently returned from a trip to
England, spent last week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Russel
Cousins, and Mr. Cousins. They report
Sidney Cousins, who is spending a year in the Old Country, as well and having
a good time. A. W. Allison
was busy this week distributing the tax bills throughout the township. Taxes are higher than they were last year. |
Apr 27
1942 |
Rev. C. C. Brazill
has returned from Montreal after attending the wedding of Miss Mildred Brazill to Mr. Edward LeGrow,
all of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrow are spending part of their honeymoon at the
Rectory here. Mrs. Ross Allison who has been ill in the
General Hospital, Kingston, for the past three weeks, following an operation,
has gone to the home of her father, Mr. L. T. Parks, Napanee, for a time
before returning to her home at Adolphustown. Among the Laymen of St. Alban’s Church who
attended the banquet and meeting in Picton, on Monday evening last, were
Messrs. Albert Chalmers, Irwin Brooks, Frank Mallory, Hugh Instant, Jack
McCormick, Arthur Collings, Marshall Mallory and
George Chalmers. Mrs. Hugh Box, who has been living in
Kingston for the last few months has returned to her home for the summer. The many friends of Mrs. James Dorland, of
Kingston and formerly of Adolphustown, will be sorry to hear of her serious
illness in the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Connors and two children
of Markham, visited a few days with Mrs. Connors’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Gallagher. Miss M. L. Allison, who has been spending
the winter in Kingston, was a week end guest in the village. |
May 25
1942 |
teacher, Mrs. Lasher, and the pupils of the village school are to be congratulated
on having purchased over sixty-five dollars worth of war saving stamps. Mr.
and Mrs. Pyne of Toronto, were week-end guests of
Mr. Pyne’s sister Mrs. Arthur Collings
and Mr. Collings. Mr. and
Mrs. James Shelley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shelley and family,
attended the wedding, last Friday, at Milford, of their nephew, Mr. Joseph
Shelley. Mr. Busst, who has been with his daughter, Mrs. Jack Baker,
for the past few months, has left for his summer home at Bobcaygeon. Mr.
and Mrs. William Gallagher, have received word of the safe arrival in
England, of their son, Private Kenneth Gallagher. Mrs.
C. C. Brazill has been ill for the past two weeks,
with a severe attack of flu. The
many friends of Rev. Mr. Quarterman, a former
rector of this parish will be sorry to learn of his serious illness. |
June 22
1942 |
Alban’s Church was well filled on Sunday last, when the annual service
commemorating the landing of the United Empire Loyalists was held at 3:30
p.m. The special preacher was Rev. M.
Wright, of Christ Church, Belleville, and Mr. Eppes,
of Napanee, was at the organ. A large
number from Picton, Napanee and Kingston were in attendance. Miss Ruth Roblin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Reade Roblin, was among the successful students at the Normal
School, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright, of Belleville were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Hall’s father, Mr. Marshall Mallory.
Little Joan Hall was baptized by Rev. C.C. Brazill
after the U.E.L. service. Mr. Clarence Plested came down from London, Ont., where he resides,
and will spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Plested. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Harkness, of Kingston were with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duffett for the week
end. Rev. C. C. and
Mrs. Brazill entertained the ladies of the woman’s
Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Church, Sandhurst, on Thursday of last week. |
July 20
1942 |
Mrs. William
Potter and children, Allison, Sandra and Gary, of Toronto, are down to spend
the rest of the summer with Mrs. Potter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Duffett. One of the planes from Mountain
View crashed here on Friday morning last on Mr. John Mack’s farm. Fortunately the aviators were not seriously
injured, but were taken back to Picton by ambulance. A number from
here attended the funeral in Kingston of the late Mrs. Lewis Robey on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robey
and sons, Fred and Lewis, resided in Adolphustown for several years. Miss Margaret
Forester, of Niagara Falls, who is spending the summer in Kingston, was a
week end visitor with her sister, Mrs. Ray Allison. Congratulations
to Miss Rose Allen and Robert Allison on passing their entrance examination. Mrs. Coulson and daughter, of Hamilton, are spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Gallagher. |
July 25
1942 |
- Harvest work is rushing along, without any let up. Threshing of fall grain has begun and
spring grain is being cut as rapidly as possible. The sudden
passing of Mr. David Pollard, a life-long resident, came as a surprise to the
community. While it was known he was
in failing health, few were prepared for the news that he had passed away
while seated at the breakfast table on Wednesday morning. The sympathy of the district is extended to
the stricken family. The
W. M S. held a pot luck dinner and quilting in the school room of the church
on Wednesday. During the afternoon a
business meeting was held to take care of business connected with the
Society, and also the Women’s Association. Mrs.
Andrew Magee is visiting relatives at Milford. A
number from here have made expeditions to the north in search of
huckleberries, but were not very richly rewarded for their efforts. |
July 27
1942 |
death occurred very suddenly at his home on Wednesday morning of last week of
Mr. David John Pollard, a much respected resident. Mr. Pollard had spent his entire life at
Adolphustown, and was in his 78th year. His funeral took place on Friday morning at
St. Alban’s Church, and was conducted by Rev. C. C. Brazill. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex. Allen,
David King, John Duffett, Jonathan Allen, Raymond Allison, and Marshall
Mallory. Besides his widow, Mr.
Pollard leaves four children: Ray, of
Kingston, Hardy, at Sandhurst; Mrs.
Gerald Pollard, Napanee, and Harold, at home. Mrs.
Clarence Hegadorn and three children, of Bath are
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gallagher for a few days.. Mr. Hegadorn has
been transferred to Debert, N.S. Lorne
Daverne, of the R.C.A.F., who has been in the Northwest for some time, has
been sent back to Trenton, and, with his wife and family, arrived last week
at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Daverne. Mrs.
Brazill and children, Barbara, John, and Hartland,
are spending part of the holidays with Mrs. Brazill’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hackwill, at Waterloo,
Quebec. Among
those who attended the funeral of the late David Pollard, were his brother,
Mr. Joseph Pollard, of Ottawa; Mrs. Sayers
and daughter, Pauline, of Picton, and Miss Isobel Pollard, of Sorel, Quebec. Dr.
and Mrs. D. M. Allison, of Camden, N.Y., and Mrs. McKnight and family, of
Texas, are visitors in the village. |
Jan 4 1943 |
In spite
of the severe snow storm on Monday last, there was a large vote polled at the
Municipal Election. The results were
as follows: Reeve, Roy Johnston; Councillors, Geo. Plested,
Lawrence Magee, George Smith, and Hugh Allison. School Trustees, Alex. Allen, Jack Roblin,
Roy Smith. Mr. Marshall
Mallory has been quite ill the past week, with tonsillitis. His son, Private Keith Mallory, of
Kingston, is spending a few days with him. Mr. George
Gallagher left on Monday for Kemptville, where he
will take a six weeks’ course in cheese-making. Mrs. S. B.
Cunningham, who has spent the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Allison, has left for Halifax, Nova Scotia, to join her husband,
Paymaster Lieut. Stanley B. Cunningham, who is stationed there. Congratulations
are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Powers of Picton, on their recent marriage. Mrs. Powers was formerly Miss Bessie
Henderson, who was a teacher here for several years. Mr. and Mrs.
George Chalmers entertained a large party over the holiday. Among their guests were Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Mossup, of Montreal, and Miss Mossup,
of Toronto. |
Jan 18
1943 |
annual cheese meeting of the U.E.L. factory was held in the Municipal Hall on
Thursday afternoon of last week, with a large attendance. The officers appointed were, President, Mr.
Roy Johnston; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr.
A. Heathcote, and Salesman, Mr. Frank Gallagher. Rev. C. C.
Brazill was taken suddenly ill on Friday morning of
last week and was rushed to the General Hospital, Kingston, where he was
successfully operated on for appendicitis. Mrs.
Harold Allison and son, David, of Calgary, Alberta, are expected this week on
an extended visit at the home of Mrs. Allison’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. Heathcote, and with other relatives. Mrs.
Hugh Instant is convalescing in the General Hospital, Kingston, following a
serious operation. The
euchre at Miss Allison’s on Wednesday evening, sponsored by the Ladies Guild
of St. Alban’s Church was well
attended. There were 12 tables in
play. Those winning prizes were Miss
Joan Punchard, Mrs. Ray Allison, and Mr. Jim Mack. Mr.
George Gallagher, who is attending Dairy School at Kemptville,
spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gallagher. |
May 24
1943 |
U.E.L. cheese factory is nearing completion, and will begin operations
sometime this week. The building,
which is very modern, is a credit to the community. At
the Kingston General Hospital, on Sunday, May 23rd, to Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Gallagher (Clare McCormick), a son. Lieut.
Kenneth Collins has finished his training at Brockville, and, with his wife
and daughter, Marianne, left for North Bay to spend a few days with his
parents. Mrs.
Fred Harkness and small son, John, of Kingston, are with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Duffett for a few weeks. Mrs. Harkness
is convalescing, following an operation for appendicitis. At the
Prince Edward County Hospital, Picton, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Herman (Dora Gallagher), a son. Mrs.
Andrew Magee is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ercel
Foster. |
July 10
1943 |
Dorland -
The rain last Sunday damaged a lot of hay, but all other crops benefited
enough to compensate for the hay. Fall
grain is beginning to change color.
Those who raised canning factory peas had to stop hay work this week
and harvest peas. There are no
holidays in sight for the farmers. The members of
the W. M. S. had a picnic dinner at the Old Hay Bay Church on Wednesday,
followed by their regular meeting in the afternoon. The attendance was small, owing to the rush
of work. Mrs. R. H.
Hawley, who was seriously injured by a fall, is able to sit up for short
periods each day. Mr. R. M. Roblin
is able to be out a little, after being confined to his home for a couple of
months. Mr. Arthur
Bogart was renewing acquaintances in this locality recently. Miss Joyce
Berndt, of Deseronto, also Earl and Neal Berndt, of Selby, are holidaying
with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. John. Mrs. Clarence Plested was a recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Plested. The different
summer camps and cottages are now occupied. The date for the
annual United Church anniversary has been set for September 26th. |
July 12
1943 |
Mr. Arthur
Bogart of Detroit, Mich. is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Reade Roblin,
and Mr. Roblin. Congratulations
to the following pupils in the Adolphustown area, who were successful in the
Entrance Examinations: Jean Foster and
Barbara Brazill (recommended), Arthur Punchard,
Robert McLeod, Marjorie Chalmers and Jean Davis. Mrs.
Stanley Cunningham and infant son are home from the General Hospital,
Kingston, and will stay a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Allison. Mrs.
Lawrence Allen will teach in S. S. No. 1, this coming year. Mrs.
Thomas Chalmers was hostess to St. Alban’s Church Guild on Thursday evening
last. There was a good attendance and
it was decide to paint the floors of the church. Miss
S. G. Nation, of Toronto, is visiting friends in the village. Mrs.
Henry Hall and daughter, Joan of Belleville, are visiting with Mrs. Hall’s
father, Mr. Mallory, while Mr. Hall takes a course at Petawawa. |
Sept 13
1943 |
Labor Day visitors in the village included Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and
son, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mallory, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harkness and
son, John, all of Kingston. School reopened on Tuesday with Mrs. Lawrence Allen as teacher. The Misses Jean Foster, Frances and Marjorie Chalmers, and Jean Davis
left last week to attend Napanee Collegiate. Mr. Floyd Allen has enlisted with the Artillery and leaves this week
for Kingston, where he will be stationed. Mrs. Marcus Hackwell, of Waterloo, Que., is
a visitor at the rectory. Mr. Cummings Daverne has been engaged as Principal of the Public
School at Odessa, and left to take up his duties there. Mrs. William Gallagher and daughter, Mrs. Carl Richards, have
returned, after spending a week with relatives at Watertown and Syracuse,
N.Y. Rev. and
Mrs. C. C. Brazill and daughter, Barbara, spent a
few days in Toronto last week. Miss
Barbara remaining to attend Bishop Strachan School. |
2 ca
1942-44 |
DORLAND - Sept 2 - The drought is becoming serious. Some are feeding their cattle, pasture is
so dry and short. Plowing is slow, as
much of the ground is very hard. The funeral services of the late Ralph Harrison were held last
Wednesday afternoon and were largely attended. Rev. Pair, of Picton, was in charge. A service was conducted at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harrison, followed by interment in Glenwood
cemetery, Picton. The sympathy of all is extended to his parents and sister,
Miss Winnifred Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. H. John and Mr. Morris John spent last week end at
Douglas with their daughter and sister, Mrs. McLeod, whose husband recently
lost his life in France. Rev. K. J. Crawford will be on his work as usual next Sunday, but the
routine will be broken the two following Sundays by Conway and Adolphustown
anniversaries. Some improvement was reported in the condition of Mr. Herbert
Trumpour, who is seriously ill in Kingston General Hospital. |
13 ca
1942-44 |
Measles Prevalent at Adolphustown - Adolphustown Mar 13 - The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gallagher
was baptized at the morning service in St. Alban’s Church on Sunday
last. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher are
leaving soon for their new home near Milford, where the former will be
engaged in cheesemaking. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Humphrey on the
birth of their daughter on the 29th of February. Mrs. Stanley Cunningham is in Kingston, spending a few days with her
friend, Mrs. Fred Harkness. The attendance at the village school has been greatly depleted owing
to the severe epidemic of measles.
Those who are ill now include George Allen, Jack Chalmers, Clarence
Allen and Arthur and Lewis Punchard. The many friends of Mrs. Arthur Lewis Sr., will regret to hear of her
sudden illness, and hoper ofr a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hugh Milling has returned home, after spending some time with
relatives in Belleville and Montreal. |
15 ca
1942-1944 |
- We have surely had a variety of weather this week. Sunday started off fair, but rain began in the
late afternoon and lasted until Monday noon.
Tuesday afternoon brought snow, which, with some rain, kept on until
late on Wednesday. the snow is not all
gone yet, if Thursday and Friday were bright.
Frost at night and chilling winds during the day prevented it melting
quickly. Today is dull, and
threatening, so April is maintaining its tradition for fickleness. The
Easter United Church service last Sunday morning was well attended. Special music was furnished by the choir,
and Rev. K. J. Crawford delivered a thoughtful Easter message. The pulpit was flanked by beautiful flowers
furnished by the Women’s Association. The
leaders of the Sunday School hope to see a larger attendance with improving
weather and road conditions. Members
of the Y.P.S. Have been busy for some weeks preparing a 3-act play, “Tillie
Goes to Town”, and will present it in the near future. Keep the date clear. We
were sorry to learn that Frances Humphrey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Humphrey, was seriously ill in Kingston Hospital, but at last report, she was
improving and is expected home early next week. Among
the Easter visitors were Mrs. F. L. Bogart, Napanee, with her daughter, Mrs.
R. M. Roblin, and family; Mr. W. Mogg and daughter with Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Cousins; Mr. and Mrs. A. Church;
Milford, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bird. |
17 ca
1942-44 |
Easter holiday guests in the
village were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Conners and
family, of Markham, at Mr. Fred Gallagher’s, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and son,
Peter, of Kingston with Mr. M. Mallory;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harkness and son, John, at Mr. John Duffett’s, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mallory and Miss Mary
Allison at R. J. Allison’s. Mr. Joseph Vance had the misfortune to fall downstairs on Saturday
afternoon, and is under the doctor’s care. The Women’s Institute sponsored a very enjoyable euchre on Friday
evening in the Municipal Hall. There
were 10 tables in play and the proceeds were in aid of the soldiers’
cigarette fund. The prize winners were
Mr. Bob Allison, Mr. Clarence Davis and Mr. Roy Johnston. Mrs. Jack Baker is in the Kingston General Hospital, where she will
undergo an operation. Her mother, Mrs.
Busst, of Toronto, is with her. The following are attending the annual meeting of the Woman’s auxiliary
of the Anglican Church, held in Kingston this Thursday; Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Seeker, Mrs. Hugh
Instant, Mrs. George Chalmers, Mrs. Fred Wilson, and Mrs. Ray Allison, who is
the delegate. Mrs. David Pollard and Mr. Harold Pollard, who have spent the winter
in Napanee, have returned to their home for the summer. |
5 ca
1942-44 |
Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Lloyd (Anne Shelley) have returned from their wedding trip and
are at their home in Conway. A shower
is being given them at Adolphustown. Miss
S. E. Natron who has spent the summer in the
village has returned to her home in Toronto. Lieut.
and Mrs. Stanley B. Cunningham, of Kingston, are visitors with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Allison. Mrs.
J. W. Duffett is spending a few days in Kingston with her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Harkness and Mr. Harkness. There
was a good attendance at the Euchre held in the Parish Hall on Thursday
evening under the auspices of St. Alban’s Church Guild. The prize winners were: Mrs. Herb Trumpour,
Mrs. R. Allison, and Mr. Bob Corkhill. At
the meeting held by the U.E.L. Cheese Factory last week, Mr. Mac Remington
was hired as Cheesemaker for another year. A
well-known and respected resident of Adolphustown, in the person of Mrs. Fred
Instant, passed away last week and burial took place at Amherst Island. Rev.
C. C. Brazill, who has been ill in a Toronto
Hospital has returned home and is much improved. Mrs. Will Gallagher was the hostess to the Women’s Auxiliary on
Thursday afternoon last and preparations were made for the packing of a bale
for the Canadian West. |
27 ca
1942-44 |
- Dec 27 - Holiday guests in Adolphustown this past week included the
following: Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Mossup of Montreal, with Mr. Fred Roblin; Mrs James Stuart, of Napanee, and Miss Ruth
Roblin, of Kapuskasing, with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Roblin; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Allison had as their guests, Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs
Harold Mallory and Miss M. L. Allison, all of Kingston, and Pay-Lt. S. B. and
Mrs. Cunningham, of Newfoundland. The latters’ small son was baptized on Sunday afternoon by
the Rev. Mr. Seeker. Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Duffett spent Christmas Day with their daughter, Mrs. Fred
Harkness, and Mr. Harkness, Kingston. A
large crowd was present at the 3rd Concession School for their
annual Christmas concert, under the able direction
of their teacher, Miss Powers. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Allison and family were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. c. B.
Creighton, Napanee. Miss
Mary John is spending her school holidays with relatives at Denbigh Mrs.
Lawrence Allen has resigned as teacher of the village school. Pte.
Gordon McCormack, of Windsor, Nova Scotia,
was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCormick, for his Christmas leave. Mr.
and Mrs Arthur Collings were holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs Gutzeit, in Bath. |